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    1、英国文学选读复习资料罗经国英国文学选读-复习资料-罗经国Chapter 11. Earliest settlers-Celts2. 55 B.C. TO 407 A.D. -Roman Empire(London was founded)3. 演变Celts- Romans Anglo-Saxon English4. Julius Caesar , the first general came to British5. 500A.D. THE founder of the kingdom wessex, the Celts King Arthur. His followers , who we

    2、re know as the knights of the round table, fight for their kingdom against the AS invaders.6. 9th century, King Alfred , the great of Wessex lead the AS kings to defeat the invaders by uniting their forces.7. the Norman Conquest 1066, Duck of Normandy came from Normandy to attack England to gets the

    3、 land promise to be given to him for protecting from the Danes invasion by Edward . And Normandy beat the Harold at the Hesting.8. Two highlight in the development of AS literature A. Northumrian Schoolthe first AS poet -Caedmon The earliest English poet. According to Bede, he was an elderly herdsma

    4、n who received the power of song in a vision.Vernerable Bede, A monk write in Lain Father of English HistoryB. the reign of Alfred Contribution translate a number of Latin books into West Saxon dialect created a style of Anglo-Saxon Prose9. A long epic poetry 长篇叙事诗 A. the earliest heroic poetry B. t

    5、he most significant poetryC. existed in oral form as early as the 6th century D. Beowulf is a mixture of paganism and Christian elements10. Difference between Old Eng poetry , later poetry is technical structure 11. There are two poetic features of Old English poetry: alliteration and kenning.Chapte

    6、r 2 1. 流行Romance 主要写Knights2. Duke William of Normandy. The Norman Conquest in 1066 accelerated the development of feudalism 封建主义in ENG3. Categories of Romances: The matter of Erance ,the matter of Rome , the matter of Britain4. Middle ENG:A. words that are related with enjoyment and pleasure are us

    7、ually of the French originB. many inflectional form of words were droppedC. formal grammar simplified5. Medieval Romance (Subject Matters)A. matter of French (Charlemagne the Great, Roland, )B. matter of Rome (Alexander the Great, The siege of Troy)C. Britain the Arthurian LegendBy Sir Gawain, Launc

    8、e lot, Marlin, the quest for Holy Grail, the Death of King Arthur.Chapter 3 Age of Chaucer1. The Hundreds Years War is an awakening of national Consciousness in ENG,the French heroine Joan of Arc贞德2. Geoffrey Chaucer (Buried in the Poets Conner in Westminster Abbey)A. Father of Eng poetryB. The work

    9、 of Geoffrey Chaucer influenced by French literature influenced by Boccaccio 坎特伯雷故事集 The general prologue 总序is the best part of it.3. the significances of A. Gives a comprehensive picture of Chaucers timeB. The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended 高度赞赏by critics C. Geoffrey Chauc

    10、ers humorD. Chaucers contribution to ENG languageE. Perhaps the greatest work in Middle English4. John WycliffA. father of ENG proseB. one of the first figures who demanded to reform churchC. the one translate Bible into standard ENG5. William Langland Chapter 4 1. main eventsA. The war of the Rose

    11、,the thirty Years War(the house of Lancaster/Red, the house of York)B. The discovery of American and the new sea routes C. Reformation of church. Henry found the Anglican Church, break away from the church of Rome.2. Ballad: a narrative poem that tells a story3. Characters of BalladsA. the beginning

    12、 is often abruptB. have strong dramatic elementsC. the story is told through dialogue and actionD. the theme is often tragicE. the meter格律is used (contains four-line stanzas, the odd numbered line奇数four feet, the even numbered line偶数three feet. Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines.)4. BalladsA. A

    13、legendary hero living during the reign of Richard the Lion Heated 金雀花王朝B. By Sir Thomas Mallory prefect the king Arthur5. Early ENG Plays(the 14th )developed into(mystery Plays神秘剧, miracle plays 奇迹剧)6. The flourishing of dramathe reason: no other entertainment ,both rich and poor can go to thereChap

    14、ter 5 英国文学史上三次高潮 15th ENG Renaissance 19th 上Romantic 19th 下 Victoria1. The BackgroundQueen Elizabeth , defeat the Spanish Armada 无敌舰队, mighty naval power强有力的海军.2. Humanism 人文主义Rebirth(文艺复兴的时代精神)Humanism Renaissance is a French word which means “rebirth ” in ENG3. 人文主义的解释及价值观According to the Humanist

    15、 scholars it was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of the life for an after life. They argued that man should be given full freedom to enrich their intellectual and emotional life. In religion they demanded the reformation of the church, In art and literati on, instead of happiness in

    16、his life. Humanism shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of mans mind by the Roman catholic church and opened his eyes to “a brave new world” in front of him.4. Edmund Spenser 5. The University WitsA. Robert GreeneB. Thomas Kyd C. Christopher Marlowe The blank Verse无韵诗Unrhymed iambic pentamete

    17、r6. William Shakespeare A. 发展 Early years of his apprenticeship学徒期Growth and development gloom and depressionrestored serenityB. achievementrepresented the trend of history in giving write to the desires and aspiration of peopleS humanism: He had firm belief in the mobility of human nature and in th

    18、e power of loveS characterization, S characters are round 丰满的而非flatter 扁平originalityas a great poet in sonnets master of the Eng language7. Four Tragedy : Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Tragedy of Macbeth 8. Sonnets (Italy/Petrarchs the first one, Ss)A. definition A short song in the original meani

    19、ng of the word become a poet of 14 lines. Usually in iambic pentameter抑扬格 五音步 with various rhyming schemes.B. Sonnet, 3 quatrains, 1 couplet (Shakespeares )9. Ss sonnets are different from Petrachs. Petrachs sonnets is divided into an octave(八音) which typically rhymes abba abba , and a sestet, which

    20、 may have varying rhyme schemes.Shakespeares sonnets (English sonnets)consists of 3 quatrains and 1 couplet ,which typically rhyme abab cdcd efef gg .ends with a surprised conclusion or a shift of ideas.Petrach abba abba / cde cdeShakespeare abab cdcd efef / gg 10. Hamlet Humanist (melancholy忧郁 proc

    21、rastination优柔寡断)Chapter 6 From Age of Elizabeth to Glorious Revolution1. Background(the ENG bourgeois revolution 资产阶级革命,农民与贵族阶级,Anglican church 与Puritanical Church)2. Glorious Revolution 1688In 1688, William signed presented by Parliament, which greatly restricted the power of English King hence fou

    22、r ENGLAND has become a country of constitutional monarchy.君主立宪制3. The King James Bible of 1611Old Testament in Hebrews New Testament in GreekThe earliest English translations of the Bible date back to Caedmon, Bade and King Alfred.4. Francis Bacon. Praised by Marx as “the pioneer of Eng Materialism唯

    23、心主义”5. 目的:Studies serve for delight, for ornament, for ability.功效:History make man wise; poetry witly; mathematics subtitle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.方法:Books are able to be tasked, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.6. 玄学派特

    24、点(Metaphysical Poets)John DonneMetaphysical Poets describe a school of highly intellectual poetry marked by hold and ingenious conceits (奇思妙喻)incongruous imagery. Complexity of thought, frequent use of Paradox, and often by deliberate harshness or rigidity of expression.7. Main theme of Metaphysical

    25、 Poets: love, death and religionMain theme of Cavalier(骑士派):Carpe Diem及时行乐8. Cavalier: Carpe diemA breach, but an expansionLike gold to airy thinness beatIf they be two, they are two so.As stiff twin compasses are two.THEME, 他人物质化的爱情与我柏拉图式的真爱。9. John Milton(Puritan Writer)10. A. Milton s master piec

    26、e and one of the greatest poems in world literate.B. Satan, the most impressive character Better to reign in Hell than Serve in HeavenC. Meaning:rebellion spirits叛逆精神defiance of authority对权威的藐视excessive pride极端自负11. John Bunyan(Puritan) 天路历程 is written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory

    27、and drama.Chapter 7 1. Glorious Revolution2. Two Parliaments: The Tory & The Whig 3. The characters of neo-classicismOfficialA. People emphasized reason理智rather than emotion, form rather than contentB. As reason was stressed, most of the writings of the age were didactic 说教性and satirical讽刺C. As eleg

    28、ance 优雅性correctness正确性appropriateness 恰当性and restraint 节制性were preferred , the poet found closed couplet the only possible verse form for serious work.D. Its almost exclusively a “town” poetry catering to the interests of the “society” in great cities.E. It is entirely wanting in all these elements

    29、that are related with the “romantic”CivilianA. Emphasized reason rather than emotion , form rather than ContentB. Didactic and satiricalC. The poet found closed couplet the only for seriousD. Town poetry show no love of nature, landscape or country thingsE. Lack of all Romantic Elements4 Geoffrey Ch

    30、aucer, first use coupletPope5. Classicisms , a drama, 3 unities: action, place, time6. Daniel Defoe, know as a pioneer novelist of ENGis based on a real incident. a lowly women as the subject of literature who for her first time has committed theft and robbery.7. Jonathan Swift8. Joseph Addison & Richa


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