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    1、实战讲稿Speaking实战讲稿Step 1: Leading in: by discussion. Hi, boys and girls. We are now living in a highly developed world, with advanced culture and highly developed civilizations. But have you ever thought what are the base of all the culture and civilizations? Oh, yes, they are based on those which wer

    2、e created by our great, great grandfathers lived a long, long time ago. No one exactly knows what they lived on, what were their housing and home decoration conditions, what kind of tools they usually used in their production activities, and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Anyway, w

    3、e can imagine! So now, lets divide into groups of four and, with the help of your imagination, discuss what kinds of food the early man ate, what their housing conditions and home decorations were like, what tools they made and what entertainment they had in their spare time. Then Ill ask some of yo

    4、u to report the results to the whole class.Step 2: role playT: Good, sit down. Please turn to page 72, look at the SPEAKING part. You should read it with your partner, then, do the roles play. (Teacher writes bb-middle)Making suggestions and giving advice:1. What can you suggest? Maybe we/you could

    5、2. Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest (that)3. Can you help me decide? Thats a good idea.4. What do you have in mind? Well, but what about Have you considered doing?T: OK, time is up. In our daily life, we often ask someone for advice when we cant make a decision. On the other hand, we often g

    6、ive other advice if they come to us for help. How can we ask for and give advice in English? Lets look at the blackboard. There are several sentences about giving advice, please read it follow me.T: Make sure you can use these sentences when you are making suggestion. Who can give us a dialogue? Any

    7、 volunteers? T: x x, you please, you can choose one of the situation in speaking part.T: ExcellentStep 3: InterviewT: We are going to have an interview. You are a host and your partner is Helen .Now give a chat with Helen. Ill give you several minutes to prepare.T: Time is up. Which pair would like

    8、you have a try? Lily, your group please.Q. What skills do you think young people need to succeed in life?A. Set Goals, plan for success, and believe in themselves.Q. In this high-tech world, whats the most important aspect of education? A. A well-rounded education with a broad view of the world.Q. W

    9、ho was the biggest influence in your life? Why? A. My parents, Sir Edmund HillaryQ. Whats the toughest part of your job? A. Finding time to do all that I want.Q. When you were a teenager, what place in the world did you most want to visit, and have you traveled there yet? Was it as wonderful as you

    10、thought it would be? Why or why not? A. The magnetic North Pole was my dream. I am the first woman to walk there alone without support. I wrote a best selling book about my journey with my polar bear dog Charlie who saved my life from polar bears. When I finally arrived after having survived storms,

    11、 a tent fire, frozen fingers, broken sea ice and polar bears I had a tremendous feeling of achievement. I didnt matter that I was first. It mattered that I had a goal, a plan and therefore I stood at the Pole.T: Very good. Thank you. I will ask another two students. Any volunteers? Lily, your group please.Blackboard design:Step 1 DiscussionStep 2: Role play1. What can you suggest? Maybe we/you could 2. Can I ask you for some advice? I suggest (that)Step 3: InterviewSpeaking


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