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    1、We can get information by using all kind of means, such as internet, books and our teacher. Among these, my favorite means is using internet. Here are several advantages of using internet to get information.First, internet is the most efficient way to get information if our conditions are allowed. W

    2、ith the help of internet, we can use our Mobil phones or computers or other devices to get information want in a shortest time. In addition, we can get almost all answers of our questions by using internet.Second, using internet to get information is a way to practice our ability of thinking, judgin

    3、g and making choices. Using internet to search questions, we often get several versions of answer. Among these answers, we need to think,to judge and to choose the best one on our own. In other words, using internet to get information is not only a process to get answer directly, but also a process

    4、to think, to judge and to make choices.Finally, using internet to get information is also a process to broaden our knowledge. By searching different questions, we can get knowledge in different fields and make a complement for our knowledge. Besides, by referring different versions of answer, we als

    5、o can learn to think question from different aspects.Therefore, using internet is the best means I like to get information.第三次作业 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Health and Wealth . You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on

    6、 the outline given below. 1, 有的人认为健康重要,而有的人认为财富重要2, 你的观点Health and WealthAs we know, wealth and health is a hot topic. Some people think of health is the most essential thing. But some people consider that wealth is everything, if you have not enough money, you can not do anything. Besides, other ho

    7、lds that wealth and health is equally. In my opinion, I believe that health is more important than wealth. Firstly, keeping healthy first if you want to become healthy, even though you can buy beautiful clothes with a lot of money, you can not buy family , friendship and a piece of wholehearted. Som

    8、etimes money can buy happiness, but only if ones amounts get bigger and other people are not getting more. Secondly, if you haven not health, you can do nothing. As we know, needs are limited, but not greed. If you have not health, I believe that you wont have any desire and greed, in addition to wa

    9、nt to become health up. Finally, I think health is life, also is kind of treasure, the first wealth is health. And there is not wealth is above the health. Sometimes, people will fall if they have a lot of money.In conclusion, I think health is the most important. We should do our ability to protect

    10、 their own health, only in this way can we achievements we life values.第四次作业 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic My Opinion on Mobile Phones . You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1) 现今手机被人们广泛使用2)

    11、 手机的优点和缺点 My Opinion on Mobile PhonesCell phones do play an important role in peoplesdailylife, but every coin has its two sides. To start with, as a wireless mobile phone, its convenient for the user at any time to contact others. Secondly, its a helpful companion. With a multifunctional cell phone

    12、 in hand, one can easily surf the net, downloading what he needs. From J. However, the cellphonehas many disadvantages. For one thing, themachineitself isveryexpensive and its local service is very costly, not to mention itsglobalservice. For another, the radiationfromthemobilephones might do harm t

    13、o the usershealth. In my opinion, with its expenses being reduced sharply after China s entry into the WTO, its development will have a brighter future. Therefore its advantages will far outweigh its disadvantages.第五次作业 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topi

    14、c My Plan for the Spring Festival . You should write no less than 100 words, and base your composition on the outline given below. 1)介绍你的春节计划2) 说明其中一项活动 My Plan for the Spring Festivalpring festival is coming. Its a traditional day for the Chinese people to get together besides The Mid-Autumn Day.Fo

    15、r this reason many people rush home wherever they are.However far they are and however busy they are, they try to go home.I am one of those who hate it because after one festival, I become one year older.Another reason is that there are many more ceremonies before or after the festival. However, thi

    16、s spring festive is a bit special for me. I had a wonderful time.We didnt stay at home but had a travel and order a rich feast /dinner in a restaurant.Though it was very much expensive,We could spare much effort preparing the dinner which we couldnt have eaten and also we could have a lot of time to

    17、 enjoy ourselves.You see, nowadays, the living standard has been greatly improved,eating is not so much a problem as before,so we have to find other kind of ways to enjoy ourselves.Traveling is a good way of spending the traditional festivals.We went to Xishuangbaina,Dali,the Stone Forest.my family,

    18、especial my child are all excited, learning a lot about the Minorities tradition.I wish one day I could go abroad to spend the festival if we could make enough money!交通运输系统分析第一次作业1. 开放系统正确答案: 答:系统与外界环境之间有物质、能量、信息交换的系统称为开放系统2. 请举出一个系统的实例,并分析其目的、要素集、关系、结构和环境(主观题,自行举例即可)3. 系统的目标集中若出现相互矛盾的情况,应当怎样处理?请举例说

    19、明分目标之间可能是矛盾的,因此采用某种形式的折衷是必要的,即在矛盾的分目标之间寻求平衡具体的做法是通过计算每个分目标对总目标的贡献来确定最佳的妥协(自行举例既可)4. 切克兰德软系统方法论的步骤是什么?(1) 系统现状说明通过调查分析,对现存的不良结构系统的现状进行说明(2)弄清关联因素初步弄清与现状有关的各种因素及其相互关系(3)建立概念模型在不能建立数学模型的情况下,用结构模型或语言模型来描述系统的现状(4)改善概念模型随着分析的不断深入和“学习”的加深,进一步用更合适的模型或方法改进上述概念模型(5)比较将概念模型与现状进行比较,找出符合决策者意图而且可行的改革途径或方案(6)实施实施所

    20、提出的改革方案5. 交通运输系统的作业特征是什么?(1)交通运输系统是一个连续过程系统;(2)交通运输系统生产的多环节、多功能、超区域的特点;(3)交通运输系统生产具有网络性特点;(4)交通运输系统是一个动态系统6. 怎样理解交通运输系统的网络性?交通运输生产不仅仅是列车、车辆在轨道、道路上移动,而且在交通运输网(包括铁路网、公路网、水运网、航空网等)上运动良好的交通运输系统首先要有合理的布局与结构,要建设成与内部、外部协调的交通运输网在具有科学合理的交通运输网上,通过科学的运输组织才能实现国家、社会、厂矿、企业以及人们所提出的运输任务,加速货物和车船的周转,压缩旅客和货物的在途时间,加速国民

    21、经济的发展7. 旅客发送人数 是指办理客运的车站、港口、航空港在一定时期内全部始发的旅客人数8. 货物周转量 指一定时期内全国或一个运输企业在货运工作方面所完成的货物运输吨公里9. 客流密度 一条交通线路或一个运输区段平均每一公里线路所担负的旅客周转量称为客流密度,其单位为人km/km10. 客流分布在各个地域之间的旅客交流或在各种交通线路上的流量、流向、旅客构成、旅行距离,即为客流分布11. 固定设备能力 指在采用一定类型的交通运输工具(如机车、车辆、船舶、汽车、飞机等)和交通运输组织方法的条件下,一个交通区段或一条交通线(包括航道、航线等)在一定时间内(如一昼夜或一年)所能通过的列车对数(

    22、或单方向的列数)、船舶、汽车或飞机的数量.12. 移动设备能力 指在一定的固定设备和运输组织方法的条件下,由一定类型的机车、车辆、船舶、汽车、飞机等所决定的,在单位时间内能实现的满载的列车、船舶、汽车、飞机数和货物吨救.1. 系统的环境适应性适应外部环境变化以获取生存和发展能力的性质,就是系统的环境适应性2. 动态系统内部结构参数随时间的函数变化而变化的系统称为动态系统3. 系统相关性的分析以几元关系为基础?为什么?一般以二元关系作为相关性讨论的基础,因为任何多元素都是从二元关系基础上发展的4. 实体系统和概念系统的关系是怎样的?实体系统是概念系统的形态化,又是实现概念系统要求的运行体概念系统

    23、是实体系统的“灵魂”,实体系统则是概念系统的“躯壳”二者既有联系又有区别,即在一定的条件下,可使实体系统抽象为概念系统,或者使概念系统具体化为实体系统5. 硬系统和软系统有什么区别?硬系统又称为良结构系统,是指偏重工程系统、机理明显的物理系统,一般便于观察,便于用数学模型描述,边界清晰,目标明确,有较现成的定量方法可以计算出系统的行为和最佳结果处理这类系统采用霍尔的系统工程方法(硬系统方法)非常有效而软系统又称为不良结构系统,是指偏重社会、机理,尚不清楚的生物型的软系统,较难用数学模型描述,往往只能用半定量、半定性或者只能用定性的方法来处理系统,这类系统难以观测,边界模糊,目标不定6. 系统工

    24、程学的主要特征表现在哪些方面?1. 系统工程学是涉及到许多学科的边缘科学2. 系统工程学在很大程度上依赖于电子计算机3. 系统工程学的对象主要是大系统4. 系统工程学与自动化密切相关7. 怎样理解交通运输系统的连续性?交通运输系统是一个连续性的过程系统其连续性表现为运输生产过程的连续性和运输生产时间的连续性其货物运输生产过程包括了集、装、运、卸、散诸环节所组成的生产全过程旅客运输过程包括进站、上车、运行、到站、出站等过程和环节在完整的运输过程系统中,任何一个单元出现故障都有直接影响系统功能的实现交通运输系统生产的连续性还表现在时间上的连续;这个系统必须全年、全月、全日地运转,而不能发生任何中断

    25、,如果发生运输中断,就破坏了运输的正常生产为此,研究交通运输系统,需要紧紧地抓住连续性的特点8. 交通运输学科包含哪些分支?其主要研究内容分别是什么?目前交通运输学科主要有以下4大类分支学科(1)交通运输法学:研究进行运输活动法律调整的科学(2)交通运输经济学:研究交通运输部门中经济关系与经济活动规律的科学(3)交通运输工程学:研究交通运输系统工程建设问题 (4)交通运输学:主要包括交通运输技术设备和交通运输管理学9. 货物周转量10. 货物平均运程 即货物的平均运输距离,表示平均每吨货物运送多少公里11. 经验判定法的预测原理是什么?其适用性如何?经验判定法主要靠人们的经验和综合分析能力来进

    26、行预测利用这类方法进行近期预测还是较可靠的,有一定的可信度,但如进行中长期预测,由于环境条件的变化,专靠经验推倒就不完全符合实际而需采用其他类的预测方法12. 预测中的定量和定性分析有什么关系?预测的定量分析和定性分析是密不可分的没有定性分析就不可能对定量分析给予科学解释;而定量分析有助于证明发展趋势的数量指标13. 交通运输供给与一般产品和服务的供给有什么不同?(1)在交通运输系统中,供给者并不十分明确,因而不便于清楚地研究供给者行为(2)在交通运输中,供给的一些非货币特征相对于运营者收取的价格来说也是非常重要的(3)很多确定交通运输供给的特征是使用者而不是供给者行为导致的结果14. 运输短缺在宏观控制中的有什么作用?(1)短缺作为供给约束,制约经济的增长;(2)短缺作为非价格信号影响着运输的投入;(3)运输短缺作为一个局部信号,会引起运输需求在不同交通运输方式中实现替代或转移15. 为什么说优先建设综合交通运输通道是建设和改建整个交通网络的最优策略?(1)建设一个高效率的综合交通运输通道,联系


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