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    八年级英语上册 Unit 8 English Week学案无答案新版牛津深圳版.docx

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    八年级英语上册 Unit 8 English Week学案无答案新版牛津深圳版.docx

    1、八年级英语上册 Unit 8 English Week学案无答案新版牛津深圳版Unit8 English Week知识探究Reading词汇1. competition n. 比赛;竞赛He is in competition with three other people for promotion.他与其他三位对手角逐晋升的机会。2. treasure n. 珍宝;宝物She owns many treasures.她收藏了许多珍宝。【提示】treasure表示“珍宝,宝物”时,是可数名词,且通常用复数形式;但表示“财富;珠宝”时,是不可数名词。【链接】v. 珍视;珍爱;珍藏I will

    2、treasure those memories forever.我会永远珍藏那些记忆。3. text n.文本The text is accurate and informative.文本内容准确,信息量大。【提示】text un.表示“文本”时是不可数名词,但表示“文稿;讲稿;课本;课文”时是可数名词。【链接】v. 用移动电话发送短信。Text me when you are ready.准备好就给我发短信。4. chance n.机会;机遇Paul has waited for that chance for a long time.保罗等待那个机会已经很长时间了。【提示】chance还有

    3、表示“可能性”的用法:A by any chance(用于询问)可能;也许Are you, by any chance, going into town this afternoon?今天下午你会到镇上去吗?B no chance(非正式)不可能- Perhaps your mother will give you the money.- No chance.也许你母亲会给你那笔钱。不可能。5. confidently adv. 自信地She walked confidently onto the platform and started her speech.她自信地走上讲台,然后开始发表演

    4、说。【链接】confident adj.自信的;confidence n. 自信;自信心6. topic n.话题The topic of the lecture is whales.讲座的话题是鲸。7. winner n. 优胜者The winners prize is a new car.获胜者的奖品是一辆新轿车。【链接】win v.赢得; 获胜8. advise v. 建议【提示】是常用动词。现将它的几种常见用法归纳如下:A advise+名词代词。如:What would you advise?你有什么建议?Mr. Li advised Lisa after she failed th

    5、e Maths test.莉萨数学测验不及格,李老师给她提了一些建议。B advise+sb.+不定式短语。在这个句式中,不定式短语作advise的宾语补足语。如:He often advises people to do more exercise.他常常劝人多锻炼身体。C advise+动词-ing形式。如:He advised going to London for the holidays.他建议去伦敦度假。D advise+sb.+against+(doing)sth.表示“建议某人不做某事”。如:The lawyers have advised us against signing

    6、 the contract.律师建议我们不要签订这份合同。【链接】advice un. Take my advice and stop doing that!9. several det. 几个;一些【提示】several 作定语,“几个”, 此外,several可作代词。Several boys were injured.Several of us decided to walk home.10. opinion n. 意见;想法I wasnt asking for your opinion, Dick.11. whole adj. 整个的;全部的Do you want to know th

    7、e whole story?【链接】whole n. 整体;全体【比较】all与whole1. 都可与单数名词连用,含义大致相同,位置不同;all放在冠词、指示代词、形容词性物主代词等之前,而whole则放在这些词后。如:all the family the whole family2. 和复数名词连用,两者意思有所区别;all指“全部;每一个”;whole指“整个”。如:All the buildings were burning.Whole buildings were burning.3. 在大多数不可数名词这前用all,不用whole。如:所有的钱 the whole money al

    8、l the money 所有的酒 the whole wine all the wine4. 在表示地点的专有名词之前,一般用all而不用whole。如:all China全中国,也可以说成 the whole of China12. suggestion n. 建议;提议He followed her suggestion of a walk along the river.【链接】suggest v. 建议;提议13. communicate v. (与某人)交流信息;沟通My mother communicates with me well.【链接】 communication n. 交

    9、流;沟通 We were in close communication with each other.14. whenever conj. 在任何-的时候;在任何-的情况下She always went to that church whenever she was in that area.短语句式1. in public “公开地;在别人(尤指生人)面前” You should not make jokes about her in public.2. put on “上演” The band hope to put on a show in the UK before the end

    10、of the year.put on “穿上;戴上” She put on her coat and glasses and then went out.put on “增加(体重)” I eat a lot, but I never put on weight.3. take part in“参加(-活动)”【比较归纳】A. join 1) 指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其中一员;When did your elder brother join the army?She joined the Dancing Club last week. 2)指参与;加入到-之中,与take part i

    11、n含义相同;500 employees of this company joined the strike yesterday.= 500 enployees of this company took part in the strike yesterday.B. join in 多指参加活动;与take part in 含义相同;Come along, and join in the ball games.= Come along, and take part in the ball game.C. take part in 多指参加活动;Shell take part in the dis

    12、cussion tomorrow.Jack took part in the singing contest yesterday.注意:take part in 是惯用词组,part前一般不用冠词,但当part前有形容词修饰时,要用不定冠词;D. attend “出席;参加”,指参加会议、婚礼、典礼、听报告等;Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow.I attended Professor Lis lecture last week.4. The students had to speak on a topic in English for two

    13、minutes. 同学们必须就一个话题用英语演讲两分钟。on “关于;就”,about 意思相近The teacher tests us on irregular verbs.in English“用英语”; in “用”Say it in German. She wrote in pencil.5. speak to “对-说;与-交谈”,与talk to意思相近He looked aside when I spoke to him.6. d better= had better 后常用动词原形,“最好(做某事)”,常用于表达建议、劝告等Youd better wash your hands

    14、 first.Youd better go to see the doctor at once.否定形式had better not Simon, youd better not go there alone.7. in my opinion“依我看” in ones opinion“依某人之见”这是表达观点时的常用说法You didnt do anything wrong, in my opinion.In my opinion, your plan will work.8. head teacher“校长”,英式英语; 美式英语用principalgive a speech to“给-做演

    15、讲”Doctor Li gave a speech about trees to us last week.9. communicate with “与-交流”Love is the best way to communicate with children.I can communicate with foreigners very well.10. above all“最重要的是;尤其是”You have your family to consider above all.Above all, you must be independent.随堂练:Complete the sentenc

    16、es with proper words.1. Alice won first prize in the singing and she will represent our school to take part in the national final.2. When you speak in public, dont be shy. You should speak .3. When I travelled in Hangzhou, I bought silk scarves for my grandma.4. More and more people are using the In

    17、ternet to with each other nowadays.5. You can drop in you are free. Im retired and always stay at home.6. Susan me to go to the dentists because I had a bad toothache.7. Professor Wang will give us a on how to use computers for our studies next Friday afternoon.8. You should not give this away. Its

    18、time for you to get a job and start your new life now.9. The world is becoming smaller and smaller with the development of modern communication.10. Do you have any on ways of improving the working conditions?GrammarA Modal verb: should 情态动词should的用法1. should“应该;应当”,情态动词,多用于劝说他人的错误行为或给予他人一些建议,使用时后面须跟

    19、动词原形,人称没有形式上的变化。Iwe 我我们 You 你你们 should do some work tonight.HeSheItThey 他她它他(她)们2. should否定形式,should not(shouldnt)“不应该;不应当”You shouldnt sit in the sun all day.They shouldnt spend too much money.3. 常用I should或we should表达“对自己而言该做些什么”I should go home. Its midnight.We should invite them for a meal.常用I s

    20、houldnt或we shouldnt表达“对自己而言不该做某事”I shouldnt spend too much money.常用you shouldshouldnt来向他人提出建议You should look for a better job.You shouldnt drive so fast.4. 用should Iwe-来向他人寻求建议Should I write my name here?What should I say to Helen?I need a new passport. Where should I go?5. 常用I think we should及I don

    21、t think you should等来表达自己的观点I think we should get a new car.I dont think you should believe him.6. 还可以用do you think I should-?来寻求建议He hasnt replied to my email. Do you think I should phone him?What do you think I should give Tom for his birthday?B had better had better的用法1. had better“最好”,用于表示对别人的劝告、

    22、建议或表示一种愿望,语气比should更婉转。had better后面也接动词原型,没有人称变化。缩写d betterYou had better go to hospital at once.Tom, youd better go there today.2. had better的否定形式是had better not,缩写形式为d better notYou had better not miss the last bus.Youd better not leave for Nanjing the day after tomorrow.3. 可以用于指现在。You had better

    23、listen to the radio now.You had better be quiet.也可以用于指将来。You had better start tomorrow.We had better buy the more expensive one. It will last much longer, so it will be cheaper in the end.4. had better在表示对别人进行劝告、建议时,不宜用于与陌生人、长辈及上级的交谈中。对长辈说话时,比较有礼貌的说法是It might be better for you-, It would be better f

    24、or you-等。It might be better for you to help me, Grandpa.随堂练:一、单项选择题1. _ the last day of the English Week, the head teacher gave a speech to the whole school. A. In B. On C. At D. /2. What an _ you give us! A. amazing advice B. good news C. wonderful suggestion D. interesting suggestion 3. _, he is t

    25、he oldest of all. We should respect him. A. In all B. At all C. After all D. Least of all 4. - Amy looks very _. - Yes, she is singing the song _. Good for her! A. confident, confidently B. confident, confident C. confidently, confident D. confident, confidently5. -How long _ you _ English? -About 9

    26、 years. A. did, learn B. are, learn C. do, learn D. have, learnt 6. Everyone thinks Avatar is well worth _. A. see B. seeing C. to see D. sees7. Oh, its almost 9:00 oclock. The train will leave in half an hour. You _ take a taxi to the railway station. A. can B. may C. had better D. had better not 8

    27、. Making pictures in your mind _ also a good way for you to memorize things. A. is B. are C. has D. have9. -Im sorry. I forgot to bring your textbook. -Never mind. I will borrow _. A. some else B. someones else C. someone elses D. someones elses10. Tom has been in the factory _ he left school.A. whe

    28、n B. since C. as soon as D. for二、语法选择题。 Evanslivesinacity.Hewasamaths_11_threeyearsago.Hetaught_12_andhisstudentslikedhim.Sohedecidedtoworkinthemiddleschoolallhislife._13_aterribleaccidentchanged hisfortune(命运).Onespringhetookhisclassto_14_aplaceofinterest.Thechildrensawalotof_15_thingsandhadagoodti

    29、methere.But_16_theirwaybacktoschool,theirbuswashitbyatruckbecausetheyoungdriverwasdrunk(喝醉酒的). Fivestudents_17_andmorethanhalfofthechildrenwere_18_intheaccident.Hedidntknowhowithadhappenedandwasvery_19_itandafterhecameoutofhospital,helefttheschoolandbecamea_20_.Hetriedhisbesttostopthedriversfrombreakingthetrafficregulations违反交通规则.Heworkedhardandwasstrictwiththedrivers.Sothedriverswereafraidofhim.11. A.worker B.teacher C.reporter D.farmer12. A.well B.nice C.good D.badly13.A.So B.And C.Or D.But14.A.build B.break C.visit D.find15.A.terrible B.dangerous C.safe D.interesting16.A.on B.in C.at


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