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    1、新编大学英语教案1doc4新编大学英语教案(4)大外院第二教研室Unit One Leisure Activities1Aims of TeachingMaster the words describing leisure activities.Improve the students abilities of communication and making comments2Key PointsLearn something about leisure activities. Learning to employ the following key words and phrases in

    2、to practice. elderly persist irritate attempt to do something environment flesh optional illusion vision attach to complete with arrest convict investigate penalty suspect end with without doubt take on bare resume back out catch on get through fill in for somebodyLearning some magic tricksLearning

    3、some English grammar3Methods of TeachingUsing multi-media teaching equipmentGroup-DiscussionLiving performance4Time Arrangement:1 Preparation 2-3In-Class Reading: Entertaining HumorWhats Funny?4After-Class Reading5ExercisesUnit 1 Leisure ActivitiesPart I Preparation Useful InformationThere are some

    4、people in society who either has to or want to work all the time. Most people, however, seek ways to socialize, to relax or to have fun during their leisure hours. Obviously peoples tastes vary depending on their income and their age. But in recent years, the home entertainment, industry has grown a

    5、ll over the world. Instead of going out to see a movie or taking a walk in a park, people of all ages prefer to turn on the television and stay at home. More and more families have tape recorders, CD players, VCRs and VCDs to add to the variety of leisure activities in the home. In some countries, y

    6、oung people spend hours sitting in front of their computers, surfing on the Internet or playing computer games.Despite the rise in home entertainment, there are still many people who enjoy spending some of their leisure time attending sports events or participating in competitive sports or other phy

    7、sical activities such as dancing and tai chi (shadow boxing). Exercise not only contributes to good health but also takes the mind away from worries and troubles.Concerts, plays and other performances constitute another source of entertainment outside the home. While some people prefer to be enterta

    8、ined, others prefer to be the entertainers. They derive great satisfaction in giving others pleasure by making them laugh or by enabling them to lose themselves in the imaginary world of a play or the relaxing sounds of musi3) Age groupLeisure activities College studentsplaying tennis, playing table

    9、 tennis, playing football, playing basketball, going swimming, going skating, going to Karaoke bars, playing cards, going to movies, watching VCDs, playing computer games, dancing, playing musical instruments, collecting stamps, collecting coins, going to the pub, traveling,. listening to music, rea

    10、ding novels, watching a sports match, going to a concert, going to theatres and museums, going shopping Our parentswatching TV, going shopping, traveling, bowling, dancing, going to Karaoke, listening to music, reading novels, playing mahjong, watching a sports match, going to concert, playing chess

    11、Our grandparentswatching TV, dancing, bird-raising, growing plants and flowers, drinking tea in the tea house, traveling, listening to music, reading novels, playing mahjong, watching a sports match, going to a concertMost activeactivitiesSports activities, dancingMost passiveactivitiesWatching TV,

    12、listening to music, reading novels, going to the pub, playing cards and mahjong, drinking teaMost popularactivities(open) Watching VCDsGoing to moviesAdvan- tages1) Its more convenient, you dont have to buy tickets, and be dressed formally.2) You can watch a VCD wherever you like.3) You can watch it

    13、 over and over again if you like.4) Its much cheaper than watching a movie.1) Movies are better in quality than VCDs.2) You can watch undisturbed.3) You have a relaxed holiday feeling.Disadvan- tages1) The quality is not as good as that of a movie.2) You are always disturbed by telephone calls or ot

    14、her things while watching. 1) The cinemas are sometimes too noisy, and too dirty.2) In summer there are many mosquitoes in cinemas. Part II In-class Reading Passage Entertaining Humor Whats Funny?I. The usage of some new words1. bureau n. 1)(上有移动覆盖的)大书桌,写字台2)(政府机构的)局,部,处e.g. a) a travel bureau 旅游局 b

    15、) census bureau 人口普查局调查统计局 c) the bureau of personnel 人事局d)Public Security Bureau公安局bureaucracy官员;(公司的)管理人员;官僚政治;官僚机构2. clarify v. 1) 解释;澄清;阐明e.g. a) clarify matters 澄清真相 b) The government has time and again clarified its position on equal pay for women? 政府已经反复阐明政府对男女同工同酬的立场。2) 使(液体、黄油等)纯净3. elderly

    16、 a. 过了中年的, 稍老的注意 old, aged, elderly均可用来形容人,意为“老的”,old 为一般用语,意为年老的,如: The older we grow, the wiser we become.;aged 的意思较为庄重,有很老、上了年纪的意思 The aged lady died of cancer.;elderly 指已过中年,日趋老境,如:The mayor is an elderly man about sixty.4. irritate v. 1) 激怒 e.g. The noise of the children was irritating me. 孩子们的

    17、吵闹使我恼火。2) 刺激 e.g. a) The smoke irritated my eyes.烟熏得我的眼睛怪难受的。b) Wool irritates my skin. 羊毛刺激我的皮肤。3) 使疼痛 e.g. Insect bites irritate your skin.虫子叮疼了你的皮肤。5. persist vi. (in) 坚持不懈,执意1) 持续;存留e.g. On the top of very high mountains snow persists throughout the. year 高山顶上积雪终年不化。2) (in) 坚持(不懈),执意注意 persist和

    18、insist都有“坚持”的意思,persist与in连用,表示“坚持从事某行动”,可以表示不顾挫折困难地坚持,也被用来表示不听开导或劝告而顽固地坚持已见,如: to persist in doing things in ones own way;insist与on连用,有“坚持某个意见”、“坚持要求”、“一定要”的含义,从句中要用虚拟语气,如:He insisted on a reply from the manager. / He insisted that the manager give him a reply.persistence n. 坚持,固执6. reasonable a. 合

    19、理的注意 reasonable, rational都指“根据理性的”,reasonable形容人或其行为、言词、计划或程序,着重在决定和选择时表现出精明的判断以及由理智支配,如:He took a reasonable view of dispute and offered a solution that was fair, sensible and practical.;rational 着重具有合乎逻辑的思考能力,和能作出指导言行的结论的能力,如:His approach to the problem is rational.7. sparkle v. 1) 闪闪发光;闪烁;闪耀e.g.

    20、Dewdrops sparkled in the morning sun. 露珠在早晨的阳光下闪闪发光。2) 显露,流露(兴奋、兴致等);发亮e.g. Her eyes sparkled with joy. 她的眼睛里闪烁着喜悦的光芒。3) (才智等)焕发 e.g. The dialogue sparkles with wit. 这段对话妙趣横生。n. 火花;火星;闪烁 II. Language Points1. diverse (l. 4) a. 不同的, 相异的,多种多样的 与different相比,diverse更强调同一组事物中各个个体之间不尽相同:e.g. a) His charac

    21、ter is diverse from hers. / diverse interests/ ways b) There are diverse opinions about it.2. string (l. 13) n 一 串东西:a string of pearls 一串珍珠. 3. mutual (l. 19) a. 1) 共同的: mutual efforts 共同的努力 e.g. a mutual friend of ours 我们共同的朋友 2) 互相的;彼此的:e.g. to give mutual support and inspiration 相互支持并鼓舞.4. help

    22、(l. 29) vi. 有帮助,有用: This medicine handbook helps a lot. 这本医药手册很有用。5. range from (l. 33) range from / between(在一定范围内)变动,变化: e.g. a) The increase ranged from several to several dozen times. 增长几倍至几十倍不等。 b) Prices range between $50 and $250. 价格在50美元至250美元之间不等。 6. make fun of sb. (l. 35) v. 取笑。也可写为poke f

    23、un at sb, tease 7. appeal to (l. 36) v. 1) 吸引;引起兴趣:She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。e.g. Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?你有没有兴趣到合资企业去工作?This advertisement is calculated to appeal to children. 这个广告是针对儿童设计的. I can not say smoking appeal to me very much. 我不能说吸烟对我有多大吸引力。2) 求助于,诉诸于:

    24、e.g. to appeal to arms 诉诸武力 / to appeal to reason 用理智(讲道理)3) 律 上诉 (也可用appeal against): appeal sth. toe.g. a) to appeal a decision to a higher court 不服判决提出上诉b) He appealed against the judges decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。8. lie in (l. 39) v. (存)在于:e.g. The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies

    25、in its internal contradictoriness. 事物发展的根本原因在于事物内部的矛盾性。9. note (l. 63) n. Some set phrases with note: 1) make a note of something: write something down so that you can look at it later(记录下) e.g. I made a note of her address and phone number. 2) take/make notes: write notes(记笔记) e.g. She sat quietly

    26、in the corner making careful notes. 3) take note: pay careful attention to something(注意)eg. People were beginning to take note of her talent.10. blame (l.88) v. Some set phrases with blame: 1) blame somebody for something: (责备) e.g. Its not fair to blame me its not my fault that we lost. 2 ) be to b

    27、lame: (是某人的过错) e.g. You are not to blame for what happened. 事情的发生不是你的过错。 3) only have oneself to blame: used to say that someones problems are his own fault 咎由自取 e.g. If he fails his exams, hell only have himself to blame.11. alive (l. 88) a. (not used before noun) 1) still living and not dead: e.g.

    28、 It was really a bad accident theyre lucky to be alive. 2) active and happy: e.g. It was the kind of morning when you wake up and feel really alive.3) continuing to exist: e.g. Ancient traditions are still very much alive in rural areas. 12. not (no) because (l. 41) 并不是因为而 I did not come because I w

    29、as afraid of you. I didnt read the novel because I did not like the auther. Since I didnt like the auther of this novel I dint read it.Reading ComprehensionI. Understanding the Organization of the TextPara.l-3Humor is universal, but peoples sense of humor varies.Para. 4.Even animals have a sense of

    30、humor. The authors dog is a good example.Para. 5The typical three parts of a joke: 1) setup, 2) body, 3) punch line.Para. 6-12Different forms of humor: 1) slap-stick, 2) Chinese cross-talk, 3) a play on words, 4) puns and double-entendres. Para. 13Humor will persist even though some professional hum

    31、orists think todays humor is not very intelligent or sophisticated. 2. Understanding Specific Information 1) B 2) D 3) C 4) A 5) C 6) A 7) A 8) D 9) B l0) BUnit Two The Power of WordsAims of Teaching:Learning the power of wordsImprove the students abilities of communication and making commentsKey PointsLearn some benefit of noteLearning to employ the following key words and phrases into practice. acquaintance affected anniversary boost characterize intrigue


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