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    1、武汉市江岸区20七年级下学期期中考试英语试题及答案七年级英语试题学年度第二学期期中质量检测听力部分一、听力测试(共三节,每小题分,满分分)第一节(共小题,每小题分,满分分)听下面个问题.每个问题后有三个答语,从题中所给A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每个问题后,你都有秒钟的时间来作答和阅读下一小题.每个问题仅读一遍. 1AYes,I can BYes,Ido CYes,I am2. AAt: BIn the classroom CJenny3. AOn Sunday morning BIm twelveCBy bus APandas BShe likes dogs CSalad第二节(

    2、共小题,每小题分,满分分)听下面段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.听完每个问题后,你都有秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍. How long does it take the boy to get to school?AAbout minutesBAbout minutesCAboutminutes Whats the boy doing?AHe is eating BHe is reading in the libraryCHe is talking with his friends ?What club does Cind

    3、y want to join ?AThe chess club BThe English club CThe music club What does Dick often do at home?AHe washes his clothesBHe cleans his roomCHe does the dishes What are the young people doing?APlaying basketball BRiding bikesCSwimming What does Lisa wear?A. A red sweater and a green skirtB. A blue Ts

    4、hirt and a black skirtC. A green Tshirt and a blue skirt What do you think of the cat?AIts lazyBIts shy CIts friendly What can we learn from the conversation?AHelen is studying in Shanghai now BHelen doesnt know her aunts phone numberBHelen is living in China now第三节(共小题,每小题分,满分分)听下面段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几

    5、个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项.听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间,每段对话或独白读两遍.听第段材料,回答第至题. Why is the woman having the party?AFor her birthday BBecause shes leaving for her holiday CBecause she moves to a new houseWhen is the party?AThis SaturdayBThis SundayCNext Monday The two speakers are pr

    6、obably AFather and daughterBClose friendsCTeacher and student听第段材料,回答第至第题. Whats Jim doing now?AHes watching TVBHes sleepingCHes listening to MP Where is the camera?AOn Jims bedBOn Jims fathers deskCOn Jims desk What can you learn about Jim?AHe likes getting up early BHis mother asks him to go to be

    7、 dearly every day CHe needs to visit the Childrens Palace on Saturday morning听第段材料,回答第至题.What animals does Amy like?APandas BKoalas CGiraffes Whats Clarks favorite animal?AThe koalaBThe tiger CThe elephantWhat time will the speakers meet in the zoo tomorrowAAt:BAt: CAt: What can we know about Amy?AS

    8、he thinks koalas can help people BShe doesnt like tigers CShe thinks elephants are scary听第段材料,完成第至题.Who is Jack?AThe speakers friendBThe speakers friends dogCThe speaker Why does the dog walk around the room a few times?He wants to make the young man angryHe wants to tell its time to walk in the par

    9、k CHe wants to make his owner happyWhat do we learn about the dog?AQuite shyBVery clever CNot friendly笔试部分二、选择填空(本题共分,每小题分)从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案. What is the weather ?Its A/;raining Blike;rainClike;raining D/;rain What are you doing,Lingling? ANot much BThanks BCSee you then DThats all right

    10、 CListen! Who in the music room?It must be JaneShe usually at the time everydayAIs singing;sings BIs singing;is singingCsings;is singing Dsings;sings Your hat is very You must keep it cleanOKI will clean itAnoisy Bquiet Cnew Ddirty Excuse me,how long can I this dictionary?For two weeksAfind Bkeep Cb

    11、ring Dtake BDoes the soup nice?YesIts hot,but really deliciousAsound Bsmell Ctaste Dlook BHow beautiful the dress looks!But I am afraid the color will when I wash itAkeep Bsee Crun Dleave BHows your mother now?The doctor says shes well on the to recovery(康复)Arace Bplace Croad Dstreet Its said that r

    12、ed eggs area of good luck, so some people eat them on their birthdayAsymbol Bname Cgift Dfood Oh,dear,theres nothing in the fridge for lunchIt doesnt matterLets thenAeat out Bget lost Ccut down DThink of My Grandpa is a good swimmerHe can swim the Changjiang River in summerAover Bpast Cdown Dacross

    13、Where the lions ?South AfricaAis;from Bare;come from Cdo;from Ddo;come from BMay I watch TV,Dad? When your home work is finished,you Ashould Bcan Cmust Dneed B is it from your home to school?Its five kilometersAHow long BHow far CHow about DHow BExcuse me,can you tell me ?Sorry,I dont knowAWhere is

    14、the post office BWhere is there a bank near here CHow can I get to the post office DIf there is a bank near here三、完形填空(本题共分,每小题分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.Bill is 15 and he thinks he is a man now But his parents tell him,“You wont be a real man until you begin to helping others”On

    15、e morning,his parents give him some money to some milk for themOutside a shop he a homeless old manThe old man looks very Bill goes to him and asks, “Whats wrong you?”The old man answers,“Im I dont have any food for two days” Bill thinks of his parents and he says to the old man,“Lets go to the When

    16、 they there, Bill asks the waiter to bring out bread and coffee to the old manThe old man finishes the meal After the waiter takes away the plate and the cup,the oldMan says,“Sorry for giving you so much Im fine nowIll 5 for get your kindness!You are a very good young man” ,Bill is when he hears thi

    17、sJust when he wants to for the meal the waiter comesBill and the old man learn in surprise (惊讶地)that it is the birthday of the bossThey are the first customers(顾客)that day the food is free41Athink about Bgive up Cgo on DThank for 42Afind Bbuy Cdrink Dborrow Asees Basks Cmisses DfeelsAafraid Bglad Cs

    18、ick Dangry45Aon BIn Cwith Dover 46Adangerous Bkind Chungry Dcute 47Aphotos Bmoney Cwords Dorder 48ABank BLibrary CHospital Drestaurant 49Aleave Bride Cpass Dget 50Adifferently Bearly Cquietly Dquickly Aexercise Bdanger Ctrouble Dproblem Anever Balways Cusually Dsometimes AInterested Bhappy Csurprise

    19、d Dsorry Aspend Bpay Ctake DLook Abut BSo Cbecause Dif四、阅读理解(本题共分,每小题分)阅读下面三篇材料,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案. (A)Join us for a Day at Sun Valley Amusement ParkChildren agedtoare invited t o take part in the“Event of the Summer”at Sun Valley Amusement Park, the most popular amusement park on the Eas

    20、t CoastSun Valley has more thanamusement ridesFor sport lovers,there are basketball courts,an indoor baseball field,and climbing wallsNo amusement park would be complete without a gift shopSun Valley has two You wont want to miss out on this day off and Join us at Sun Valley Amusement Park onJulyReg

    21、ister(登记)earlyThe cost of the trip isThis includes tickets and all rides We suggest that all children bring lunchBuses leave at:A M and return at:PMRain Date:Wednesday,July Register at the Childrens Recreation Center at the Town Hall by July A oneday registration will also be held on Julyat the Brow

    22、n School For more information,call Jane Park satThe above material is most probably AAn advertisement BA letter CA story DA piece of news Who can take part in the“Event of the Summer”?AChildren under BChildren overCChildren aged DChildren aged The children had better bring A basketball Blunch CA gif

    23、t DA hat When can children register at the Brown School?AOn July BOn July COn July DOn July We know from the material that ASun Valley has two gift shops BTina and her mother must pay for the tripCSunValleyisthemostpopularamusementparkintheUnitedStates DThe amusement park is only for sports loversB)

    24、Fang fang,a Chinese girl,likes eating snacks(小吃)very muchShe prefers cream biscuits, icecream,French fries and so onSometimes she eats two packages of biscuits a dayAs are result,she becomes overweightToday in China, there are many children like Fang fangThey like snacksThey dont eat enough healthy

    25、foods like fruit and vegetablesIts very bad for their healthPoor eating habits area serious problem ,Health experts say that children should have healthy eating habitsFirst they must eat regularly and begin with a good breakfastSecond,they should have different kinds of foods,such as fruit,vegetable

    26、s,grain(谷物),eggs,milk,meat and so onThird,children shouldnt eat too many snacks and fried foodsThey are delicious,but eating too much is unhealthyIf children do as the experts say,they wont become fatThey will be healthierStudents wont become tired easily at school,and they will have enough energy t

    27、o study well What does the underlined word “overweight”mean in Chinese?A聪明的 B外向的 C痴呆的 D超重的 Fang fang becomes overweight because AShe is an American girl BShe has a balanced dietCShe likes eating snacks very much ? DShe likes vegetable soupWhat kind of food is good for our healthAFruit and vegetables

    28、 BFried foods and meatCEggs,milk and snacks DFast food and grains If students do as the experts say,they will ABecome fatter and fatter BBecome more and more beautifulCHave less energy to study ? DBe healthierWhich of the following is TRUE AEating snacks is good for your healthBFang fang doesnt like Beijing Roast Duck CFang fang is a healthy student from ChinaDStudents shouldnt eat too many fried foods(C)Bill likes drinking and he always gets drunk(喝醉的)One winter morning, he goes to a bar and drinks a lotWhen he leaves the bar,he is drunk againAfter getting home,Bill thinks he can


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