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    1、即使是不好的经历,也能从中吸取经验。事实上,这些经验可能是最深刻和最重要的。如果有人伤害了你,背叛了你,或伤了你的心,原谅他们把,因为他们帮助你理解了信任,让你懂得了在敞开心扉时保持精神是很重要的。 如果有人爱你,你要无条件地爱他们,不仅因为他们爱你,还因为他们教会了你去爱,以及如何敞开你的心扉、放开你的目光。Make every day count.Appreciate every moment and take from those moments everything that you possibly can for you may never be able to experienc

    2、e it again. Talk to people that you have never talked to before, and actually listen.Let yourself fall in love, break free, and set your sights high.Hold your head up because you have every right to.Tell yourself you are a great individual and believe in yourself, for if you dont believe in yourself

    3、 , it will be hard for others to believe in you . You can make of your life anything you wish. Create your own life and then go out and live it with absolutely no regrets.让每一天都过的有价值。 珍惜生命中的每一刻,并尽你所能地从中取得收获,因为你不会有从头再来的可能。跟那些你从来没有说过话的人交谈,并注意聆听。让自己去爱,挣脱束缚,让目光高远。要昂起头,因为你有权利这么做。告诉自己,你是一个伟大的人,并相信自己,因为如果你不

    4、相信自己,别人就很难相信你。你可以做任何想做的事来塑造你的人生。 创造你自己的人生,并无怨无悔地去过这一生吧。Most impotantly,if you LOVE someone, tell him or her ,for you never know what tomorrow may have in store. And learn a lesson in life each day that you live.最重要的是,如果你爱某个人,就告诉他/她。因为你不知道明天将会怎样。活着的每一天里都要有所收获。Thats the story of life.这就是生命的故事。 、小心十大招毁

    5、灭你们的爱情导读:每个人都每个人的脾气秉性,相爱并不是那么容易,想要维系和恋人、伴侣或爱人的感情则更加困难。下面这十种情况,最容易摧毁你们的爱情。 1.Youre playing to win你们总是想要赢对方One of the deadliest killers of relationships is the competitive urge, the attitude that the relationship itself is a kind of game that youre tying to win. People in competitive relationships are

    6、 always looking for an advantage, the upper hand, some edge they can hold over their partners head.爱情的一大致命杀手就是竞争欲望:把感情当作比赛,总是想要赢过对方。处在竞争关系中的人总是想要寻找自己的优势,占尽上风,尽握对方的把柄。2.You dont trust 你们不信任彼此There are two aspects of trust that are important in relationships. One is trusting your partner enough to kno

    7、w that s/he wont cheat on you or otherwise hurt you and to know that he or she trusts you that way, too. The other is trusting them enough to know they wont leave you or stop loving you no matter what you do or say.感情的信任包括两层含义:足够信任你的伴侣,明白他不会欺骗也不会伤害你,同时也了解他也是如此的信任着你;足够信任你的爱人,明白不管你说什么做什么,他都不会离开或者不再爱你。

    8、3. You dont talk你们不交流Too many people hold their tongues about things that bother or upset them in their relationship, either because they dont want to hurt their partner, or because theyre trying to win. Ultimately, keeping quiet reflects a lack of trust and, as I said thats the death of a relations

    9、hip.太多的人沉默无言,对感情中让他们烦恼或者不安的细节只字不提,也许是因为不想伤害对方,也许是因为太想要赢而不愿意示弱。缄默不语其实是缺乏信任的表现,这是爱情的死穴。 4. You dont listen 你们不倾听 Listening really listening is hard. Its normal to want to defend ourselves when we hear something that seems like criticism, so instead of really hearing someone out, we interrupt to explai

    10、n or excuse ourselves, or we turn inward to prepare our defense. If you cant listen actively, at least to the person you love, theres a problem.真正的倾听很难。听到类似批评的话语时,我们想要为自己辩护,这很正常,所以我们不听对方把话说完就开始打断,解释,为自己找借口,或者在心中准备防守。如果对你爱的人你都无法主动倾听,那就有问题了。5. You spend like a single person你还像个单身的人过活When youre single,

    11、 you can buy whatever you want, whenever you want, with little regard for the future. Its not necessarily wise, but youre the only one who has to pay the consequences. When you are with someone in a long-term relationship, that is no longer a possibility. If youre spending money as if it was your mo

    12、ney and nobody else has a right to tell you what to do with it, your relationship is doomed. 单身的时候,想买什么买什么,随时随地随心所欲,一点不想着将来。这很不明智,但是我们是唯一要为后果付出代价的人。当你长期跟某人交往时,这一切就不再成为可能。如果你还是像以前一样大手大脚觉得别人没权利对你指手画脚,那么你们的感情就完了。6. Youre afraid of breaking up你们总是害怕会分手Nobody in a truly happy partnership is afraid of bre

    13、aking up. If you are, thats a big warning sign that somethings wrong. But often, whats wrong is the fear itself. Not only does it betray a lack of trust, but it shows a lack of self-confidence and self-esteem. Quite frankly, this isnt going to be very satisfying for you, and it also isnt going to be

    14、 very satisfying for your partner.拥有真正幸福感情的人是不会害怕分手的。如果你在担心,那就是在警告你,有些东西不太对劲。但经常真正不对劲的是害怕情绪的本身,它不仅泄露了你对对方的不信任,也是你自身缺乏自信自尊的表现。坦白说,如果你对这段感情不满意,那你的爱人又怎么会满足呢?7. Youre dependent你太依赖对方Theres a thin line between companionship and support and dependency. If you depend on your partner that is, if you absolut

    15、ely cannot live without her or him youve crossed that line. The pressure is now on your partner to fill whatevers missing in you a pressure s/he will learn to resent.互相扶持还是太过依赖,只在一念之间。如果你事事依赖对方(也就是说你离了他/她就活不了),你就越界了。你身上的压力全部转嫁到你的爱人身上,这样的压力,会让他/她最终怨恨你。8. You expect happiness你以为爱情里只有幸福A sign of a bad

    16、relationship is that one or both partners expect either to make the other happy or for their partner to make them happy. This is not only an unrealistic expectation to lay on yourself or on them nobody can make you happy, except you but its an unrealistic expectation to lay on your relationship. Rel

    17、ationships arent only about being happy, and theres lots of times when you wont and even shouldnt be.一段糟糕的感情,其中一个信号就是期望对方会让自己幸福,或者以为自己会让对方幸福。这不仅仅是你对自己或者对方的不切实际的期望(要知道除了你自己没人能让你幸福),也是你对感情不现实的幻想。一段感情,不仅仅是快乐和幸福,还有很多痛苦、悲伤和难过的时刻。9. You never fight你们从来不吵架A good argument is essential, every now and then. I

    18、n part, arguing helps bring out the little stuff before it becomes major, but also, fighting expresses anger which is a perfectly normal part of a humans emotional make-up. Your relationship has to be strong enough to hold all of who you are, not just the sunny stuff.偶尔的争论很重要。从某种程度上来说,争吵可以在大问题出现前就消化

    19、掉根源的小矛盾。通过争吵表达愤怒,也是我们情感渲泄最完美的方法。你们的感情要足够牢固,可以包容你们的所有一切,而不只是快乐阳光的一面。10. You expect it to be easy/you expect it to be hard你以为感情很容易/很难There are two deeply problematic attitudes about relationships. One is that a relationship should be easy, that if you really love each other and are meant to be togethe

    20、r, it will work itself out. The other is that anything worth having is going to be hard and that therefore if its hard, it must be worth having. The outcome of both views is that you dont work at your relationship and quickly get burnt out.有两种观点对感情的理解非常不对:一种认为维系感情很容易,如果真的深爱彼此注定会在一起,那就顺其自然,车到山前必有路;一种

    21、认为只有历尽艰险才能值得拥有,所以既然经过各种磨难和艰苦,那这段感情肯定值得拥有。这两种观点的结果是,你不会经营感情,而爱的花火也会很快熄灭。Your choices你其实可以选择There isnt any one answer to any of the problems above. There are choices though. If you suffer from any of these problems, figure out how to fix it, whether that means therapy, a solo mountain retreat, or just

    22、 talking to your partner and committing yourselves to change.这些问题都没有答案,但是你可以选择。如果你们遭受这些问题的折磨,你需要自己去搞清楚怎么修复感情。可能是要一起去看心理医生,可能是独自一人去山里度假,可能只是跟你的爱人聊聊,对自己做出改变的承诺。、开心自在玩瑜伽When you hear the word “yoga,” do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel? If so, it may seem like yoga is very

    23、complicated or just for adults. Not true!Kids and teens can do yoga for the same reasons grown-ups do: because it feels good to stretch out your body, slow down your breathing, and relax your mind. Yoga can help you feel calmer when life is busy and stressful.一听到“瑜伽”这个词,你是否就会联想到一个人将自己的腿扭成椒盐卷饼那样呢?这样想

    24、来,瑜伽似乎很复杂,更像是专门给大人练习的。其实并不是这样!儿童和青少年也有和大人们一样的练习瑜伽的理由:因为伸展身体、放缓呼吸以及放松精神的感觉很棒。当你感觉生活紧张、压力重重的时候,瑜伽可以让你平静下来。What You Need 你需要Any time you start a new exercise routine its a good idea to check with a parent. A yoga class can be a great way to get started because the instructor can teach you how to get into the poses.Find a large enough space with few distractions. No TV or people, if possible. Wear comfortable workout clothes and no shoes or socks. A yoga mat can be helpful because it cushions a bit


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