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    1、【即时即练】根据实际情况回答下列的问题:(1)Where are you from? _(2)Are you from America?2. 各个特殊疑问词的意思和运用1)疑问代词who 谁 (作主语和表语)whom 谁 (作宾语)whose 谁的 (作主语,表语,宾语和定语)which 哪个,哪些 (作主语,表语,宾语和定语)what 什么 (作主语,表语,宾语和定语)【注】疑问代词都属于第三人称,一般为单数,有时也代表复数。what, whose, which 作定语时,它们所修饰的名词必须放在它们之后。2)疑问副词(用作状语) when 何时 where 何地 why 为什么 how 如

    2、何 how much 多少 how many 多少how long 多久 how old 多大年纪 how far 多远 how big 多大用合适的疑问词填空(1)- _ does your mother do? - She is a teacher.(2)- _ is Tom? - In the classroom.(3)- _ is your little sister? - She is six years old.(4)- _ does your father go to work every day? - At about 7:30.(5)- _ students are ther

    3、e in your class? - Forty-five.(6)- _ class are you in, Class 1 or Class 2? - Class 2.(7)- _ do you want to make friends with Anna? - Because she is very friendly.(8)- _ is your best friend? - Mary.(9)- _ bag is this? - Its Johns.(10)- _ does your brother go to school? - He goes to school on foot.3.

    4、特殊疑问句的两种结构第一种结构(与陈述句的词序同)a) 疑问词(who, what, which, whose)作主语。 如: Who is there?What is in the box?Which is mine?b) 疑问词(what ,which, whose) 作定语用来修饰主语。 What books are on the desk?Which book is mine?Whose book is on the desk?第二种结构(疑问词 + 一般疑问句的词序) a) 疑问词作宾语 Whom are you talking to?What are you doing?Which

    5、 do you want?b) 疑问词作表语。 Who is he? 他是谁?What is that? 那是什么?Whose is this? 这是谁的?c) 疑问词作定语(其所修饰的成分是宾语或表语)。如: What magazines have you? 你有什么杂志? Whose book is this? 这是谁的书? Which one do you want? 你是哪一个?d) 疑问词作状语。 When did you come back? 你什么时候回来的? Where did you go? 你上哪儿去了? How did you come back? 你怎么回来的?4. 不

    6、定冠词a和an的用法:1)a用在以辅音音素开头的单词前,如:a boy, a university student2)an用在以元音音素开头的单词前,如:an apple, an honest boy选用a或an 填空(1)My brother is _ doctor.(2)This is _ old man.(3)Jack wants to be _ engineer.(4)Miss Liu is _ nice nurse.(5)_ friendly girl sits near me.(6)I will come back in half _ hour.(7)We have three m

    7、eals _ day.(8)Tony is _ honest student.(9)What _ interesting book it is!(10)My dream is to be _ good engineer.5. 定冠词the的用法:1)the用于特指的人或物前。如:Open the window, please.May I use the computer?2)the用于上文提到的人或物前。Peter has a dog. The dog is very clever.There is a book on the desk. The book is very interestin

    8、g.3)the用于世上独一无二的名称前。The earth moves around the sun.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.4)the用于表示方位、时间、乐器的名词前。Peter is the boy on the left.Mary takes exercise in the morning.Rose can play the piano.5)the用于姓氏复数形式前。The Greens are from England.The Browns have a holiday in Wales.6)the用于形容词最高级和

    9、序数词前。I live on the third floor.She is the most beautiful girl in our class.7)the与某些形容词连用表示“人”The rich have a lot of money.We should help the old. (1)Look! _ man over there is Li Leis father. A. An B. A C. The D. /(2)Lily plays _ guitar very well. A. the B. a C. / D. an(3)Dont make _ same mistake(错误)

    10、for the second time in_ day. A. a; the B. the; a C. the; the D. a; a(4)_ Greens are going to visit _ Summer Palace next week. A. The; the B. /; the C. a; / D. an; /(5)I often get up at 7:00 in _ morning, then have _ breakfast in a hurry. A. the; / B. the; the C. /;/ D. the;(6)Her room is on _ second

    11、 floor. A. a B. an C. the D. /6. 零冠词的用法:1)球类、学科和三餐的名词前。Tom likes playing basketball.Maths is my favourite subject. I have lunch at school every day.2)星期、月份和季节的名词前。We are going to go shopping on Sunday.I am going to Europe next April.Are you going to have a holiday this summer?3)交通工具和特定节日的名词前。I go to

    12、 work by bus every day.I usually receive many presents on Christmas Eve.(1)- What day is it today? - Its _ Wednesday.A. a B. the C. an D. /(2)- Are you _ Chinese or American? - Chinese. But I was brought up(成长) in New York. A. a B. an C. / D. the(3)March 8 is _ Womens Day. A. / B. the C. a D. an(4)D

    13、oes Miss Li go to work by _ bus or on _ foot?A. the; / B. a; / C. an; the D. /;(5)Lucy is interested in listening to _ music on _ radio.A. /; the B. the; / C. an; the(6)- Will you get there by _ train? - No, Ill take _ taxi. a B. /; / C. a; the D. the; a (7)People often go skating in _winter.A. / B.

    14、 a C. an D. the(8)- What do you like to do after school? - I like playing _ chess with my father. A. a B. an C. the D./7. 固定搭配 a little 一点 a lot of 许多 go for a walk 去散步 have a bath 洗澡 have a cold 感冒 have a good time 过得愉快 have a look 看一看 take a rest 休息一会儿 keep a diary 记日记三、巩固提升 (一)单项选择( ) 1 . - do yo

    15、u go swimming? - In the morning.A. When B. What C. Where D. Who( ) 2. - _ is the boy in blue?- Hes Jack.( ) 3. - _ is the diary?- Its under the chair.( ) 4. - do you go to school?- I go to school by bus.A. When B. What C. Where D. How( ) 5. - do you dance?- Its for an hour.A. When B. What C. Where D

    16、. How long( ) 6. Can you play _ violin? A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 7. Mr. Black teaches us how to play _ basketball.( ) 8. My mom goes to work by _ bus every day.( ) 9. We should help _ old.( ) 10. _ rich has a lot of money. A. A B. An C. The D. /( ) 11. Mr Black will come back in _ hour and _ half.

    17、A. an; a B. an; the C. a; a D. an; an( ) 12. The word “ mouth” has _ “m”, _ “u” and _ “h” in it. an; a B. a; a C. an; a; an D. a;( ) 13. What _ fine weather it is! A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 14. We have meals three times _ day. A. an B. a C. / D. the( ) 15. He is _ university student and he comes fro

    18、m _ island in England. an B. an; a C. a; an D. a;( ) 16. You are so tired, and you have to take _ rest.(二)翻译下列短语1. 一位科学家_2. 一位老年科学家_3. 一位老师_4. 一位美术老师_5. 一间办公室_6. 一间小办公室_7. 一个网友_8. 一个加拿大网友_9. 一位工程师_10. 一位重要的工程师_(三)就划线部分提问1. Tom is from Germany. _2. My elder brother is 15 year old.3. Lily wants to be

    19、an engineer._4. He has bread and milk for breakfast.5. There are six people in my family.6. Anna goes to bed at 10:00.7. These are Tonys books.8. Sam goes to school by bus.9. I like this film because its interesting.10. He likes green.四、课后拓展完形填空Im Tom. Im a student in a middle school. Im glad to mee

    20、t you here. First, let me _1_ you something about my family.Therere five people in my _2_: my mother, my father, my sister, my brother and I. My father is an old worker. My _3_ is a teacher of English. My sister is eighteen and my brother is sixteen. Im fourteen. We _4_ are in the same middle school

    21、. We all study hard.My home is at West Hill. A big river is near our _5_. And a hill is behind it. Theres a pear tree and some _6_ trees around our house. _7_ there arent any pears or apples _8_ them.Heres a _9_ of my house. In the photo, you can see three cats are in the living room. One is white, the other _10_ are black and white. We like them very much.( ) 1. A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak( ) 2. A. school B. class C. house D. family( ) 3. A. father B. mother C. brother D. sister( ) 4. A. two B. four C. three D. five( ) 5. A. family B. house C. school D. room( ) 6. A. peach B. orang


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