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    1、奥英班智力测试题1. Time is money.的意思是_。A.岁月不饶人B.一寸光阴一寸金C.时间不等人2. His fathers name is Charles Smith. He married(结婚)a woman named Mary Johns. What is his mothers name after she was married?_A. Mary SmithB. Johns SmithC. Smith Johns3.英语中“two-faced”的汉语意思是_。4.If you cut off(砍掉)a bears head. What can you get?_5.T

    2、he fifth of the week is_.6.If your teacher is 20 years old now, when was he born(出生)then?_7.Which four letters can frighten(吓唬)a thief(小偷)?_8.How much is ten minus ten? _9.Why is the letter“A”like 12 oclock? Because it isin the middle of _ .10.How many letters are there in English? _.11.It isnt my s

    3、ister, nor(不是)my brother, but still(仍然)is the child of my father and mother. Who is it?_.12.Look at the words and circle them in the puzzle.BEE,PEAR,CUT,CHINA,BEANCTQALAUENWRBTEPEERASCHINA13.“Mum isnt at home for all the things are at sixes and sevens.”“at sixes and sevens”的意思是:_.(You can answer in

    4、Chinese.)14.Whatletters are missing(缺少的)? _AS?GHJ15.Whats the letter(字母)?幼苗初绽。_A. dB. fC. iD. r16.Which has the most feet?_A. BirdB. HorseC. BeeD. Fish17.When a boy falls into(掉进)the water, whats the first thing(事情)he will do? _A. HelpB. Get wetC. Die(死)D. Cry(哭)18.The bad boy beats(殴打)the man black

    5、 and blue.Here“black and blue”means(意思是)_19.His name is Jim. His father and mother have six children. Half(一半)are boys and half are girls. How many brothers and sisters does Jim have?_20.-You look worried.-Iwant to find a place to wash my hands.-Oh,this way, please.Here“wash ones hands”means_. ( You

    6、 can answer in Chinese.)21.Where does afternoon come before(在前面)morning in the world?_22.What animal is the biggest in the land(陆地)?_A. GoatB. HorseC. ElephantD. Rooster23.A man has(有)two eyes. Someone says he has four eyes. Do you know the reason(原因)? _A. He has a pair of glasses.B. He is a blind m

    7、an.24.写出下列符号所代表的含义。(1)adj._(2)n._(3)V._(4)num._(5)adv._(6)pron._25.Grandpa:You give me three empty(空的)bottles(瓶子), and Ill give you a bottle of orange(橘汁).Dad:Give you twenty-one bottles of orange, Tom.Tom:I drink(喝)all these bottles of orange, and give the bottles to Grandpa. Then he gives me some

    8、bottles of orange.How many bottles of orange do I drink in all(一共)?_26.Please translate(翻译)the following sentence into Chinese.An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth._27.Which is a girls name? _A. DonaldB. DerekC. DorothyD. DavidE. Duncan28.Here are five girls name: which one is not the name of a fl

    9、ower?_A. VioletB. LilyC. RoseD. SheilaE.Daisy29.Whatdo most young children in Britain call their mother?_A. MotherB. MaterC. MaD. MummyE. Mama30.When someone asks you to give him a hand, he wants you to_.A. shake handsB. hold his handC. help himD. play cardsE. hit him31.What is the next letter?_MTWT

    10、FS?32.“Hes a four-letter man, we dont like him at all(根本),” Here, “a four-letter man”means(意思是)_, (You can answer in Chinese.)33.What is“Hello Girl”?_A.向女孩问好B.向女孩献殷勤C.电话接线员D.旅店女服务员34.Do you know(知道)what letter is a kind(种)of drink(饮料)?_35.What letter should appear(出现)next(下一个)? _ZXUQL?36.联合国的英文缩写是_,

    11、中华人民共和国的英文缩写是_,英国的英文缩写是_,美国的英文缩写是_。37.What belongs only to(仅属于)you but is used more by others than yourself(但别人用得比你多)?_38.Rose is the only girl in her family. She isan apple of her parentseye.句中划线部分的意思是:_A.眼中的苹果B.眼中透出对父母的爱C.掌上明珠 D.眼光的高贵39.There are five hidden(隐藏)animals in the picture. Please circl

    12、e(圈出)the name of each animal, then write them down.tmmvkumsiwwousertnvtpnmbptpanmqkyearamdcvyelepewaovyelepewuonisiwhantw40.Thomas Edison invented(发明)_A. TrainB. PlaneC. LightD. Bike41.In which country is the Big Ben?_A. BritainB. FranceC. SpainD. Australia42.What do you have in December that you do

    13、nt have in any other month?(提示:答案是一个字母)_.43.“Betty is very hungry. Shelongsto eat.”划线单词的意思是_。A.没味的B.长久C.渴望D.饱的44.“I have much money today. Hand me the sad news. Is everyone full? OK. Lets go.”What does“sad news”here mean in Chinese?_45.A teacher has thirty pencils in the box. There are thirty childr

    14、en in the class. The teacher wants to give one pencil to each child and he also wants to leave(留下)one pencil in the box. How does he do it?(You can answer in Chinese.)_46.The summer holiday isnear at hand. We can make some new plans for it. Which one is the meaning of“near at hand”?_A.在手附近B.为时已晚C.即将到来D.转瞬即逝47.The young man is very excellent(优秀的). Now he is the top dog of a big company.“top dog”means_.A.幸运儿B.权威人物C.忠诚的人D.聪明的人48.Mr. Black is not helpful. He is a cold fish.“cold fish”means_.A.冻鱼B.冷酷无情的人C.好心的人D.坏人49.How many legs does an octopus(章鱼)have?_A. TwoB. FourC. FiveD. Eight


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