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    1、EEC小学六年级英语下册练习题全套 文档编制序号:KKIDT-LLE0828-LLETD298-POI08EEC小学六年级英语下册练习题全套英语六年级下册单元练习题(1-2)Class Name Mark 听力部分 (30分)一、 听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) ( )1 A. good B. book C. cook ( ) 2. A. guitar B. car C. mark ( ) 3. A. sings B. arms C. players ( ) 4. A. course B. mouse C. house ( ) 5. A. goat B. coat C. gold 二、

    2、听录音, 根据你所听到的对话和问题选择正确答案。 (10分) ( ) 1. A. Reading novels . B. Reading picture books. C. Reading story books. ( ) 2. A. James is the tallest. B. Henry is the tallest. C. Henry is as tall as James. ( ) 3. A. No, he doesnt . B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he does. ( ) 4. A. Playing the piano. B. Playing the vi

    3、olin. C. Playing the guitar.( ) 5. A. Something is good. B. Something is bad. C. Something is missing.三、听录音,把句子补充完整。(5分)1. He is playing the _ .2. She is a famous _.3. _ a pianist, you cant make a good band. 4. I want to do something _.5. My father goes to work by _ .四、听录音,完成短文。(每小题1分,共10分)Today is

    4、Sunday. No. 5 Middle School is having a 1 meeting. Students are 2 the events (竞赛). In the 1,000 meter race, Li Lei is running much 3 than the other 4 and his friends are cheering 5 him. At last, he breaks 6 school record. He is the 7 . Look! Lin Hong is 8 . Who 9 jump higher than Lin Hong Its Wang D

    5、andan. She jumps 10 of all. ( ) 1. A. sport B. sports C. sports( ) 2. A. enjoying B. enjoy C. to enjoy ( ) 3. A. fast B. faster C. fastest( ) 4. A. boy B. boys C. girls( ) 5. A. at B. to C. for( ) 6. A. our B. we C. us( ) 7. A. win B. winner C. winners( ) 8. A. running B. jumping C. jumping( ) 9. A.

    6、 may B. must C. can( ) 10. A. high B. higher C. the highest英语六年级下册单元练习题(1-2)笔试部分 (共70分)一、 请根据句意以及首字母提示写出正确的单词。(每小题1分,共5分)1. May I c_ in 2. We are p_ for the talent show. 3. Im a good p_. 4. W_ a good player, you cant win the game. 5. I dont a_ with you. 二、根据要求写单词 : (10分) I(反身代词)_ he (反身代词)_good(最高级)

    7、_ many(比较级)_make(现在分词)_ run (名词)_sing(名词)_ bring (反义词)_with(反义词)_ piano(复数)_ 三、英汉互译 (10分)1组个乐队_ 2. 业余歌手演唱会 _3. 马上,立即 _ 4. 做煎饼 _ 5. 吉他手 _ 6. be good at _7. something interesting _ 8. by myself _9. a good pianist _ 10. participate in _ 四、用所给单词的正确形式填空。 (5分)1.Mothers Day is _ soon. (come)2.Why dont you

    8、_ a bike (ride)3.Peter is the best _ . (run)4.I dont want to participate in the show by _ . (I)5.My parents _ (visit) the Great Wall next week. 五、选择: (10分)1.Mary is good at _ the violin. A. plays B. playing C. to ply 2. I want to do _. A. something interesting B. Interesting something C. anything in

    9、teresting 3. Whos _ singer A. the best B. best C. the better 4. How about _ a band A. make B. to make C. making 5. We need a good cook, dont we - _ A. Yes, we dont. B. Yes, we do. C. No, we do. 6. You are _ young _ join the band. A. too, to B. to, too C. so, so 7. _ a good football player, you can w

    10、in the game. A. With B. Without C. with 8. I dont have any _ on Sunday. A. class B. classes C. classs9. I am practicing songs _ the talent show. A. for B. to C. of 10. Here she _ . A. coming B. come C. comes 六、根据要求完成下列句子。 (10分)1 Why dont you play the guitar (变为同义句) _2. I, by, do, to, myself, dont, w

    11、ant, it (连成一句话) _3. May I come in (作肯定回答) _4.We need a dancer, _ _ (变为反意疑问句,并作肯定 回答)_5.How of making a band (找出错误并改正句子) A B C_七、根据短文回答问题: (短文A 5分,短文B 10分,共15分)A boy goes home and he tells his mother he has a stomachache(胃疼). “Well, sit down and eat your cake.” Says his mother. “ Your stomach is achi

    12、ng (痛)because its empty(空的). Itll be all right when you get something in it.” After a while, his dad comes in from the office. He says, “Oh, dear! I have a headache.(头疼)Thats because its empty.” Says his clever son, “Youd be all right if you get something in it. ”( ) (1) The boys stomach is aching b

    13、ecause his hungry. ( ) (2) The boys mother is a doctor. ( ) (3) The boys father is a farmer. ( ) (4) The boys father is hungry. ( ) (5) The boy is very foolish. B Mr. Green is from London in the United Kingdom. He teaches English in a high school in Beijing now. Mr. Green speaks little Chinese. He g

    14、oes to Chinese classes every week. Mr. Green likes working in China very much. He says here students are very friendly and study very hard. Mr. Green has a son and a daughter. His sons name is Jim. His daughters name is Kate. They go to school here in China. They like China very much. 1.Where dose M

    15、r. Green come from _2What dose he teach _3Can he speak a little Chinese _4Where does he go every week _5Where do his children go to school _八、写作练习。请同学们根据所给单词的提示,写一篇关于自己业余爱好的短文。 (共5分) 12 years old guitar player runner singer participate Childrens Day coming soon talent show _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _英语六年级下册单元

    16、练习题(3-4)Class Name Mark 笔试部分:(70)一、根据汉语提示写单词。 _ (轮流) (优胜者) (奖) (错误) (骄傲) (冠军) 7. a q_ (一刻钟) (预订) (地址) n _ (电话号码)二、找出画线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1 A touch B blouse C cloud ( ) 2 A winter B ride C dinner ( ) 3 A take B map C date ( ) 4 A car B care C park ( ) 5 A how B cow C low 三、认真读句子,圈出正确的单词。1Whats wrong ( wit

    17、h about ) you 2How ( long often ) will you stay here 3Which season do you like ( favorite best ) 4For here or ( for to ) go 5We will stay there ( during with ) the holiday .6The policeman works ( on at ) a police station .7My uncle is a ( cook cooker )8My aunt is a ( teacher vet ) . She always helps

    18、 the sick animals .9Dont be ( so that ) sad .10I want to ( do be ) an artist .四、选择真确答案。1 ( ) She lost the game this time . I think she can do it _ next time .A good B better C nice 2 ( ) He is the best drummer . Lets give _ a big hand .A his B him C he 3 ( ) He _ 12 years old last year . We _ the sa

    19、me .A is , are B was , was C was , were 4 ( ) David looked down . He _ win the race .A dont B cant C didnt 5 ( ) There _ a pen and some books on the desk .A am B is C are 6 ( ) Lets give her a big hand . means _A Lets help her B Lets congratulate her on her success C Lets hurt her 7 ( ) What do you

    20、want _ lunch A on B of C for 8 ( ) TV is too loud now , please _ the volume .A turn on B turn up C turn down 9 ( ) Do you want some peaches _ dessert A on B at C for 10 ( ) We sometimes eat pancakes _ Thursday .A in B at C on 五、读句子,选择正确答案。( ) 1 Good morning . A Salad , hot dogs and a pear .( ) 2 I l

    21、ike sandwiches . B Here you are ( ) 3 Whats for lunch C Good morning ( ) 4 Pass me the water . D Its good for you , Try one .( ) 5 I dont like oranges . E Me , too .六、根据要求写句子。1I won the first prize . (变成一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2He is a good player in my class . (变成最高级)3. I , can , violin , play , well , very ,

    22、 the (连词成句)英语六年级下册期中检测题一、给单词补上正确的字母,并写出汉语。(8分)1. d_ _ms _ 2. s_ _nd _3. p_ _ze _ 4. _rd_ _ _5. v_lu_ _ _ 6. q_a_ter _7. m_st_ak_ _ 8. p_c_ _ _ (轮流) (优胜者) (奖) (错误) (骄傲) (冠军) 7. a q_ (一刻钟) (预订) (地址) n _ (电话号码)二、英汉互译。(8分)组个乐队 _犯错误 _ten to five _ a good pianist _在星期天_ 订比萨饼 _turn up the volume _ phone nu

    23、mber _三、按要求写出相应的单词。(10分)winner(动词)_ do(第三人称单数) _bring(反义词)_ buy(同音词)_we(宾格)_ good(最高级)_photo(复数)_ make(过去式)_write(现在分词)_ one(序数词) _四、给问题找出相应的答语(4分)( ) 1. How can I help you ( )2. When does she go to bed( )3. How about a pizza ( )4. How was the contestA.It was good . I won the first prize. B. Id like

    24、 to order a sandwich ,please. C. Its very delicious. D. At nine oclock.五选择(10分)( )1. I want to play basketball. Can I _ you A. take B. join C. with( ) _ her a big hand. A. gives B. giving C. give( )3. How much_ the bottle of water A. are B. is C. does( )4. Tom wants to be a teacher, _ he A. doesnt B

    25、. does C. is( )5. You can do your homework by _. A. himself B. yourself C. themselves( )6. We often play football , but _ we play basketball.A. usually B. sometimes C. never( )7. What time is it _.A. three second B. a quarter to ten C. Monday( )8. I cant _ the radio, please turn_ the volume.A. hear down B. hear up C. hears up( )9. Jenny doesnt say _. A. something B. things C. anything( )10. I _ a math test yesterday, but it_ not


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