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    1、课 时 安 排节 次内 容总 课 时其 中讲授实验练习课堂作业1Section I20.5Section I and section II 3Section 4Section(1):passage 15Section(2):6Section:Passage2Section: Cultural tips合 计4.5江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3)Unit 2 Section Talking Face to Face教学重点与难点How to thank and sorry to each other when people mistake something.复习旧课内容Review the

    2、 way to say hi.教学方法Lecture; Act out in groups; 作业布置Act out : Let the students practice the expression of thank and sorry to others in class.课堂小结课 堂效 果分 析及改 进措 施 主任审阅_ 授课教师_ 年 月 日 年 月 日江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4) 授 课 内 容 Unit 2 Section I Talking Face to FaceThe topic of talking face to face area in this unit

    3、is to express thanks and give responses while exchanging gift-card and congratulation card. The focus is on the patterns that are appropriate for giving information concerning the various reasons and hoping to get the forgiveness from the other person. 1. The students read the mini-talks after the t

    4、eacher, and then try to recite them within five minutes in pairs.2. Ask the students to underline the useful expressions and perform the mini-talks in class.3. The students discuss in groups, summarizing the words, phrases and sentences frequently used according to the following topics with the help

    5、 of the teacher. The students speak out the sentences under the guidance of the teacher, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. 1) sentences frequently used for expressing thanks:It was so generous of you to send me such a fine and beautiful gift.I dont know how to express my than

    6、ks to you.Im grateful for all the help and encouragement youve given me. 2) Sentences frequently used for expressing congratulations:Congratulations on your recent promotion!Please accept my heartiest congratulations.Section Being All EarsUseful expressions for thanking and saying sorry to othersSen

    7、tences which can be used to express appreciationGet more familiar with those useful expressions 江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(4)授 课 内 容 Section Being All Ears1. Give the students a few minutes to read through the printed materials for each listening item.2. Listen to the material for the first time without referr

    8、ing to the book.3. Listen to the material for a second time, and ask the students to answer the following questions orally.1) What is the relationship between Andy and Donna?2) What happened to Donna? How does she feel now?3) Why does Donna show her thanks to Andy?4) Where does Andy get the flowers?

    9、5) Where does Donna keep the flowers?Unit 2 Section Trying Your Hand1. How to write a thank-you note in English2. Sentence structure practiceReview how to say hi to each other when they meet.Lecture; The task-based teaching method;Translate a not into chinese (P33)Section Trying Your HandApplied Wri

    10、tingSample AnalysisThe teacher summarizes briefly the format and language used in thank-you notes, congratulation cards and apology letters. The teacher may show the following passage with PPT. Afterwards, ask the students to read it and translate it into Chinese orally.1. More information about tha

    11、nk-you notes;Thank-you notes are usually exchanged between friends and acquaintances. They are brief, direct and often in an informal style. They are often written in simple languages, using courteous words and sentences to express the writers good wish or thanks. The following sentences are often u

    12、sed in thank-you notes.2. More information about congratulation cards:People often write and send a congratulation card to congratulate one on such joyful occasions as celebrating ones promotion, wedding, birthday, graduation, etc. Congratulation cards are also exchanged on holidays. The language us

    13、ed in a congratulation card usually sounds courteous and complimentary. The following expressions and sentences often appear in congratulation cards.GrammarPractice 1:TypesUsagesExamplesDefinite article ( The)A definite article indicates that its noun is a particular one( or ones) identifiable to th

    14、e listener. It may be the same thing that the speaker has already mentioned, or it may be something uniquely specified.The children know the fastest way home.Give me the book.Indefinite article( A/An)An indefinite article indicates that its noun is not a particular one ( or ones ) identifiable to th

    15、e listener. It may be something that the speaker is mentioning for the first time, or its precise identity may be irrelevant or hypothetical, or the speaker may be making a general statement about any such thing.She had so large a house that an elephant would get lost without a map.2. Do exercises 5

    16、,6 and 7 in groups.3. Assignment for this sectionWritten work: suppose you missed an appointment with your friend. Please write a letter of apology for his/her forgiveness.Unit 1 Section (1): Passage 1 Thank you, Volunteers!1. analyze passage 1 2. explain the new words and important wordsreview the

    17、format of thank-you note. The situational teaching method;1. Read and complete (P38)2. review the useful wordsUnit 2 Section (1): Passage 1 Thank you, Volunteers!1. Information Traditional Festivals in China.春节:Spring Festival ( the 1st day of the 1st lunar month)除夕:New Years Eve ( the day before th

    18、e Spring Festival)元宵节:Lantern Festival ( the 15th of the 1st lunar month)清明节:Qingming/Tomb-Sweeping Festival (April 4th or 5th)端午节:Dragon Boat Festival( the 5the of the 5th lunar month)七夕节:Qixi Festival( the 7th day of the 7the month of the lunar month, somewhat equivalent to Valentines Day in Engli

    19、sh)中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival( the 15th of the 8th lunar month)重阳节:Double-Ninth Day ( the 9th of the 9th lunar month)2. Important Traditional Festivals in Western Countries.圣诞节:Christmas( the 25th of December)平安夜: Christmas Eve ( the 24th of December)情人节:Valentines Day ( 14th of February)愚人节:Fools Day

    20、( the 1st of April)复活节:Easter( the 1st Sunday after a full moon on or after 21st of Marth)感恩节:Thanksgiving Day ( the 4th Thursday f November)万圣节:Halloween/All Saints Day (31st of October)Important words1. offer v. make available or accessible, provide or furnish e.g. The conference center offers a h

    21、ealth spa. The local student offers to guide us around the city.2. invite v. ask someone in a friendly way to do something e.g. Shall we invite the famous football player to join our club? Students are invited to submit papers to this online magazine.3. grateful a. feeling or showing thanks e.g. He

    22、felt so grateful to all the strangers help. We need to feel more grateful for what we have instead of complaining what we dont.4.break n. a pause from doing something ( as work)e.g. The meeting was too long, so we had a tea break. A 10-minute break between each session offers us a time to rest a bit

    23、.5. appreciate v. be fully aware of; realize fullye.g. Do you appreciate the full meaning of this letter?I do appreciate what you have done to ease my pain.6. recognize v. show approval or appreciation ofe.g. Our effort is fully recognized by the society. The in-service training center is widely rec

    24、ognized here. 江西外语外贸职业学院教案备课纸(3)Unit 1 Section (2):2. explain the difficult sentencesreview the key words1.Read and translate (P39)2. preview passage 2Section (2):Language pointsExplanation of Difficult Sentences1. (Para. 1)November in the United States brings the holiday of Thanksgiving, and theref

    25、ore its in November that we tend to think of a way in which we could show our thanks to volunteers.Analysis: This is a complex sentence. The basic sentence structure is S(subject) and S in whichIn the second and-clause an emphatic structure its in November is used to emphasize the time adverbial of

    26、in November, modifying we tend to think. Which leads a relative clause, modifying a way.Translation: 因此,我们在十一月里常常会想办法来表示对志愿者们的感谢。Example: October in China brings the National Day, and therefore its in October that Chinese people think of different ways in which they show their love to their motherland.2. (Para. 2) I like t


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