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    1、1 What are the two components of an engineering quantity?2 What are the base units in the USCS and SI?3 What are examples of derived units in the USCS and SI?4 How are mass and force treated in the USCS and SI?5 Convert the following quantity to the others. 1 pound = newton(s) 1 meter = feet(s) 1 in

    2、ch = millimeter(s) 1 gallon = liter(s)6 How should you decide the number of significant digits to retain in a calculation and report in your final answer?7 A numerical value 10000 has 3 significant digits. How to express it clearly and explain it.8 Summarize the major steps that should be followed w

    3、hen solving problems to clearly document your work and catch otherwise avoidable mistakes.9 The following equation measures the amount of resistance that an object experiences as it moves through air around it.Here: D has the units of force, r of mass density, A of area, and v of velocity. Determine

    4、 the unit of CD.10 Make an order-of-magnitude calculation to estimate the capacity, in the units of horsepower, of an electric motor that will power an elevator in a four-story office building. The elevator car weighs 500 lb, and it will carry up to an additional 2500 lb of passengers and freight.Ch

    5、apter 31 Translate the following terminology in mechanical engineering into Chinese. Bearing, Journal, Rolling contact bearing, Ball bearing, Straight roller bearing, Tapered roller bearing, Thrust roller bearing, Flexible shaft coupling, Gear, Pinion, Spur gear, Involute profile, Diametral pitch, R

    6、ack, Bevel gear, Helical gear, Worm gearset, Timing belt, Chain drive, Drill press, Lathe, Mill, Lead screw, Bolt, Washer, Nut, V-belt, Sheave, Synchronous rotation, Timing belt, Chain dive, Machine tool, Mass production, Drill press, Lathe, Mill, Lead screw, work piece, Cutting bit, CNC mill, Flat

    7、washer, Spring lock washer2 Explain the differences between ball, straight roller, tapered roller, and thrust bearings. Make the cross-sectional shapes of these bearings.3 What is the purpose of a bearings separator?4 Explain the method that assembles the balls into the raceway between inner and out

    8、er races.5 What are the characteristics of helical gears, and how do they differ from spur gears?6 Make a sketch to express the geometric parameters of a rolling contact bearing.7 Make sketches to express the method that used in mechanical engineering drawings for screws or bolts and rolling contact

    9、 bearings.8 What is a lead screw?9 What are the characteristics of belt and chain drives that are different from gearsets?Chapter 41 What are the units for force and moment in the USCS and SI? 2 How many newtons are equivalent to 1 pound? 3 Why is a sign convention used when calculating moments usin

    10、g the component method? 4 What are the equilibrium requirements for particles and rigid bodies? 5 What are the steps for drawing a free body diagram?6 The following figure shows a beam subjected a force of F on the free end. Sketch a FBD to analyze the forces and moments on cross-section A. Draw the

    11、 curves to illustrate them with the horizontal axis of x.7 What are the units for fluid density and viscosity in the USCS and SI? 8 Make sketches to illustrate the difference between laminar and turbulent fluid flow. 9 How is the Reynolds number defined? 10 Use FBD to explain how does pressure gener

    12、ate. 11 Give examples of buoyancy, drag, and lift forces, and explain how they are calculated. 12 What are the coefficients of drag and lift? 13 What are the definition of the Mach number in aerodynamics? 14 What is the units of Poise for? 15 What is the characteristic length of Reynolds number?Chap

    13、ter 51 What is the difference between elastic and plastic behavior?2 Sketch stress-strain curves for steel, and define the following terms: elastic modulus, proportional limit, yield point, and ultimate point.3 What is the approximate numerical value for the elastic modulus of steel?4 An engineer de

    14、termines that a 40-cm-longer rod of 1020 grade steel will be subjected to a tension of 20 kN. The following two design requirements must be met: The stress must be remain below 145 MPa, and the rod must stretch less than 0.125mm. Determine an appropriate value for the rods diameter in order to meet

    15、these two requirements. Round up to the nearest millimeter when reporting your answer.5 How is the yield strength found using the 0.2% offset method?6 In what ways do tensile and shear stresses differ?7 How is the shear yield strength Ssy related to the yield strength Sy obtained from a tensile test

    16、?8 What is meant by the term factor of safety?9 Examples in textbook: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, and 6.1.Chapter 61 How are gravitational and elastic potential energy and kinetic energy, calculated?2 What is the difference between work and power? What are their conventional units in the SI and USCS?3 What

    17、is the “heat of combustion” of a fuel?4 What is the “specific heat” of a material?5 Explain how heat is transferred through the process of conduction, convection, and radiation.6 What is BTU? How is it defined?7 What do the three terms on the left-hand side of the Bernoullis equation represent ? And

    18、 verify it is dimensionally consistent.8 Define the term thermal conductivity.9 What are the first and second law of thermodynamics?10 What is a heat engine, and how is its efficiency calculated?11 What are the differences between actual and Carnot efficiencies?12 How are absolute temperatures deter

    19、mined on the Rankine and Kelvin scales?13 Sketch the cross sections of fourstroke and two-stroke engines, and explain how they work?14 What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of four-stroke and two-stroke engines?15 Sketch a block diagram of an electric power plant, and explain how it wor

    20、ks.Chapter 71 What is the difference between average and instantaneous power?2 How do simple and a compound geartrains differ?3 How are the velocity and torque ratios of a geartrain defined?4 What relationship exists between the velocity and torque ratios for an ideal geartrain?5 Sketch a planetary

    21、geartrain, label its main components, and explain how it operates.6 What is a balanced planetary geartrain?7 Describe the main components of an automobile drivetrain?8 What function does the differential in an automobile serve?9 Sketch the piston, connecting rod, and crankshaft mechanism in an inter

    22、nal combustion engine or compressor. 10 The following figure shows a cam and valve mechanism. The can itself is circular with radius r = 25 mm, but its center C is offset from the shafts center O by e = 10 mm. The shaft turns counterclockwise at the constant speed 800 rpm. (a) Determine an expressio

    23、n for the vertical position x of the value as a function of the cams rotation angle . (b) Differentiate your result to obtain expressions for the velocity and acceleration. (c) What are the maximum velocity and acceleration of the valve, and at what angle of the cam do they occur?Chapter 81 What are

    24、 the four major stages of the high-level mechanical design procedure?2 What is the technology of “rapid prototyping”?3 What are the main components of a Hydra-Matic transmission?4 In each shift of a Hydra-Matic, how are the brakes and clutches set?1 What are the differences between engineering, scie

    25、nce and mathematics?2 How many traditional core disciplines does engineering include?3 What are the discipline of mechanical engineering is concerned?1 What are SI and USCS? What are the base quantities and units in SI and USCS, respectively?2 How to define the unit of mass in USCS.3 The conversion

    26、factor between foot, inch and meter, lb and Newton, kilogram and slug, etc.4 What is dimensional consistency? Express the Bernoullis equation is dimensional consistency.5 What is significant digit? How many significant digits does 43.00 have? How to express 2000 lb when it has 3 significant digits?6

    27、 Approximation in engineering: estimate the power when you climb a flight of stairs.1 Bearing What are rolling contact bearings and journals, and the differences between them?The structure and characteristics of ball, straight roller, tapered roller, and thrust bearing. Inner race, outer race, rolle

    28、r, separator Radial force and thrust force.2 Gear The structure and characteristics of spur, rack, bevel, helical, and worm gears. The cross-sectional shape of the tooth of gear: involute profile. How to measure the spacing between teeth of gear in SI and USCS. In SI: m = 2r / N module In USCS: p =

    29、N / 2r diametral pitch In order for a pinion and gear to be compatible, they must have the same value of diametral pitch or module.3 Belt and Chain Timing belt4 Machine Tools Drill press What is CNC mill? 1 Forces and resultants 2 Moment of a force 3 Equilibrium of forces and moments What are particles and rigid bodies? How to sketch FBD (Free Body Diagram)? Use FBD to solve static problem. 4 Buoyancy B = g v 5 Drag force and viscosity Liquid or gas flows past a sphere (with diameter d ), the drag force D opposes motion isD = 3dv (Re 1) - fluids viscosity. What is the unit of ? Ca


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