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    1、2.副词3.介词6. Going to school2. connective: when3. a few ,some, a lot of 1.连词2.不定代词7.Rules round us must /must not2. imperatives1. 情态动词must 的用法2.祈使句8. The food we eat2.present perfect tense3. prepositions: at/in2.介词的使用选择9 Picnics are fun1. modal verbs: shall /would/may1. 情态动词shall用法2.连词的使用选择10.Healthy

    2、eating1. a little, some, plenty of, a lot of2. adjectives to make comparisons3.modal verbs: should/should not1.不定代词2.形容词比较级3. 情态动词should用法11.Lets make a pizza1. noun phrases2. adverbs of sequence below/above/on/in1.名词短语3.方位介词重点:介词:at, on, in,情态动词:would, must, shall,一般将来时,现在完成时,不定代词:a few, some, a lo

    3、t of六年级(下)一. 共分为11个单元,各单元内容为:六年级下1. Great cities in Asia 1. How questions2. preposition: by3. gerund: like/enjoy/love doing4. adverbs to show position 1. 注意语序 2. 表方位的副词 2. At the airport 1. preposition: in, for2. present perfect tense 1. 介词:in, for2. 现在完成时 3. Dragon Boat Festival 2. modal verb: woul

    4、d with, without4. connective: but1. 情态动词用于情景交际 2. 介词: with3. 连词的使用选择 4. Staying healthy 1. Wh-questions2. How questions4. adverbs of degree and frequency2. 连词的使用选择3. 频率副词 5. What will I be like? 1. adjectives to describe people2. simple future tense3. modal verb: have to4. adverbs of sequence 1. 一般将

    5、来时 2. 情态动词用于情景交际 3. 副词 6. Seasonal changes must2. many, not many because 情态动词用于情景交际 7. Traveling in Garden City 1. pronouns to show quantities3. simple future tense 1. 形容词many和not many的用法 2. 一般将来时 8. Windy weather 1. connective:2. modal verbs: can, may, should3. adverbs of manner 1. 连词的使用选择9. Sea wa

    6、ter and rain water if by 2. 介词:if 10. Forests and land from2. adjectives to describe objects from2. 形容词 11. Controlling fire may, must2. there be outside, near, on 2. There be 句型:主谓一致 3. 介词对位置的描述 情态动词用于情景交际,介词:for, if, with, from,there be句型,一般将来时七年级(上)一. 共分为11个单元,各单元内容为:七年级上1.Relatives in Beijing1.a

    7、djectives to make comparisons2. nouns and adverbs to show position3. How questions1.比较形容词2.方位名词和方位副词2.Our animal friends1.Wh-questions2.How questions3. imperatives祈使句3.Friends from other countries1.preposition:near、far away from2.Wh-qquestions 3.present perfect tense1.方位介词4.Jobs people do1. Whquesti

    8、ons2.Yes/No questions3.simple present tense4.simple past tense1. 注意语序2.一般现在时3.一般过去时5.Choosing new flat1.imperatives2.prepositions of position1.祈使句2.方位介词6. Different places1.there be 2.Wh- questions3.present continuous tense4.connectives:when /because1.there be句型2.现在进行时3.连词7. Signs around us1.modal v

    9、erbs: can/must(not)2.Wh-qestions情态动词8.Growing healthy, growing strong1. so/neither2.connective: used to4.quantifiers to describe amounts1.so./ neither.句型2.连词 if3情态动词4.数量词 9.International Food Festival3. simple past tense4. imperatives1.一般过去时2祈使句1o.A birthday party1.simple future tense” going to” wou

    10、ld like3.情态动词11.My food project疑问句型祈使句,方位介词,副词,现在完成时,so/neither句型七年级(下)七年级下1.Writing a travel guide2.modal verb: can3.connective:1.情态动词用于情景交际2.if连词的使用2. Going to see a film1.prepositions:into,along2.so./neither.1.介词2.so./ neither.句型 3.A visit to Garden City1. prepositions: for,since1.介词的使用4.Lets go

    11、shopping1.prepositional phrases and adjectives to describe objects2.simple present tense1.介词短语、描述形容词5. What can we learn from others?Connective: although1.连词的使用6. Hard work for a better life1.adjectives to describeevents2.start doing1.描述形容词7. In the future2.agreement and disagreement1一般将来时2. 个人观点,赞同

    12、与否 8. A more enjoyable school life1.modal verb:2.reflexive pronouns to identify people1.情态动词2.反身代词的使用9. The wind is blowing1.adjectives to make comparisons and describes people2. adverbs of sequence 3. pronouns to identify possessions 1. 描述、比较形容词 2. 副词3. 物主代词的使用 10. Water Festival1.connective:2.impe

    13、ratives3.prepositions: near,at3方位介词11. Electricity注意陈述语序介词的使用,代词:物主代词,反身代词,形容词, 现在完成时八年级(上)一. 共分为7个单元,各单元内容为:八年级上易考21.Penfriends1. Asking Wh-question2. Asking How-question3. Using a and an1. Wh-句型2. How-句型3. a/an 的使用2.Work and play1. The simple past tense2. Adverbs and adverbial phrases of frequency

    14、1. 一般过去时2. 表示频率的形容词和副词3. Trouble2. Adverbial phrases for the past2. 过去分词作状语4.Numbers1. Cardinal and ordinal numbers2. Decimals and fractions3. Instructions and statements about number1. 基数词和序数词2. 分数和小数3. 关于数字使用的说明5.Encyclopaedias1. Countable and uncountable nouns2. Using another and (the) other1. 可数

    15、名词和不可数名词2. another /other/ the other 的运用6.Nobody wins 11. The simple future tense2. Adverbs and adverbial phases for future1. 一般将来时2. 表示将来的副词和副词短语7. Nobody wins 21. Preposition of location2. Using some and any3. Using somebody/someone/sh1. 表示方位的词2. some/any的使用3. Somebody/someone/something 一般过去时,可数不可

    16、数名词,基数词,序数词,过去分词作状语八年级(下)八年级下1.TressThe present continuous tense.现在进行时2.WaterTalking about amounts对于a lot of/a few/a little/not many/none/much 的考查3. Electricity1.modal verbs2.can must may3.object clauses tell/hope/notice/agree的用法4.Newspaper2.should,ought to3.objects clauses1.should/ought to 句型2.宾语从句

    17、5.Magazine article1.Using pronouns2.Adverbial clauses1.名词的运用状语从句6.TravelUsing conjunctions: and, but,so1.连词 and but so 的使用the /a /an的使用7.Poems1.Using who and whose2.Using mine yours,his hers ours theirs 3.Using one and ones1.who/whoes 的用法2.mine/hie/hers/ours/theirs 等物主代词的用法3.one/ones的用法连词and but so的

    18、使用,状语从句,宾语从句,should/ought to句型,情态动词的用法,现在进行时九年级(上)九年级上1:Ancient Greece The present perfect tense 现在完成时(句型转换易考) 2. Traditional skills Passive voice被动语态(句型转换易考) 3. Pets 1. Passive voice2. Using adverbs 4. Computer 1. Comparison of adjectives2. Comparison of adverbs 形容词和副词的比较级(特殊形式的二级易考) 5. The human b

    19、rain Using infinitives不定式的用法(用it 做形式主语的句式易考 6. Detectives 7. Escaping from kidnappers Using adjectives形容词的使用 不定式的用法,形容词副词的比较级,现在完成时九年级(下)一. 共分为5个单元,各单元内容为:九年级下31. Saving the Earth 1. Using (not) asas to compare things2. Adverbial clauses3. Verbs with-ing状语从句(句型转换易考) 2. Life in the future The past continuous tense过去进行时 3. Going places The past perfect tense过去完成时 4. All about films and TV Reported speech间接引语(句型转换易考点) 5. A story by Mark Twain Relative clauses with who, that or whichWho,that,what 引导的 关系(定语)从句/写作经典句(提分项) 定语从句,状语从句,间接引语,过去进行时,过去完成时


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