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    浙江专用版高考英语复习 考点强化练1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1Word格式文档下载.docx

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    浙江专用版高考英语复习 考点强化练1 Unit 1 Friendship 新人教版必修1Word格式文档下载.docx

    1、也就是说,是毫无价值的。故选C项。2.Dickens is compared with the Mona Lisa in the text to stress .A.his reputation in FranceB.his interest in modern artC.his success in publicationD.his importance in literature答案D根据文章第二段的倒数第二句“Today Dickens greatness is unchallenged.”可知,狄更斯的伟大是毋庸置疑的。下文与Mona Lisa做比较,正是为了强调其在文学史上的重要地位

    2、。故选D项。3.What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A.To remember a great writer.B.To introduce an English novel.C.To encourage studies on culture.D.To promote values of the Victorian age.答案A解析推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的最后一句“But as the 200th anniversary of his birth approaches.how he made himself a lasting

    3、one.”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是纪念伟大的作家狄更斯,故选A项。.完形填空浙江杭州二模)Mariana was just leaving a doctors appointment last Wednesday.All of a sudden,she found herself in the middle of what felt like a 1 in a movie.Mariana had been returning to her office in downtown Ottawa when she heard a woman down the street yell that a

    4、 man had 2 her wallet.Sure enough,a man started running away from the scene of the 3but not before Mariana could 4 after him.After running for two blocks,Mariana rounded the corner into an alleyway and found that the 5 had stopped running and had started to 6 instead.“He came out from behind the dus

    5、tbin and said in a very 7 tone,Im sorry.I wont do this anymore.Here is the 8.Just take it,take it,” she told the local media.“So I took the wallet,and the woman 9 soon after.I gave it back to her and he stayed there,10 a lot.” Recognizing that the man was extremely 11,Mariana decided to take him to

    6、a 12 down the street and bought him a large black coffee.The man13 that he had come to the city with his friends from Toronto,but they had 14 him in Ottawa without any money.Mariana did her best to 15 the man before showing him how to get to the public library where he could seek help from the 16 wo

    7、rkers on duty.She says that she 17 that the man gets the help that he needs,and she has no 18 about her actions from that day.“You kill more flies with19 than you do with vinegar,” she said.“I wanted to show him some 20.It is a more powerful remedy (治疗方法) to forgive and forget past crimes.”【语篇导读】本文是

    8、一篇夹叙夹议文。Mariana在路上碰巧遇到一个男子偷了一位女士的钱包,她一路追赶,最后抓住了窃贼。但是Mariana并没有报警,而是选择通过宽恕感化的方式来帮助这个窃贼。她认为,同情才是宽恕谅解一个人所犯错误的最好方式。1.A.songB.sceneC.disaster D.party答案B解析根据下文可知,Mariana在路上遇到一个男子在偷钱包,这就好像是电影中的场景(scene)一样。disaster“灾难”。2.A.checked B.returnedC.stolen D.spotted解析根据下文可知,一位女士在大声喊叫说有人偷(stolen)了她的钱包。check“检查”;ret

    9、urn“归还”;spot“发现”。3.A.crime B.accidentC.match D.quarrel解析紧接上文,男子偷了钱包后正在逃离犯罪(crime)现场。accident“事故”;match“比赛”;quarrel“争吵”。4.A.line up B.get onC.stand up D.take off解析在男子开始逃跑之前,Mariana就已经开始快速追赶(take off)了。take off“起飞;脱下”,此处意为“突然快速奔跑”。line up“排队”;get on“上车”;stand up“站起来”。5.A.victim B.waiterC.burglar D.pol

    10、iceman解析Mariana发现偷钱包的窃贼(burglar)已经停止继续逃跑了。victim“受害者”。6.A.struggle B.cryC.flee D.pray解析根据下文中的“Im sorry.I wont do this anymore.”可知,男子此时已经意识到了自己的错误,故可推知,他开始哭(cry)了。struggle“拼搏,搏斗”;flee“逃跑”;pray“祈祷”。7.A.guilty B.aggressiveC.friendly D.innocent解析男子已经开始后悔,因此以一种愧疚的(guilty)语气道歉。aggressive“侵犯的”;friendly“友好的

    11、”;innocent“无辜的”。8.A.coffee B.ticketC.menu D.wallet解析根据下文中的“So I took the wallet.”可知,男子归还了偷来的钱包(wallet)。menu“菜单”。9.A.left B.wokeC.caught up D.broke down解析根据下文中的“I gave it back to her.”可知,被偷钱包的女士很快就追赶(caught up)上来了。break down“崩溃;出故障;分解”。10.A.complaining B.apologizingC.suffering D.charging解析根据上文可知,男子待在

    12、原地,不停地道歉(apologizing)。complain“抱怨”;suffer“遭受”;charge“控告,充电,要价”。11.A.upset B.calmC.stubborn D.gentle解析意识到男子因为悔恨而感到很苦恼(upset),Mariana决定要帮助他改过自新。calm“冷静的”;stubborn“顽固的”;gentle“温和的”。12.A.shelter B.clinicC.station D.cafe解析根据本句中的“coffee”可知,Mariana带男子去咖啡店(cafe)买了一杯咖啡。shelter“庇护所”;clinic“诊所”。13.A.insisted B

    13、.announcedC.explained D.promised解析根据本句内容可知,男子对Mariana解释(explained)了前因后果。insist“坚持”;announce“宣布”;promise“承诺”。14.A.reminded B.desertedC.teased D.arranged解析根据上下文可知,男子和朋友一起来渥太华,却被朋友抛弃(deserted)了,且身无分文。remind“提醒,使想起”;tease“嘲弄”;arrange“安排”。15.A.comfort B.connectC.approach D.thank解析Mariana对男子的遭遇深表同情,所以先是安抚

    14、(comfort)他的情绪。comfort“安慰”;connect“连接”;approach“接近,处理”。16.A.retired B.skilledC.medical D.social解析Mariana给男子指明方向,让他向社会工作者(social workers)寻求帮助。retired“退休的”;skilled“熟练的”;medical“医疗的”;social“社会的”。17.A.suspects B.admitsC.expects D.understands解析Mariana真心想要帮助男子,当然期望(expects)他能得到帮助。suspect“怀疑”;admit“承认”。18.A

    15、.debates B.regretsC.confidence D.worry解析Mariana从此以后对她自己的行为从不后悔(regrets)。debate“争辩”;confidence“信心”;worry“担忧”。19.A.honey B.wineC.poison D.glue解析根据全文内容可知,Mariana通过宽恕,而不是惩罚的方式帮助男子改过自新。“宽恕”和“惩罚”此处对应的就是“honey”和“vinegar”。poison“毒药”;glue“胶水”。20.A.courage B.appreciationC.reflection D.sympathy解析根据上文可知,Mariana

    16、通过表示同情(sympathy)来宽恕感化男子。courage“勇气”;appreciation“欣赏,感激”;reflection“反映,沉思”。.语篇填空Comparing with other people is necessary as well as 1.(benefit) to us.Firstly,our society needs competition,and only through comparison can we find the distance between us,2. surely encourages us 3.(make) more efforts to

    17、catch up with others.Secondly,4. is known to all,everyone has his own weaknesses and 5.(strong).If we are blind 6. it,we are like a snail crawling slowly alone without knowing what 7.(happen) around us.Thus,we are more likely to be left behind and 8.(rule) out of the fierce competition.Finally,it is

    18、 a world of 9.(diverse),which guarantees us a colorful life.It is a blessing to expose 10. to such a world so that we can enjoy our life as well as our work.答案与解析【语篇导读】本文是一篇议论文。与他人对比对我们来说是有必要的,也是很有益的,它会让我们发现自己的不足,学会正确面对自己,并激励我们勇往直前。1.beneficial考查形容词。根据语境可知,与他人对比对我们来说是有必要的,也是很有益的。beneficial为benefit的形

    19、容词形式。2.which考查非限制性定语从句。关系代词which引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中做主语,指代主句的内容。3.to make考查非谓语动词。encourage sb.to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“鼓励某人做某事”。4.as考查非限制性定语从句。as is known to all为固定用法,意为“众所周知”,as为关系代词,在从句中做主语,as指代主句的内容。5.strengths考查名词复数。根据语境可知,每个人都有自己的优缺点。strength为可数名词,意为“优点”。根据常识可知,每个人的优缺点不止一处,所以用复数形式。6.to考查介词。根据语境可知,如果我们对自己的

    20、缺点视而不见,那么我们就像孤独爬行的蜗牛一样。be blind to为固定搭配,意为“对视而不见”。7.is happening考查时态。根据语境可知,我们就像孤独爬行的蜗牛一样,不知道周围正在发生的事情。此处表示正在发生的事情,所以用现在进行时。8.ruled考查动词。根据语境可知,如果那样的话,我们就会被别人甩在后面,被排除在激烈的竞争之外。rule out意为“无法参加比赛,排除在外”,此处表示被动,用过去分词形式。9.diversity考查名词。根据语境可知,世界充满了多样性。diversity为diverse的名词形式,意为“多样性,差异”。10.ourselves考查反身代词。根据

    21、语境可知,我们能在这样多彩的世界里生活和工作真是一种幸运。expose oneself to为固定搭配,意为“处在状况下,在影响下”。.应用文写作假设你是李华,你负责通过电子邮件告知芝加哥某中学的Tom 7名中国中学生将于11月27日利用1天时间参观他们的学校。活动内容包括:1.参观学生上课情况;2.参观学生课外活动情况和实验室;3.与教师和学生交流;4.合影留念以留下美好回忆。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.参考词汇:实验室 lab;交流 exchange;回忆 recall参考范文Dear Tom,Im glad to tell you that 7 Chi

    22、nese middle school students will pay a visit to your school on November 27th.First,theyd prefer to sit in classes of Senior 2 to know about what you students do in class.Then,please show them around the school labs and the out-of-class activities.After that,theyd love to have a discussion with students and teachers to exchange ideas about study.The last but not least,theyd take photos to leave something worth recalling.Looking forward to meeting you at your school.Yours,Li Hua


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