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    1、 A loud clap of thunder! Then I saw a little old hut and ran inside.Itsmelled awful and the walls were shaking, but it was2 (good) than nothing! Outside, the wind was howling and things were flying around.Ijust stood in the corner, cold and scared.3(lucky) my dad came and found me.Iwas safe! B Li Ba

    2、i was a Chinese poet praised from his own day to the present as a romantic figure 4 took traditional poetic forms to new heights.Thirty-fourof his poems are included in Three Hundred Tang Poems.5(he) early poetry took place in the “golden age” of Tang dynasty.Thisall changed suddenly when all of nor

    3、thern China 6 (destroy) by war.Fortunately, many of his poems 7 (survive) ever since, enjoying lasting popularity in China and elsewhere.C The Chinese Lunar( 月球) Explor ation Program is designed to be conducted in three stages: The first is simply reaching lunar orbit(轨道), a task 8 (plete) by Chang?

    4、e1 in20XX and Chang?2 in2021.Thesecond is 9 (land) on the Moon, as Chang?e 3 did ine 4 in20XX.Thethird one is collecting lunar sles and sending them to Earth, a task for the future Chang?e 5 and Chang?e 6 missions.It10 (be) China?s first sle return mission in December20XX.高三英语试卷 第2 页 (共12 页) 第二节 完形填

    5、空 (共20 小题;1.5 分,共 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Did The Earth Move For You? Eleven-year-old Angela suffered from a disease invo lving her nervous system.Shewas unable to11 and her movement was restricted in other ways as well.Thedoctors did not hold out much12 of her eve

    6、r recovering from this illness.They13 she?d spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair.Theysaid that14 , if any, were able to e back to normal after catching this disease.Butthe little girl was brave and confident.There,lying in her hospital bed, she would15 to anyone who?d listen that she was defin

    7、itely going to be walking again someday.She was then sent to a specialized rehabilitation hospital in the San Francisco Bay area.Whatever therapies(治疗方法) could be16 t o her case were used.Thingsdidn?t work as the therapists expected.Stillthey were cha rmed by her17 spirit.Theytaught her about 18 abo

    8、ut seeing herself walking.Ifit would do nothing else, it would 19 give her hope and something20 to do in the long waking hours in her bed.Angela would work as hard as possible in physical therapy, in whirlpools and in exercise sessions.Andshe worked just as hard lying there21 doing her imaging, visu

    9、alizing herself moving, moving, moving! One day, as she was twisting with all her22 to imagine her legs moving again, it seemed as though a23 thing happened: The bed moved! It began to move around the room! She24 out, “Look what I?m doing! Look! I25 it! I moved!” Of course, at this very moment every

    10、one else in the hospital was screaming, too, and running for26 .Peoplewere screaming, equipment was27 and glass was breaking.Yousee, it was the recentSan Francisco earthquake.Butdon?t tell that to Angela.She?s28 that she did it.Andnow only a few years later, she?s back in school.29 her own two legs.

    11、Nocrutches(拐杖), no wheelchair.Yousee, anyone who can shake the earth between San Francisco and Oakland can conquer a little disease.Younever know what?s around the corner until you take a 30 step.11.A.hear B.speakC.walkD.see12.A.pride B.hopeC.regretD.pity13.A.predicted B.forgotC.deniedD.promised14.A

    12、.some B.fewC.manyD.all15.A.apologize B.appealC.referD.swear16.A.applied B.appointedC.paredD.explained17.A.petitive B.independentC.sensitiveD.undefeatable18.A.concentrating B.summarizingC.picturingD.sorting19.A.in advance B.forsome reason C.onthe contrary D.atleast 20.A.positive B.attractiveC.familia

    13、rD.boring21.A.gratefully B.faithfullyC.hopelesslyD.royally22.A.might B.interestC.fameD.need23.A.normal B.magicalC.funnyD.simple24.A.found B.screamedC.turnedD.counted25.A.understood B.refusedC.madeD.decided26.A.cover B.fortC.freedomD.office27.A.exploding B.workingC.self-repairingD.falling28.A.persuad

    14、ed B.ashamedC.convincedD.worried29.A.By B.WithC.OnD.For30.A.cautious B.reasonableC.finalD.further第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,40 分)第一节(共15 小题;2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题 卡上将该项涂黑。高三英语试卷 第 4 页 (共12 页) A Canterbury College COURSE A This course will enable students to experience performing arts

    15、 and the media at a basic leve l.Itwill give them the experience to decide if they wish to develop an interest in this field and to train their potential and adaptability for working in a performance pany in either a performing or a technical role.COURSE B The aim of this course is to provide a seri

    16、es of training in business-related skills and a prehensive knowledge of business practice.Itis for students with a business learning experience who can manage a heavy workload.COURSE C This course gives a foundation for a career in caring for children, the elderly or people with special needs.Coreun

    17、its are Emergency Treatment, munication and Information Technology.Practicaltraining is an important par t of the course.COURSE D This course is designed to provide an introduction to the construction industry.Unitscovered include Heat, Light and Sound, Introduction to the Urban Environment, municat

    18、ion Processes and Techniques.Allstudents will plete vocational assignments with work experience in the big panies.COURSE E The qualifications gained and the skills developed on this course will provide a good basis for gaining employment in office work.Inaddition to word processing, the course also

    19、covers spreadsheets, puterized accounting, databases and desktop publishing.Allstudents are given chances to develop their confidence, and advice and information is given on job search skills, presentation techniques and personal appearance.COURSE F This course is designed to provide a foundation in

    20、 graphic and visual munication skills.Students plete units in picture position and photographic processing alongside elements of graphic design, and gain hands-on experience of desktop publishing and presentations.31.Suzanwants to be an actress, she can choose _.A.CourseA B.CourseB C.CourseD D.Cours

    21、eE 32.CourseC is fit for the students who might _. A.dealwith the numbers B.workwith the disabled C.runa business organization D.designand construct buildings 33.IfDavid chooses Course F, he might be a student with the career interest in _. A.advertisingB.politicsC.nursingD.management34.Wherecan we probably find the passage? A.Ina city guidebook. B.Ina science journal.C.Ona school website. D.Froma news report.


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