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    1、英语中考英语完形填空选择题word【英语】中考英语完形填空选择题(word)一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析)1阅读下面一篇短文理解大意,然后从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。 Last summer, we had a volunteer activity in a village school. In the school. I saw a name Feng Aiguo on a list. This man offered much money to the school. I thought he must be a 1 man. One day, on my

    2、 way home from school, my bike was broken. Luckily I found a repairing stand(修车摊)across from the street. An old man was 2 a bike. He was wearing a clean suit. He looked energetic(精力充沛的). While waiting. I knew 3 about him from the old men chatting there. He was Lao Feng and 4 to repair bikes after he

    3、 repaired(退休). Two months ago, his family moved to a new house. His son didnt want him to repair bikes any longer. He bought him suits and asked him to 5 them and rest at home. But it didnt work. The old man continued his repairing work in his suits. After a while, the old man got my bike repaired.

    4、6 I was leaving an old lady came and called him Aiguo. 7 the name on the list of the village school came into my mind. But how could such a common repairman 8 so much money? I asked him if he knew that village. He told me it was his hometown and the 9 there still needed help. So he always saved mone

    5、y by repairing bikes to help them. Then I was sure that he was the person on the 10 .1. A. richB. poorC. healthyD. unhealthy2. A. sellingB. washingC. ridingD. repairing3. A. everythingB. somethingC. anythingD. nothing4. A. startedB. failedC. fearedD. remembered5. A. wearB. loseC. makeD. lend6. A. Un

    6、lessB. WhenC. IfD. Though7. A. LuckilyB. SadlyC. UsuallyD. Immediately8. A. give awayB. throw awayC. take backD. give back9. A. workersB. visitorsC. ridersD. villagers10. A. wayB. mapC. listD. book【答案】 (1)A;(2)D;(3)B;(4)A;(5)A;(6)B;(7)D;(8)A;(9)D;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个靠修理自行车赚钱来资助别人的故事。 (1)句意: 我想他一定是

    7、个好人。A富有的,B贫穷的,C健康的,D不健康的,根据 offered much money to the school 给学校捐了很多钱可知是个富有的人 ,故选A。 (2)句意: 一个老人正在修理自行车。A卖,B洗,C骑,D修,根据 repairing stand修车摊可知正在修车 ,故选D。 (3)句意: 等待的时候。我从在那里聊天的老人那里了解到他的一些事。A每件事,B某件事,用于肯定句,C任何事,用于否定句或疑问句,D没有事,根据这是个肯定句,从聊天里了解的东西有限,故只能是某件事,故选B。 (4)句意: 他是老冯,退休后就开始修理自行车。A开始,B失败,C害怕,D记得,根据 afte

    8、r he repaired 可知退休后开始的新生活 , 故选A。 (5)句意: 他给他买了西装,让他穿,在家休息。A穿着,B丢失,C制作,D借给,根据 suits是穿着的 , 故选A。 (6)句意: 我正要离开,一位老太太走了过来。根据 I was leaving an old lady came可知,when引导时间状语从句,持续动词用过去进行时,瞬间动词用一般过去时,故选B。 (7)句意: 我立刻想起了乡村学校名单上的名字。A幸运地,B悲伤地,C通常,D立即,根据前文强调时间,故此处是立刻,故选D。 (8)句意: 但是这样一个普通的修理工怎么会捐给学校这么多钱呢?A捐赠,B扔掉,C拿回,D

    9、归还,根据So he always saved money by repairing bikes to help them 所以他总是通过修理自行车来帮助他们来省钱,可知是帮助别人是捐钱,故选A。 (9)句意: 他告诉我这是他的家乡,那里的村民仍然需要帮助。A工人,B游客,C乘客,D村民,根据 He told me it was his hometown 他告诉我这是他的家乡 和So he always saved money by repairing bikes to help them 所以他总是通过修理自行车来帮助他们来省钱,可知是村民们需要帮助,故选D。 (10)句意: 然后我确定他就

    10、是名单上的人。A方式,B地图,C名单,D书,根据 name on the list of ,可知是名单上的人,故选C。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。2阅读下而短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 What do you do in your free time? Surf the Internet? Watch TV? For 15-year-old Wang Yan, her free time is

    11、 not 1 at all. Wang Yan has a special family. Her mother cant 2 and has to stay in bed all day, and her father cant see. So the family roles are 3 . Instead of parents taking care of their child, Wang Yan has to take care of her parents. From the age of 6, Wang Yan began to cook and wash clothes for

    12、 the whole family. Now Wang Yan is a 9th grade student in a school. The school is far from her home, 4 she has to live at school. At school she studies very hard and every 5 she comes back home and helps her parents. Being a care-giver, she cooks, washes clothes and gives her parents massages(被摩), A

    13、s the only laborer(劳力)in the family, she does a lot of 6 work-weeding(除草), watering the field, growing vegetables. She 7 has a busy weekend. Though the girl lives a hard life, she never feels 8 . As for the future, Wang Yan hopes to go to college and then become a 9 , “If I can go to college, I will

    14、 take my parents with me, she said. And I want to be a doctor one day. Then I will be able to help the disabled(残疾人)like my 10 .1. A. busyB. relaxingC. different2. A. walkB. runC. jump3. A. lostB. continuedC. changed4. A. soB. butC. or5. A. dayB. nightC. weekend6. A. farmB. factoryC. school7. A. nev

    15、erB. seldomC. always8. A. happyB. sadC. comfortable9. A. writerB. doctorC. singer10. A. parentsB. teachersC. classmates【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)A;(5)C;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)B;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】大意:短文主要介绍了15岁的Wang Yan和她的特殊的家庭。 (1)句意:她的空闲时间一点也不放松。A忙碌的,B放松的,C不同的。根据 What do you do in your free time? Surf the Inte

    16、rnet? Watch TV? 你空闲的时候会做什么?上网?看电视?可知别人的空闲时间是很放松的,但Wang Yan的则相反。故选B。 (2)句意:她妈妈不能走路,必须得整天待在床上。A走路,B跑步,C跳。根据下文 has to stay in bed all day .必须得整天待在床上,可知她妈妈不能走路。故选A。 (3)句意:所以家庭的角色改变了。A迷路,B继续,C改变。根据上文可知,Wang Yan的父母是残疾人,可知Wng Yan要负责照顾他们,因此角色改变了。故选C。 (4)句意:学校离她家太远,所以她不得不住在学校。A所以,B但是,C或者。根据 The school is far

    17、 from her home .学校离她家太远,可知住在学校是结果,应用连词so“所以”。故选A。 (5)句意:每个周末,她回家帮助她的父母。A天,B晚上,C周末。根据前文可知,Wang Yan家太远住在学校,因此应是周末的时候才可以回家。故选C。 (6)句意:作为家里的唯一一个劳动力,她做了大量的农场活。A农场,B工厂,C学校。根据下文 weeding(除草), watering the field, growing vegetables. 除草、浇地和种蔬菜,可知是农场活。故选A。 (7)句意:她总是过着忙碌的周末。A从不,B很少,C经常。根据上文可知,Wang Yan要干大量的农活,因此

    18、周末总是忙碌的。故选C。 (8)句意:尽管这个女孩过着一个艰苦的生活,她从不觉得悲伤。A快乐的,B悲伤的,C舒服的。根据转折连词but“但是”,可知艰苦的生活不使她感到悲伤。故选B。 (9)句意:Wang Yan希望上大学,然后成为一个医生 。A作家,B医生,C歌手。根据下文 And I want to be a doctor one day. 我想有一天成为一个医生,可知她将来想当医生。故选B。 (10)句意:然后我将可以帮助像我父母一样的残疾人。A父母,B老师,C同学。根据 the disabled(残疾人) ,可知是像我父母一样的。故选A。 【点评】考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先

    19、要跳过空格通读文章掌握其大意,然后细读文章字斟句酌逐一作答,注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素。最后通读一遍检查验证。3完形填空 Shirley Temple was born in 1928 in California. She was a very lovely little girl 1 blonds curly hair (金色卷发). She was also a good actress. At the age of three, Shirley was 2 films and soon became a famous film star. When she was six ye

    20、ars old, she made some successful films. 3 the time she was eight years old, she was making $500,000 a year. The people who made the films 4 her Little Miss Miracle. In the 1930s, life was 5 in the USA. Many people didnt have jobs, but 6 of poor people paid money to go to the cinemas to 7 Shirley Te

    21、mple. People felt happy 8 she sang and danced. Mothers wanted their daughters to have curly hair like Shirley Temple. Little girls played with Shirley Temple dolls. 9 loved little Shirley. People sent her presents. On her eighth birthday, she got 1,000 cakes. Her fans sent her 5,000 10 a week. But h

    22、er mother didnt spoil(溺爱) her. Little Shirley only got $4.25 a week and had to eat the spinach(菠菜).1. A. likeB. withC. ofD. about2. A. teachingB. studyingC. makingD. watching3. A. ByB. WithC. BeforeD. Since4. A. saidB. calledC. toldD. spoke5. A. difficultB. happyC. easyD. popular6. A. millionB. hund

    23、redC. billionD. thousands7. A. visitB. learnC. watchD. call8. A. whenB. thoughC. becauseD. so that9. A. AnybodyB. SomebodyC. EverybodyD. Nobody10. A. lettersB. e-mailsC. messagesD. phones【答案】 (1)B;(2)C;(3)A;(4)B;(5)A;(6)D;(7)C;(8)A;(9)C;(10)A; 【解析】【分析】大意:本文介绍著名演员秀兰邓波儿的基本情况,秀兰在三岁的时候,就开始拍电影,并很快成为一名著名的

    24、电影明星。当她六岁时,她拍了一些成功的电影。到她八岁的时候,她的年收入已经达到了50万美元。拍电影的人称她为“奇迹小小姐”。 (1)句意:她是一个非常可爱的留有一头金色的卷发小女孩。A.像;B.和一起;C.的;D.关于。根据blonds curly hair可知,她是一个留有金色卷发的女孩,with带有,留有,介词,故选B。 (2)句意:在三岁的时候,秀兰就开始拍电影,并很快成为一名著名的电影明星。A.教;B.学习;C.制造;D.观看。make films拍电影,固定搭配,故选C。 (3)句意:到她八岁的时候,她的年收入已经达到了50万美元。A.到之前;B.和一起;C.在之前;D.自从以来。b

    25、y the time到时候,在之前,固定搭配,故选A。 (4)句意:拍电影的人称她为“奇迹小姐”。A.说;B.称;C.告诉;D.说。call sb+名词,称某人为,四个选项,只有call接双宾,故选B。 (5)句意:20世纪30年代,美国的生活很艰难。A.困难的;B.高兴的;C.容易的;D.流行的。根据Many people didnt have jobs可知很多人没有工作,生活很艰难,故选A。 (6)句意:但成千上万的穷人花钱去电影院看秀兰邓波儿的电影。A.百万;B.百;C.十亿;D.千。thousands of成千上万,固定搭配,故选D。 (7)句意:但成千上万的穷人花钱去电影院看秀兰邓波

    26、儿的电影。A.参观,看望;B.学习;C.观看;D.打电话。去电影院应该是看秀兰的电影,故选C。 (8)句意:当她唱歌跳舞时,人们感到很高兴。A.当时候;B.虽然;C.因为;D.以便。空后引导时间状语从句,用连词when“当时候”,故选A。 (9)句意:每个人都喜欢小秀兰。人们给她送礼物。A.任何人;B.某人;C.每个人;D.没人。根据 People sent her presents.可知大家应该是喜欢秀兰,才给她送礼,故选C。 (10)句意:她的粉丝每周给她寄去5000封信。A.信;B.电子邮件;C.信息;D.电话。根据she got 1,000 cakes.可知她的粉丝应该是通过快递给她的

    27、蛋糕,推出她粉丝也应该是通过快递给她寄信,故选A。 【点评】考查完型填空,考查词汇在篇章中的运用能力,答题时首先跳过空格通读全文掌握其大意。然后一一作答。注意考虑句型、语法、搭配、语境等因素,最后通读一遍检查验证答案。4完形填空 We sometimes call the lion the king of the forest, because it is stronger and more dangerous than other animals. It can 1 faster than many animals and hunt the best. It is the highest a

    28、nimal in the 2 food chain. In the sea, the shark is one of the animals at the top of the food chain. It can swim faster than 3 other sea animals, and it can use its big teeth to eat them. What is at the top of the worlds food chain? People are! We are not the biggest or fastest, but we are the 4 . W

    29、e could not run faster than cheetahs(猎豹), so we 5 cars and now we can move the fastest. We could not fight better than lions, so we invented guns. Now we can hunt the best. Peoples inventions are clever, but they can be 6 , too. For example, people built 7 , and now they make the air and rivers dirt

    30、y. This can make terrible changes. Dirty rivers kill fish. 8 bears cannot eat the fish. If we kill one part of the food chain, other parts also will die. Remember that we are a part of the food chain, 9 we are in danger, too! If we protect animals, we are protecting 10 ! We could and we should do so

    31、mething for the world!1. A. walkB. swimC. runD. jump2. A. seaB. landC. mountainD. desert3. A. mostB. anotherC. anyD. more4. A. strongestB. cleverestC. most specialD. most important5. A. usedB. hadC. inventedD. made6. A. interestingB. dangerousC. carefulD. helpful7. A. factoriesB. hotelsC. schoolsD. hospitals8. A. IfB. WhenC. WhileD. Then9. A. andB. soC. butD. or10. A. ourselvesB. oneselfC. yourselve


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