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    体验英语任务型设计 4Word文档下载推荐.docx

    1、Expressions and sentences for talking about the organ shop and human clone ( See Communicative Tasks)The same as the above.Talking about cloning issues shown in the pictures given after the passage. Role-playing the dialogue samples. Doing the communicative tasks according to the situation provided.

    2、 2. Read and explorePassage ACloning and EthicsLexical preparationKey words and expressionsmairacle; a string of; to ones name; under the sun; line up;round on; shoot to fame;controversy; putto the limits irrational; deform; excessive; implant; prohibit; keep something at bay; stamp out; embrace; so

    3、le; instinct; catastrophic;Picking out sentences from Passage A containing the key words and expressions in the left column and making up new sentences with them.Session 2(90-100 minutes)ReadingPassage understanding on the basis of the analysis of the passage structureSpeakingSummarizing WritingWhy

    4、we should not use cloning 1.Analyzing the passage structure 2. Picking out the words used for describing the Italian doctor, Severino Antinoris idea and the stir he created.3.Finding out different attitudes towards Antinoris idea of using cloning to combat infertility Talking about the pros and cons

    5、 of cloning in this passageTalking about the authors purpose and view in writing the passage. Writing a short paragraph with the title: Why We Should Not Use Cloning Session 31. Read and ExplorePassage BI Have His Genes But Not His Genius2. Write and ProduceGeneral Writing 3.Practical WritingPassage

    6、 understandingReading SkillsPropositional MeaningWord consolidation portrait; profile; be nuts about; bring to term; get wind of; track down;crush;Paragraph development by spaces focuses on locations of various types in a spatial order.The tips used for writing a call for papers to a symposium, foru

    7、m or conference Doing fast reading of Passage B and discussing the questions in Ex. 10 & 11 in groups. Discussing the definition of the skill in groups.Making up sentences with the words on the left column with the help of the related sentences in the passage.Completing exercise 16 17 and 18 at P90-

    8、91.Writing a call for papers using the information given.Unit Group project:Talking about the pros and cons of cloning III. Suggested teaching procedures and class activitiesSession 1 (90-100 min)Listen and Talk1. Lead inTask1 Listen to the following passage and try to fill the missing words in the

    9、blanks. Step 1 Lead-in questions1. Do you know about cloning techniques? Do you know the famous sheep cloned in Scotland?(Yes or no. The sheeps name is Dolly. She was cloned by scientist in 1970s. Her birth shocked the scientific community and has spurred discussion about possibilities of human clon

    10、e.)2. If you were cloned, what do you think would happen to you? Please imagine what advantages and disadvantages your clone would bring to you? Give an example.(It can help people cure some incurable diseases. For example, we can clone a new kidney to replace the old one if ones doesnt work.) 3. If

    11、 you were cloned, what would you do with a clone of yourself?(I could have my clone study for me while I go out shopping and playing and so on.)Step 2 Listening practiceThe students listen to the passage for three times and fill in the missing words in the blanks.Teacher: Listen to the passage for t

    12、hree times and fill in the missing words in the blanks.Step 3 Presumption of a cloneThe teacher lays emphasis on what would happen to a clone of the narratator himself. Can you underline what good and bad would it be to clone humans? What are they? Task 2 Picture descriptionThe students talk about t

    13、he pictures provided in the textbook with the words and expressions they have learned from the listening passage in groups. Teacher: Work in groups to talk about the pictures with the help of the words and expressions youve learned from the listening passage. Five minutes later you will be expected

    14、to do class presentation. 2. Dialogue SamplesDialogue 1: The Organ Shop.Step 1 Lead- in questions1. Have you ever heard about organ shop? What would it be for?(Here the organs dont refer to animals organs. You wouldnt believe what organs they were. The organ shop would sell human organs which were c

    15、loned. They would be used for transplanting in medical treatment.)2 .Can you list some human organs in English?(Yes, I can. They are: liver heart brain skin kidney skeleton and so on)3. Do you wish to have a human organ shop? Why or why not? (Yes, I wish to. Because we can go and purchase organs in

    16、a human organ shop if our organs are not too good. / No, I dont wish to. Because it sounds so terrible if human organs are available in the shop. It should be sold in the hospital) Step 2 Dialogue Samples studyThe students read the first dialogue in pairs and speak out the following sentences for ta

    17、lking about changing human organs in the dialogue. Please read the first dialogue in pairs and speak out the sentences for talking about getting organs changed.Several minutes later. Can you speak out the sentences youve summarized? Everyone changes organs on a regular basis. Heart attack and kidney

    18、 problems are a thing of the past.But there is a catch- how do these organs get replaced?You cant have skin transplants. Can you clone your own skin?I have to get my skeleton replaced.Does cloned brain have its own memory?Its another you.Thats funny.And then the teacher asks the students to pick out

    19、 the sentences they dont understand. Can you explain the sentence” But theres a catch”?catch n. (infml) a hidden problem, difficulty or disadvantages, esp. one that one suspects exists but is not sure about. A catch question / 难题eg.The car is far sale cheaply, there must be a catch(蹊跷) somewhere.Dia

    20、logue 2: The first human cloneStep 1 Lead-in question What are you going to do if you cant have a baby in the normal way?(There are two ways; one is to adopt a baby and the other is to clone a baby) Do you like a son who will look exactly like your husband or a daughter who will look exactly like yo

    21、ur wife?(Yes, if you want to have a cloned child.) What problems will you have? (Open)The students read the second dialogue and speak out speak out the childless couples problems in the dialogue. Please read the second dialogue in pairs and speak out the childless couples problems about cloning a ba

    22、by in the dialogue. Now, can you speak out the sentences youve summarized?(They cloned the husband and they are now expecting a baby.But the wife is going to give birth to her husband!If they had decided to clone the wife, shed be giving birth to herself!I wonder if the father is going to like seein

    23、g himself being himself!But I dont think this child will behave exactly like his father. He will be growing up in a different environment, become a different person.)(Thanks a lot. You guys are the greatest.) Do you have any different opinion about cloning a child?(Yes, I have. If the husband is clo

    24、ned, what is the relationship between the wife and the child? If the wife is cloned, what is the relationship between the wife and the child? It will cause moral problems. But I dont agree. They are in different ages and their environment is different .So they have different ideas. )3. Communicative

    25、 TasksTask 1: Talking about human cloningRoles: A and BSituation: A biologist and a sociologist are arguing about human cloning. Role A: Youre a biologist and you believe that human cloning will benefit humanity in many different ways, providing remedies for now incurable diseases, prolonging people

    26、s spans.etc.Role B: Youre a sociologist and you are strongly against the very idea of human cloning, believing that it will cause many social problems such as what will be the relationship between people and their cloned copies, and what responsibilities people should take for their own clones.The s

    27、tudents are given 5 minutes to work in pairs according to the situation given and then role-play the task. Some students make comments on their performance, which should involve their presentation of the real-life situation and the English they use for talking about a traffic accident. Work in pairs

    28、 to do Task 1. Five minutes later some pairs of you are expected to role-play the task, and then the others will be invited to make comments on your performance. The comments should involve the presentation of the real-life situation and the English you use for talking about human cloning. Task 2 (p

    29、77) The students do the task after class in pairs. 4. Read and ExploreLexical preparation for Passage AStep 1 Word studyKey words and expressions:miracle; round on; irrational;Students are given 7 minutes to pick up the sentences containing the words and expressions from Passage A which are displayed on PPT. The teacher may assign each group two or t


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