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    1、The boy has already read the book. (已经知道书的内容了,不用再看了)询问别人是否做过某事一般用现在完成时: Have you finished your homework?/Have you been to Beijing?/Have he seen the film?表示开始于过去并持续到现在的动作I have lived in Beijing for twenty years./I have worked for this school for 1 year.表示一种经历,经验:去过地方,做过事情,经历过事情I have never had a bath

    2、./I have never seen a film.I have never been to cinema. /I have ever been to Paris. 注:Have been to表示去过,have gone to 表示去了I have been to London.(人已经回来)/He has gone to London.(人还在那里)表示一种结果, 一般不和时间副词联用I have lost my pen./I have hurt myself.He has become a teacher./She has broken my heart.3)句型变化:变疑问句将助动词

    3、移到句首,变否定句在助动词后面加not. e.g. Have you lost your pen? I have not lost my pen.肯定回答及否定回答:Yes, I have. No, I have not.特殊疑问句:What have you done? / What has he done?一般过去时与现在完成时的区别:凡是有明确的表示过去的时间状语的句子为过去时3. 过去完成时: 1)用法:在过去的时间里,两个动作中,发生在前的哪个动作要用过去完成时。2)结构:had+过去分词After she had finished her homework, she went sh

    4、opping.They had sold the car before I asked the price.The train had left before I arrived at the station.After/before引导的时间状语从句放在句首要在句子后面加逗号,如果放在主句后则不用加。3)句型变化:变疑问句将助动词移到句首:Had she finished her homework?变否定句在助动词后面加not:She hadnt finished her homework.肯定回答及否定回答:Yes, she had. No, she hadnt.特殊疑问句:What ha

    5、d she done?4 情态动词的使用:can, must, may, might, need,1)情态动词can(能够), must(必须), may(可以)结构:主语+can/must/may+动词原型He can make the tea.Sally can air the room.We can speak English.变疑问句将情态动词移到句首Can he make the tea?Can Sally air the room?Can we speak English?变否定句在情态动词后面加notHe cannot make the tea.Sally cannot air

    6、the room.We cannot speak English.肯定回答及否定回答Yes, he can. No, he cannot.Yes, she can. No, she cannot.Yes, we can. No, we cannot.What can you do?注意:情态动词的句子没有第三人称单数的变化,不要在情态动词或动词后面加S。2)Must/have to的区别must 表示必须,是主观上觉得应该做,have to是不得不,是由于客观条件逼迫的必要要做must 只能用在表示现在和将来的句子里,而have to do可以用在任何时态3)must, may, might表

    7、示猜测: must do 表示对现在事实的猜测must have done表示对过去事实的猜测must have been doing 表示对过去正在进行的事实的猜测may/might do, may/might have done表示没有任何事实依据的猜测,might的可能性更小。5cant/couldnt 表示不可能练习题现在完成时练习一、按要求改变句型1. He has heard that before. (改为否定句) 2. The retired people have climbed Mount Xiang many times. (改为否定句)3. David has alre

    8、ady booked the theatre. (改为否定句)4. Steve and Carol have gone to Italy. (改为否定句)5. I have had my lunch already. (改为疑问句)6. Two of the scientists have been to the North Pole. (改为疑问句)7. I have taught English in the middle school since 1980. (改为疑问句)8. They have found a job already. (改为疑问句)9. The Smiths hav

    9、e had a holiday since Christmas. (对划线部分提问)10. The famous singers have gone to Greece to have a meeting. (对划线部分提问)11. Li Ming has received the invitation already. (对划线部分提问)12. Jim has forgot how to play cards. (对划线部分提问)二、用括号中动词的适当形式填空 Every student _ (see) the program already. Kent and I _ (write) po

    10、ems before. Dick _ (do) the work these days. The people living in the mountains _ never _ (see) films. Patty _ (buy) a magazine about the school life. The actress _ (live) here all her life. The glass is broken. Who _ (break) this glass? Finally the workers _ (finish) that job. _ you _ (borrow) the

    11、book we talked abut last time? Theres no more wine in the bottle. They _ (drink) all of it. Tom _ (leave) a message for you. He _ (call) last night. I _ (see) the movie once before. I _ (love) it a lot.13. A: _ (you/hear) the news?B: yes, I _A: Who _ (tell) you the news? Li Ming _ (do) When _ (he/te

    12、ll) you? Two hours ago.三.改错 What have you done last night? He knew Doctor Wang since thirty years ago. Kite has hurt his leg, but its OK now. I work here for over ten years. The chairman has gone to many countries in his life. Where have you borrowed that dictionary? Ive seen the play already. Have

    13、you seen it already? Did you see your sister carries all the baggage to the station? My brother has bought a used car, but then he sold it. Her mother has gone to Europe last season.四、选择填空( )1.Have you travelled on the train. Yes, I have.(A)never (B)ever (C)just (D)yet( )2.Have you finished your hom

    14、ework Not .(A)ever (B)already (C)yet (D)just( )3. We havent finished our homework .(A)already (B)ever (C)yet (D)never( )4.Have you learned English?Yes, Ive learned a lot.(A)never, ever (B)ever, never (C)ever, already (D)already. ever( )5.Have you finished your homework ?ve done that (A)yet, already

    15、(B)already, yet (C)ever, never (D)still ,just( )6.Johns father borrowed some pictures(A)have already (B)has just (C)have ever (D)has yet( )7.He finished his homework yet(A)doesnt (B)havent (C) hasnt (D) doesnt have ( )8.Ive been like this ever since (A)last week (B) for a week (C) a week before (D)t

    16、he last week( )9.My mother has worked in this factory 2 years.(A)about (B)for (C)in (D)since( )10. I havent heard from him last week.(A)since (B) for (C)ago (D)before( )11.His father joined the party_(A)for three years (B)since three years ago(C)three years ago (D)in two years time( )12.Mr Green isn

    17、t in the office , He to the library(A)has gone (B)went (C)has been (D)will go( )13.Mr smith to Tokyo and he will be back in a week(A)has been (B)has visited (C)has sent (D)has gone( )14.They_ China for two years (A)have been to (B)have been in(c)have gone to (D)have come to( )15.Jims been to the Gre

    18、at wall before , ?(A)isnt (B)wasnt (C)hasnt (D)doesnt( )16.Shes never been to England, she?(A)has (B)hasnt (C)isnt (D)is( )17._has Hanmei been in the library.(A)How long (B)How soon (C)How far (D)How often( )18.How long _he_the library book .(A)has, borrow (B)has, kept (C)has, bought (D)did, buy ( )

    19、19.Her father in 1990 and her husband for more than five years(A)died ,dead (B)has died, dead (C)died ,has been dead (D)has died, has died( )20.I have this nice watch for two years(A)had (B)bought (C)borrowed (D)lend( )21.He his home for ten years(A)has left (B)left from (C)has been away from (D)was

    20、 away from( )22.He a league member for three years (A)is (B)has been (C)has become (D)have become( )23.Lihuas brother has for two year (A)joined the army (B)been an army (C)become a soldier (D)been in the army( )24.He hasnt Quanzhou ever since he left school(A)left (B)been away (C)been (D)away ( )25

    21、. Have you finished your homeworkYes, I it last night(A)finish (B)finished (C)have finished(D)will finish( )26. you ever to NanjingYes, I there last year.(A)Havegone, have gone (B)Havebeen , went(C)Didgo, went (D)Didgo, has , been( )27.When you Lucy in New York?I here for two years(A)didmeet,havet s

    22、een (B)didmeet, havent seen(C)didmeet, dont see (D)wouldmeet, hadn过去完成时专项练习1. By the time my parents reached home yesterday, I _ the dinner already.A had cooked B. cooked C. have cooked D. was cooked2. She said she _ the principle alreadyA .has seen B. saw C. will see D. had seen3. She said her fami

    23、ly _ themselves _ the army during the war.A. has hidden, from B. had hidden, from C. has hidden, with D. had hidden, with4. By the time he was ten years old, he _.A. has completed university B. has completed the universityB. had completed an university D. had completed university5. He _ to play _ before he was 11 years old.A had learned, piano B. had learned, the piano C. has learned, the piano D. learns ,piano. 6 .He _ in the factory for three years before he joined the Army.A. has worked B. works C. had worked D. will work7. By the end of last week, they


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