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    1、英语动词词组专项练习含答案英语动词词组专项练习(含答案)一、 give 词组1.In those days, he used to give a part of his income to help his friend.2.Both sides argued with reason, and neither would give .3.If they are burned, they give poisonous gases.4.oxygen hadWhen they made ready to climb the next ridge (山脊), they found that their

    2、 given .5.Both the man and horse gave after the long ride.6.All hope of finding the missing aircraft was given and the search stopped.7.Mary had to give her job after her marriage.8.举行音乐会9.演讲,做报告10.给 .上课11.给某人关于 . 的忠告Answers:1.give away 赠送,给予2.give in 投降,让步,屈服3.give off 发出,放出4.give out 用完,耗尽5.give o

    3、ut 力竭6.give up 放弃7.give up 辞去8.give a concert9.give a talk10.give lessons to11.give sb. some advice on .二、 go 词组1.Please dont go it till youve seen me again.2.He has been in this class only a few weeks and he is already going .3.Many years have gone since we first met.4.The parade (游行) went us.5.The

    4、 crocodile went under the water.6.Lets go by the lift(elevator).7.The war went until 1918.8.If you never read the newspapers, youll never know whats going in the world.9.After he had given an account (说明) of the difficulties he went to suggest ways of overcoming them.10.They went their open-air perf

    5、ormance in spite of the rain.11.Put more wood on the fire, otherwise it will go .12.The mechanic(技师) went the engine but found nothing wrong.13.They went their lessons together at night.14.The bullet (子弹) went the wall.15.The police went very room of the building.16.去钓鱼17.去买东西18.去游泳19.回家20.出去散步21.入睡

    6、22.全力以赴23.上大学24.去医院25.上学26.上床睡觉27.去电影院看电影Answers:1.go ahead with 继续进行, 推进,前进2.go ahead 取得进展3.go by 时间过去4.go by 经过5.go down 下去,下沉6.go down 下去7.go on继续8. go on发生,进行9. go on继续10. go on with继续11. go out灯,火熄灭12.go over 检查13.go over 复习14.go through 穿过,通过15.go through 仔细检查,查看16.go fishing17.go shopping18.g

    7、o swimming19.go home20.go out for a walk21.go to sleep22.go all out23.go to college24.go to hospital25.go to school26.go to bed27.go to the cinema三、 look 词组1.The boy is old enough to look himself.2.He spent two weeks in Shanghai, looking the city.3.We are looking hearing from you soon.4.Join us. Don

    8、t just look .5.They all looked him a member of their family.6.Look ! There is danger ahead.7.I shall look that I dont trust him again.8.He looked his notes before writing the report.9.Look these photographs and try to pick out the man you see.10.I must look the time of your train.11.A fox came to th

    9、e tree and looked at the cock.Answers:1.look after 照顾,照料2.look around/about 四处看看,四下环顾3.look forward to 盼望,期待4.look on 旁观,观望5.look on . as . 把 .看作 .6.look out 当心,小心,留神7.look out 警惕8.look through 浏览,翻阅,温习9.look through 仔细查看10.look up 查寻,查阅11.look up 仰视四、 make 词组1.Bamboo is also made paper.2.Our desks

    10、and chairs are made wood.3.The paper for books and newspapers also is made wood.4.This engine is made 490 parts.5.The actor made himself for the part of an old man.6.These days many girls make when they are still quite young.7.She made a good lunch from bits and pieces.8.There isnt any little girl c

    11、alled Kitty here. He has just made her 9.Hard work can often make for lack of intelligence.10.Everyone should make time.11.But wait till you see what well make for you your own measure.12.I have made , and nothing you say will change it.13.They made my mistakes when I tried to speak English.Answers:

    12、1. make into2. be made of3. be made from4. be made up of制成,作成(后面跟产品,制成品)用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料) 用某种原材料制成(后面跟原材料) 由 .组成,由 .构成5.make up 化妆6.make up 化妆,打扮7.make up 配制8.make up 编造,虚构9.make up for 弥补, 补充,补偿10.make full use of 充分利用11.make to ones own measure 照某人的尺寸去做12.make up my mind 下决心13.make fun of 取笑,嘲笑,和 .

    13、开玩笑五、 put 词组1.We put the tools before we leave the workshop.2.All the medical workers in the region helped to put the influenza epidemic (流感)3.Never put until tomorrow what you can do today.4.We are putting the play again next week owing to (由于) its success.5.The fire man soon put the fire .6.The do

    14、ctor told me to put my tongue.7.Its time that we put the Christmas decorations (装饰物) in the living room.8.Drop your weapons and put your hands .9.Another supermarket has been put near our house.10.I cant put a lot of noisy people when I am working.11.使进入,输入12.全神贯注于 .之中Answers:1.put away 放好,受起来2.put

    15、down 扑灭,平息,镇压3.put off 延期,拖延4.put on 上演,穿戴5.put out 熄灭,扑灭,使 .停止燃烧6.put out 伸出,拿出7.put up 挂起,张贴8.put up 举起,抬起9.put up 建造,搭起10.put up with 忍受,容忍11.put into12.put ones heart into12.keep up with 跟上13.keep watch 守望,值班,放哨六、 set 词组1.As soon as she arrived, she set tidying up (整理,收拾) the room.2.Theyve set o

    16、n a trip round the world.3.Together the four men set to look for the lost animal.4.He set to write a history of civilization (文明) .5.Well certainly set a complete modern industrial system.6.A few scarecrows (稻草人) were set in the field.7.Lets set the tent first, and build the fire later.8.放火9.释放某人10.

    17、给某人树立榜样Answers:1.set about doing 着手,开始2.set off 起程,出发3.set out 出发,动身4.set out to do 开始,着手5.set up 创立,设立,建立6.set up 竖起,支起7.set up 竖起,支起8.set fire9.set sb. free10.set an example to sb.七、 turn 词组1.Those who were once for him have turned him.2.Turn everything captured (缴获的) .3.Im going to turn my garage

    18、 a playroom for the children.4.Be sure to turn the lights when you leave the room.5.Shall I turn the bath water for you?6.He turned the meat in the pan (平底锅) .7.They always turn me when they are in trouble.8.His attention turned the pretty young girl.9.Turn the radio a little. I can scarcely hear th

    19、e program.10.He turned the coat collar (衣领) because of the wind.11.Something will turn to get you out of the difficulty.Answers:1.turn against 转而反对2.turn in 交进,上缴,归还3.turn.into. 变成,转变成4.turn off 关掉灯,气,水,电器等5.turn on 打开6.turn over 把 .翻过来7.turn to 转向,找 .求助8.turn to 转向9.turn up 把音量开大一些10.turn up 卷起,翻起,

    20、11.turn up 发生,出现八、 take 词组1.Mr. Pier has taken his son from the boarding-school (寄宿学校)2.The baby was playing with a needle, so I took it from her.3.He would neither apologize nor take what he had said.4.I took the book to the library yesterday.5.The rain has stopped. You may take your umbrella.6.The

    21、 motorists name and address were taken by the policeman.7.He took his glasses and wiped them again, outside and in.8.The crew (全体船员,乘员) of the tanker were taken by helicopter(直升飞机) .9.A helicopter is able to take and land straight up and down.10.The dentist is going to take this tooth .11.The weathe

    22、r is perfect for taking the children for a walk.12.The accident took only a block from his room.13.The concert takes next Friday.14.He has taken photography as a hobby.15.Music takes more than thirty percent of the broadcasting programmers.16.The wardrobe (衣柜) took too much room.17.看一看18.给某人捎个信19.坐下

    23、20.瞄准21.积极参加22.照顾 ,保管23.不辞劳苦地做某事24.握住 ,抓住25.别着急 , 别紧张26.呈现新面貌27.坐某人的座位 ,代替某人的职务28.给某人量体温29.依次 ,轮流30.拍照31.以.自豪32.错拿某物 ,错认某人33.认为当然34.代替35.支持36.坐这个座位Answers:1.take away 带走2.take away 拿走3.take back 收回,带回4.take back 带回,送回5.take down 拿下6.take down 记下7.take off 拿下,脱掉8.take off 救起,营救9.take off 起飞10.take ou

    24、t 取出11.take out 带某人出去12.take place 发生13.take place 举行,举办14.take up 从事某项活动,发展某种爱好15.take up 占去时间16.take up 占去地方17.take a look at18.take a message for sb.19.take a seat20.take aim21.take an active part in22.take care of23.take great trouble to do sth.24.take hold of25.take it easy26.take on a new look

    25、27.take ones place28.take ones temperature29.take ones turn30.take photos31.take pride in32.take sb./sth. by mistake33.take sth. for granted34.take the place of35.take the side of36.take this seat九、 have 词组1.Class is over. lets have (休息一下) .2.Ive got (咳嗽) .3.Dad and I had (对 .笑了一个够) that.4.They are

    26、having (玩得高兴) .5.He stopped to have (看了一看) .6.We are going to have (举行一场乒乓球比赛)tomorrow afternoon.7.Are we going to have (开会) this week?8.Here is a tree. Let me have (休息) ?9.Are you going to have (游泳)?10.Well have (进行测验) tomorrow?11.Where is Peter? I want to have a (跟他说句话) him.12.Does she have (吃午饭)

    27、at home.13.Then it has (没有别的选择) lie down and sleep.14.He knew about the order, he knew why the soldiers were there, but he wouldhave (根本不理睬) it.15.We have (上四节课) in the morning and two in the afternoon.16.Most of his questions have (与 .无关) hislessons.17.I noticed that he had (穿着) bedroom slippers.18

    28、.Please come here and have (坐我的座) , Granny.19.He hasnt had (吃药) .20.At three fifty in the afternoon we have (进行体育运动) .Answers:1.have a break2.have got a cough3.have a good laugh over4.have a good time5.have a look6.have a table tennis match7.have a meeting8.have a rest9.have a swim10.have a test11.h

    29、ave a word with12.have lunch13.have no choice but to14.have none of15.have four lessons16.have nothing to do with17.have on18.have my seat19.have any medicine20.have sports 十、 keep 词组1.I would have been here sooner, but the rainstorm kept me .2.Every week there was a rebellion somewhere, and the Aus

    30、trian soldiers were kept hurrying from one town to another in order to put down the rebellions.3.While Leonov was outside the ship, he kept by telephone hiscompanion and with the earth.4.He kept telling us the same story over and over.5.You may depend his doing what he says, for he is a person who alwayskeeps .6.Danger! Keep !7.Will this overcoat keep the rain ?8.It is also


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