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    1、江苏高考英语专题二完形填空第三步夹叙夹议文2体裁突破(四)夹叙夹议文2A(2017苏北四市摸底考试)I wrote my first novel when I was 22.It was a 1 .I didnt know how to properly format dialogue or 2 a plot.Those were all 3 I planned to work out later.I gave the book to my father to read,and within a day he left me a voice mail saying that it was 4

    2、and that I was going to sell it for 300,000. 5 ,and rather quickly,the book was 6 by every publisher in New York.If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections,I would have won it.I was 7 ,of course,but I knew better than to 8 writing wasnt an easy job,and if this book wasnt my 9 in,maybe the ne

    3、xt one would be.I got back to work. But this scenario(剧情) happened again:I wrote books.and then they wouldnt 10 .Still,my fathers faith in me never wavered(摇摆),even 11 I worked a host of other jobs.Some of the jobs,like being a bookseller,were great and 12 to my writing life.Some,like selling overpr

    4、iced jeans to 12-year-olds,were only good insofar as they were material for future 13 .And they werebecause it finally 14 .I sold a book!I was going to make it big! I completely agree with motivational speaker and author John Maxwells words:“Successful and unsuccessful people do not 15 greatly in th

    5、eir abilities but in their 16 to reach their potential.” Lifes not 17 .It never was,it isnt now,it wont ever be.But do not fall into the entitlement trap of feeling you are a 18 ,you are not.Get over it and 19 with it.And yes,most things are more 20 when you break a sweat to get them.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。

    6、作者通过叙述自己写书、售书的过程,体会到任何事情的成功都不是那么容易的,它需要人们的付出,因为只要付出了,就会得到回报。1A.mess BmixCconfusion Dpuzzle答案A解析根据后文“I didnt know how to properly format dialogue or a plot.”可知此处指那时我的写作简直是一团糟,故选A。2A.follow BstructureCdiscover Dhatch答案B解析我不知道如何适当地组织语言和构建(structure)情节,故选B。3A.facts BmessagesCmeanings Ddetails答案D解析这些是我后来

    7、计划解决的所有细节(detail),故选D。4A.practical BcomplexCwonderful Ddissatisfactory答案C解析我把这本书给我父亲读,当天他留言说我这本书很好,故选C。5A.But BInsteadCTherefore DRegardless答案B解析根据后文“the book was by every publisher in New York.If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections,I would have won it.”可知,此处与前面父亲的认同形成对比,故选B。6A.rejected

    8、BacceptedCabused Dcommented答案A解析相反,这本书很快就被纽约的所有出版商拒绝(reject)了,故选A。7A.depressed BsurprisedCfrightened Dembarrassed答案A解析根据前文“If there were a literary prize for Most Rejections,I would have won it.”可知,作者感到很沮丧,故选A。8A.continue BfightCwithdraw Dwrite答案C解析但是我知道比起退出这样更好,故选C。9A.card BticketCpen Dbill答案B解析如果这

    9、本书不是我的入门票的话,那么下一本将会是的,故选B。10A.write BbuyCwork Dsell答案D解析根据前文“But this scenario(剧情) happened again”说明作者的另外一本书又没有卖出去,故选D。11A.if BbecauseCas Dsince答案C解析甚至当我从事许多其他的工作时,父亲对我的信心也从未动摇过,故选C。12A.turned BopenedCled Dcontributed答案D解析一些其他的工作,比如当一名售书员也是很好的,那对我的写作生涯也会有促进作用,故选D。13A.lives BdecisionsCstories Djobs答案

    10、C解析因为他们是未来故事的素材,故选C。14A.happened BfailedCmade Dpassed答案A解析事情终于发生了,我卖出了一本书,故选A。15A.vary BchangeCmatch Ddiversify答案A解析成功的人和不成功的人的区别不在于他们的能力而在于他们挖掘潜能的欲望,故选A。16A.request BdemandChope Ddesire答案D解析参考上题解析。故选D。17A.sad BhappyChard Deasy答案D解析生活并不容易。与后文“It never was,it isnt now,it wont ever be.”形成排比,故选D。18A.wi

    11、tness BvictimCowner Dwinner答案B解析但是不要陷入自认为是受害者的陷阱中,你并不是,故选B。19A.get round Bget onCget about Dget by答案B解析克服它并继续做下去,故选B。20A.challenging BdemandingCrewarding Dpaying答案C解析只要付出就会有收获,故选C。B(2017浙江六校适应性考试)I always believed there were only two options in my life.I could be 21 ,or I could somehow be invisible.

    12、Until the sixth grade,a teacher had us 22 a questionnaire with “get to know you” questions.I thought she would be reading them 23 ,so I felt safe to share my perspectives.The teacher 24 the sheets,shuffled(打乱次序) them,and redistributed them to us.Wed read the students name and then our three favorite

    13、 25 .My sheet ended up 26 the hands of a kid who was one of the coolest and meanest.The first question was “Whats your favorite movie?” My answer was Beauty and the Beast, 27 the other kids wrote Scream and Universal Soldier.A laugh 28 from the room,and my cheeks burned.The next was “Where would you

    14、 like to travel?” The others said “Australia”,“Japan”I wrote “ 29 a book takes me”The 30 was louder this time.The final question was “What do you do on the weekends?” When he read my answer,“Perform with Clowns for Christ”,many of them 31 at me in a disgusting manner.I was so 32 that I wanted to fin

    15、d a hole to hide myself in.But then,something 33 happened.A 34 from the back of the room said,“Guys,cut it out.” It 35 to Michelle Siever,who was popular and cool.She said to the teacher,“Why are you letting this happen?What is the 36 if were just making fun of each other?”I dont remember the teache

    16、r or the kids names,but I remember Michelle Siever.I remember 37 I felt when she spoke up for me because she showed me that day we actually have three 38 .You can be cool,and you might be remembered for a little while.You can be invisible,and you wont be remembered 39 .But if you 40 up for somebody

    17、when they need you most,then you will be remembered as their hero for the rest of life.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。课堂上“我”的问卷被公开宣读,引起了同学们的哄堂大笑,也令“我”感到无地自容,此时Michelle Siever同学勇敢地站出来,声援了“我”,让“我”感激不已。21A.great BcoolCbrave Dhonest答案B解析根据最后一段中的“You can be cool.You can be invisible.”可知,“我”认为人生有两种选择,要么耍酷,要么隐身,此处与下文中的“co

    18、ol”相呼应。故选B。22A.fill out Bset downCput down Dgive out答案A解析根据“questionnaire”可知,老师让“我们”填写问卷。fill out表示“填写”,符合语境。故选A。23A.publicly BprivatelyCloudly Dquietly答案B解析根据下文“.so I felt safe to share my perspectives.”可知,“我”原本以为老师会自己单独看问卷。privately意为“私密地,单独地”,符合语境。故选B。24A.corrected BreceivedCcollected Dhanded答案C解

    19、析根据下文中的“shuffled(打乱次序) them,and redistributed them to us”可知,老师先把问卷都收上来,之后又打乱次序发回给“我们”。collect意为“收集”,符合语境。故选C。25A.questions BideasCchoices Danswers答案D解析根据常识可知,问卷中一定是让“我们”写出“我们”的答案,所以此处指念出名字和答案。故选D。26A.in BonCwith Dby答案A解析根据下文内容可知,“我”的问卷最终落在了一个冷漠和刻薄的小孩手上。end up in是固定短语,意为“在地方结束,以告终”。故选A。27A.while Bsin

    20、ceCeven though Das if答案A解析根据语境可知,“我”回答的是美女与野兽,其他同学都写了惊声尖叫和再造战士,所以此处表示对比。while意为“然而”,符合语境。故选A。28A.broke BeruptedCspread Dmultiplied答案B解析联系上下文可知,因为作者的回答与其他孩子的不同,引得同学们爆笑不止。erupt意为“突然发生,爆发”。故选B。29A.Whatever BWhicheverCWherever DWhenever答案C解析根据上文中的“Where would you like to travel?”可知,此处指书能带“我”去的任何地方。故选C。3

    21、0A.laughter BnoiseCcheer Dreading答案A解析根据上文中的“A laugh”可知,此处指同学们的笑声更响了。laughter意为“笑声”,符合语境。故选A。31A.stared BcalledCpointed Dsmiled答案A解析根据下文中的“in a disgusting manner”可知,此处指很多同学都以一种令人反感的方式盯着“我”。stare at意为“盯住”,符合语境。故选A。32A.angry BscaredCembarrassed Danxious答案C解析根据语境可知,“我”感到无地自容,以至于想要找个洞把自己藏起来。embarrassed意

    22、为“尴尬的”,符合语境。故选C。33A.exciting BamusingCconfusing Damazing答案D解析根据下文Michelle Siever站起来声援“我”一事可知,这件事让大部分人感到非常惊讶。amazing意为“令人惊讶的,使人吃惊的”,符合语境。故选D。34A.whistle BscreamCvoice Dwhisper答案C解析根据下文“Guys,cut it out.”可知,此处指一个声音从教室后面传来。voice意为“声音,嗓音”,符合语境。故选C。35A.turned BreactedCbelonged Dreplied答案C解析“It”指上文中提到的声音。由

    23、下文可知,这个声音是来自Michelle Siever的。belong to是固定词组,意为“属于”,符合语境。故选C。36A.cause BpointCproblem Dwish答案B解析根据语境可知,Michelle Siever质问老师这样做(指学生间互相取笑)的意义何在。point意为“意义”,符合语境。故选B。37A.how BthatCwhat Dwho答案A解析分析句子结构可知,此处应用how引导宾语从句,表示“我”的感觉如何。故选A。38A.chances BabilitiesCoptions Dresponses答案C解析联系上文可知,此处应与第一段第一句中的“two opt

    24、ions”相互照应,指那天Michelle Siever向“我”展示了我们在生活中实际上可以有三种选择。故选C。39A.after all Bin allCabove all Dat all答案D解析根据语境可知,如果你选择隐身(沉默),你是不会被记住的。not at all意为“一点也不,根本不”,符合语境。故选D。40A.make BbackCstand Dreach答案C解析根据文章内容可知,stand up for sb.意为“站出来支持某人”,符合语境。故选C。C(2017江苏高考压轴卷)It is dark now when I begin my early morning wal

    25、k in the woods.And now that autumn has marched into winter,darkness persists well beyond my 6 am.start time.Paths have become familiar after years of hiking.But rocks and tree roots have magically appeared from previously 41 ground.Certainly I hit my toe against or 42 on some unseen barriers.Fallen

    26、branches from last nights storm 43 in wait.Layers of autumn leaves create a false floor through which my trusting footsteps 44 .Sometimes a piece of moon donates some 45 to the mystery path.But when skies are dark,there are no 46 clues for where I step.My very first night hike was during summer camp

    27、 on a warm August night in the woods.Our leader 47 bright flashlights so we would not scare away the night creatures we hoped to find.“See with your 48 ,” the leader told us over and over again. 49 ,that advice took effect.With 50 and courage,it didnt take long before our feet became 51 to the groun

    28、ds textures(质地) and irregularities.Toes learned to 52 for barriers before trusting full weight on feet.Holes and dips in the ground were detected in 53 of possible fall.But mistakes 54 happen.My foot gets caught on a trip and I fall.Since the pace is 55 ,there is little damage except to pride.Once 5

    29、6 ,I pause to feel the firmness of earth beneath me.On my way home,as dawn 57 day,I think about how similar night hikes are to journeys through life.The same rules often 58 for both:slow down,concentration,“see” with new sensesand dont be 59 .Although the path is full of 60 hidden barriers,false sur

    30、face,wet floorthe earth is solid and firm beneath.It is the nature of night ground.It is the nature of life.语篇解读本文主要介绍了作者夜间远足的经历。作者认为夜间远足与人生的旅程是相似的,虽然其中都充满着不确定性,但是只要我们放慢脚步、全神贯注、勇敢探索、无所畏惧,我们脚下的那片大地永远都是牢固而又坚实的。41A.level BsoftCwet Dhard答案A解析但是石头和树根神奇地出现在了以前平坦的地面上。level平的,平坦的,水平的,同高度的,符合句意。42A.step BtourCtrip Dgo答案C解析当然我的脚趾会撞到或者绊在一些看不见的障碍上。trip绊,绊倒,符合句意。43A.stand BhangCstain Dlie答案D解析由于


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