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    1、高考完形填空讲解及练习高考完形填空讲解及练习一、高中英语完形填空1阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 Sunqhela is a phrase with many shades of meaning. It says dont underestimate me, and just try me. Its a 1 and a threat, all at once. Its a common thing for the parents in Trevor family to say to their kids. 2 I heard it

    2、I knew it meant the conversation was 3 , and if I said another word I was in for a good beat. At the time, I was the champion of the Maryvale College sports day every single year. Why? Because mom was always 4 me to kick my ass(臀部), and I was always running not to get my ass kicked. Nobody ran like

    3、me and my mom. She was a thrower, too. 5 was next to her was coming at me. If it was something 6 , I had to catch it and put it down. If it broke, that would be my 7 , too, and the ass-kicking would be that much 8 . So if she threw a vase at me, Id have to catch it, put it down, and then run. We had

    4、 a very Tom and Jerry relationship, me and my mom. She was the 9 instructor; I was naughty as shit. Everybody knew that Trevor child would come through like a bat out of 10 , and that his mom would be right there behind him. She could go at a full speed in high heels, but if she really wanted to com

    5、e after me, shed kick her 11 off while still going at top speed. When I was little she always 12 me, but as I got older I got faster, and when speed 13 her shed use her wits. Stop! 14 ! Shed do this to her own child. In South Africa, nobody gets 15 in other peoples business 16 its about justice(正义),

    6、 and then everybody wants in. So shed yell Thief! knowing it would bring the whole neighborhood out 17 me, and then Id have 18 trying to grab me and seize me, and Id have to duck and 19 to avoid them, all the while 20 , Im not a thief! Im her son!1. A. announcementB. appointmentC. commandD. comment2

    7、. A. Even ifB. Now thatC. Any timeD. As if3. A. overB. onC. offD. behind4. A. defeatingB. chasingC. blamingD. delighting5. A. WhateverB. WhicheverC. HoweverD. Whenever6. A. solidB. worthlessC. attractiveD. breakable7. A. decisionB. apologyC. faultD. adventure8. A. lessB. worseC. lighterD. better9. A

    8、. creativeB. strictC. enthusiasticD. tolerant10. A. hellB. hallC. heavenD. death11. A. handbagB. overcoatC. shoesD. glasses12. A. caughtB. warnedC. cheatedD. missed13. A. ignoredB. troubledC. leftD. failed14. A. SonB. FriendC. ThiefD. Neighbor15. A. interruptedB. involvedC. regrettedD. reminded16. A

    9、. ifB. unlessC. whenD. although17. A. againstB. withC. toD. at18. A. policemenB. parentsC. strangersD. witnesses19. A. jumpB. diveC. flyD. race20. A. complainingB. promisingC. laughingD. screaming【答案】 (1)C;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)A;(6)D;(7)C;(8)B;(9)B;(10)A;(11)C;(12)A;(13)D;(14)C;(15)B;(16)B;(17)A;(18)C;

    10、(19)B;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一位小时淘气顽劣的孩子在犯错时,为了躲避妈妈的追赶,与妈妈斗智斗勇。 (1)考查名词。句意:它既是一个命令同时也是一个威胁。A. announcement“宣布”;B. appointment“约定,委派”;C. command“命令”;D. comment“评论”。此处是指“这是一种命令和威胁”。根据“and”可知,此处的词要与后面的“threat”意义相近,故选C。 (2)考查状语从句。句意:每当我听到它,我就知道这意味着对话话的结束。A. Even if“即使”;B. Now that“既然”;C. Any time“任何时候”

    11、;D. As if“仿佛”。根据上文“这是一种命令和威胁”可知,任何时候作者听到它,就知道这意味着谈话结束了,如果作者再说一句话,就会被好打一顿。故选C。 (3)考查副词。句意:每当我听到它,我就知道这意味着会话的结束。A. over“结束”;B. on“在.上面,关于”;C. off“离开”;D. behind“在.后边”。根据下文“如果我再说一句话,我会被好打一顿”可知,此处是指谈话结束。故选A。 (4)考查动词。句意:因为我母亲总是喜欢追着我踢我屁股。A. defeating“击败”;B. chasing“追求,追赶”;C. blaming“责备”;D. delighting“使高兴”。

    12、根据下文“而我总是跑着不让我的屁股被踢”可知,妈妈总是追着我踢我的屁股,故选B。 (5)考查主语从句。句意:她旁边的一切都向我袭来。A. Whatever“(一般没有范围)无论什么,任何东西”;B. Whichever“(一般有范围)无论什么,任何一个”;C. However“无论如何”;D. Whenever“无论何时”。根据上文的“She was a thrower”可知,她是个投掷手,身边的任何东西都可向我投掷。Whatever与whichever二者都可指任何东西,但前者没有范围,而后者是有范围的。文中的妈妈身边有什么就用什么,没有范围,故选A。 (6)考查形容词。句意:如果是易碎的物

    13、品,我必须接住它,并把它放下。A. solid“固体的”;B. worthless“无价的”;C. attractive“吸引人的”;D. breakable“易碎的”。根据语境可知,如果妈妈拿的是易碎品,我必须(在她扔出时)抓住它并把它放下。如果它坏了,那也是我的错。故选D。 (7)考查名词。句意:如果物品碎了,那也是我的错。A. decision“决定”;B. apology“道歉”;C. fault“缺点,过错”;D. adventure“冒险”。根据语境可知,此处是指“如果妈妈用的是易碎品,我必须抓住它并把它放下。如果它坏了,那也是我的错”,故选C。 (8)考查形容词。句意:然后屁股被

    14、踢得更糟。A. less“较少的”;B. worse“更坏的,更糟糕”;C. lighter“更轻的”;D. better“更好的”。根据语境可知,情况可能更糟糕的,故选B。 (9)考查形容词。句意:她是严格的教官,我像狗屎一样顽皮。A. creative“有创造性的”;B. strict“严厉的,严格的”;C. enthusiastic“热情的”;D.tolerant“宽容的”。根据下文可知,我是一个淘气鬼,而妈妈对我管理严格,故选B。 (10)考查名词。句意:大家都知道特雷弗的孩子会像蝙蝠一样从地狱里飞出来,他的妈妈就在他身后。A. hell“地狱”;B. hall“大厅”;C. heav

    15、en“天国”;D. death“死亡”。根据上文可知,作者小时候非常玩劣,所以就像是从地狱中飞出来的蝙蝠,故选A。 (11)考查名词。句意:但是如果她真的想要追上我,她得踢掉高跟鞋,然后全速跑。A. handbag“手提包”;B. overcoat“外套”;C. shoes“鞋子”;D. glasses“眼镜”。根据上文“She could go at a full speed in high heels”她可以穿高跟鞋全速前进,可知,此处是指“但如果她真的想追上我,她会在全速前进的同时把她的鞋子踢掉”,故选C。 (12)考查动词。句意:当我小的时候,她总是抓到我。A. caught“抓住”;

    16、B. warned“警告”;C. cheated“欺骗”;D. missed“错过”。根据语境可知,由于作者太小了,跑不过妈妈,总能被妈妈抓住,故选A。 (13)考查动词。句意:当速度比不上时,她就智取。A. ignored“忽略”;B. troubled“找麻烦”;C. left“留下,离开”;D. failed“失败”。根据语境可知,“当我小的时候,她总能抓住我,但当我长大了,跑的更快了,当她的速度超不过我的时,她会运用智慧来整治我”,故选D。 (14)考查名词。句意:站住!抓小偷!A. Son“儿子”;B. Friend“朋友”;C. Thief“小偷”;D. Neighbor“邻居”。

    17、此处是指当妈妈跑不过我时,她就会用智慧,如让别人误认自己的儿子为小偷以引起别人的帮忙。故选C。 (15)考查动词。句意:在南非,没人愿意卷进别人的是非,除非这是关于正义的事。A. interrupted“打断”;B. involved“卷入,参与”;C. regretted“后悔,遗憾”;D. reminded“提醒”。根据语境可知,在南非,没有人卷入别人的事,故选B。 (16)考查状语从句。句意:在南非,没人愿意卷进别人的是非,除非这是关于正义的事。A. if“如果”;B. unless“除非”;C. when“当时候”;D. although“虽然,尽管”。此处是指在南非,除非是为了正义,

    18、否则没有人会参与到其他人的事。故选B。 (17)考查介词。句意:我知道,这极有可能引来整个社区的人出来对付我。A. against“反对,针对,对不利”;B. with“和一起”;C. to“向,到”;D. at“在方面”。根据上文可知,在南非,没有会主动管别人的私事,除非是由于正义。以及下文“trying to grab me and seize me”可知,妈妈喊我小偷是为了让邻居对付我,一起来抓住我。故选A。 (18)考查名词。句意:然后一群陌生人试着抓我。A. policemen“警察”;B. parents“父母”;C. strangers“陌生人”;D. witnesses“见证,

    19、目击者”。根据上文“In South Africa, nobody gets _15_ in other peoples business _16_ its about justice(正义), and then everybody wants in.”可知,妈妈喊我“小偷”,所以连陌生人也帮忙抓我。故选C。 (19)考查动词。句意:我不得不东躲西闪,潜入水中逃避他们。A. jump“跳”;B. dive“潜水”;C. fly“飞”;D. race“赛跑”。由于妈妈故意喊我小偷,让陌生人也来帮忙抓我,我只好潜入水中逃避,故选B。 (20)考查动词。句意:我不得不东躲西闪地躲避他们,一直喊“我不

    20、是小偷,我是她儿子!”A. complaining“抱怨”;B. promising“答应,允诺”;C. laughing“大笑,嘲笑”;D. screaming“高声喊,尖叫”。根据语境可知,当作者实在没办法,就只好潜入水中躲避被妈妈抓住,同时还要高声喊“我不是小偷!我是她的儿子!”故选D。 【点评】本题考点涉及动词,名词,形容词,副词,状语从句,主语从句,介词,固定短语等多个知识点的考查,是一篇故事类阅读,要求考生在理解细节信息的基础上,进一步根据上下文的逻辑关系,进行分析推理,从而选出正确答案。2阅读下面短文,从短文后各题F所给的A.B.C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    21、Judging people by what he or she looks like has become a common practice in our daily life. Is it wise to do so? The 1 is no. One day, a(n) 2 lady and her husband, both 3 in old but tidy clothes, walked into the 4 0ffice of Harvard University without being 5 The president could 6 in a moment that th

    22、ey had no business at Harvard, and probably didnt deserve(值得)to stay here. For hours, the president 7 them, hoping that they would 8 become discouraged and go away. 9 , they didnt. Then the lady said with great care, We had a son that 10 Harvard University, he loved Harvard. Unfortunately, he was ki

    23、lled 11 . We would like to donate(捐钱)a building to Harvard University in memory of our son. The president was 12 at what he heard. He stared at the ordinary woman, Donate a building? Do you have an 13 how much a building costs? We 14 more than seven million dollars setting up a chemistry lab, can yo

    24、u 15 to set up a building? The lady was 16 for a moment. The president was pleased: He could 17 them now. The lady turned to her 18 and said quietly, Is that all costs to start a 19 ? her husband nodded. The couple walked away, travelling back to Palo Alto, California 20 they built a university name

    25、d after their son-Stanford University, which turned out to be a famous university in America.1. A. powerB. answerC. examinationD. attitude2. A. absentB. elderlyC. aliveD. interested3. A. warnedB. separatedC. persuadedD. dressed4. A. presidentsB. managersC. studentsD. customers5. A. discoveredB. inju

    26、redC. mentionedD. invited6. A. tellB. supportC. expressD. prefer7. A. organizedB. ruinedC. destroyedD. ignored8. A. howeverB. besidesC. finallyD. although9. A. StillB. BesidesC. HoweverD. Suddenly10. A. attendedB. recalledC. supposedD. recognized11. A. on purposeB. in totalC. by accidentD. at presen

    27、t12. A. shockedB. devotedC. determinedD. educated13. A. identityB. ideaC. agreementD. accent14. A. spentB. escapedC. avoidedD. damaged15. A. announceB. affordC. admireD. attack16. A. gratefulB. stubbornC. absentD. silent17. A. get along withB. fall in loveC. get rid ofD. be fond of18. A. sonB. husba

    28、ndC. assistantD. friend19. A. restaurantB. hotelC. universityD. hospital20. A. whichB. whenC. whatD. where【答案】(1)B;(2)B;(3)D;(4)A;(5)D;(6)A;(7)D;(8)C;(9)C;(10)A;(11)C;(12)A;(13)B;(14)A;(15)B;(16)D;(17)C;(18)B;(19)C;(20)D; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一对老夫妇想为在哈佛大学捐赠建一栋大楼,为纪念意外死去的儿子,被校长以貌取人看不起而百般刁难。最终这对夫妇以儿子命名建立了

    29、斯坦福大学。(1)考查名词。A. power“力量”;B. answer“回答”;C. examination“考试”;D. attitude“态度”。根据本句的“no”,可知此处是前一句“is it wise to do so?”的回答。答案是“否”。故选B。(2)考查形容词。A. absent“不在的”;B. elderly“年老的”;C. alive“活着的”;D. interested“有趣的”。根据下文可知,这对夫妇有个儿子读哈佛大学可知该夫妇应该是老年人了。故选B。(3)考查动词。A. warned“警告”;B. separated“分开”;C. persuaded“劝服”;D.

    30、dressed“穿”。根据本句中的“clothes”可知是穿着“dress”。都穿旧而整洁的衣服。故选D。(4)考查名词。A. presidents“校长的”;B. manager s“经理的”;C. students“学生的”;D. customers“顾客的”。根据下文可知这对老夫妇是走进哈佛大学校长的办公室。故选A。(5)考查动词。A. discovered“发现”;B. injured“受伤”;C. mentioned“提及”;D. invited“邀请”。根据校长的态度可知这对夫妇是没事先预约。不请自到。故选D。(6)考查动词。A. tell“告诉”;B. support“支持”;C

    31、. express“表达”;D. prefer“更喜欢”。tell此处是“判断”的意思。校长立刻判断他们不该在哈佛。故选A。(7)考查动词。A. organized“组织”;B. ruined“毁灭”;C. destroyed“破坏”;D. ignored“忽视”。校长对这对不请自到的老夫妇很不满意,故采取不理睬的态度。故选D。(8)考查副词。A. however“然而”;B. besides“此外”;C. finally“最终”;D. although“尽管”。校长希望通过自己的冷漠态度让这对老夫妇知难而退,最终无趣离开。故选C。(9)考查副词。A. Still“仍然”;B. Besides“此外”;C. However“然而”;D. Suddenly“突然”。上下文逻辑关系,校长没料到这对老夫妇竟然没有离开。故选C。(10)考查动词。A. attended“参加,”;B. recalled“回忆”;C. supposed“假定”;D. recognized“认识到”。此处attend “求


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