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    1、3. Do young adults in your country like to communicate with old people?4. How much do you think people should be responsible for (the welfare of) their own parents?5. Do you think family relationships are important?A famous person that you are interested in1. How do people become famous?2. What type

    2、s of people become famous in your country?3. What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?4. Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?5. What are the good points about being famous?An interesting neighborDo you t

    3、hink neighbors are important?Do you think its important to have a good relationship with ones neighbors?Do you think peoples relationships with their neighbors today is the same as it was in the past?What are the benefits of belonging to a community?A person who just moved home1. Do you like to live

    4、 in big houses or small houses?2. Where do old people like to live, city or countryside?3. Do you like to move house frequently?4. Is it easy to move house in China?A person who has a great influence on you1. What social values should parents teach children?2. Many children misbehave at school, what

    5、 are the reasons?3. Do you think mass media have a great impact on the young generation?4. Why is it hard for adults to change?5. How to help young people to develop good habits?A famous person in your country1. In general, how do people become famous?2. What kinds of people become famous?3. Do you

    6、think to become famous, a person need to have some special talents?4. What are some general qualities famous people have compared with ordinary people?5. Compare the way people become famous today with in the past (30 or 50 years ago).6. In your opinion, were the standards for judging who is famous

    7、before better than whey are now?A person you have met before and you want to know more about1. How do Chinese people make friends?2. Who is more important to you, friends or family?3. Do you like to be friends with someone who is different from you?4. Do you have any foreign friends?5. Why is it eas

    8、ier to make friends on the Internet than in reality?A creative inventor or musician1. What creative activities did you like to do when you were young?2. Why do people like to copy others ideas these days?3. What is the best way to cultivate childrens creativity?4. Do you think creativity can be lear

    9、nt?5. Why does art help to nurture creativity?2 物品类A decision made by others that you disagreed with (New)1. What skills are necessary when making decisions?2. How can people improve their decision-making skills?3. How do you think computers will change the way people make decisions?4. Do parents in

    10、 China allow their children to make important decisions about the future?5. Do you think that parents should make important decisions for their children?A plan in your life (that is not related to work or study) (New)1. Should parents set goals for children?2. When do young children start to set goa

    11、ls for themselves?3. What kinds of goals are not realistic?4. Why do people set goals?5. What would you feel if you couldnt achieve your goals?A book you want to read again1. How often do you read?2. Do Chinese people like to read?3. Do people with different reading levels buy the same kinds of read

    12、ing materials?4. What do Chinese people like to read?5. What kinds of materials do you think people should read?6. What benefits do young people get from reading?A kind of foreign food you have had (New) 1. Do you like to try new food?2. What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?3. Do y

    13、ou like to cook at home?4. Is it expensive to eat out in your country?5. Whats the difference between Chinese food and western food?A well-paid job that you will be good at (New)1. Is it hard to find a good job in China?2. What kinds of preparation should people do for a job interview?3. Why do some

    14、 people keep changing their jobs?4. What should a good employer do?5. Would like to work on weekends?6. How would define “a good job”?An interesting talk or speech (New)1. What kinds of people will be invited to give a speech?2. What kinds of speeches are interesting?3. Is listening to speeches impo

    15、rtant to children?4. How to select simple speeches for children?5. Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?A kind of weather you like1. What kinds of clothes do people wear in summer?2. What the least favorite season for you?3. What types of weather are suitable for outdoor

    16、 activities?4. If the weather is bad, what would people do indoors?5. Whats the most typical weather in your country?An interesting song1. What do old people like to listen to?2. How would your grandfather feel if you gave him some hip pop music to listen to?3. Why do you think old people like old s

    17、ongs?4. Why do think people of different age group have different favorite songs?5. What kinds of music do children in China like to listen to?6. What are the differences between popular music and the music that young children like to listen to?7. Why do some people like to play musical instruments

    18、in the open?A special meal that you would like to haveSomething you did with a group of peopleAn area of science that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)1. What is your opinion of modern education in school?2. What school subjects do you think are most important, why?3. What school

    19、subjects do you think will be the most important in the future?4. What school subjects do you think will be the most useful in adult life?5. What are the advantages of studying computing in high school?An advertisement you have seen recently1. What are the different kinds of advertising?2. What kind

    20、 of advertising is most common in China?3. What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of viewers?4. Do big companies prefer to advertise on TV or in some other ways?5. What are the good and bad points of advertisements?6. Is advertising on the Internet very influential?7. Are any

    21、kinds of advertising in China considered illegal?8. Do you trust advertisements?9. How do you feel about false advertising?A website you like to visit1. What are some of the different reasons why people use the Internet?2. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes on Internet c

    22、ontents. What do you think?3. What influences can the Internet have on children/ teenagers?4. Do you think parents should control what Internet sites their children visit on the Internet?5. What do you think of people who have a computer and who do not have one?6. Compare the types of people who do

    23、not use the Internet with those who do.7. What are the disadvantages people suffer because they do not use the Internet?A difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end1. What is the most important factor in decision-making?2. Should parents make decisions for their children?3. W

    24、hat can people learn from wrong decisions?4. Do you like to make quick decisions?5. Do you think adults always make good decisions than children?A small business you want to have in the future1. What challenges and difficulties do people face when they try to have a successful small business?2. What

    25、 should be the governments role in how small businesses run?3. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of small businesses compared to large companies?4. How can small businesses benefit the people in the community where the businesses locate?5. What kinds of small business are most popula

    26、r in China?6. Why do some people open their own business?7. What qualities does a small business owners need to have?An activity that is a little bit expensive1. What sports are popular in your country?2. What are the major differences between extreme sports and ordinary sports?3. What do you think

    27、of expensive sports?4. Why do you think some people strongly dislike playing sports?5. Do you think people should be encouraged to try some of these extreme sports?6. Do you like to do a rather dangerous sporting activity?7. Why do you think some people like to do these dangerous activities?An activity that you do after school or after work ( when school term ends)1. Do you think schools should organize more group activities?2. What kinds of activities are good for childrens health?3. What kinds of classroom activities are popular in your country?4. Should young people play


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