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    1、高考英语百天词汇速记打印5高考英语百天词汇速记第八十一天1. noble nod obey disobey obedient obedience break offend offence记忆:1. noble adj. 高尚的, 贵族的, 高贵的 n. 贵族 What a noble man he is!他是一个多么高贵的人啊!2. nod v. 点头 He nodded his agreement. 他点头表示同意。3. obey v. 服从, 顺从 Law is to be obeyed, not to be broken. 法律是要遵守的,不是被违反的。4. obedient adj.

    2、服从的 In his company, an obedient employee has his pay raised more often than others. 在他的公司里,顺从的雇员比其他的人提薪更多。5. obedience n. 服从 Most corrupt officials prefer absolute obedience. 多数腐败官员都喜欢绝对的服从。6. disobey v. 不服从, 不顺从 The father was upset because the son disobeyed him more and more frequently. 儿子越来越不听话,父

    3、亲闷闷不乐。7. break breik v. 打破,违反 If you break your promise, you will lose others trusts. 如果你违背诺言,你就会失去信任。8. offend To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in; violate vt. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 得罪 In what way have I offended you?我怎么得罪你了?9. offence n. 犯罪, 冒犯, 违反, 罪过, 过错, 攻击 Considering its his

    4、 first offence, the police gave him some warnings and let him off. 考虑到这是他第一次过失,警察给了他一些警告,放过了他。另类阅读: The noble man nodded his head and picked up the nut, obeying the boys instruction. 2. operate operator operation ambulance cooperation 记忆:1. operate v. 操作, 运转, ( on)动手术 Can you operate the new equipme

    5、nt to operate on the patient with a heart stroke?你会操作新的设备来为那个心脏病人做手术吗?2. operator n. 操作员, 工作者, (电话)接线员 The operator can help you find out his number. 接线员能帮助你查到他的号码。3. operation n. 运转, 操作, 实施, 手术, 军事行动 The operation turned out to be a disaster to both sides. 那次行动结果对双方来说都是一场灾难。4. ambulance am-bu-lan-c

    6、e 音似“俺不能死”,快叫救护车, n. 救护车 Call for an ambulance at once! Its in emergency! 马上叫救护车!情况紧急!5. cooperation n. 合作 Some modern scientific research is in such a great scale that it cant be successful without international cooperation. 一些现代科学研究规模如此之大此致于没有国际合作就不可能成功。6. opera n. 歌剧 I wonder how many young peopl

    7、e can stay an hour watching an opera?我想知道有多少年青人能呆一个小时看歌剧?另类阅读: While operating on the badly-injured operator taken there by an ambulance, the major doctor called for other doctors cooperation. 3. organ organize organization organic tissue记忆:1. organ n. 风琴, 管风琴,器官 There is something wrong with my org

    8、ans of smell. 我的嗅觉器官有点毛病。2. organize vt. 组织vi. 组织起来 The students should be organized to keep the order. 学生们应该被组织起来维持秩序。 3. organization n. 组织, 机构, 团体 A local organization will offer its help to the poor family. 一家地方机构愿意向这个贫困家庭提供帮助。4. organic adj. 器官的, 有机的 He is an expert in organic chemistry. 他是个有机化

    9、学专家。 5. inorganic adj. 非器官的, 无机的 Salt is a kind of inorganic matter. 盐是种无机物。6. tissue n. 组织 Your muscular tissue was exercised. 你的肌肉组织得到了锻炼。另类阅读: Our organization has organized some conferences discussing organic diseases. You see, the systems in our body are made up of organs. 4. otherwise however

    10、therefore thus besides记忆:1. otherwise adv. 另外, 否则 Look out. Otherwise, there will be some news later that you are hit by a car!小心。要不然,晚些时候就有你被车撞倒的新闻了!2. however adv. 可是, 仍然, 究竟 Its true. However, its not reasonable.那是真的,然而却不合情理。 3. therefore adv. 因此, 所以 You are my friend. Therefore, you should lend

    11、me two hundred yuan!你是我的朋友,因此,你应该借两百元给我!4. thus adv. 因而, 从而 Thus it was necessary for him to resign. 因此,他有必要辞职。5. besides adv. 此外 prep. 除. . . 之外 Besides, China took the UN banner to space, expressing its support to the UN. 此外,中国把联合国旗带到了太空,表达了它对联合国的支持。另类阅读: He was too busy. Thus he didnt come. Other

    12、wise, he could have helped you. However, he is always ready help others. Therefore, you may turn to him for help when you need some in the future. 5. pet bet debt set let pest best 记忆: 1. pet pet n. 宠物, 受宠爱的人 For the lonely people, keeping pets is a way to get out of it. 对孤独的人来说,养宠物是一种解脱办法。 2. bet b

    13、et v. 赌, 打赌 n. 赌, 赌钱 Finally, he lost the bet. 最后,他打赌输了。 3. debt det n. 债务 I hate to run into debt. So unlike them, I never spend tomorrows money on todays consumption. 我不喜欢欠债。因此与他们不同,我从不把明天的钱花在今天的消费上。 4. set v. & n. 放, 置 The alarm clock is set to 6 in the morning. 闹钟设定在早晨六点钟。 5. let let vt. 出租, 允许

    14、Let me explain it to you in detail. 让我仔细为你解释一下吧。 6. pest pest n. 有害物,害虫 Some young people keep some pests as pets. 一些年轻人养害虫作为宠物。 7. best best adj. 最好的 The best method to reduce your suffering is to throw your pest pet away. 最好的减轻痛苦的办法是把你的害虫宠物丢掉。另类阅读: I bet he can get out of debts shortly after he gi

    15、ves up keeping pets. You see, the pet acts sometimes as a pest. Therefore, I think its best to let him set free the pet. 6. quilt quite quiet quiz记忆1. quilt n. 棉被 The quilt on your bed is quite clean. 你床上的被子很干净。2. quite kwait adv. 相当,十分 I quite like what he drew . 我非常喜欢他画的画。3. quiet adj. 安静,宁静 The n

    16、ight is quite quiet. 夜晚很安静。4. quiz n. 小测验 We will have a quiz about what we learn in this class. 我们将就这堂课的内容进行测验。 另类阅读:The boy was quite quiet while taking a quiz. He would wash his quilt after the quiz.轻松一刻At the graduating ceremony, the headmaster declared the top student , but the student didnt sh

    17、ow up for the award before him until he called the students name quite a few times.Later, the teacher asked the student, Why? Was there anything wrong with you or didnt you hear it clearly?The student answered, No. Its because Im afraid the other students didnt hear it.第八十二天1. poem poet poetry rhyme

    18、 rhythm pole pile 记忆:1. poem n. 诗 The poem is considered to be the highest form of expression in every culture. 诗在各种文化里都被认为是最高的艺术形式。 A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing with the waters of wisdom and delight (P.B.Shelley, British poet) 伟大的诗篇即是永远喷出智慧和欢欣之水的喷泉。(英国诗人 雪莱 P B)2. poet n. 诗人 The p

    19、oet I admire most is Libai in Tang Dynasty. 我钦佩的诗人是唐朝的李白。3. poetry n. 诗(总称) Historical poetry plays an important part in the world literature. 史诗在世界文学中有着重要的地位。4. rhyme raim n. 韵, vi. 押韵 The poem The Perfect Day mainly rhymes with ei诗完美的一天主要押ei韵。5. rhythm n.节奏, 韵律 The poem has a strong rhythm. 诗歌有强烈的

    20、节奏。6. pole n. 棒, 柱, 杆, 竿, 极 A pole can help you jump much higher. 一根杆子能助你跳得高得多。 the North Pole 北极7. pile pail n. 堆 v. 堆起, 堆积 Rubbish piles up outside the door. How can you stand it?门外垃圾堆起来了。你怎能忍受得了?另类阅读:Have you ever read the poem Homesick by Yu Guangzhong, a famous poet in Taiwan? I have piles of b

    21、ooks about him and his poetry. In the poem, he expressed the regret that he couldnt come back to his hometown over the distance of just a pole. 2. rag shabby rare rank raw razor记忆: 1. rag n. 抹布, 碎屑, 破旧衣服 I acted as a beggar in rags. 我扮演衣衫褴褛的乞丐。 2. shabby adj. 破旧的, 褴褛的, 低劣的 Its the governments fault

    22、that the children are still studying in these shabby classrooms. 孩子们仍在破旧的教室里读书,这是政府的责任。 3. rare adj. 稀罕的, 杰出的, (肉类)半熟的 The museum has collected a lot of rare works of the world-famous masters. 这博物馆已经收藏了大量的世界著名大师的珍品。 5. rank n. 等级 Tom often takes the first rank in the class. 汤姆经常在班上拿第一。 5. raw n. 生肉,

    23、 擦伤处, 身上的痛处 adj. 未加工的, 生疏的 All the raw materials will be sent to the plant five kilometers away. 所有的原材料被送到五公里外的工厂。 6. razor n. 剃刀 His words were as sharp as a razor. 他的话刀子一般犀利。 7. shave vt. 剃, 刮, 削刮 We shave our faces with safety razors. 我们用安全剃刀刮脸。 另类阅读: The man in rags on the shabby sofa found some

    24、 raw materials of rare rank. Its said that a razor helped a lot in his discovery.3. adult youth youngster elder baby teenager adolescent adolescence记忆:1. adult n. 成人, 成年人 Though we missed the chance to go to universities when young, we can receive adult education to improve ourselves. 虽然我们年轻时失去了上大学的

    25、机会,我们可以接受成人教育来提高我们自己。 2. youth n. 青春, 青年时期 As the saying goes, youth is gold. 正如俗话说,青春是金。 格言: An idle youth, a needy age.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。3. youngster young-ster n. 年青人, 少年 Some youngsters pay little attention to value of traditional ideas. 一些年青人不怎么重视传统观点的价值。4. elder n. 年长者, 老人, 父辈 Anyway, the elder shou

    26、ld be respected. 不管怎么说,老年人应该受到尊重。 5. baby n. 婴孩 Any baby is lovely. 每个孩子都可爱。 6. teenager teen-age-r n. 十几岁的青少年 Teenagers sometimes are too crazy about pop stars. 有时候青少年对流行明星太狂热了。7. adolescent adol-escent adj. 青春期的, 青春的 Both teachers and parents should know about the adolescent problems. 教师和家长都应该了解青春

    27、期问题。8. adolescence n. 青春期 Adolescence is a crucial stage of the life. 青春期是人生的关键时期。另类阅读:A human will experience many stages of life: baby, child, youngster, teenager, adult and elder. The youth is the golden stage while there are many troubles in adolescence. 4. aggressive aggression invade invader i

    28、nvasion 记忆:1. aggressive adj. 好斗的, 侵略性的 The strong tend to be aggressive. 强者多好斗。 2. aggression n. 进攻, 侵略 The bloody aggression is unforgivable. 血腥的侵略是不可原谅的。 3. invade in-vade vt. 侵略, 侵袭, 拥挤 China was invaded by foreign forces several times in history. 历史上中国受到了数次外国侵略。4. invader n. 侵略者 All the invader

    29、s must be driven off. 所有的侵略者一定会被赶走。5. invasion n. 入侵 The military invasion aroused unrest in the Arabian world. 军事入侵引起了阿拉伯世界的不安。另类阅读: Never is an invasion welcome and never are invaders popular. An aggressive body is always a danger to human peace.5. a.m. p.m. AD BC CD CD-rom disk disc DVD VCD f. m. UN记忆:1. a. m. 上午 We get up 6:30 a. m. 我们早晨6:30起床。2. p. m. 下午 Our kids get back from school at 5 p. m. 我们的孩子下午5点放学回家。 3. AD 公元 (Anno Domini) Zu Geliang, a famous genius in military history, died in 234 AD. 军事史上的著名天才诸葛亮死于公元234年。4


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