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    最好是奥利奥饼干英语范文模板 18页.docx

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    最好是奥利奥饼干英语范文模板 18页.docx

    1、最好是奥利奥饼干英语范文模板 18页本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!= 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! = 最好是奥利奥饼干英语篇一:奥利奥著名广告词奥利奥著名广告词导语:奥利奥是美国是卡夫食品的超级明星和饼干之王,是全球著名的巧克力味夹心饼干。以下是xx小编为大家整理的奥利奥广告词精选,快来看看有你熟悉的吗?你以为你变小了。诶嘿,其实是奥利奥变大了(这句好可爱有木有)妈妈说狗狗不可以吃巧克力。但是你可以喝我的牛奶。对狗的健康有极大的损害)姚明,你会吃奥利奥吗扭一扭。舔一舔。泡一泡。父女猜谜篇女:咬起来咔嚓咔嚓的父:是威化

    2、吗女:是的,它还有两颗心巧克力和香草女:嗯(失望的叹口气)是奥利奥双心脆哦姚明篇a:姚明,你知道怎么吃奥利奥吗b:当然知道,先扭一扭,舔一舔,再泡一泡a:哈哈,看你还泡得到吗a:飞机b:奥利奥呢 很人性化,巧克力(a:变走了经典篇爸爸,我来教你吃奥利奥,先把他扭开,然后舔舔,再泡一泡。爸爸,这是我们的秘密,好吗?篇二:全球19种最酷炫的奥利奥吃法 这个月的甜点就这么定了全球19种最酷炫的奥利奥吃法这个月的甜点就这么定了!(附菜单)奥利奥的洗脑广告扭一扭、舔一舔、泡一泡,让不少人吃的时候都会碎碎念一下3步吃法。可是奥利奥怎么能只有干巴巴的单调吃法?作为吃货俱乐部的一员,必须带大家领略一下以奥利奥

    3、作为原料的20种令人欲罢不能的甜点。小编敢打赌,至少一半你没见过! 1.奥利奥木乃伊曲奇 by 胡小May【 做法 】1.将200克白色巧克力切成小块,和10克黄油一起放在小碗里,缓慢加热至溶化。可以放在微波炉里用低温(2到3分钟)加热或隔热水在炉子上中小火加热至溶化,但无论用哪个方法一定不要加热过度,否则巧克力就会失去应有的光泽感。 2.加热到巧克力化了有70%即可从火上拿下来,继续搅拌个几分钟让碗的余热溶化巧克力。3.缓慢地将奥利奥放入巧克力液中旋转,沾上一圈白巧克力,慢慢的提起来。4.停留一会去除多余的巧克力液。放在烘焙用纸上。5.在巧克力还没有干的时候贴上两个巧克力片。6.把刚才化掉没

    4、有用完的白巧克力液倒入装有圆形花嘴(直径为5毫米以下)的裱花袋中,如图给木乃伊饼“装上绷条”,带着烘焙用纸一起放在冰箱冷藏里待其冷却。2.爱意浓浓之木糠盆栽by 悠悠小厨【 做法 】1.饼干用料理机粉碎,底部先垫上一层。2.加糖,打发淡奶油,打至有浅浅的纹理的时候,加入炼乳,继续打至提起能看到奶油有短小的倒三小角。3.装入一次性裱花袋,剪一个口4.裱入花盆内,可以放些水果,及奶油。5.再撒一些饼干屑,就这样一层又一层。入冰箱冷冻2小时,或冷藏半天。6.奥利奥饼干,去掉中间白色的部分,装入保鲜袋,用擀面杖压碎。7.倒入从冰箱取出的花盆中,抹平。8.插上薄荷叶,或其他植物。可爱吧3.奥利奥冻芝士蛋

    5、糕-完美下午茶by 潶铯芼衣【 做法 】1.黄油隔水软化后加到饼干碎里混合均匀。2.取一个活底模具,在底部铺上铝箔纸,把饼干碎放入,用勺子压平实。放进冰箱里冷藏备用。3.将牛奶,糖水倒在一起,隔水加热,加入泡好的吉利丁片,搅拌至吉利丁融化为止。4.奶油奶酪隔水软化,搅拌至顺滑。将牛奶液倒入奶酪中搅拌顺滑(可以隔水操作)。如果有颗粒感可以用打蛋机打发十几秒。5.奶油加糖粉打发至六分6.将奶油加入奶酪糊中,用刮刀搅拌均匀。倒入模具中,轻轻震动几下,使表面平整。放进冰箱冷藏2小时即可。7.把冷藏好的蛋糕拿出来,用吹风机吹模具侧面,使蛋糕体与模具分离。这样就可以把蛋糕脱模了。最后在蛋糕上装饰喜欢的水果

    6、即可。8.切蛋糕时,每切一次就要把刀擦干净再切下一块,这样就可以切出整齐美观的蛋糕了4.炸奥利奥美国南部小零食by娇児kitchen【 做法 】1.将面粉,鸡蛋液,水混合成粘稠的面糊,加入一点点盐搅拌均匀。2.面糊充分包裹住奥利奥,入6成热的油锅两面炸金黄即可。3.撒上糖霜粉淋上炼乳,趁热吃。5. 奥利奥香蕉奶昔by 玉池桃红【 做法 】1.香蕉去皮切小块,与酸奶一起放入料理机中打成顺滑的奶昔。2.去掉奥利奥饼干中间夹心层,放入料理机中打成粗粉。3.把奶昔倒入杯子中,把奥利奥粉均匀的撒在奶昔上即可。6. 奥利奥山楂糯米球by 娇児kitchen【 做法 】1.黑米提前浸泡一晚,糯米提前浸泡1小

    7、时。2.先锅里热水煮浸泡好的黑米,5分钟后再加入泡好的糯米,煮到8分熟关火。3.煮好的米捞出沥水,用大火蒸至熟透。4.山楂糕跟红豆沙混合起来做内馅备用。5.奥利奥饼干去掉夹心,用擀面杖擀碎成细粉。6.蒸好的米等温热时,铺在奥利奥上,滚上饼干粉。这样搓球就不沾手了。7.黑米沾好了饼干粉,我们就取内馅,跟包汤圆差不多,收口,捏圆。8.再滚上一层饼干粉,就做好了。喜欢苦点的味道,再在上面撒上一点可可粉。9.好吃的甜点开吃了。招待小朋友也很受欢迎哦。7. 奥利奥蛋糕 by 泡菜炖肉篇三:初二 英语 期中试卷 ( )11. Grace took part in a talent show but did

    8、nt win a prize. ( )12. The show was held at Renmin Square. ( )13. 42 performers were at the show.濮阳市第一中学201X201X学年第二学期期中考试试卷_题初二 英语 命题人:薛丽娟( )14. The show lasted for about three hours.( )15. Grace got a prize for the funniest performer at the show._号 座 答_ _要_场 考不_内_ _ _ _名线姓封 _ _密_级班听力部分(20分)一、听力理解(

    9、共20分)I)听句子,根据所听内容选择最佳应答语。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )1. A. Yes, I did.B. It was delicious.C. I liked it. ( )2. A. Three times a week. B. For three hours.C. Three hours ago. ( )3. A. Shopping.B. Reading.C. Skating.()4. A. Because they are exciting.B. In Screen City.C. Jackie Chan.( )5. A. No, I didnt sing w

    10、ell.B. No. He was louder than me.C. I couldnt stand him.II)听对话,根据所听内容选择最佳答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) ( )6. What does Cina usually do on weekends ?A. Watches TV. B. Does her homework. C. Reads books.( )7. Where are Tom and Frank ?A. In the library. B. In the classroom. C. On the playground. ( )8. How old is

    11、 Sally?A. 11 years old. B. 13 years old.C. 15 years old. ( )9. Who may go to the movies with Sally ?A. David.B. Helen.C. Davids brother.( )10. Why does Cindy always see movies in Film World ?A. It has the most comfortable seats. B. It has the friendliest service.C. It has the most popular movies.III

    12、)听对话,根据所听内容判断句子正(A)误(B)。对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)初二 英语试卷IV)听短文,根据所听内容补全短文。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分) to buy the ticket for his journey(旅行)back home. He knew that it would take him only two days to get to to spend the time without food. He bought a ticket and goton the ship. When dinner time came, he didnt go to the

    13、dining room, saying that he wasnt feeling very well.The next morning, he didnt have breakfast . And at lunchtime, he still stayed in his room.for the quarrel(争吵). “Bring me thebill,” he said.“ The bill, sir?”“There isnt any bill. On our ship,meals are free,” said the waiter.18. 19.笔试部分(80分)二、单项选择(每题

    14、1分,共15分)( )21. are you going to achieve(实现)your dream ?I am going to takelessons.A. What; actingB. How ; actingC. What; actD. How ; act ( )22. The girl plays ping-ping every dayhealthy.A. keepB. to keepC. keepsD. kept( )23. Ithink there be more buildings in two years.A. dont ; will B. 不填; wont C. wo

    15、nt ; 不填D. will ; dont第1页(共5页)( )24. Will people live to be 200 years old ?. People cant live so long.三、完形填空(10分)A. No, they wont B. No, they dontC. Yes, they doD. Yes, they will阅读下面短文,从各题A、B、C、D中选出一个能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 ()25. Jack very busy this week, but he free next week.I think that the world will b

    16、e an easy place to live in. We have machines and A. will be; isB. is; isC. will; be D. is; will bejobs, and we dont have to do things ()26. After nine years hard work, his dream came true. washing dishes and the bed, though we wont have any dishes at all. A. at the endB. at the moment C. at onceD. a

    17、t last()27. How did you celebrate your fathers birthday yesterday? We celebrated it a big dinner in a restaurant. 80 years, so I will live A. haveB. to have C. by havingD. to havingto be 160 years old.()28. Here two cups milk for you. Help yourself please. () 36. A. willB. couldC. doD. canA. is; of

    18、B. is; in C. are; of D. are; in () 37. A. teach B. help C. tellD. ask()29. I predict there will be less in the future.() 38. A. goodB. easyC. sameD. boring A. peopleB. treesC. countriesD. pollution() 39. A. like B. asC. for D. to()30. volunteers will give out leaflets(传单) to ask people to protect()

    19、40. A. makeB. doC. doingD. making the wetlands.() 41. A. know B. hope C. see D. listen A. Two hundredsB. Hundreds of () 42. A. let B. keep C. learnD. ask C. Two hundred ofD. Hundred of() 43. A. to B. with C. for D. after( the list.() 44. A. willB. will beC. are D. are going A. add; to B. put; toC. t

    20、ake; onD. put; down() 45. A. other B. manyC. moreD. another()32. They serve the best wine(酒some other gifts.A. to; withB. for; to C. with; forD. at; of四、阅读理解(20分)()33. These are useful words, please .AA. write down it B. write it down A headmaster(校长) wants to change the class time to 7:00 a.m. in t

    21、he morning. What do C. write them downD. write down themyou think of it?()34. there an English test next week?Danny: I think its a good idea! I always get up at 5:30 in the morning. Its the best time of the A. Will; be B. Is; going to C. Are; beD. Is; beday. I play sports and then I take a shower. T

    22、he morning class will be great for me. I love it.()35. Please pass me two Lucy: I think its really bed! I usually get up at 6:30 and even that is difficult for me. At A. pieces of paper B. piece of papers night I like to watch TV and relax. I cant stand it.C. pieces paperD. piece papersKate: I have

    23、no idea. I always sleep early and get up early. I dont like sports or any TV shows. They are boring. Maybe the morning class is good. I dont mind it.初二英语试卷 第2页(共5页)_题_号 座 答_ _ _要_ 场 考不 _内_ _ _名线姓 封 _ _ _ _密_级班() 46.Who wants to change the class time?()52. What does the writer think of making cakes a

    24、t home ?A. The headmaster B. LucyC. KateD. DannyA. Its not healthy. B. Its kind of expensive.() 47. Which of the following is TRUE?C. Its not difficult.D. Its not good for kids.A. Danny is a teacher()53. How many kinds of ingredients do you need to make the cake ?B. Danny gets up late every day.A. T

    25、hree.B. Four.C. Five.D. Six. C. Danny enjoys playing sports very much ()54. How many cups of butter do you need if you have one kilo of ice-cream ? D. Danny likes taking a shower before playing sportsA. 1/4 cup.B. 1/2 cup. C. 1 cup.D. 2 cups. () 48. Who loves the idea of changing the class time? ()5

    26、5. The underlined word “unfreeze” means “ in Chinese.A. DannyB. No oneC. LucyD. KateA. 冷冻B. 保鲜C. 加热D. 解冻() 49. What does Kate think of the idea of changing the class time?A. Its a good ideaB. She cant stand it CC. Its really badD. She doesnt mind itA big childrens charity has asked 30,000 children w

    27、hat makes them happy and unhappy. () 50. From this passage, we can know .Here are some childrens answers:A. the headmaster is kindB. the class time was 7:30 in the morningGary,13,Belfast, Northern, IrelandC. getting up early is difficult for Lucy I am happy when I am with my family. I love summer da

    28、ys and going to the park. I am sad D. Kate loves to have the morning classes when I get into trouble! Milly, 8, Wiltshire, EnglandBThese things make me happy: spending time with my family, pets and friends; playing the As a kid, you may love cakes. But do you know how to make cakes? Is it difficult

    29、to make guitar; going to school; watching my favourite films and playing sports; These things make me cakes by yourself at home? No! Its quite easy. unhappy: problems at school and home, and homework. Do you like Oreo(奥利奥饼干)? If so, lets start with homemade Oreo ice-cream cakes. Cathy, 12, Surrey, E

    30、nglandI think it is one of the easiest cakes to make.I really like hanging out with my family and friends. I also like to go swimming and my Ingredients: goal is to become an Olympic swimming! That would make me happy! I am sad if I fall out 1/2 kilo of ice-cream with my friends.1 small bag of Oreo

    31、cookies Betty, 11, Portsmouth, England1/4 cup of butter It makes me happy when I am with my family, friends and pets. They are a big part of my Instructions:life. It also makes me happy when I am on holiday in a hot country. I am sad when any member First, put the Oreo cookies in a large bag and crush(压碎)them. of my family gets ill.Next, mix Oreos with butter and


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