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    1、学年高中英语江苏牛津译林版选修七模块综合模块综合测评(时间:100分钟;满分:100分).单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)1It seems that Ann doesnt like the bag you bought for her the other day. _? I have been told she is desperate for one of that style.AIf so BHow comeCSo what DWhat if2The famous musician,as well as his students,_ to perform at the op

    2、ening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.Awere invited Bwas invitedChave been invited Dhas been invited3We would rather our daughter _ at home with us, but it is her choice, and she is not a child any longer.Awould stay Bhas stayedCstayed Dstay4Interest is as _ to learning as the ability to und

    3、erstand,even more so.Avital BavailableCspecific Dsimilar5Its much easier to make friends _ you have similar interests.Aunless BwhenCeven though Dso that6Close the door of fear behind you,and you _ the door of faith open before you.Asaw Bhave seenCwill see Dare seeing7At the beginning of the class, t

    4、he teacher said to us, “Open your books and _page 64, please.”Aturn down Bturn onCturn to Dturn up8The director commanded that everyone _his advice.Amust follow BfollowedChad followed Dfollow9The park was full of people, _ themselves in the sunshine.Ahaving enjoyed BenjoyedCenjoying Dto enjoy10As a

    5、mother of two young boys, she knows the difficulties of keeping kids _.Ato entertain BentertainingCentertained Dentertain11We need to get to the root of the problem _ we can solve it.Awhile BafterCbefore Das12Around two oclock every night, Sue will start talking in her dream. It somewhat_us.Abothers

    6、 Bhad botheredCwould bother Dbothered13There is hard evidence _ George has something to do with the murder.Awhich BwhatCwhy Dthat14The children_lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled.Amust have got Bmust getCshould have got Dshould get15_the difference b

    7、etween the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.AIgnore BIgnoringCIgnored DHaving ignored.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Grandma had the coin for as long as I can remember. Every time I went over to her house, she told me the story of the coin:It was the day after the ship had _1

    8、6_ in New York City. My grandmother and grandfather had come from Poland on that ship. They came to_17_ for a new life in the United States, _18_ from the poverty and war in their native land.They were walking to their new _19_ from their factory jobs when they saw a small glint (闪光) on the sidewalk

    9、. My grandmother bent over to _20_ it more closely. It turned out to be a dark and dirty quarter. My grandmother _21_ it up and said,“This coin is a good omen, a _22_ of good fortune to come.” They took the coin to their little apartment and _23_ it to make it shine. The next day my grandmother got

    10、a(n) _24_ job at a jewelry store.As the years passed, my grandparents_25_good times and bad. My father and uncles were born, my grandfather was _26_from the factory, but got a job at a big machinery company. There, my grandparents finally found the good _27_ my grandmother had _28_.When my grandfath

    11、er died three years ago, my grandmother _29_ in to live with my family. This is when she _30_the coin to me. Every day she told me this story. After a few months I could _31_ tell the story in my sleep, _32_ still she told me the story every day, stressing the importance of _33_ on the coin. Last we

    12、ek she died. According to her _34_, I got the coin. I think I was fortunate enough because I got the thing that _35_ the most to my grandmother, and I will cherish it forever.16.A.sailed BjoinedClanded Dpulled17A.prepare BaskCapply Dsearch18A.absent BfreeCtired Dindependent19A.restaurant BstoreCapar

    13、tment Dcottage20A.examine BobserveCtest Dtouch21A.picked BdugClifted Dfixed22A.moment BmessageCgift Dsign23A.packed BcleanedCrepaired Drebuilt24A.worse BgreaterCbetter Deasier25A.got over Btook upCpassed by Dwent through26A.laid off Blaid downCshut off Dbroken down27A.wealth BchanceCfortune Dsituati

    14、on28A.described BplannedCexperienced Dpredicted29A.settled Bmoved Centered Ddropped30A.promised BpresentedCsent Dgave31A.hardly BpracticallyCparticularly Dusually32A.and Bso Cbut Dhowever33A.keeping Bpassing Ccarrying Dholding34A.order BdreamCexplanation Dwill35A.proved Boffered Cmeant Dcontributed.

    15、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AWow,ladies! That is all I can say, I write this article with mixed emotions. Having Aiko the female robot around the house to help out could be either a blessing or a nightmare. If you are a working mother like me, then the idea of having a helping hand around would be a good

    16、 thing. We working mothers dream about going home to find dinner on the table, a clean house and everything ready for the next day,that would be the perfect world.Yet as always we women worry about being replaced,me included. Aiko has been created with special sensors (感应器) underneath her immediate“

    17、skin”cover. I believe her creator, Le Trung,has other motives(动机). Of course, he says its not true. She doesnt complain, argue or talk back. She can carry on a conversation and help you with your math homework. She can tell you the weather outside and can speak in English and Japanese. She doesnt re

    18、quire any sleep nor does she complain about a headache or being tired. She can serve tea and give back massages. Im sure some men out there would view her as the perfect woman or even“superwoman”. So with good reason I say having Aiko around could prove to be bad. As a woman and a wife,I worry about

    19、 being replaced or even being compared to Aiko. How can you compete with someone or something so perfect like that?Scientists have been trying to invent robots for a long time. There are many movies and books out there about robots. It looks like those crazy scientists are closer than we thought. La

    20、dies, I think we are fighting a losing battle. So instead of trying to fight it,I guess we have no choice but to join them. Now where is my male robot? Hmm.I want him to look exactly like my Ken Barbie doll. Okay?36Le Trung created Aiko mainly to _.Akeep people companyBteach people foreign languages

    21、Chelp children with their homeworkDhelp working mothers do housework37What can we learn about Aiko from the second paragraph?AShe is poorly designed.BShe is perfectly made.CShe works better than expectations.DShe is especially made for housewives.38Why does the author think having Aiko around could

    22、prove to be bad?AThe robot could replace her.BThe robot can do more than she does.CThe robot makes a mess in the house.DThe robot can speak human language. 39.What could be the authors purpose in writing the text?ATo introduce a robot.BTo argue against robotmaking.CTo show her fights with robots.DTo

    23、 describe the daily life of a working mother.BIf you are hungry, what will you do? Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that? Just like stomach, even your mind will be hungry. But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover, favorite star and m

    24、any such absurd things. So it silently begins to hide your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets its full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think “What happens next?”, “Why cant I think?”, “Why am I always given the difficult problem

    25、s?” Well, this is the aftereffect of using our brain for thinking of notsoworthy things.Hunger of the mind can be actually satisfied through extensive reading. But why is it reading but not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educational tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like

    26、 that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to turn to reading for help. You have a number of books in the world which will answer all your “howto” questions. Once you read a book, you just dont run your eyes through the lines, but your mind decodes (译解) it and explains it to you. The intere

    27、sting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed, if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, which you would never think of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity

    28、. The more books you read, the wider your mind will become. Also this improves your oratorical (speechmaking) skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. When you start speaking English or any other language fluently with your friends or other people, you n

    29、ever seem to run out of the right words at the right time.Actually, I had a problem in speaking English fluently,but as I read, I could improve significantly. So guys, do join me and give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading. Now what are you waiting for? Go, grab a book and l

    30、et me know!40Whats the best title of the passage?AHunger of the mindBStomach and MindCFeed your Mind by readingDReading or Watching TV41You dont know your mind is in hunger because _.Ayou are not hungryByou keep it thinking of silly thingsCyour creativity gets a full stopDyou always meet with difficult problems42Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the advantage of reading?AReading can make your dream come true.BReading can contribute to your vocabulary.CReading can improve your spoken ability.DReading can make people creative.43The purpose of the autho


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