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    1、 关键词:功能对等;商标;翻译AbstractA brand name is the part of brand that can be vocalized, and the sign of a product. This paper starts with the information of brand names to introduce the definition, characteristics and the functions of brand names. The brand name is a phenomenon of culture. We should pay mor

    2、e attention to the possibility of brand name translation, and take the Nadas “Functional Equivalence” as a cardinal principle and methods employed in brand name translation,this is a viable way. Brand names possess peculiar cultural characteristics and have intimate relation with culture,then we nee

    3、d analyze the cultural barriers of the brand name translation from different national traits, different customs and habits, different semantic associative. Although there are cultural barriers in the brand name translation, we can still overcome them. Translators should use the techniques flexibly s

    4、o as to overcome the cultural barriers in brand name translation and try to translate brand names perfectly. Key words: functional equivalence; brand name; translation Contents摘 要.iAbstract.iiIntroduction1Chapter 1 Overview of Brand Names.21.1 Definition of Brand Names21.2 Formation of Brand Names2

    5、1.2.1 Proper Names3 1.2.2 Common Words.3 1.2.3 Coined Words.41.3 Characteristics of Brand Names.5 1.3.1 Brevity.5 1.3.2 Elegance.6 1.3.3 Originality.71.4 Functions of Brand Names .7 1.4.1 Informative Function.8 1.4.2 Aesthetic Function.8 1.4.3 Evocative Function.10Chapter 2 Functional Equivalence Th

    6、eory and Brand Name Translation.122.1 Functional Equivalence122.2 Consideration of Factors in Brand Name Translation13 2.2.1 Consumer Psychology13 2.2.2 Cultural Factors14 2.2.3 Aesthetic Factors162.3 Application of Functional Equivalence in Brand Name Translation16 2.3.1 Equivalence of Informative

    7、Function16 2.3.2 Equivalence of Aesthetic Function17 2.3.3 Equivalence of Evocative Function18Chapter 3 Methods Employed in Brand Name Translation.203.1 Literal Translation203.2 Transliteration213.3 Combination of Literal Translation and Transliteration233.4 Creative Translation24 3.4.1 Addition or

    8、Deletion24 3.4.2 Blending25 3.4.3 Acronym26 3.4.4 Purposive Misspelling26Conclusion27Bibliography28AcknowledgementsIntroductionA brand name is a sign representing cultural characteristics of different nations, societies and times. It serves not only its expected functions of communication; it is als

    9、o employed in a symbolic manner to identify a brand and its cultural origin. Today, well-known brand names have become cultural icons, and enjoy powerful advantages in the fierce competition. Brand names, as part of language, reflect the features of a certain nation, including the historical and cul

    10、tural background, their attitudes towards life, and their life style and thinking pattern.Brand name translation is influenced by cultural elements which differentiate it from general translation. Brand name translation is of significance in the competitive market. Brand names mirror the culture of

    11、different countries, so cultural elements must not be ignored in the translating process. At present, with economic development and increasing international contact, the exchanges between different countries become more and more frequent. And trade surplus becomes an important part of our national e

    12、conomy. Proper translation of brand names also becomes more and more important so as to promote the sales of goods and cultivate foreign markets.Chapter 1Overview of Brand Names1.1 Definition of Brand NamesA brand name refers to a specific name employed by a corporation to identify uniquely a produc

    13、t or its manufacturer, or a service and its provider. (Li Guisheng,1996) It is quite often used interchangeably within “brand name”, although it is more correctly used to specifically denote written or spoken linguistic elements of any product. A legally protected brand name is called a proprietary

    14、name. A powerful brand name embodies a unique set of values and hence personality. A successfully designed brand name can bring about enormous value in a real sense, which is invisible wealth of a company. Therefore, brand name is of more and more importance in “global village” and the right and sui

    15、table meaning of a brand can be an enduring advantage.1.2 Formation of Brand Names From the perspective of the linguistic structures, brand names can be mainly divided into proper name brand names, the common word brand names and the coined word brand names.(He Chuansheng,1997) However, there are so

    16、me similarities and differences in the formation of Chinese and English cosmetic brand names. 1.2.1 Proper Names Using a proper name especially a persons name can create a sense of amicability between the product and the consumers. A good name will inspire the consumers to think about the image unde

    17、r that name. Take some brand names for example, “Charlie” in English has the long-standing image of being a confident but warm little girl; “大宝”in Chinese is an adorable nickname for a male who is the family members darling. When personal names are used as brand names, distance between the commoditi

    18、es and the consumers could be shortened while the sense of intimacy could be established. In such a delightful and cheerful state, consumers would be inspired to be better informed about the products, if interested and satisfied, they will purchase. Thus, a very successful sale could be fulfilled as

    19、 the brand name fully performs its fundamental function.1.2.2 Common WordsCommon words will add more amicability and friendliness in the products and names provide the denominators and translators more choices. Usually, the common words used in Chinese and English brand names include adjective and n

    20、oun. The brand names formed by common nouns have symbolic and metaphor functions. Products with these names possess the characteristics of these words or objects, for example, “Ivory” can make you skin smooth and white. The cosmetic brand names formed by adjectives or adjective plus noun can show a

    21、very direct description of the main characters of the product.1.2.3 Coined Words When certain qualities, characteristics and functions are taken into consideration, coined words can be created. Since they are coined, they are unique and novel as there is not much possibility that another similar one

    22、 will appear. Many English brand names are created by means of lexical methods, such as shortening, compounding, blending, affixation, etc while the Chinese brand names tend to use word group. Shortening is the simplified form of the original words. For example, “SR”, a brand name of toothpaste, is

    23、formed by acronym, that is, to use the initials of the ingredients of the product (Sodium, Ricinoleate). Compounding is a popular and crucial way of forming English and Chinese cosmetic brand names. By compounding, two or more words are together to show the feature, quality and function of the produ

    24、ct, so compound brand names can illustrate the characteristics of the products from multi-perspectives. Examples are: “Body Flower” stresses its function of making the body full of the fragrance of flowers. “Head & Shoulders” stresses its function of moistening the hair and making it soft and easy t

    25、o comb. Different from English, Chinese is the ideograph language. So word groups can be formed by putting characters together. Usually, certain words have good connotations are frequently used. Names of plants and animals are often used as brand names. Chinese cosmetic brand names have a preference

    26、 of the pretty images of some of them which can arouse the interest and bring good association, such as“蜂花”(cosmetic),“紫罗兰” (cosmetic)and “佰草集” (cosmetic).The above-mentioned have attached great importance to the point that they are pure, natural and environmentally safe products by using the raw ma

    27、terial from the outside world and the consumers can get the essence of the flowers and herbal extract by using them.1.3 Characteristics of Brand Names A brand name is the name of a product, which is a mark or a symbol that can be used to define a certain product. The goal of a brand name should aim

    28、at setting up a good image in the market, arousing consumers favorable association and purchasing desire. Thus the language used in brand names must have some features of its own.1.3.1 Brevity Brevity is a basic requirement of a good brand name, which means brand names should concise in spellings an

    29、d pronunciations to make them eye-catching and easy to remember. According to an investigation, Chinese brand names consist of mainly two or three characters, and 70% of them (including Chinese versions of foreign ones) are two-character construction, 29% are three-character construction, only about 1% are more than five characters. Name a few as examples, “立白”(washing powder), “碧浪” (washing powder), “汰渍” (washing powder), “雕牌” (washing powder), “奥妙” (washing powder), “海尔”(electric applia


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