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    高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析.docx

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    高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析.docx

    1、高级阅读No Signposts in the Sea海上无航标 原文+翻译+生词注解+修辞赏析No Signposts in the Sea一、In the dining-saloon I sit at a table with three other men, Laura sits some way off with a married couple and their daughter. I can observe her without her knowing and this gives me pleasure, for it is as in a moving picture th

    2、at I can note the grace of her gestures,whether she raises a glass of wine to her lips or turns with a remark to one of her neighbors or takes a cigarette from her casewith those slender fingers(loose sentense松散句).I have never had much of an eye for noticing the clothes of women, but I get the impre

    3、ssion Laura is always in grey and white by day, looking cool when other people are flushed and shinyin the tropical heat; in the evening, she wears soft rich colors(metonymy借代), dark red, olive green, midnight blue, always of the most supple flowing texture. I ventured to say something of the kind t

    4、o her, when she laughed at my clumsy compliment and said. I had better take to writing fashion articles instead of political leaders.PS:soft:ADJ Something that is soft is very gentle and has no force. For example, a soft sound or voice is quiet and not harsh. A soft light or colour is pleasant to lo

    5、ok at because it is not bright. (声音、光线或色彩) 柔和的;rich:Rich smells are strong and very pleasant. Rich colours and sounds are deep and very pleasant. 浓郁的 (气味); 浓厚的 (色彩)因此soft和rich这里的修辞手法是:oxymoron n. (修词中的)矛盾修饰法1.【have an eye for】有.鉴赏能力You have a eye for beauty/color具有审美的眼光Have an only eye for:觊觎2. 【ven

    6、ture to do】:冒犯,自谦3. 【clumsy】:不恰当的4.【take to sb.】develop a liking for开始喜欢上在餐厅里我同另外三个男人围坐在一张桌子旁,而劳拉同一对夫妇及他们的女儿一块儿坐在离我不远的地方。我可以观察她而不让她发觉,这使我觉得开心,因为我可以像看电影一样地欣赏她优雅的动作,不论是举杯送到唇边,还是扭头与邻座交谈,抑或是用她那纤细的手指从烟盒中夹取香烟的动作。我向来不太会欣赏也不大注意女人的衣着,但我却有这样的印象:劳拉白天总穿着灰色和白色的衣服,因而当别人被热带的高温烘烤得红光满面时,她看上去却给人一种清爽的感觉。到了晚间,她又总是穿着深红、

    7、橄榄绿、深蓝等色调柔和富丽、质料柔软光滑的衣服。当我不揣冒昧地将这话对她讲时,她对我这种不恰当的恭维报以开心的大笑,还说我最好不再写什么政坛人物的述评文章而改行专写时装评论算了。二、The tall Colonel whose name is Dalrymple seems a nice chap . He and I and Laura and a Chinese woman improbablycalledMmeMerveille have made up a Bridge-four and thusbeguile ourselves for an hour or so after din

    8、ner while others dance on deck. The Colonel, who is not too offensively an Empire-builder, sometimes tries to talk to me about public affairs; he says he used to readme(metonymy借代), and is rather charmingly deferential , prefacing his remarks by Of course its not for me to suggest to you and then pr

    9、oceeding to tell me exactly how he thinks some topical item of our dome, the or foreign policy should be handled. He is by no means stupid or ill-informed; a little opinionated perhaps, and just about as far to the Right as anybody could go, but I like him, and try not to tease him by putting forwar

    10、d views which would only bring a puzzled look to his face. Besides, I do not want to become involved in discussion. I observe with amusement how totally the concerns of the world, which once absorbed me to the exclusion of all else except an occasional relaxation with poetry or music, have lost inte

    11、rest for me eve to the extent of a bored distaste. (难句)Doubtless some instinct impels me gluttonously to cram these the last weeks of my life with the gentler things I never had time for, releasing some suppressed inclination which in fact was always latent. Or maybe Lauras unwitting influence has c

    12、alled it out.1.【improbably】难以置信的2.【Bridge】大写:桥牌3.【beguile】消磨时间v. the time4.【the Right】大写:右翼5.【gluttonously】贪婪的6.【latent】adj. 潜在的;潜伏的;隐藏的6.【called sth out】唤起那个名叫达里波的高个子上校看样子是个好相处的人。他和我同劳拉及一个竟被人称呼为麦尔维尔夫人的中国妇女凑成一桌桥牌,四人搭档。这样,晚饭后,当其他的人在甲板上跳舞时,我们便用打牌来消遣个把小时。上校是英国殖民地的军官,还不太讨人厌,他经常找我谈论一些国家大事,他说他曾读过我的书,说起话来带

    13、有恭维的口吻,听起来相当顺耳。他一开口总是先来上一句“当然,我没有资格建议您”接下来他就会明确地谈他该如何处置关于某项国内或外交事务的意见。这无疑是自己受某种本能的驱使,要贪婪地用一些过去无暇享受的赏心乐事来填补自己生命中的最后几周,释放那些在过去虽受到压抑但一直潜伏在自己心中的欲望。也许是劳拉的无意的影响唤起了我心中的欲望。三、Dismissive as Pharisee(allusion典故), I regarded as moonlings all those whose life was lived on a less practical plane.(难句)Protests abou

    14、t damage to natural beauty froze me with contempt, for I believed in progress and could spare no regrets for a lake dammed into hydraulic use for the benefit of an industrial city in the Midlands. And so it was for all things. A hard materialism was my creed, accepted as a law of progress; any ascri

    15、ption of disinterested motives aroused not only my suspicion but my scorn.1.【Pharisee】frisi:法利赛人; 犹太人中的一部分,在圣经的新约中,他们是严守犹太教律法的人;伪善者;2.【Dismissive】adj. 表示轻视的;不屑一顾的;3.【moonlings】月球居民4.【hydraulic】hadrlkadj.水力的;5.【spare no regrets】如果spare no efforts表示不费力;那么spare no regrets表示不遗憾;6.【ascription】归因于7.【disin

    16、terested】公正无私的8.【old maid】老处女过去,我像法利赛人一样自以为是,轻视别人。只要别人的生活不像我这么讲求实际,我就把他们看作月球居民。对于人们因“大自然的美”遭到破坏而提出的抗议我嗤之以鼻,因为我相信文明的进步的合理性。对于为了利用水力使内地某个工业城市受益而在某个湖泊上筑起拦湖大坝这种事情我根本不觉得遗憾。对一切事物我都是这种态度。我信仰绝对的实用主义,并将其看作是人类进步的自然法则。任何人若标榜自己的行为出于无私的动机,那不仅会引起我的怀疑,而且会引起我的轻蔑。四、And now see how I stand, as sentimental and sensiti

    17、ve as any old maid doing water-colour s of sunsets! I once flattered myself that I was an adult man; I now perceive that I am gloriously andadolescently silly(oxymoron矛盾修辞法).A new Clovis(allusion典故), loving what I have despised, and suffering from calf-love into the bargain, I want my fill of beauty

    18、 before I go(Euphemism委婉).(难句)Geographically I did not care and scarcely know where I am. There are no signposts in the sea.1.【flatter myself as】自诩为2.【adolescently】幼稚的,孩子气的3.【Clovis】克洛维(法国国王)4.【calf love】早恋5.【into the bargain】在契约(或合同)规定之外,另外还,此外,加之,而且可是看看现在的我吧,竟然像一个老处女正用水彩画着西下的残阳,十分地多愁善感!我曾自诩为老成持重,现

    19、在却意识到自己傻得的天真可爱。就像那个改弦易辙的克洛维一样,我竟然对自己过去所鄙视的一切开始热爱起来,并且还要遭受少年初恋的痛苦。我想在离开人世之前尽情享受一切美好的东西。我不知道也不想知道自己身处何方。茫茫大海无路标。五、The young moon lies on her back tonight(personification拟人)as is her habit in the tropics, and as, I think, is suitable if not(让步,虽然) seemly for a virgin. Not a star but might not shoot dow

    20、n and accept the invitation to become her lover.(难句)When all my fellow-passengers have finally dispersed to bed, I creep up again to the deserted deck and slip into the swimming pool and float, no longer what people believe me to be, a middle-aged journalist taking a holiday on an ocean-going liner,

    21、 but a liberated being, bathed in mythological water s, anEndymion(allusion)young and strong, with a god for his father and a vision of the world inspired from Olympus.All weight is lifted from my limbs; 1 am one with the night; I understand the meaning of pantheism .How my friends would laugh if th

    22、ey knew I had come to this! To have discarded , as I believe, all usual frailties , to have become incapable of envy, ambition, malice , the desire to score off my neighbour, to enjoy this purification even as I enjoy the clean voluptuousness of the warm breeze(移就transferred epithet) on my skin and

    23、the cool support of the water(移就transferred epithet). Thus, I imagine, must the pious feel cleansed on leaving the confessional after the solemnity of absolution .(难句) 1.【on her back】仰卧2.【seemly】得体的;3.【if not】如果不是这样的话;否则4.【tropics】热带;5.【disperseto】分散到6.【creep up】登上7.【ocean-going】adj. 远洋航行的,远洋的8.【lin

    24、er】n. 班轮,班机;9.【Endymion】endimin n. 恩底弥翁(希腊神话中月之女神所爱的英俊牧童)10.【Olympus】ulimps n. 天堂,天国;奥林匹斯山(诸神的住所)11.【a vision of】具有的慧眼12.【pantheism】pniz()m泛神论13.【frailty】n. 虚弱;弱点;意志薄弱14.【score off】驳倒;打败15.【voluptuousness】vlptsnsn. 性感;淫乐;感官享受16.【be one with】与融为一体17.【absolution】n. 赦免;免罪18.【confessional】告解室、忏悔室今夜的一弯新月


    26、我呢!在享受着这暖风浴肤,凉水托体所带来的清新快感时,我相信我的心灵也得到了净化,丢弃了凡人皆有的种种弱点,变得不会嫉妒,没有野心,没有恶意,与世无争。照我想象,那些虔诚的教徒在做完庄严的忏悔仪式离开忏悔室时,他们心灵得到净化的感觉一定就像我此时的感觉一样。六、Sometimes Laura and I lean over thetaffrail, and that is happiness. It may be by daylight, looking at the sea, rippled with little white ponies(metaphor暗喻), or with no r

    27、ipples at all but only the lazy satin of blue, marbled at the edge where the passage of our ship has disturbed it.Or it may be at night, when the sky surely seems blacker than ever at home and the stars more golden. I recall a phrase from the diary of a half-literate soldier, The stars seemed little

    28、 cuts in the black cover, through which a bright beyond was seen. Sometimes these untaught scribblers have a way of putting things.七、The wireless told us today that there is fog all over England.1.【taffrail】tfreln. 船尾栏杆;船尾上部2.【satin】stn n. 缎子;缎子衣服3.【The wireless】无线电广播4。有时,劳拉和我一起倚在船尾栏杆上,这对我是一种幸福。倘是在白

    29、天,我们凭栏远眺大海,只见海面上时而翻卷起白色的浪花,时而平静得宛若一幅微微飘动起伏着的蓝色缎面,完全见不到翻起的浪花,只有我们的轮船驶过之处才泛起一道道如大理石般的波纹。若是在夜晚,我们翘首望天,这儿的夜空比故乡的更黑,星光却显得更加璀璨。此时此景令我不由想起一个粗通文墨的士兵在日记中写的这样一句话:“星星看起来就像一个黑锅盖上挖的许多小窟窿,透过这些小窟窿可以看见锅盖外面的亮光。”有时候那些没念过书的人信笔涂鸦写的东西倒也有那么两下子。据无线电广播,今天全英格兰弥漫着大雾。八、Sometimes we follow a coastline, it may beprecipitousbluf

    30、fs of grey limestone rising sheer out of the sea, or a low-lying arid stretch with miles of white sandy beach, and no sign of habitation, very bleached and barren(alliteration头韵). These coasts remind me of people; either they are forbidding and unapproachable , or else they present no mystery and sh

    31、ow all they have to give at a glance, you feel the country would continue to be flat and featureless however far you penetrated inland. What I like best are the stern cliffs, with ranges of mountains soaring behind them, full of possibilities, peaks to be scaled only by the most daring. What plants

    32、of the high altitudes grow unravishedamong their crags and valleys? So do I let my imagination play overthe recesses of Lauras Character, so austere in the foreground but nurturing what treasures of tenderness, like delicate flowers, for the discovery of the venturesome.PS:The author compares the sheer steep cliffs to forbidding and unapproachablepeople and the barren open sandy beach to people who have nothing to reveal.这种手法叫做anal


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