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    1、隐喻意识与英语词汇教学,胡壮麟北京大学,1.外语教学中的词汇教学,词汇教学是任何外语教学中关注的重要内容。小学 800-1000 初中 1600-1800 高中 3000-3500 大学 6000-7000。,胡壮麟,封宗信,罗郁:“大学英语教学中的习得”外语教学与研究1994年第4期,44-49页。,BBC国际台对407名中阶学生就四个技能的重要性进行调查.我更重视词汇 127(26%)我更重视语法 66(13%)我对两者都重视 305(61%),2采用隐喻方法进行词汇教学,教授英语词汇有多种方法,不同策略。这包括任务法,猜词义法,查阅词典法,做笔记法,死记背诵法,编码法,等等。(Gu,20

    2、03),本文中的 隐喻 泛指使用词语或具体举例时联系其相似性网络,从而帮助学习者决定语言与世界的关系。(Kuhn 1993,539页)。丰富和复杂的隐喻模型(metaphoric models)。(Lakoff and Johnson,1980),“隐喻模型是构建一个义域(目标域)的知识的方法,通过将一个人们早已熟悉的现存义域的观念和关系映现于这个目标域上。fluid flow electrical circuitswater pressure voltagepumps batteriesFlow current,Angerblowing off steam containing his ra

    3、ge(Lakoff and Kvecs,1987)隐喻模型是对知识编码的基本机制。我们许多常见的文化知识是通过隐喻模型获得的。(Lakoff and Johnson,1980).,3.为什么在词汇教学中需要隐喻意识?3.1 词汇的整体与隐喻化紧密有关,隐喻思维在词汇和表述的意义的历史演变过程中起到巨大作用.(Gibbs,et al,1997),foot(足)a man of five feet nine;the foot of a mountain;the note at the foot of a page;the foot of a parade;the foot of the class

    4、;a pentameter refers to lines of poetry with 5 metric feet;the fourth regiment of foot.,3.2 帮助学习者理解新词语或不熟悉词语的意义,有时,我们很难在一个词和其意义之间找到对应。Her marriage is on the rocks 隐喻是主要的机制,我们藉此理解抽象概念,进行抽象推理。(Lakoff,1993),“LOVE IS A JOURNEY”(Gibbs,et al.1997)Our marriage is off to a great start.Their relationship is

    5、at a cross-roads.After several years of marriage,were spinning our wheels.Were back on track again.,flip your lid,hit the ceiling,get hot under the collar,lose your cool,get steamed up Cf.“ANGER IS HEATED FLUID IN A CONTAINER.”(Gibbs et al.,1997)隐喻鼓励人们进行解释。(Kopp,1998)“My ambition was Hiroshima,after

    6、 the bombing.,3.3 在不熟悉的语境下利用有限的语言知识,帮助学习者根据有限的词汇来描述新的或复杂的情景。孩子能很好地运用隐喻。Mummy,an elephant stepped on my ear.Albert is bird.Paul is lion.Deslyons is lamb.,计算机科学家在屏幕上建立与用户的界面时,需要一种新的语言.Windows.mouse,garbage bin,menu,open,close,page,serf,navigate,space,chat-room,enter,quit,等等。,3.4 操练词汇,Life is a song si

    7、ng it.Life is a game play it.Life is a challenge-meet it.Life is a dream realize it.Life is a sacrifice offer it.Life is a love enjoy it.,Live is a struggle face it.Life is a danger avoid it.Life is a coke-drink it.Live is a chocolate eat it.Life is a match-light it.Life is a test-take it.Life is a

    8、torch-follow it.Life is an adventure-explore it.,3.5 以极少词语表达最大量意义,符号(或词语)和意义的矛盾。英语在2006年夏将达到100万个词。(Xiong,2006)要解决此问题,使一个符号(词)能表达更多的意义。有利于学习者写作能力的提高。“My dorm is a prison”(Kopp,1998).,4.在词汇教学中如何培养隐喻意识,4.1 利用黑板和词典学生分小组研究和设计与某一主题有关的黑板画。(Lazar,2006)body:heart,feet,hand,eye,nose keep the body and soul to

    9、gether/the oceans are large bodies of water,the heart of the matter/have ones heart in ones moutha bird in the hand/at first handan eye for an eye/close ones eyes toPeter passed the exam by a nose/go into a nose dive,用有关气候的词语或谚语进行活动。(Albreschtsen,et al.2006):气候隐喻 1.a sunny smile 2.an icy look 3.a st

    10、ormy relationship,谚语1.a new broom 2.early birds 3.birds of a feather 4.silver linings 5.a rolling stone,4.2 自由讨论,PLANTS:roots,branches,seeds,to blossom,to bloom,to plant the roots of a problem,to plant an idea in somebodys mind,a branch of the Chen family,sow the seeds of virtue in young children,he

    11、 blossomed out as a first rate athlete,a recurrent fad that blooms from time to time。要求学生写一个故事,尽可能地用上这些隐喻用法。(Lazar,2006),给学生底层的概念隐喻,THE SOCIETY IS A BODY the bowels of society,the industrial heartland,the eyes and ears of society,the arms of the law 可改进学生对词汇的保持。(Boers,2000).,4.3 认识语法类别,语法范畴 举例作为动词 T

    12、he news that ignited his face snuffed out her smile.作为形容词 Her carnivorous pencil carved up Susans devotion.作为副词 Hes in for a big surprise.作为介词短语 The donor inspected the rash with a vultures eye.作为同位语 On the sidewalk was yesterdays paper,an ink-stained sponge,4.4 将特征从一词转移到另一词,Juliet the sun英语词典中有许多固定

    13、表述方法只能通过隐喻才能理解。(Lazar,2006):My love is a burning flame.(burning with heat passion)When did you get your step?(upward motion promotion),Jesse hammered away at his homework.(keep on striking keep on working)bright boys and girls in the A-stream(the first alphabet+a body of water the top group)“Mommy,c

    14、hocolate is drug.”,4.5 提高词语“堆积的知识,许多隐喻不是以孤立的词出现。(Lazar,2006)down in the dumps 鼓励学生把这些成语作为整体进行学习。这可以帮助学生记忆,使用得当。,4.6 引语,让学生自己从一篇长课文或著作中摘录。The keyboard is the eye of the computer.(A Language of Metaphors)理由:keyboard 和 eye 都是单向交际工具;不同方面表现在功能上,一个是经由大脑进行表述的工具,一个是作为经由大脑接受的工具。,The universe is a perfect rec

    15、ord of itself,written in every last iota of all things.Embalming keeps the dead from living and taxidermy keeps the living from dying.Casnigs First Law of Motions:There are two types of troublemakers in the world:those who want change,and those who resist.The metaphor shows us the universe is full o

    16、f cousins.In the great casino of life,DNA is a slot machine.Life always wins.,4.7 语篇分析,让学生注意论辩文往往建立在一两个底层的概念隐喻,例如THEORY IS A BUILDING THE ECONOMY IS A SICK PATIENT给学生一些短文,让他们鉴别底层的隐喻。让学生利用其他隐喻描述同样的概念,并考虑这些隐喻的不同意义。可帮助发展他们的批判性思维能力。.(Boers,2000),文学作品,特别是诗歌,给我们提供了大量隐喻表述的实例。(Lazar,2006)A tigers eye is not

    17、hing like the moonIt is far more like the sunThe fur is like a soft meadow in the breezeIt is not like a rapid riverHis run is fast,but is nothing like a turtleHis ears are pointed like a jagged rockBut arent like a smooth oneIts claws are like a sharp knife with many teethThey are nothing like a sp

    18、oonThe tiger is so swift and fast,Lazar 然后让学生讨论隐喻在该诗中是如何被应用的,有些答案如下:tigers eye 被比做 the moon,与the sun 相关。fur 与a soft meadow 相关,我们也获知它与a raging river 毫不相似。.诗人把老虎的fast run 与a turtle 的低速度相比。.诗人把老虎的ears 与 rock 比较,包括不同特征。诗人将老虎的claws 比做一个spoon 和一把sharp knife。,4.8 编写自己的隐喻,让学生对其中一个或更多的斜体词以下面相当的词语替代,并作出说明。(A

    19、Language of Metaphors)A wire conducts electrons;electric current flows along a wire;water current streams along a course;traffic moves along a road;a bottleneck in traffic slows the flow of cars;water runs along a pipe;electric lines,plumbing/sewer lines,railway lines;railway cars;path of electrons;

    20、a backed-up drain;backed-up traffic;traffic is running smoothly;blood flows down an artery;,期待学生发现以下一些关系:wire=road=course=pipe=line=path=artery(注意每一项都是“虚”线,可以自行移动)electrons=water(分子)=cars=blood(细胞)(注意每一项都是物体或若干组的物体,能一起移动)flow=run=move=stream=pass(注意每一项都是实在的移动,标志着沿着一段距离或一段时间游动),本作业也期待学生通过自己的发现构建隐喻,如:water current flows along a course electric current streams along a pathblood flows down an artery(a)train runs down a line,5.结束语,(1)隐喻不穷尽所有的词汇教学法,但它仍值得我们注意。(2)鉴于我们是从教学考虑隐喻,我们采用的是比较宽松的观点。(3)词汇教学不能与语篇分析分离。语篇为我们提供语言语境和情景语境,给学生提供启示。(4)词汇教学的最终目的是让学生掌握一门新的语言,会读会写。应鼓励学生创新地和自发地构建自己的隐喻。,THANK YOU!,


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