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    1、13. The tree has shaken off its leaves. 14. Did you see the house where he designed himself?15. Do you know the place which they built the house?16. He had a bad cold. It is why he didnt come. 17. This is all what I want to say. 18. He held a flag in hand. 19. He lost his usual cheerfulness. This pu

    2、zzled me. 20. The population of China is much larger than Japan. Keys:1. Ime 2. He and I 3. myselfI myself 4. meI 5. hisones 6. No bodyNobody 7. memine8. whomwho 9. theirsthey 10. hershe do11. No oneNone 12. they (had)13. itsits 14. wherewhich15. whichwhere 16. ItThat 17. all whatwhat 18. in his han

    3、d19. ThisThat 20. than that of Japan 动词辨析1. Last year he took part in the League. 2. It takes him much time to dress his clothes. 3. Water, when boiled, always gives out steam. 4. Where is my recorder? Maybe someone has brought it away, _ 5. The newly-built cinema adds up to the beauty of the town.

    4、6. He has laid there for a long time. 7. When did you call at your first teacher? 8. The film reminds me to live a miserable life in the old society. 9. Middle school students are prevented to smoke. 10. The robbers stole him of all his money last night. 11. First he rose his hand and then raised to

    5、 answer the question. 12. The Kings had the pyramids made up of big stones. 13. The clock knocked twelve and I realized it was late. 14. I believe getting plenty of exercise. 15. I am going to answer to his question. 16. This science book spent me a great amount of money. 17. I received a letter fro

    6、m my friend in New York, saying he gave me a book 18. Grandfather hopes me to be a doctor, but I dreamt of becoming an astronaut as a child. 19. Readers can get through quite well without knowing the exact meaning of each word. 20.-When did the man turn on? -In no time.Keys 1. took part injoined 2.

    7、dressput on3. gives outgives off 4. broughttaken5. adds up toadds to 6. laidlain 7. called atcall on 8. to liveof living9. preventedforbidden 10. stolerobbed11. roseraised raisedrose 12. made up ofmade of13. preferwould rather 14. knockedstruck15. answerreply 16. spentcos17. gavesent 18. hopeswants1

    8、9. get through-,-get along 20. turn onturn up动词时态11. Did you sent him a message for me?2. I have seen a good film yesterday. 3. I never visited the Great Hall of People. 4. The clock struck. 5. He is hearing my lecture. 6. She talks as if she knows everything. 7. The train left before I arrived. 8.

    9、If he would have asked me, I should have stayed. 9. They asked him to be captain, but he refuses. 10. I am in this school for two years. 11. He speaks Chinese very well, but I am not sure whether he can speaks Cantonese too. 12. I shall speak to him as soon as he will come. 13. He do say that he is

    10、fond of stamp collecting. 14. His father has died for forty years. 15. When I was a child, I learnt that the Yangtze River was the first longest river in China. 16. She made up her mind to be a nurse after she finishes school. 17. The film has begun for 5 minutes. 18. The girl worked hard so that sh

    11、e may not fail in the exam. 19. You ought to come yesterday. 20. He joined the league for two years. Keys:1. sentsend 2. have seensaw3. never visitedhave never visited 4. struckhas strusk5. is hearinghears 6. knowsknew7. lefthad left 8. would have askedhad asked9. refusesrefused 10. amhave been 11.

    12、speaksspeak 12. will comecomes 13. dodoes 14. has diedhas been dead15. (the Yangtze River) wasis 16. finishesfinished17. has beginhas been on 18. maymight19. to cometo have come 20. join the leaguehas been a league member or for two yearstwo years ago动词语态21. English is not easy to be learnt. 2. Henr

    13、y got injured in the accident which was happened yesterday. 3. She was disappeared from the house. 4. Great changes have been taken place in this city since liberation. 5. A year is consisted of twelve months. 6. The Peoples Republic of China founded in 1949. 7. World War II was broken out in 1939.

    14、8. Though the village suffered from big flood, the villagers did not discourage. 9. The problem must solve at once. 10. Satellites have widely used in many countries since 1960. 11. The window is broken. It needs being repaired. 12. He had invited to visit the United States before he finished his gr

    15、eat novel. 13. We have to take measures to prevent the disease from being spread. 14. The living standard of people has raised in the last few years. 15. Be quick, we must get there before the sun is set. 16. No letters were received from their son since last month. 17. The little girl has been look

    16、ed for by her parents. 18. Tom is often laughed by his classmates. 19. A great number of large buildings have set up in our country since liberation. 20, The price has been gone up recently. Keys1. to be learntto learn 2. was happenedhappened3. was disappeareddisappeared 4. have been taken placehave

    17、 taken place5. is consisted ofconsists of 6, foundedwas founded7. was brokenbroke 8. didnt discouragewere not discouraged9. must solvemust be solved 10. have widely usedhave widely been used11. being repairedrepairing 12. have invitedhad been invited13. being spreadspreading 14. has raised-has been

    18、raised15. is setsets 16. were receivedhave been received17. has been looked foris being looked for 18. laughedlaughed at19. have set uphave been set up 20. has been gone uphas gone up非谓语动词11. In the old days the working people were made work long hours. 2. The boy seating on a bench at the end of th

    19、e classroom is my brother. 3. The whales bones are not strong enough holding up their muscles on land. 4. Things keep being changed. 5. The classroom needs cleaned. 6. I find this book interested. 7. It is time of sowing wheat. 8. I heard him said so. 9. Im hungry. Get me something for eating. 10. H

    20、e is too tired walking any longer. 11. She enjoys me to listen to light music. 12. He kept me to wait for many hours. 13. Master Wu teaches us how run the machine. 14. We have a new hospital to build over there. 15. Please tell him dont work too hard. 16. I hope seeing him as soon as possible. 17. I

    21、 am sorry hearing the news. 18. That movie is worth to be seen. 19. Dont you see him to run towards us?20. I wrote to him asked for his help. 1. workto work 2. seatingseated3. holdingto hold 4. being changedchanging5. cleanedcleaning 6. interestedinteresting7. of sowingto sow 8. saidsay9. for eating

    22、to eat 10. walkingto walk11. to listenlistening 12. to waitwaiting13. how runhow to run 14. to buildbuilt15. dont worknot to work 16. seeingto see17. hearingto hear 18. to be seenseeing19. to runrunning 20. askedasking非谓语动词21. Master a foreign language needs hard work. 2. He ordered the room sweepin

    23、g. 3. I hope you dont mind to go on foot. 4. This room is quite comfortable living in. 5. Its time for us going home. 6. It is a pleasure to watch the face of an asleep baby. 7. Who is the girl to answer the teachers question over there? 8. I am going to have my radio to fix. 9. She needs the work b

    24、e doing before tomorrow. 10. Thats really kind for you saying so. 11. My watch is broken. I must have it to be repaired. 12. I wanted meeting your friend, but my car broke down on the way. 13. The book writing by the famous writer is being printed at the factory. 14. Many parents allow their childre

    25、n making their own decisions. 15. Revolution means to liberate the productive forces. 16. Never stop to look for the laws which control facts. 17. Do you remember me to return those books to the library?18. -Can you do it by yourself? -I would like John helping me. 19. My father has given up to smok

    26、e and now prefers eating sweets. 20. His brother escaped to be killed in the battle. 1. MasterMastering 2. sweepingto be swept3. to gogoing 4. livingto live5. goingto go 6. asleepsleeping7. to answeranswering 8. to fixfixed9. be doingdone 10. for you saying soof you to say so11. to be repairedrepair

    27、ed 12. meetingto meet13. writingwritten 14. makingto make15. to liberateliberating16. to look forlooking for 17. to returnreturning 18. helpingto help19. to smokesmoking 20. to be killedbeing killed否定句1. Who did open the door? 2. Please not make so much noise. 3. Everything is all right, isnt they?4. I would not rather visit the factory. 5. You had not to do it. 6. I dont believe she knows it, do I?7. Lets go, will you?8. How fine weather it is!9. What good a teacher he is!10. What he ran!11. Nobody will not a


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