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    1、版高考英语二轮专用训练题记叙文+说明文专题限时集训(十)完形填空训练1记叙文说明文(对应学生用书第165页)A 【导学号:38144047】(2017浙江金丽衢十二校联考二)For most people,graduation day is exciting.My graduation day, 1 ,was not.I remember that weekend two years ago.My family and my friends had come to watch our class walk across that 2 But like everyone in my gradua

    2、ting class,I had watched the economy 3 from bad to worse during my senior year.We graduates had 4 but very limited prospects(前程)Numerous applications were 5 and I knew that the next day,when my lease(租约)ended,I would no longer have a place to 6 “home”The weeks 7 were not easy.I drove to California t

    3、o find work.But what I thought would 8 me a week dragged into two,and then four,and 100 job applications later,I found myself 9 I was before.Days 10 like weeks,weeks like months,and those many months seemed 11 The most 12 part was that no matter how much I tried,I just couldnt seem to make any 13 Th

    4、en I began to write.Something about putting words on a page made everything seem a little clearera little brighter.Something about writing gave me 14 I put my frustration into a childrens 15 ,one story of which was about a(n) 16 ,a little fish,who,fighting in a “river”, 17 to give up his dream.I kep

    5、t on writing.And then one day, 18 any sort of writing degree or contacts in the writing worldjust a lot of hard work and perseveranceI was offered a publishing contract for my first book!After that,things began to be in 19 soon.I was offered a second book deal.Then a few months later,I got an interv

    6、iew with The Walt Disney Company and was hired shortly after.The lesson of the story:Work hard,give it time and dont give up.Often our dreams lie in wait just a little further upstream.All we need is the 20 to push beyond the“river”【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,作者主要讲述了自己大学毕业后一直找不到工作,但他没有放弃希望,坚持写作,最后被迪士尼公司录用的故事。作者由

    7、此告诉我们,天道酬勤,成功只属于有准备的人!1A.still BhoweverCotherwise DbesidesB根据上文的“is exciting”和下文的“was not”可知,然而,作者的毕业典礼却并不令人激动,故选however,表示转折。2A.period BmomentCstage DlineC此处是指穿过毕业典礼的舞台,故选stage。3A.go BbecomeCkeep DappearA这里表示经济状况变得越来越糟糕,go意为“变得,变为(尤指变坏)”,故选go。4A.exams BpapersCdocuments DdegreesDdegree表示“学位”,文章中是在说作

    8、者虽然有了学位,但作者的前程却非常黯淡。5A.successes BsurprisesCwonders DfailuresD发出的无数封求职信都石沉大海,所以选failures,表示“失败”。6A.live BcallCstay DmoveB当租约到期,作者也将不得不搬出他曾经称之为“家”的地方,故选call,意为“把称为”。7A.ahead BearlyCbefore DagoAahead修饰the weeks,表示“毕业后的几个星期”。8A.give BpayCtake DspendC作者本以为只会花费一周时间的事情拖沓成了两周甚至四周。take表示“花费时间”。9A.who Bwhere

    9、Cwhat DhowB作者发出了一百封求职信,但发现他似乎仍然在原点,where引导状语从句。10A.felt BflewCfell DfollowedA对作者来说,一天像一星期,一星期像一个月,此处用来形容作者日子艰难,有度日如年的感觉。11A.meaningless BhelplessCendless DhopelessC根据上下文可知,作者觉得这样的苦日子一眼望不到尽头,故选endless。12A.interesting BsurprisingCamazing DfrustratingD根据语境可知,最让作者感到挫败的是无论他多么努力,似乎他永远也没有进步,所以选frustrating。

    10、13A.effort BprogressCsense DeffectBmake progress是固定搭配,表示“取得进步”。14A.hope BdreamCfuture DstrengthA写作给了作者希望,故选hope。15A.story BmagazineCbook DjournalC根据下文的“my first book”可推知,此处表示“一本童书”,故选book。16A.hero BpoetCwriter DactorA根据语境可知,在作者书中的一个故事里,有一个英雄,那是一条在河里奋斗的鱼,故选hero。17A.replied BrespondedCreturned Drefuse

    11、dD这条鱼不愿意放弃自己的梦想,refuse to do sth.表示“拒绝做某事”。18A.without BexceptCthrough DamongA此处表示作者没有写作相关的学位文凭,故选without。19A.sight BactionCplace DfavorC之后,事情很快回到了正常的状态,故选place。in place意为“在正确位置”。20A.love BsympathyCcourage DkindnessC我们需要的就是突破逆境的勇气,故选courage。B(2017浙江温州4月模拟)Mama was calling me.I awoke,realizing it mus

    12、t be nearly midnight.Her expression was 21 “Mary,”she said,“wheres your homework?”Then I remembered I had not finished my assignment.“Well,your studies come 22 !Youd better finish your work,”she said.I 23 myself out of bed.As I did so,I could not help feeling 24 Why me?Those feelings were nothing ne

    13、w,but I did not give 25 to them.I didnt argue with Mama.I just 26 One day my older sister Ann and I walked barefoot(赤脚地)to school because our shoes had been 27 and Mama couldnt 28 to buy us shoes.The headmaster asked us to go home,for he couldnt have students attending school barefoot.I suggested to

    14、 Ann that we spend the day in a nearby cornfield instead.Just about the time school was 29 we went home.There was Mama,waiting for us.I 30 a story rather than upset her.Then she started crying.It was 31 that she knew everything.She told us never to be 32 of being poor.“Its not what you wear but 33 y

    15、ou are,”she said,“that matters.”Mamas toughness with me always left me feeling as if I pleased her 34 than her other children.However,the 35 that I acquired have guided me for many years.I have come to 36 the value of Mamas demands.Still,one question continued to 37 me for more than 30 years.Then on

    16、e day I asked:“Mama,how come you were always so much 38 on me than others?”She looked me straight in the eye and said:“I had to be harder on you 39 you had more gifts.”“I 40 ,Mama.”At last I did.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述了母亲对“我”严格要求的故事。21A.severe BstrangeCpolite DrichA根据下文的“Mamas toughness with me”可推知,母亲一直对“

    17、我”要求很严格,所以叫“我”的时候表情也是很严厉的,故选A。22A.early BlastCagain DfirstD母亲提醒“我”学习是第一位的,故选D。23A.pushed BpulledCdragged DslippedC根据上文的“nearly midnight”可知,“我”不得不把自己从被窝里拽出来,故选C。24A.cautious BembarrassedCannoyed DstupidC根据常识和下文的“Why me”可知,午夜时分还要做作业,所以会情不自禁地感到有些恼火,故选C。25A.punishment BfeelingCwork DvoiceDgive voice to为

    18、固定搭配,表示“表达,说出,吐露”,说明“我”不敢把自己的情绪表达出来。26A.heard BlookedCobeyed DsensedC根据上文的“I didnt argue”可知,“我”没有与母亲争论,只是听从她的命令,故选C。27A.worn out Bput onCtaken off Dgiven awayA根据语境可知,我们是赤脚上学的,鞋子一定是被穿破了,故选A。wear out“穿破”。28A.wait BaffordCattempt DprovideB根据上下文可知,妈妈没钱给我们买新鞋子,故选B。29A.past BoverCthrough DonB我们等到放学时间才回家,故

    19、选B。30A.talked about Bheard ofCset down Dmade upD因为没有去上学,又担心被母亲责骂,所以“我”就编了一个故事,make up表示“编造”。31A.clear BnecessaryChard DeasyA根据下文的“she knew everything”可知,很明显,母亲早就知道了我们逃学的情况,所以选A。32A.proud BawareCashamed DfondC根据语境可知,母亲告诉我们不要因为自己家里穷就感到羞愧,所以选C。33A.who BwhyChow DwhereA根据上下文可知,此处是强调结构,母亲认为重要的是你是谁,而不是你的穿着

    20、,所以选A。34A.rather BlessCmore DotherB此处表示“我觉得我比其他兄弟姐妹较少让母亲高兴”。35A.strengths BskillsCresults DrightsA根据语境和常识知,母亲对“我”的严格要求成为了“我”的优势,故选A。36A.add BjudgeCrespect DappreciateD根据语境可知,“我”开始理解母亲对“我”的严格要求,因为这让“我”受益良多,故选D。37A.advise BcornerCbother DsettleC有一个问题一直困扰着“我”,bother表示“困扰”。38A.tougher BgentlerCeasier Dh

    21、eavierA根据上文的“Mamas toughness with me”可知,母亲对“我”比其他子女更加严格,所以选A。39A.when BunlessCif DbecauseD根据上下文可知,母亲认为“我”比其他兄弟姐妹天赋更高,所以对“我”要求也更高,故选D。40A.quit BunderstandCpromise DrememberB最后“我”才真正懂得母亲的良苦用心,所以选B。C 【导学号:38144048】Time talks.It speaks more plainly than words.Time 41 in many ways.Consider the different

    22、parts of the day,for example.The time of the day when something is done can give a 42 meaning to the event.It is not a 43 to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day, 44 he is shaving or having breakfast,the time of the call shows that something is urgent and

    23、 45 immediate attention.The same meaning is 46 telephone calls made after 11:00 pm.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours,he may think it is a 47 of life and death.The time chosen for the call 48 its importance.In social life,time plays a very 49 part.In the United States,guests tend to fe

    24、el they are not highly regarded if the 50 to a dinner party is extended only three or four days before the party date.But this is not 51 in all countries.In other areas of the world,it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too far 52 because plans which are made for a date more than a wee

    25、k away tend to be 53 .The meaning of time 54 from place to place in the world. 55 ,misunderstandings often arise between people from different cultures that 56 time differently.For example, promptness(准时) is 57 greatly in American life.If people are not prompt,they may be regarded as 58 or not fully

    26、 responsible.In the US,no one would think of keeping a business partner 59 for an hour; it would be too rude.A person who is five minutes late is 60 to make a short apology.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了时间的诉说比文字表达更为直白,但是它以自己的方式与人们交流。不同的时间代表不同的意义,守时与否也有着不同的含义。41. Awastes BcommunicatesCtravels DrunsB根据前文可知,时间会说

    27、话,这里指的是时间的表达有很多种。waste浪费; communicate交流;travel旅行;run跑。42A.special BridiculousCprecious DrareA根据语境可知,这里的意思是一天中不同时间做一件事意味着这件事有特别的含义。special特殊的,特别的;ridiculous荒唐的;precious珍贵的;rare罕见的。43A.custom BdealCproblem DdutyA一大早给别人打电话不是惯常行为。custom风俗,习性,惯常行为;deal交易;problem问题;duty责任。44A.whenever BthoughCwhile DonceC

    28、如果你很早打电话给一个人,而此时这个人正在刮脸或吃早饭,那么打电话的时间就表明有紧急事情发生,需要立即予以关注。whenever无论何时;though虽然;while当时,然而;once一旦。45A.gives BescapesCpays DrequiresD解析见上题。give给予;escape逃脱;pay付钱;require需求,需要。46A.compared with Bcovered withCattached to Ddevoted toC晚上十一点以后打来电话也是同样的意思。compare with和相比较;cover with被覆盖;attach to附属于,爱慕;devote

    29、to投入,致力于。47A.story BmatterCgame DviewB如果某人在睡觉的时间接到一个电话,那么他可能会觉得这是一件生死攸关的事情。a matter of life and death意为“生死攸关的事情”。story故事;matter事件;game游戏;view观点。48A.reduces BignoresCdoubts DstressesD打电话的时间选择也强调了它的重要性。reduce降低;ignore忽视;doubt怀疑;stress强调。49A.different BsmallCsignificant DequalC根据后文可知,这里是说时间在社会生活中也起着重要作

    30、用。different不同的;small小的;significant重要的;equal平等的。50A.plan BinvitationCgift DwishB在美国,如果客人在聚会前三四天才收到邀请那么他就会觉得没有被重视。plan计划;invitation邀请;gift礼物;wish愿望。51A.true BusefulCclear DgratefulA根据后文可知,在其他一些国家,聚会的邀请如果提前一个多星期会被认为是愚蠢的。那么也就是说美国人的那种想法在其他国家并非如此。true真实的,准确的;useful有用的;clear清楚的;grateful感激的。52A.on time Bat lengthCin advance Dby chanceC根据句意可知,既然是聚会的约定自然是在聚会之前。on time准时;at length最终,终于;in advance提前;by chance偶然。53A.remembe


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