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    1、二龙山:座落在青州地面,地势险要、易守难攻,适合做根据地 ; 周围有白虎 山、桃花山、清风山等几个黑帮组织,官府奈何不了 ; 现有黑老大金眼虎邓龙,功 夫一般,不堪一击 ;该山的基础设施经邓龙多年营造,相当完善,可以现拿现用。 这便是二龙山的基本情况。拿下二龙山做落脚地,对于鲁智深、杨志来说是个相当 不错的选择。鲁智深、杨志、曹正略施小计,轻而易举打死邓龙,收服了二龙山。这样鲁智 深做了大当家的,杨志做了二当家的,这两条龙盘踞在二龙山,二龙山从此成了名 符其实的二龙山。后来武松入伙做了三当家,曹正、张青、孙二娘又相继入伙,二 龙山的势力一下子壮大起来。 25Cr-13Ni type or a

    2、welding material with highheat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster w

    3、elding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding

    4、inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sid

    5、es should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack weldi

    6、ng after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-layer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To i

    7、nterrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shall be welded ends immediately afterProfiles should shape forming beautiful, not undercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag,

    8、splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should在河北一带,二龙山成了仅次于梁山的第二大黑帮团伙。 鲁智深、杨志一手创建了二龙山,二人对于二龙山的感情远超过后来的梁山。 君不见鲁智深、杨志入梁山之前是何等威风,何等豪情万丈、叱咤风云,入了梁山 之后,杨志、鲁智深的出镜率一下子少了,杨志哪还有一丁点杨家将的风范,鲁智 深动不动就玩失踪,前方打仗,他老人家一边偷着乐去了。大闹野猪林林冲和鲁智深是结拜兄弟。一日,林冲的妻子在庙中烧香,被权臣高俅 (, 1126年)的儿子调戏,林冲得到报信后,把他们打跑,为此得罪了高俅。高俅设计 陷害林冲,将林冲打

    9、二十军棍并发配沧州,还叮嘱解差董超、薛霸在路上结束林冲 性命。押解的路上,董超、薛霸百般折磨林冲,林冲本来就有棒伤,二解差故意用 开水将林冲的脚烫肿,林冲行走非常困难。有一天,他们来到了野猪林,这里柏树 参天,老藤缠绕,林冲见不到一丝阳光。二解差假意让林冲休息,说怕他逃跑又用 绳子把林冲绑在树上,林冲动弹不得。这时两人露出狰狞面目说 : 我们奉了太尉的 命令,要杀死你。 当薛霸刚举起水火棍要打,没想到棍子被突然跳出来的鲁智深 打飞。原来,鲁智深听说林冲被害,前去搭救,一问才知道已发配沧州,便一路上 追赶才保住了林冲的性命。在林冲的讲情下,鲁智深饶了两个解差,要他们好好服 侍林冲,并一直送到沧州

    10、。鲁提辖拳打镇关西 史进碰到鲁达和李忠,一起去酒馆喝酒。其间,金老之女在他们 25Cr-13Nisteels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosionresistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditi

    11、ons, low current, shortarc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the s

    12、urface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqualified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved su

    13、rface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the req

    14、uirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multilayer welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to

    15、 eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear. 6.6.3 check after welding seams shallweld and weld inspection. Profiles should shape forming beautiful, not und

    16、ercut, cracked, incomplete fusion, blowhole, slag, splash and other defects. Weld reinforcement should隔壁哭,鲁达问出了郑屠户欺负良人一事。他帮助金老父女脱离了苦难,替他 们打抱不平,到肉铺上戏弄郑屠户,最终三拳打死了郑屠户,然后逃了。醉打蒋门神醉打蒋门神的主要内容 : 是说武松发配至孟州牢营,管营施忠之子施恩,慕其 名,二人结拜。施恩之酒店被恶霸蒋门神霸占,武松闻之大怒,带酒赶至快活林, 痛打蒋门神,夺回酒店。武松当了都头,这是一件高兴事。紧接着又有一件高兴事,他在街上遇见了哥哥原来武大郎已

    17、从清河县搬来阳谷县居住。一次县官派武松去东京出差。武松办完差事,回到家里,立刻惊呆了,只见桌 上供着一块灵牌。嫂嫂说哥哥是害心疼病死的。武松问 : 哥哥埋在哪里 , 嫂嫂潘金 莲说: 我一个人,哪里去找坟地 , 只好火化了。武松便觉得有些可疑。后来从火工 何九和卖水果的郓哥嘴里打听到,恶霸西门庆勾搭上了潘金莲,大郎是被他俩用毒 药害死的。武松就去县衙门控告西门庆。但西门庆买通了官府上下,他不怕武松告 他。武松只好自己解决,杀了西门庆和潘金莲,为哥哥报了仇,并向衙门自首。武松被发配到孟州。按照规矩,新到的犯人要挨一百杀威棒,要是肯出钱就可 以不打。武松是个硬汉子,宁可挨打,绝不出钱。正要打时,有

    18、个包着头、吊着胳 膊的年轻人在管营相公耳边说了什么,管营就对武松说 : “我看你脸色不好,像是 有病。”两边拿棍的军汉提醒武松,“这是相公照顾你,你快说有病。”武松偏不 领情,“我没病, 25Cr-13Ni type or a welding material with high nickelresistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and nonaustenite dissimilar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requiremen

    19、ts:能吃饭,能喝酒,能走路”管营笑道:“说这种话就是有病。先寄下这顿杀 威棒吧。”武松说:“我不要留下寄库棒,早打了早干净老资格的犯人替武松担心 :“不打你,不是好意,只怕要害你” 正说着,有个军人给武松送来好酒好菜。武松想 :“ 让我吃过了就要来害我了 吧,不管它,吃了再说。”吃完了那军人还提来热水让武松洗澡。“洗完澡就要来 害我了吧 ,”但当天晚上没什么动静。以后天天这样服侍。到第五天武松憋不住 了,他问那人 :“是谁派你来送这送那 ,”那人说:“是小管营吩咐的。”“小管营 是那个包着头吊着胳膊的年轻人吗 ,”“正是。”“他为什么要照顾我 ,”“小管营 不许我多说,要过半年才能让你知道。

    20、”武松不耐烦了,“快把他请出来和我见 面,不然的话,我什么也不吃了”那小管营叫金眼彪施恩,这时赶紧跑出来拜见 武松。原来,东门外有个热闹去处叫快活林,施恩在那里开了家客店,生意不错。 谁知新来一位张团练,他带了个狗腿子叫蒋命忠。那蒋命忠九尺多身材,人称“蒋 门神”,他凭着武艺高强打伤了施恩,霸占了快活林客店。施恩知道武松是有名的 打虎英雄,想请他帮忙夺回客店,但要等武松把身体养好了再说。武松笑了,“让 你看看我的身体。”天王堂前有个五百斤的石墩,被武松扔起一丈多高,然后稳稳 接住。施恩这才放了一百个心,当下与武松结为弟兄。要打蒋门神,武松只提一个 要求:“出城后,每遇见一个酒店,你必须请我喝三

    21、碗酒。”施恩说 : “出东门到快 活林总有十二三家客店,这样喝过去要喝三四十碗酒,还没打先醉倒了。”武松大 笑道:“你怕我醉 , 你不知道我醉了才能打老虎 ,我是一分酒一分气力” 25Cr - 13Ni type or a welding material with high nickel content. Lowtemperature steels, austenitic stainless steel and heat-resistant corrosion-resistant high alloy steels and austenitic and non-austenite dissi

    22、milar steel welded joints shall comply with the following requirements: to ensure penetration and fusion under good conditions, low current, short-arc, welding speed and much faster welding process and interpass temperature should be controlled. High corrosion resistance performance of double-sided

    23、welded welds, welded layer in contact with corrosive media finally welded. Low temperature steel welding, suitable for the surface of the weld bead annealing. Check 6.6.1 6.6 welding inspection before welding material and welding materials, must be carried out according to standard acceptance, unqua

    24、lified persons may be used. Group before the dimensions of various parts of the main structure, Groove sizes, and grooved surface for inspection. Welding Groove and Groove on both sides should be checked before the cleaning quality. Check the welding before welding conditions are consistent with the

    25、 prescribed conditions, and welding equipment. The drying and cleaning of welding materials to confirm that it meets the requirements. 6.6.2 intermediate welding inspection tack welding after the skull should be cleared checks to welding the defects found shall be removed before they can. Multi-laye

    26、r welding welding after the each floor should immediately clean the layers, and Visual inspection, found defects in welded to eliminate before they can proceed to the next level. To interrupt the welding seam, should be cleaned and checked before continuing to weld to eliminate welding defects found by the rear.the removal of slag skin, splash, clean weld and weld inspection.Profiles should s


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