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    1、医药商品购销员医药商品购销员第1单元 接待与服务 培训目标 掌握接待顾客的技巧,并能熟练应用 熟悉顾客的消费心理 能够正确应对各种类型的顾客 一、接待顾客技巧 1(耐心倾听 接待工作中,不论顾客称赞、说明、抱怨,还是驳斥、警告、责难,购销员都可以从中了解到顾客的购买需求。耐心倾听顾客的诉说,顾客会认为得到了尊重,从而愿意合作。 (1)用心倾听的三原则:耐心、专心、关心。 (2)有效聆听的步骤:发出准备聆听的信息、采取积极的行动、理解对方全部的信息。 (3)提升倾听能力的注意事项:不要打断顾客的谈话、听清对方的谈话重点、适时表达自己的意见、用心去寻找对方谈话的价值、配合表情和恰当的肢体语言、避免

    2、虚假的反应。 (切忌争论 2消除疑虑、克服误解、面对缺点。 3(处理异议 异议的分类 (1)真实的异议:指顾客表示目前没有需要,或对药品不满意、抱有偏见等。 (2)隐含的异议:指顾客并不把真正的异议提出来,提出异议的目的是要借此假象达成其他方面的目的。 (3)虚假的异议:一种是顾客用借口、敷衍的方式应付购销员,没有诚意交流,不想消费;另一种是顾客提出异议,但这些异议并不是他们真正在意的地方。 处理方法:让步处理法、转化意见法、以优补劣法、意见合并法、直接否定法、优势对比法、比喻处理法、讨教顾客法。 4(努力成交 (1)激发顾客购买欲望的方式:营造热销氛围、“少买”的购买方式、运用第三者的影响力

    3、、运用人的心理特点。 二、顾客心理分析 1(把握顾客的消费心理 (1)顾客需求的一个层次:生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、尊重都要求、自我实惠的需求。 containing gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you should analyze . 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and

    4、delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate inform

    5、ation supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervi

    6、sor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to

    7、 monitor the projects acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.1. the (2)顾客的两大购买动机:理智动机、感情动机 (3)顾客购物心理的八个阶段:注意、兴趣、联想、需求、比较、决定、行动、满足。 2(不同个性顾客的消费 第二节 处理顾客投诉 培训目标 掌握顾客投诉的处理原则及程序,能够正确处理好顾客的投诉 熟悉常见顾客投诉应答技巧及标准话术 了解顾客投诉的类型及意义 一、重视顾客投诉的意义 提升形象、化解纠纷、改善管理、重要信息、实惠经营目标、留住顾客。 二、顾客投诉和抱

    8、怨的类型 1(对药品的投诉和抱怨:价格过高、药品质量差、标示不符、药品缺货。 2(对服务的投诉和抱怨:服务态度不佳、缺少专业知识、过度推销、现有服务作业不当或服务项目不足。 3(对安全和环境的投诉及抱怨:意外事件的发生、环境的影响 三、用户质量投诉与处理 1(用户质量投诉的管理制度 2(用户投诉的调查 3(药品质量问题的处理 4(用户投诉档案的建立 四、顾客投诉的处理程序 1(一般抱怨事件的处理:详细倾听顾客的抱怨、向顾客道歉、提出解决问题的方法。 2(激起顾客愤怒时处理:由其他人代为处理、变换处理场所。 五、顾客投诉的处理原则与技巧 1(处理原则 (1)礼貌接待投诉顾客,安抚投诉者。 (2)

    9、在无其他顾客处,耐心倾听投诉,并做好记录。不与顾客发生争执。 (3)处理事件的速度要快,要及时。 (4)合理补偿投诉者的损失。 (5)不让事件扩大。 ording to the technical provisions 16.1. thed accis agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the projects acceptance of special, ancompletion on completion of each observation all mon

    10、itoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to th .10 ofment, and confirmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10ent after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of

    11、 equipment installation, Embedequipmrvising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and ude monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information suped inclipment s

    12、hall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and shoulality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equould analyze . 10.9.1 10.9 qucontaining gross errors, shou

    13、ld immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you sh2 (6)同类事件处理原则保持一致。 (7)如实调查事件原因,拟订改善对策,并严格执行。 (8)榫结果,避免再发生同类事件。 2(处理技巧 )把人与抱怨分开,保持冷静客观的态度听取抱怨、投诉。 (1(2)不要在立场上争执不休。 (3)寻找各有所获的解决方法。 (4)运用客观标准。 (5)作出善意的让步。 (6)争取适时的结束。 六、禁用语举例与应答技巧及标准话术 七、处理投诉和抱怨的注意事项 第2单元 医

    14、药知识 第一节 处方 培训目标 掌握处方的内容和格式,能看得懂处方 熟悉处方中常用的外文缩写 了解处方的含义及分类 一、处方的含义、意义及分类 1(处方的含义:由注册的执业医师或执业助理医师在诊疗过程中为患者开具的、由取得药学专业技术职务任职资格的药学技术人员审核、调配、核对并作为发药凭证的医疗用药的医疗文书,是为患者诊断、预防或治疗疾病而开具的用药指令,是药学专业技术人员调配药品的依据。 2(处方的意义:法律性、技术性、经济性。 3(处方的分类 (1)按其性质分为法定处方、医师处方和协定处方 (2)根据药事管理法规,处方可分为麻醉药品处方、精神药品处方、普通处方。 二、处方的格式 1. th

    15、eisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the projects acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.n all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provrvatiock the quality before being allowed to begin

    16、 monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each obseent, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to cheEmbedms installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipme

    17、nt after completion of installation, and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instrumentction of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspef equip

    18、ment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 ould analyze . 10.9.1 10.9 quality inspection and acceptance monitoring ocontaining gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systemati

    19、c errors, you sh3 1(处方的用纸及颜色:麻醉药品处方、急诊处方、儿科处方、普通处方印刷用纸分别为淡红色、淡黄色、淡绿色、白色。 2(处方的结构:处方前记、处方头、处方正文、配制方法、使用方法、处方结尾。 三、处方限量 1(处方限量规则 急诊处方:1,3日量。 门诊处方:3,7日量;慢性病可增至2周量;特殊慢性病可增至1月量。 麻醉药品处方:注射剂不得超过2日常用量,片剂、酊剂、糖浆剂不得超过3日常用量,连续使用不得超过7天;晚期癌症患者凭专用卡,注射剂一次不超过3日量,控(缓)释制剂一次不超过15日量,其他剂型的麻醉药品处方一次不超过日呈。 精神药品处方:一类精神药品不得越过

    20、日常用量,二类精神药品不得越过7日常用量。 2(处方的有效时间:当日有效。 四、处方的书写规则 1(药品课题及数量一律用阿拉伯数字,药品用量单位一律用法定计量单位。 2(急症用药应使用淡黄色处方,药师见此处方应优先配发药品。开写麻醉药品、精神药品、毒性药品需用专用处方。 3(原则上不得跨科开药。 4(处方正文以上空白处以划杠作为正文结束。 5(处方中药物排列一般以静脉滴注、静脉注射、肌肉注射、皮下注射、口服、外用的次序排列,口服药一般控制在5种以内。立即执行的用药应放在处方最前方。 6(处方的具体书写方法根据药品的剂型及计算方法分为两种,即单量法和总量法。 ording to the tech

    21、nical provisions 16.1. thed accis agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the projects acceptance of special, ancompletion on completion of each observation all monitoring equipment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to th .10 ofment, and con

    22、firmed by the supervisor to check the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10ent after completion of installation, Embedment, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment installation, Embedequipmrvising people. 10.9.2 monitoring instruments installed i

    23、nbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and ude monitoring equipment factory inspection and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information suped inclipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptanc

    24、e of delivery, and shoulality inspection and acceptance monitoring of equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equould analyze . 10.9.1 10.9 qucontaining gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you

    25、 sh4 五、处方制度 1(留样:具有处方权的医师需将本人的签名或印模留样于药剂科。 2(修改处方:医师开写的处方不得涂改,如需修改,修改处必须重新签名。 3(处方药物总量:处方一般不得越过日常用量;急诊处方不得超过3日用量。 4(有效期:处方24小时有效。 5(保存期:普通处方、急诊处方、儿科处方保存1年,医疗用毒性药品、精神药品及戒毒药品处方保留2年,麻醉药品处方保留3年。 六、处方及药品说明书中常用的外文缩写 1(失效期:Expiry Date或Exp. Date。 2(有效期:Storage Life表示贮存期限;Stability表示稳定期;Validity或Duration表示有效

    26、期限。 3(关于药品说明书中年、月、日的辨认。 第二节 常见病基础知识 培训目标 掌握常见病的用药知识,能按顾客需求推荐药品 熟悉常见病的临床表现 了解常见病的病因和发病机制 一、常见内科疾病 1(呼吸系统疾病 感冒 病因和发病机制:70%,80%由病毒引起。细菌感染可直接或继病毒感染之后发生。 1. theisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the projects acceptance of special, and according to the technical provisions 16.n all monitoring equi

    27、pment installed after laying, of 52nd of the references to this agreement the terms of the contract provrvatiock the quality before being allowed to begin monitoring contract work. Section 10.10 of completion on completion of each obseent, immediately to inspect and test the quality of equipment ins

    28、tallation, Embedment, and confirmed by the supervisor to cheEmbedms installed inbuilt quality check each measuring point measuring instruments and equipment after completion of installation, and test reports and delivery acceptance, acceptance certificate information supervising people. 10.9.2 monit

    29、oring instrumentction of the terms of this technology, inspection and acceptance of delivery, and should include monitoring equipment factory inspef equipment inspection and delivery inspection all our procurement monitoring equipment shall be as provided in section 10.2 ould analyze . 10.9.1 10.9 q

    30、uality inspection and acceptance monitoring ocontaining gross errors, should immediately test if determined when monitoring data contain a large systematic errors, you sh5 分类及临床表现:普通感冒、流行性感冒 治疗 (1)对症治疗:对乙酰氨基酚、双酚伪麻片、银翘解毒片等。 (2)抗菌药物治疗:青霉素、第一代头孢菌素、大环内酯类或喹诺酮类。 (3)抗病毒药物治疗:利巴韦林、奥司他韦、金刚烷胺、吗啉胍、抗病毒中药。 慢性支气管炎

    31、 病因及发病机制:大气污染、吸烟、感染、过敏因素、其他。 临床表现:咳嗽、咳痰、喘息或气急 治疗 治疗原则:预防为主、缓解期的治疗、急性发作期及慢性迁延期的治疗 治疗用药: )抗菌治疗:复方磺胺甲噁唑、阿莫西林、氯苄西林、头孢氯苄(或头孢拉定)、头孢呋辛(或头孢(1克洛)。严重感染时可选用氯苄西林、环丙沙星、氧氟沙星、阿米卡星(丁胺卡那霉素)、奈替米星(乙基西梭霉素)或头孢菌素类联合静脉滴注给药。 (2)祛痰镇咳药:氨溴素(沐舒坦)或羧甲司坦化痰片。枇杷叶蒸气吸入或用超声雾化吸入,以稀释呼吸道内分泌物。 (3)解痉平喘药:氨茶碱、丙卡特罗(美喘清)、特布他林(博利康尼)、复方氯丙那林(复方氯喘

    32、)。 肺炎 病因和发病机制:病原体和宿主 分类:细菌性肺炎、非典型性肺炎、病毒性肺炎、真菌性肺炎、其他病原体所致肺炎、理化因子所致的肺炎。 临床表现:咳嗽、咳痰,可使原有呼吸道症状加重,并出现脓性痰或血痰,伴或不伴胸痛。 治疗 (1)抗感染治疗:青壮年和无基础疾病的社区获得性肺炎患者,常用大环内酯类、青霉素类、第一代头孢菌素和喹诺酮类等。老年人、有基础疾病或需要住院的社区获得性肺炎,常用第二、三代头孢菌素, ording to the technical provisions 16.1. thed accis agreement the terms of the contract provisions, apply to the supervisor to monitor the projects acceptance of special, ancompletion on completion of each observation all monitoring


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