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    9、C、采用基本认证方式时,用户名和密码是明文发送的D、采用windows集成认证方式时,密码和帐号信息将以加密的方式传输参考答案:BCD245.一台路由器的安全快照需要保存如下信息()a)当前的配置running-configb)当前的开放端口列表c)当前的路由表d)当前的CPU状态参考答案:ab2514TCP/IP的三次握手过程是?ASYN/ACK,BSYN/ACK,CSYN,参考答案:D26Michel wants to write a computer virus that will cripple UNIX systems. What is going to be the mainobs

    10、tacle preventing him from success?A. UNIX computers are extremely difficult to access illicitly over the internet, and therefore computerviruses are not an issue with UNIX systemsB. Due to the file permission structure and the number of variations in the UNIX hardwarearchitectures, a virus would hav

    11、e to gain root privileges as well as identify the hardware and UNIXflavor in use.C. Due to availability of effective free anti-virus tools, computer viruses are caught early and often.Michels virus would have to evade detection for it to succeed.D. Due to the extensive use of ANSI C in the programmi

    12、ng of UNIX, the virus would have to mimicsome of the source code used in the infected iteration of the UNIX operating systemAnswer: B27What is the primary security risk in SNMP?A. Login names and passwords are not encryptedB. Damaging programs can be executed on the clientC. Damaging programs can be

    13、 executed on the serverD. Passwords and Data is transferred in CleartextAnswer: D28Which port does FTP use for a control connection?A. 21B. 25C. 53D. 162Answer: A29Which system provides relay services between two devices?A. Proxy serverB. GatewayC. VPND. Screening routerAnswer: B30Kerstin wants to i

    14、mprove the security on her FTP server. She is worried about password-sniffing attacks.Which of the following is the best action for her to take?A. Disable anonymous loginsB. Allow only anonymous loginsC. Configure the firewall to block port 21D. Place the FTP server outside of the firewallAnswer: B3

    15、1Which type of attack occurs when a hacker obtains passwords and other information from legitimatetransactions?A. Man-in-the-middle attackB. Denial-of-service attackC. Dictionary attackD. Illicit server attackAnswer: A32You notice that your FTP service reveals unnecessary information about your serv

    16、er. Which of thefollowing is the most efficient solution to this problem?A. Filter out the login banner using a packet filterB. Disable the service in questionC. Place the service behind the firewallD. Disable the login banner for the serviceAnswer: D33What common target can be reconfigured to disab

    17、le an interface and provide inaccurate IP addressesover the Internet?A. RoutersB. E-mail serversC. DNS serversD. DatabasesAnswer: A34Which service, command or tool discovers the IP addresses of all computers or routers between twocomputers on an internet/intranet network?A. WhoisB. Port scannerC. Tr

    18、acerouteD. NslookupAnswer: C35Which type of attack uses a simple or complex program that self-replicates and/or deposits a payload ona remote or local computer?A. Dictionary attackB. Hijacking attackC. Illicit server attackD. Virus attackAnswer: D36Kerstin connected to an e-commerce site and brought

    19、 a new mouse pad with her credit card for $5.00plus shipping and handling. She never received her mouse pad so she called her credit card company tocancel the transaction. She was not charged for the mouse pad, but she received multiple charges sheknew nothing about. She tried to connect to the site

    20、 again but could not find it. Which type of hackingattack occurred?A. Denial-of-service attackB. Hijacking attackC. Illicit server attackD. Spoofing attackAnswer: B37每一个安全域总体上可以体现为以下的层面:()。A、接口层B、核心层C、系统层D、网络层参考答案:ABC38What do the discretionary ACL (access control list) and the system ACL in Windows

    21、 NT have incommon?A. Both share properties for storing secure object identifiersB. Both can grant or deny permissions to parts of the systemC. Both are installed by default on the system in different sections of the client/server modelD. Both are responsible for creation of the master access control

    22、 listAnswer: A39安全域划分的根本原则包括:()。A、业务保障原则B、结构简化原则C、等级保护原则D、生命周期原则参考答案:ABCD40Under the level C2 security classification, what does discretionary access control mean?A. Discretionary access control means that the owner of a resource must be able to use that resourceB. Discretionary access control is th

    23、e ability of the system administrator to limit the time any userspends on a computerC. Discretionary access control is a policy that limits the use of any resource to a group or a securityprofileD. Discretionary access control is a rule set by the security auditor to prevent others from downloadingu

    24、nauthorized scripts or programs.Answer: A41安全评测标准依据原信息产业部制定的电信网和互联网安全防护系列标准,应从以下方面检查系统安全防护能力。()。A、业务、网络、设备B、业务、网络、设备、物理环境C、业务、网络、设备、物理环境、管理D、业务、网络、设备、物理环境、管理、灾难备份与恢复参考答案:D42审计日志根据萨班斯财务审计周期的要求,以下说法正确的是:()。A、在线保存三个月,离线保存一年,并永久备份在磁带上。B、在线保存六个月,离线保存一年。C、在线保存三个月,离线保存一年。D、在线保存六个月,离线保存两年,并永久备份在磁带上。参考答案:A43



    27、:BCD5012、DNS服务面临的安全隐患主要包括下面哪几项:A、DNS欺骗(DNSSpoffing)。B、拒绝服务(Denialofservice,DoS)攻击。C、分布式拒绝服务攻击和缓冲区漏洞溢出攻击(BufferOverflow)。参考答案:ABC51What is a spoofing attack?A. A hacker pretends to be the superuser and spoofs a user into allowing him into the systemB. A hacker calls a user and pretends to be a system

    28、 administrator in order to get the users passwordC. A computer (or network) pretends to be a trusted host (or network)D. A hacker gains entrance to the building where the network resides and accesses the system bypretending to be an employeeAnswer: C529、aix中lppchk命令是很常用的,下面关于lppchk命令,正确的说法是:()A、可以用l




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