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    1、 Did you and James dress alike and have the same teachers in elementary school? No, my parents encouraged us to dress differently and were in different classes at school. Didnt you have many same ideas? Sure, some of the time, but thats also true of any brothers who grew up together in the same fami

    2、ly.三问1. 学生问:Does James like music as much as you?电脑答:Yes, but only for relaxation. Hes never been interested in study in music, and he didnt learn to play any musical instruments when were younger. I did well in much courses, but I was very interested in music and spent most of any spare time learni

    3、ng to play the piano and violin.2. 学生问:What was James interested in when he was young?He loved skating. He spent most of his time skating in his school on weekends. Hes still doing that now.3. 学生问:Who had the biggest effect/ influence on you? /Who influenced you most?Well, I think my father had big

    4、influence on developing differences in our interests. He encouraged us to learn different things and study different subjects. It was my father who suggested me doing the music at university.五答1. 录音问:What does the mans brother study at Harvard University?学生答:Chemistry.2. 录音问:What does the woman thin

    5、k about twins?Twins will have the same interests and abilities.3. 录音问:What did the man do in most of his spare time?He spent most of his spare time learning to play the piano and violin.4. 录音问:Where did James skate on weekends?In his school.5. 录音问:Who suggested the man doing music?His father.Part C录

    6、音文本Uncle John Was Saved When Uncle John was 85 years old, most of his families and relatives were already dead. He lived by himself in a big house. The only person who often talked to him was his nephew Tom. Tom called several times a week just for few minutes to say hello and see if everything was

    7、OK. One morning Tom phoned Uncle John again. Again no answer. Two hours later he called the 3rd time. Still no answer, he got very anxious. So he called Uncle Johns next door neighbor. Tom told her that he was worried about Uncle John and asked her to see what was wrong. A while later, the neighbor

    8、phoned Tom. She said nervously, “Tom, Im sorry it took so long. Uncle John didnt answer the door, so I used his spare key. I found him lying on the bathroom floor. I could not wake him up.” Tom called the doctor immediately, and then rushed to Uncle Johns house. When he got there, the doctor had alr

    9、eady been there. The doctor said that he was just in time to save him.2011年广东高考英语计算机辅助口语考试(试题B) Dr. Brown, welcome to todays program. Thank you. Its a pleasure being here. We know that you are a language specialist, and you just published a book on how to learn a foreign language. And its selling we

    10、ll, so tell us the title of your book? Its called “Learning a language over Ex and Tost” (音) That sounds very interesting, tell us what you discuss in your book. It is very important to set up a regular program like planning a few minutes every morning around the breakfast time. But I have been lear

    11、ning Spanish for four years, and I havent become a good speaker of it. We cant become fluent speakers in the matter of a few minute hearing that. We should follow a regular course of study.Could you please speak a little more?My basic suggestion is to learn a foreign language by talking small steps.

    12、 Some people think they can learn a foreign language in thirty days, and they become very discouraged when they cant. Learning 5 words a day and learning to use them actively is far better than Learning 30 and forgetting them the next day. But people many have different learning styles.What do you m

    13、ean by “learning styles?”I mean different ways of learning. Some prefer to see models of the patterns they are expected to learn; others see the hearing instructions over reading them. All preferences are determined by factors so just character, culture and past experiences.How did you learn a forei

    14、gn language?I learned while doing things. Moving around as well as trying to learn helps me. I often recite aloud the words when I cook potatoes and onions for breakfast in the morning.What is Dr. Browns book about?Its about how to learn a foreign language.How long has the woman been learning Spanis

    15、h?4 years.What is Dr. Browns basic suggestion on learning a foreign language?To learn a foreign language by taking small steps.What factors determine ones learning styles?Factors like character, culture and past experiences.What does Dr. Brown often do when he prepares his breakfast?He often recites

    16、 aloud the words.Locked InLast summer vacation, Tom took a part-time job in a company. His office was very small at the end of the second floor. One Friday evening, he finished his work and went out of his office. Its already six oclock. He looked around and found everybody had gone home. The buildi

    17、ng was very quiet, and the main lights were all out. He ran down to see whether he could find somebody, but it was too late. The doors all locked, and he was locked in the building. Tom went back to his office to phone the doorkeeper, but the phone did not work. He tried another one, and that phone

    18、did not work, either. Tom realized the phones in the office had been locked for the weekend. He thought, “I had to be here for the weekend”. Suddenly he remembered that in the reception room there was a phone that was always on. So he rushed to the reception room. The door was locked, too. So he wen

    19、t into the room through the window, and phoned the doorkeeper. Half an hour later, the doorkeeper came, and Tome went home.2011年广东高考英语计算机辅助口语考试(试题C) So how long is it since you came over to England? Well, it is about seven years now. How do you find it? I would say the time I am used to most things

    20、now. So how was it at first? Well, driving was the most difficult thing. I got used to driving on the left quite quickly. But it was other things like, er, one problem I had was with the horn. Why was that? I found out that English people get very upset if someone sounds their horn. Another terrifyi

    21、ng thing was that people suddenly step into the road, you know, on the zebra crossings. I wasnt used to stopping and I almost run someone over.What do you think of queuing in England? 电脑答:Well, queuing was a problem, too. I mean, it really is the national sport here. Im still trying to get used to i

    22、t. It just seems such a boring thing to do. You know, to stung in line for such a long times.Can you talk about English people?Well, they are very polite, you know, saying “please” and “thank you” all the time. I found it strange at first, all the time. Before I live here, I used to think English pe

    23、ople were very formal.Do you have any other problems?No, no, not really. Except, I suppose about how to greet people, you know, to kiss or not to kiss.How many years has the man been in England?Seven years.What did the man get used to quite quickly?Driving on the left.What does the man think of queu

    24、ing?It is such a boring thing to do. /It is boring.What did the man think of English people before he came to England?They were very formal.What does the man still find difficult in England?The way to greet people.Two Problems During his first year at university, one day, Tom arrived late at one of

    25、Professor Browns courses. On the blackboard were two math problems. He thought they were their homework and copied them down. A few days later, Tom went to Professor Browns office and apologized to him for taking so long to finish the homework. The problems seemed to be a little harder to do than us

    26、ual. He asked Professor Brown if he still wanted his homework. He told Tom to throw it on the desk covered with a lot of papers. Tom feared that his homework would be there forever.One Sunday morning, about six weeks later, Tom had a heavy knock at the front door. It was Professor Brown. He rushed i

    27、n with Toms homework in his hand. He said to Tom excitedly, “Ive just written an introduction for one of your papers. Read it so that we can get it published.” For a minute, Tom had no idea what he was talking about. Tom was later told that the two problems he copied down as his homework were two fa

    28、mous math problems that had never been worked out. For the first time, Tom realized that the two problems have something special in them.2011年广东高考英语计算机辅助口语考试(试题D) I feel terrible. I feel tired all the time and I get headaches. I have felt this for few weeks. How old are you now? Sixteen. Do you do m

    29、uch exercise? No, not really. What about sleeping? Do you sleep well? No, not really. I wake up a lot in the night and I worry a lot mainly about school work. What time do you usually go to bed? Oh, about midnight on week days and later at the weekends. Do you drink anything before you go to bed. Yes, I have a cup of coffee and I usually eat something before I go to bed. Oh, people of your age ought to sleep at least seven hours a night.What should I do?First, try to go to bed a little earlier. Second, you sh


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