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    1、一百句常用的英文句子和十句地道的句子一百句常用的英文句子和十句地道的句子 十句地道的英语 No.1 Did you put some lotion on your face? 早上起床,洗漱完毕,你询问孩子“ 你的脸上擦乳液了吗?” No.2 Hurry up. You are going to be late! 每一个上学的小孩子都有起床困难症,I still have it 我还有它。匆匆忙忙起床洗漱吃早饭,然后还在厨房忙碌的老爸总会催我,快点,上学要迟到啦! 那么,这就是“快点,宝贝!要迟到了!”的英语表达。 No.3 Heres the elevator. Lets get in! 孩

    2、子背上了书包,还在穿鞋呢,妈妈已经等在电梯门口啦。电梯来了,我们进去吧。 No.4 Can you hit floor one for me please? 进入电梯之后,也许你想问电梯里面的一个人帮你按一楼,这时可以用英语这样表达。 No.5 Lets get out. 到了1楼,我们出去吧。 Vocabulary accumulation 那么关于电梯呢,大家都知道有两种,一种是有轿厢的直上直下的电梯,elevator; 还有一种是商场的自动扶梯escalator。所以大家不要记混了哦。elevator and escalator. No.6 Have a nice day. 送孩子上了校

    3、车或者公交车,说,祝你有个美好的一天。 No.7 Watch out for cars. 过马路的时候小心车子。 Be careful! Wet Floor! 大家还记得外国人来中国,看见“小心地di滑”闹出的笑话吗?因为汉字有多音字,有个外国人在机场将“小心地di滑”理解成了“小心地de滑”,于是他滑得特别小心。那么,“小心地di滑”用英语怎么表达呢?是Be careful! Wet Floor! No.8 How was school today? 放学回家,一般写作业,爸爸一边会问,今天在学校过得怎么样? No.9 Are you hungry? 妈妈买菜回家了,会问孩子,你饿了吗? N

    4、o.10 Go wash your hands. 终于吃饭啦,吃饭前一定是先去洗手。上面是用英语表达“去洗手”。 一百句常用的英语句子 My stomach is growling. 我的肚子在咕咕叫。 This is a very old book. 这是一本非常古老的书。 Here is my bicycle. 这是我的自行车。 I want someone to talk to. 我想找个人谈谈。 Some boys came into the classroom. 有些男孩走进了教室。 He plays soccer. 他踢足球。 He rang the doorbell. 他按了门铃

    5、。 I have been ill in bad since last Friday. 自从上星期五以来,我一直卧病在床。 My father was busy. 我父亲很忙。 I learned a lot from him. 我从他身上学到了很多东西。 He got angry. 他生气了。 She turned down my offer. 她拒绝了我的提议。 Is this ball yours or hers? 这个球是你的还是她的? Please take one. 请带一个。 Put that in writing. 把它写下来。 They have their own trou

    6、ble. 他们有自己的烦恼。 The twins look exactly alike. 这对双胞胎长得一模一样。 He died recently. 他最近去世了。 It smells delicious. 闻起来很好吃。 Beautiful day,isnt it? 天气真好啊! Id like to see the doctor soon. 我想尽快去看医生。 She cant swim. 她不会游泳。 Ill give you a prescription. 我会给你开个药方。 Tomorrow is Mothers Day. 明天是母亲节。 The girl resembled he

    7、r mother. 这个女孩很像她的母亲。 I cant do it. 我无法做到这一点。 Were going to have a test today. 我们今天将有一个考试。 Ive lost a little weight. 我瘦了一点。 Ill come back. 我会回来的。 There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。 She can play the piano very well. 她可以把钢琴弹得很好。 Anybody can do that. 任何人都能做到。 Please pass me the sugar. 请把糖递给我。 Do th

    8、ey sell notebooks at that store? 那家商店卖笔记吗? You will soon adapt yourself to this new life. 你很快就会适应这种新生活的。 May I help you? 我能为您效劳吗? I can;t sleep. 我不能睡觉。 Paris is the capital of France. 巴黎是法国的首都。 He is very young. 他很年轻。 Dont leave the window open. 别让窗户开着。 Is the dog swimming? 狗在游泳吗? We would like to s

    9、tay here tonight. 我们今晚想住在这里。 Have you ever seen a panda? 你见过熊猫吗? Which company do you work for? 你在哪家公司工作? He was at home. 他在家。 You can do it,cant you? 你可以做到,不是吗? Why did you do that? 你为什么要那样做呢? Please turn on the TV. 请打开电视。 He is always with me. 他总是和我在一起。 I remember seeing her somewhere. 我记得在哪儿见过她。

    10、I waited for her for a long time . 我等了她很长时间。 This cake is sweet. 这个蛋糕很甜。 Have you eaten lunch yet? 你吃过午饭了吗? Stay home so that you can answer the phone. 呆在家里,这样你就能接电话了。 Whose is this book? 这本书是谁的? He comes round once a week. 他每周来一次。 I went there yesterday. 我昨天去哪儿了。 My mother has four brother. 我妈妈有四个兄

    11、弟。 Whose friend is he? 他是谁的朋友? Why is it so hot? 为什么这么热? She is a very good teacher. 他是个非常好的老师。 Look at the map on page 62. 看62页的地图。 Many people were deceived by the advertisement. 许多人被广告欺骗了。 It was raining yesterday. 昨天下雨了。 They have English lessons three times a week. 他们每周上三次英语课。 No,matter where y

    12、ou go,Ill follow you. 无论你去哪里,我都会跟着你。 I also like cake. 我也喜欢蛋糕。 Its on the eighth floor. 在八楼。 Do you like black cats? 你喜欢黑猫吗? He became rich. 他变得富有了。 We didnt know what to do. 我们不知道该怎么办。 Time is the most precious thing. 时间是最宝贵的东西。 The pain is getting worse. 疼得更厉害了。 He walked home. 他走到家了。 I dont like

    13、it at all. 我一点也不喜欢。 He has a very expensive watch. 他有一块很贵的手表。 I forgot to lock the storeroom. 我忘记锁储藏室了。 Im not busy. 我没在忙。 What time is it? 现在几点了? Do you mind if I open the window? 你介意我开窗户吗? I have an appointment with him at six. 我和他六点有个约会。 Dont make the same mistake again. 不要再犯同样的错误了。 I put it in t

    14、he drawer. 我把它放在抽屉里。 The new museum is worth visiting. 新博物馆值得参观。 I would like to go fishing,if possible. 如果可能的话,我想去钓鱼。 He made an apology. 他道歉了。 I play video games. 我玩电子游戏。 I cant stand up. 我站不起来。 I caught three fish yesterday. 我昨天钓了三条鱼。 I bought it. 我买了它。 Elephants in Asia and Africa. 大象生活在亚洲和非洲。 I want a good dictionary. 我想要一本好词典。 Staying home isnt fun. 呆在家里不好玩。 Could you drive more slowly? 你能开慢一点吗? Eat everything. 全部吃完。 Fruits have seeds in them. 水果里有种子。 He took off his glasses. 他摘下了眼镜。 Its up to you. 这就要看您了。 I returned home by train. 我坐火车回家了。 He is introverted. 他是内向的。 感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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