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    1、每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AAfter joining the Army in 1942, I was shipped overseas to serve in England. One day, I talked a friend into walking to the nearby town of Aldeburgh. On our return trip, as we were nearing the base, we saw a girl walking her bike in the oppo

    2、site direction. She introduced herself as Doris and said she had planned to meet a soldier, but he hadnt shown up. I offered to get my bike from the base and go home with her to Aldeburgh. She agreed, and after biking back together, we decided to meet againSeveral months later,the war in Europe ende

    3、d and my base was shutting down; I had no idea where I would be sent. I went to Aldeburgh to see Doris and tell her the news. She cycled halfway back to the base with me before we said our final goodbyes. Doris recalls, I was heartbroken, knowing I was losing someone who meant so much to me.”Unexpec

    4、tedly, I was moved to a site in Elveden to help close down that base. I would be only 60 miles away from Aldeburgh, so I could pick up a ride back to see Doris! It wasnt long before we decided to get married.In 1946, I returned to the States and brought my beautiful bride home. weve been happily mar

    5、ried for 67 years and have four sons, eight grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren. All this was because of several fortunate experiences!21. Why did Doris go out on her bike?A To send the author home B. To meet the authorC.To visit the base D. To go on a date22. Where did the author and Doris s

    6、ay goodbyes sadly?A In Elveden B. On the roadC. In Aldeburgh D. In the authors base23. What was the authors task in Elveden?A To shut the base B. To protect the baseC. To destroy the base D. To build the base24. What did the author think of his marriage?A Funny B. DifficultC.Lucky D. FancyBAdvice on

    7、 Writing from Famous WritersHilary Mantel a little pride can be a great help The most helpful quality a writer can develop is self-confidence, if you can manage it. You write to impress yourself on the world, and you have to believe in your own ability when the world shows no sign of agreeing with y

    8、ou.Leo Tolstoy-pick the hours that work best for youTolstoy believed in starting first thing: I always write in the morning. I was pleased to hear lately that Rousseau, too, after he got up in the morning, went for a short walk and sat down to work. In the morning ones head is particularly fresh. Th

    9、e best thoughts most often come in the morning after waking while you are still in bed or during the walk.”William Faulkner-read to writeRead, read, read everything-rubbish, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter (木匠) who works as a beginner and studies the master. Rea

    10、d! you ll take it in. Then write. If it is good, you ll find out. If its not, throw it out of the window.Katherine Mansfield-writing anything is better than nothingLooking back, I imagine I was always writing. Even it was rubbish. But its far better to write rubbish or anything than nothing at all.2

    11、5. What should you have in writing according to Hilary Mantel?A. Courage to begin B Rich knowledgeC Sense of pride D. Opportunities.26. What did Leo Tolstoy and Rousseau have in common?A. They went for a short walk after rising B. They chose to write in the morningC. They started to work while in be

    12、d D. They got up at the best time27. What did Katherine Mansfield value in writing?A Reading good works B. Practising writingC Keeping on reading D. Gaining others respectCHave you ever wondered what wild animals do when no one is watching? Scientists have been able to record the “private” moments o

    13、f wildlife with leading-edge technology. low-cost, dependable and small modern cameras are a big help.Cameras placed in hard-to-reach places have taken videos of everything from small desert cats to larger snow loving felines(猫科)in the northern Rocky Mountains. These cameras are important tools to l

    14、earn new information on wildlife.Some videos help scientists see the effects of climate change. For example, the desert animal javelina and the tree-loving coatimundi have been caught on cameras north of their normal home. This could mean global warming is enlarging their living area northward.Resea

    15、rchers use cameras along with global positioning systems, or GPS. They attach GPS devices(设备)to mule deer and antelope in and around Yellowstone National Park. Then they can record their movements, or migrations(迁移). These cameras can be left in very rural(荒野的) areas for days, weeks or even months.T

    16、hey can provide information on how many animals are moving over a given period of time.Rural video can show details about animal behavior, such as the calls made by migrating mule deer. Also some cameras record animal life, showing everything from bison inSaskatchewan, Canada, to the underwater weed

    17、 forest off Californias Channel Islands.However, rural cameras have their problems too. Animals such as wolverines and bears sometimes attack them. Scientists do not know if the attacks are the result of anger or interest. Also, the devices have become popular tools to help hunters look for animals.

    18、 Some people argue that it is unfair to use the cameras that way . Even with such problems, rural cameras are clearly an important scientific tool in researching wild animals.28. Which of the following helps scientists know about climate change?A How active animals are B. Where animals goC. What ani

    19、mals eat. D. When animals move29. Where are the cameras fixed?A. In the field. B. Under water.C .On GPS devices. D. On wild animals30. What may be the disadvantage of the rural cameras?A. They affect animals normal life B. They make wild animals puzzledC. They might bring threats to animals D. They

    20、attract too much animals attention31. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?A Every Coin Has Two Sides B. Animals No Longer Have SecretsC. An Invention Makes Animals Mad D .Cameras Record Animals in the WildDIf breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then you d better ge

    21、t it right. Picking a healthy, filling breakfast can set your day up for a chain of good food choices. Best of all. there s a way to lose weight by adding to your morning meal instead of cutting foods out.Berries (浆果)don t just help you put fresh produce into a breakfast, but they have some specific

    22、 benefits that can help you lose weight. For one thing, theyre full of fiber-youll get about a third of your daily need in just one cup of raspberries. Your body cant break that fiber down, so it slows down digestion and keeps you fuller longer until lunch.But thats not all. A study found that adult

    23、s whose diets had the most amounts of strawberries, blueberries ,blackberries, and other produce-were less likely to gain weight. Plus, some studies in mice suggest raspberries could speed up the breakdown of fat. Those studies used higher concentrations( 浓缩 )than youd get from a bowl of berries, bu

    24、t they might still provide some benefit. If blueberries are more your thing, another study found that eating the fruit lowered a certain matter, which makes it hard to lose weight, and reduced fat in fat rats.Even though their sweetness makes them feel like a treat, berries are low-calorie. Put some

    25、 into your milk blend them in an icy drink, or have a cup on the side with your eggs. Even better: Add them to this breakfast that helps you burn calories all day. When they re not in seasonignore the overpriced ones in beautiful packs and stick to frozen ones-theyre just as nutritious(营养的). No matt

    26、er how you eat them, they ll keep you full and help you drop extra fat32. Why does the fiber of berries keep you full long?A. It is rich in nutrition B. It is digested slowlyC. It breaks down easily D. It makes breakfast healthy33. whats the main benefit of a break fast with berries?A. It is delicio

    27、us to eat B. It keeps you energetic.C. It keeps your body shape D. It keeps you interested in food34. What does the underlined word blendin paragraph 4 mean?A. Remove B .CoolC. Mix D. Store35. What does the author suggest doing when berries are not in season?A Having frozen ones B. Drinking berry ju

    28、ice.C. Buying expensive ones D. Eating other fruit instead第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有两项为多余选项。The favorite food in the United States is the hamburger, a kind of round sandwich of cooked beef. _36_ At fast-food restaurants, people order their food, wait a few m

    29、inutes, and carry it to their tables themselves. People also take their food out of the restaurant and eat it in their cars or in their homes. At some fast-food restaurants ,people can order their food, pay for it and pick it up without leaving their cars._37_ Most of them sell hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes, which are traditionally popular foods among Amer


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