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    1、9.18.C. 9.15.答案是C。1. What time is it now?A. 9:50.B. 10:00.C. 10:10.2. How will the speakers go to the meeting?A. By bus.B. By taxi.C. By subway.3. What are the speakers goingto do now?A. Buy a present.B. Visit a friend.C. Have a party.4. What does the man want to do?A. Read the newspaper.B. Make a p

    2、hone call.C. Meet the manager.5. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a restaurant.B. In a furniture store.C. In a forest.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选 项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完 后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why do

    3、the parents need someone to look after their sons?A. They will do a part-time job.B. They will go on a vacation.C. They will attend a wedding.7. How much will the woman get in total?听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What will the woman do tomorrow night?A. Have dinner with her uncle.B. Watch a horse racing.C. Meet

    4、the man.9. What time will the man pick up the woman on Thursday evening?听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Who might the man be?11. What kind of student is Bill?A. A clever student.B. A hard-working student.C. A stubborn student.12. What does the woman wish Bill to do?A. Help her do the housework.B. Work hard to

    5、make greater progress.C. Go out and enjoy himself regularly.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. Where is Joan studying now?14. When do students have a two-week holiday in Australia?15. What will Joan do after finishing high school?16. When will Joan fly back home?听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What was the dream of the spe

    6、akers father?A. Being a singer. B. Being a teacher. C. Being a designer.18. What does the speakers mother enjoy while traveling?A. Making friends.B. Shopping for clothes.C. Getting ideas for designing.19. What does the speaker like doing?A. Playing the guitar. B. Doing exercise. C. Reading and writi

    7、ng.20. How old is the speakers brother?A. 14. B. 16. C. 18.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AYour Free Welcome Gift PackWe want you to love London as much as we do, so when you make your booking with LondonTown. com, we will do everything we can to make you

    8、r trip wonderful.V&A Museum Guided Tour2 tickets for price of 1 for the V&A Museum TourThe best way to see the wonders of the Victoria & Albert Museum is with a special art guide leading you through the museum. Covering 11 acres (英亩),the museum has 145 galleries(画廊),runs to seven miles of exhibits a

    9、nd contains five million objects. Only- open on FridaysNational Gallery Guided Tour2 tickets for price of 1 for the National Gallery TourThe National Gallery in Trafalgar Square covers 10 acres, has 75 galleries, and houses 2,300 of the worlds greatest paintings. With such a wealth of art, its usefu

    10、l to have a guide who can see things that you might miss when you visit the museum on your own. Only open on FridaysDulwich Picture Gallery2 tickets for price of 1 for Dulwich Picture Gallery-Designed by London architect Sir John Soane in 1811, Dulwich Picture Gallery is the worlds first purpose-bui

    11、lt art gallery and holds one of the most celebrated collections of European Old Master paintings. The collection makes this gallery one of the wonderful places of Europe. Many famous artists works are shown here, 一Not open on MondaysWe will try to add new items (项目)to the free gift welcome pack from

    12、 time to time and make sure that lots of interesting things are always included. If you have any questions, please contact Emma_PorterLondonTown. com or telephone 020 7437 4370.21. What do V&A Museum and National Gallery have in common?A. They are of the same size.B. The tickets to them are free.C.

    13、Its better to have a guide to show you around.D. Millions of worlds greatest paintings can be seen.22. What does the underlined word “celebrated probably mean?A. Famous. B. Complete. C. Secret. D. Common.23. What is the purpose of this article?A. To introduce some art works.B. To attract more visito

    14、rs to London.C. To show readers how to save money.D. To tell readers some famous places.BOne devoted man is helping to make sure that children with poor living conditions wont go hungry during the school day.Marys Meals, an organization founded in 2002 by Scottish farmer Magnus MacFarlane-Barrow ? p

    15、rovides needy kids in 12 countries with free meals at school each weekday. The groups aim is to ensure that students have food in their stomachs so they can better fix their attention on the study in class.MacFarlane-Barrow? who runs Marys Meals on his fathers farm, told CNN that the entire operatio

    16、n started with a conversation he had with a teen living in a poor state. He said5 In 2002, I was in Malawi during a year of terribly short of food, and I met this familythe father had died, and the mother was dying with her six children around her. I began talking to her oldest child, Edward, who wa

    17、s about 14, and asked him, 6 What are your hopes?, And he said, Id like to have enough food to eat, and Id like to go to school one day, And that was it.In its first year, the group fed 200 children in need. Since that time, it has made rapid progress. Last month, Marys Meals fed more than 1 million

    18、 children every school day. That was 5 million meals every week. The million is this amazingly important, but we are far from satisfied. Our works just beginning. Weve proven that this works, and now were just thinking about the next child,9f said MacFarlane-Barrow.He and the group recently celebrat

    19、ed the achievement(成就)in Malawi, where the program began. So far, the program has had very good results. In Malawi? schools that carried out the Marys Meals program saw a 24 percent increase in the number of new students within the first six months.24. Why did MacFarlane-Barrow found Marys Meals?A.

    20、He hoped to provide free food for poor families.B. He expected to teach children how to help others.C. He wanted to make children free of hunger in class.D. He wished to become well-known by helping others.25. What made MacFarlane-Barrow have the idea to start MaryA. The conversation with a poor chi

    21、ld.B. The terribly short of food in Malawi.C. The poor living conditions of schools.D. The success of helping a needy kid.26. What can we learn from the last two paragraphs?A. Schools in Malawi are popular.B. No children suffer from hunger now.C. Marys Meals program has been very successful.D. MacFa

    22、rlane-Barrow is satisfied with the present result.27. What can be the best title for the text?A. Edwards Dream Came into RealityB. Marys Meals Program Shocked the WorldC. Malawi Gets Away from Being Short of FoodD. A Farmer Feeds 1 Million Kids Every School DayCLast year I realized I hadnt spoken to

    23、 anyone but my family members in days.When I left my job in my late twenties to write a novel, I felt very happy. No more forcing myself awake at the early hours of the morning and worrying what to wear; no more braving the subway during rush hour. I could wake up when I felt like it and enjoy my co

    24、ffee as I worked on my book.At first it was like being in heaven. But months later I began to feel lonely. It was just me, my work, and the Internet. I spent hours looking through the website instead of writing. I thought I was still connected to everyone around me but in fact I was more lonely than

    25、 ever. As a result, I became more afraid of being out in the world. I wanted to step away from the lonely life I had brought to myself and have a normal schedule again. I considered renting an office but I realized I would still be lonely. What I had in mind was something Id had all those years ago一

    26、big shared table filled with people I really liked.I phoned a friend who worked at home too and asked if she would be interested in getting an office together. Shed been feeling just as lonely as I had, so she jumped at the opportunity. I asked another friend to join us, and together we found a beau

    27、tiful space in my favorite part of town. Others soon heard about our office and asked if they could join.There are nine of us here now. Each of us has found that we now love the routineC 日 常规律)of going to work again, and we are happier than before. Now, we are needed by other people too.In my twenti

    28、es? it felt like I was going to work every day with my best friends, and for the first time in years, I feel that way again. The loneliness has gone一I finally feel like I belong again.28. With the first paragraph, the author probably meant to . A. show how shy she was B. get readers to wonder the re

    29、asonC. tell readers she was ignored D. show the kind of life she liked29. Why did the author enjoy her new life at the beginning?A. She didnt have to work any more.B. She didnt need to be out in the world.C. Her books were loved by everyone.D. She could work at home as she liked.30. After several mo

    30、nths at home, the author . A. got tired of writing books B. phoned her friends for adviceC. tried to change her life again D. enjoyed chatting on the Internet31. Which of the following would the author agree with most?A. Being alone is the best way to live ones life.B. A healthy life is one with a strict routine.C. Working at home provides one with freedom.D. It is necessary to change ones best friends.DI really did not know much about e-waste until this passing of Earth Day. I feel pity because I am actually skilled


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