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    1、 在你走之前喝杯可口的茶怎么样? Yes, Id love one. 好的,我想来一杯 How do you like it? 你想来杯什么样的? A strong one with three spoons for me, please. 放三勺茶叶给我一杯浓一点的茶Dialogue 4: What are you going to have to drink? 你想喝点什么? Id like something cool. 我想喝点冰的东西。 Would you care for some cake? 你想要吃一些蛋糕吗 Yes, Ill try a piece of cheese cak

    2、e. 嗯嗯,我想要一份芝士蛋糕。 It certainly looks tempting. I wouldnt mind some myself. 这看起来确实很诱人,我不介意自己也来一些。Dialogue 5: Have you chosen something, sir? 先生,您已经选好了吗? Yes, I think Ill have the curry, please. 是的,我想要一些咖喱 What would you like afterwards? 然后你还要些什么呢? Id like some fruit if you have any. 如果有水果的话给我来一些。Dialo

    3、gue 6: Would you like a cigarette? 你想抽烟吗 No, thanks. Im trying to cut down. 不用,谢了。我正努力戒烟。 Go on. I owe you one from yesterday. 加油继续。我昨天就欠你一支了 OK, but next time you must have one of mine. 嗯,但下一次你必须得抽支我的。Dialogue 7: I wonder if you could help meIm looking for a room. 我想知道你能否帮助我我在寻找一个空房间 I have got a v

    4、acancy, yes. 嗯嗯,我有一个空房间 What sort of price are you asking? 你要价多少? Eight pounds fifty a week excluding laundry. 不带洗衣房是每星期8.5英镑 Would it be convenient to see the room? 方便去看一下这个房间吗 Can you call back later? Were right in the middle of lunch. 你可以晚点打来吗?我们现在正在吃午饭。Dialogue 8: Will Dr. Black be able to see m

    5、e at about 9.15 tomorrow? 布莱克医生可以在明天9.15和我见面吗? Sorry, but hes fully booked till eleven unless theres a cancellation. 抱歉,他在十一点之前已经被预约满了,除非有人取消预约。 Would ten to one be convenient? 那在12.50的时候方便吗? Yes, hes free then. 是的,那时他是空闲的。Dialogue 9: Can you fix me up with a part-time job? 你可以为我提供一份兼职吗? Anything in

    6、 particular that appeals to you? 有什么特别吸引你的工作吗?/你有什么特别喜欢的工作吗? I was rather hoping to find something in a school. 我更希望在学校里找到一些事做。 Have you done that kind of thing before? 你以前从事过那种类型的工作吗? Yes, I was doing the same job last summer. 是的,我上个暑假一直从事相同的工作。 I might be able to help you, but Id need references.

    7、我也许可以帮助你,但我需要证明人。Section Two:A. Quick Lunch:Mr. Radford has just dropped in for a quick lunch.瑞德福德先生刚刚顺便去了一家快餐店。Waitress: A table for one, sir? 先生您要张一人坐的桌子吗?Mr. Radford: Yes, please.是的。 Are you having the set lunch?你想要套餐吗? Yes.嗯 What would you like to start with?那么你想先点什么呢? Whats the soup of the day?

    8、今天做的是什么汤 Mushroom.蘑菇汤 Yes, please. Ill have that.好的好的,我要了 And for your main course?那您的主食呢? The plaice, I think, and apple tart to follow.我要比目鱼,然后是苹果馅饼 Would you like something to drink with your meal?那你想要些什么喝的来配你的饭菜呢。 Yes. A lager please.嗯,一瓶贮藏啤酒。 Thank you.谢谢您B. Dinner:Waiter: Good afternoon.下午好Mr.

    9、 Blackmore: Good afternoon. I have a table for two under the name of Blackmore.下午好,我以布莱克摩尔的名义预定了一张双人桌 Yes, sir. Would you like to come this way?是的先生,请您往这边走好吗?谢谢你 Can I take your coat, madam?女士,我可以为您拿着您的外套吗?Mrs. Blackmore:谢谢 Will this table do for you?这张桌子可以吗 That will be fine, thanks.挺好的,谢谢 Would yo

    10、u like a drink before your meal?在你用餐前需要些喝的吗? Yes. A dry sherry, please.嗯,一瓶干雪利酒。 Half of bitter for me.给我上半杯苦啤酒 Are you ready to order?您准备好点点餐了吗? Yes, I think so.我觉得可以了 What would you like for starters, madam?女士,你想点些什么当开胃菜呢 I cant decide. What do you recommend?我也不知道,你能给我推荐些什么呢? Well, the prawns are

    11、always popular. The pate is very good.好的,对虾总是很受欢迎。肉酱也挺不错的。 The prawns then please, for me.我要对虾 And for you, sir?那先生您呢 I think Ill try the soup.我将尝一尝这个汤 Very good, sir. And to follow?好的,先生。那么接下来呢? Rack of lamb, I think.我想要羊架那你呢,先生 Ill have the steak.我想要牛排 How would you like your steak done, sir?你想要你的

    12、牛排做成什么样呢,先生 Medium rare, please.三分熟的 Thank you. Would you like to see the wine list?谢谢你,你要看一下葡萄酒单吗? Do you have a house wine?你们这里有招牌酒吗? Yes, sir. Red or white?有啊,先生,您要红葡萄酒还是白葡萄酒? Do you have half bottles of half carafes?你们这有半卡拉夫的半瓶吗? Yes, sir.有的,先生 One of each then, please.那么给我每样来一个C. Interview:Repo

    13、rter: Now, Susan. Youve had a few minutes to rest. Can you tell us something about yourself? 苏珊,现在,你还剩几分钟的时间。你可以告诉我们一些关于你的事情吗?How old are you and what do you do?你多大了你还有你是做什么的Susan: Im twenty-two and Im a bus conductress.我22了,我是名公共汽车女售票员 A bus conductress! So youre used to collecting money. Who taugh

    14、t you to cycle?一名公共汽车售票员!那你一定习惯于收钱。谁教你骑的自行车 Nobody. I taught myself. Ive been cycling since I was five.没人,我自学的。从我五岁起,我就一直在骑自行车。 And who bought that beautiful racing cycle for you?那那辆漂亮的公路赛车是谁给你买的 I bought it myself. I worked over-time.我自己买的,我夜以继日的工作/我加班工作。 Good for you! And what are you going to do

    15、now?你真厉害。那么现在你准备以后做什么呢 Now? If you mean this minute, Im going to have a long hot bath.现在?如果你的意思是这一分钟,我准备去泡个长时间的热水澡 You must need to relax. Again, congratulations. That was Susan James, winner of this years London to Brighton cycle race.你一定是需要休息了。再次祝贺你。这就是今年伦敦到布莱顿码头自行车比赛的冠军,苏珊吉姆斯D. Why cant I do what

    16、 I like?I hope I never grow old! My grandfather lives with us and hes making my life a misery.我希望我永远不会变老!我的外祖父和我们住在一起,他使我们的生活痛苦不堪 When I was small he was kind and cheerful. But now hes always complaining and criticizing.在我小时候,他既善良又乐观。但是现在,他总是抱怨和指责 I mustnt interrupt when hes talking. Its rude. He do

    17、esnt like my clothes. Nice girls dont dress 他说话的时候我不能打断他。这是粗鲁的。他不喜欢我的衣服。“好姑娘不会穿成那样like that. I shouldnt wear make-up. Natural beauty is best. Sometimes he interferes with my 我不应该化妆。 自然美才是最好的。有时候他还干涉我的家庭作业homework. When I was young we used to do maths differently, he says. Honestly, hes so old he 他说:

    18、年轻的时候,我曾经用不同的方法做数学 说实话,他太老了,什么都不知doesnt know anything. But that doesnt stop him criticizing me. He doesnt like my friends of my 但是那并没有阻止他批评我们。 他不喜欢我的朋友和我最喜欢的唱片favorite records. Youre making too much noise, he calls. I cant get to sleep. When hes not 他会说,你制造了太多噪音了。 我没办法睡觉了。 当他不抱怨时,他会问问题complaining he

    19、s asking questions. Where are you going? Where have you been? Why arent you 你去哪?你去哪了?你为什么不帮帮你的妈妈?helping your mother? He thinks Im six, not sixteen. Anyway, why cant I do what I like? Its my 他认为我六岁而不是十六岁。 不管怎么样我为什么不能做我喜欢的事呢?这是我的生活,不是他的。life, not his.Section Three:Dictation.Philip is a very interesti

    20、ng boy. He is clever but he doesnt like school. He hates studying but 飞利浦是个非常有趣的男孩。他非常聪明但不喜欢上学。 他讨厌学习但又非常热衷于he is very keen on learning new practical skills. In his spare time he often repairs motorbikes. He 学习新的实用的技能。在他的闲暇时间,他经常修理摩托车。likes helping the neighbours in their vegetable gardens, too.他还喜欢帮他们的邻居照看他们的蔬菜园。


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