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    1、A. unless B. because C. though D. when28. Jonny, I cant believe how much you have changed! You _ at least one foot! A. grow B. grew C. have grown D. are growing29. - Im going to have lunch. Do you mind talking about your plan _ lunch?-All right. Ill wait here in the office.A. after B. before C. over

    2、 D. until30. -The weatherman on the news said it might rain later on this afternoon.-Well, I _ take my umbrella along with me today. A. can B. may C. could D. must 31. -You seem busy these days.-Yes. Im looking for a house. Its really not easy to find _ with a garden.A. this B. one C. it D. that32.

    3、Although the Eiffel Tower _ to last for 20 years, it is still standing today.A. has designed B. had designed C. is designed D. was designed 33. Shooting, as _ means of survival originally, developed into _ sport only in the late 19th century.A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a34. _ the housing p

    4、rice, several measures have been adopted in the last two years.A. Lowering B. Having lowered C. To lower D. To have lowered 35. In my point of view, the question is not _ the world is going to have a new economic crisis, but when. A. that B. how C. what D. whether第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)阅读下面短文,掌

    5、握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When youre a preteen, a huge problem might be that you just have to have a new rock-rap CD, 36 your parents wont give you the money for it. I thought life was so 37 when things like this happeneduntil September 11, 2001. I was in P.E. when the planes hit th

    6、e World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As soon as I got home and for weeks after, I saw the disaster 38 on TV. Seeing the innocent people running for their 39 as the debris(瓦砾) started coming down the fire and smoke rose out of the 40 brought tears to my eyes. I couldnt help imagining what the peopl

    7、e on the 41 and in the buildings were thinking and going through, not 42 what was going on. I admired the courage of the firefighters who rushed in and risked their own lives to 43 others. It tore my heart apart to watch the 44 looks on the faces of so many people who didnt know if their loved ones

    8、were dead or alive while 45 in all the debris. Then it 46 me: All my life I had thought mainly of myself. I had it easy in life and had been taking it all for granted.A feeling of coldness 47 down my back, and I cried just thinking of the possibility that it could have easily 48 to my family. My mom

    9、 or dad could have been killed like that, and I would never, ever see them again. I began to evaluate what a real 49 in life was.This disaster 50 me that awful things can happen to anyone at any time. Now when my mom or dad or sister go somewhere, even if its just 51 the store, I try to remember to

    10、tell them that I love them because I know there is a 52 that I may never tell them that 53 .Not getting a new CD is not going to make or 54 my life. I can live with those kinds of problems. But losing someone I love would 55 make my life miserable.9/11 showed me just what I am.36. A. butB. soC. orD.

    11、 for37. A. unbelievableB. uncomfortableC. unfairD. uncertain38. A. expandB. occurC. strikeD. unfold39. A. livesB. familiesC. housesD. friends40. A. curtainsB. buildingsC. gatesD. bedrooms41. A. seatsB. planesC. cornersD. streets42. A. believingB. thinkingC. knowing D. caring43. A. joinB. saveC. meet

    12、D. calm44. A. puzzledB. severeC. dirtyD. desperate 45. A. hiddenB. found C. placedD. trapped 46. A. rewardedB. surprisedC. hitD. told47. A. cooledB. dropped C. ranD. passed 48. A. happened B. compared C. related D. turned49. A. relationshipB. problemC. needD. fate50. A. taught B. remindedC. persuade

    13、dD. informed51. A. onB. inC. atD. to52. A. storyB. doubtC. chanceD. plan53. A. againB. onceC. enoughD. ever54. A. endB. changeC. spareD. break55. A. ratherB. trulyC. probablyD. frequently 2012西城一模 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Did you h

    14、appen to hear the recent news? Yes, Alice _ the gold medal in the speech contest, which I find hard to believe Awins Bwon Chad won Dwill win22Walking exercises _ be boring at times, but on a clear sunny morning nothing could be better Amay Bwill Cmust Dshould23Many things such as going abroad and ow

    15、ning a car, _ impossible in the past, are now very common Abeing considered Bto be considered Cconsidering Dconsidered24Most people go to the theatre not to see a play _plot is complicated, but to listen to brilliant dialogues between actors Awhere Bwhat Cwhich Dwhose25I _ toward the door to go outs

    16、ide when suddenly Jim opened it unexpectedly Awalked Bwas walking Chad walked Dhad been walking26_ made things worse, he said, was that his roommate never look part in any of the cleaning work AWhat BWhich CThat DWho27The tea house situated near platform 6 is now offering free cups of tea to those _

    17、 for the Xian train Awaiting Bwait Cto wait Dwaited28Bob is always complaining about not having any money The problem is that he doesnt work hard and never _ Adoes Bhad Chas Ddid29Why do some rich people steal things _ they could easily afford to buy them? Aunless Bbefore Cif D when30We shouldnt hav

    18、e come north for Christmas vacationIf we _, we wouldnt be stuck in the snow right now Awasnt Bdidnt Chadnt Dwerent,31In order to assess _ the treatment will fit your lifestyle, please take a moment to answer a few questions about yourself Awhat Bhow Cwhy Dwhere32Most of the telephone lines _ in the

    19、hurricane last night, and so today its almost impossible to get through to anybody Adestroyed Bhad destroyed Cwere destroyed Dhad been destroyed33Lets have a further talk Sorry, I dont have time to talkMy report is due on Friday and I am in a race _time Aover Bin Con Dagainst34When Helen began looki

    20、ng for a job after college, she found that she couldnt get _without work experience Ait Bone Cthat Dthis35What do you think we should do after dinner? Why dont we get _ beer at the Karaoke bar down the street? It is kind of _ fun to hear all the bad singing Aa; 不填 Ba; a Cthe; a Da; the第二节 完型填空(共20小题

    21、;每小题15分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上涂黑。A Good CustodianI know a woman who tries hard to be a good custodianI pass her every day after school as she pushes her cart down my hallwayOf course, she is my buildings cleaner,One Tuesday morning I came into school and saw a 36 on mydes

    22、k from my custodian, It seemed that some unbearable first year students had damaged the bathroom in a particularly disgusting way and she had been 37 to clean itThis took 38 than she had expected She had left the typewritten note on my desk to 39 for not being able to clean my room as she was 40 to

    23、doAt the beginning of the period, I shared her note with my first period 41 When I mentioned that our custodian had apologized to us, their first 42 was to volunteer to seek out and beat up those first year students for making our custodian have to clean up their 43 . It turned out that just about a

    24、ll of my students also knew our custodian by name -all of them responded with smiles and 44 for a long time about this time or that time when shed 45 each of them in the hallwayThat she felt she needed to apologize 46 a strong reaction from many of the kidsAs the class period was about to end, I ask

    25、ed them to 47 the floor like I do every period and thanked them for picking up any garbage 48 it wasnt theirsMy entire class disappeared; they each disappeared instantly 49 their desks to pick up those annoying tiny pieces of paper that 50 so easily from notebooksOne girl made a (an) 51 that I later

    26、 used with my other classes: Her job might be to clean the room, but she shouldnt have to clean up 52 usTheres a difference”I believe that people know the difference between right and wrongI believe that people appreciate it when others 53 take care of themAnd I believe that people, even adolescents who are not quite yet mature, appreciate it when they see someone who takes 54 in her work Sometimes we need a 55 of the things we take for granted things like a good custodian to take care of us36Apaper Bhandbook Cnote Dletter37Aadvised Bpersuaded Callow


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