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    1、专业英语四级真题一、Writing(composition)(本大题1小题每题15.0分,共15.0分。Write a composition of about 150-200 words on the followingtopic:)第1题Travel has become part of ourlife. And more and more of us have come to know the significance of travel through our ownexperience. Write a composition of about 150 words on the fo

    2、llowingtopic: TRAVEL BROADENS THE MIND You are to write in threeparts. In the first part, state what the topic actually means toyou. In the second part, give one or two examples to illustrate yourideas. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or asummary. Marks will be

    3、awarded for content, organization, grammar andappropriacy. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss ofmarks.【正确答案】 :写作要点 1写三段,字数150字左右。时间35分钟。2第一段:交待你对旅游拓宽眼界的看法。第二段:给出一至两个例子来阐述所取观点。第三段:简要总结前面的讨论。3文体为议论文,谈自己是如何认识旅游使人开阔眼界的。4必须结合自己旅游的切身感受来论述。写作提纲 第1段:先引出话题(如指出旅游已经成为我们生活的一部分,人们已经逐步认识到它的重要

    4、性),再提出自己对旅游的看法。第2段:从自身经历中举例说明旅游是如何开阔人的视野的。第3段:(用不同的语言表达方式)重申自己的观点,总结上面的讨论,并适当引申(如:旅游如读书,可增长人的见识)。习作参考 Travel Broadens The Mind Today,many of us go travelling every yearAs a matter of fact,travel has become part of our lifeThrough our own experience we have come to know the significance oftravel.Abov

    5、e all,I think it broadens our mind in the sense that it helps us to know more about the splendour of the Chinese civilization Last summer I went to visit the No2 Nanjing Yangste Bridge Park,which boasted a focus-in view of the grand modern bridgeIt attracted me a lot,but I was more deeply impressed

    6、by the exhibition of the bridge models thereThe bridges in miniature ranged from the most ancient ones to the most modern ones built by the Chinese working peopleDespite their age,the modelled ancient bridges were delicate in structure and nice in formI could not help admiring our ancestors for thei

    7、r wisdom and feeling proud of our civilization In short,travel opens our mind because it enables us to know about the history and culture of a nationIn a way,going on travels is like reading books二、Writing(Note-Writing)(本大题1小题每题10.0分,共10.0分。Write a note of about 5060 words based on the followingsitu

    8、ation:)第1题Yesterday you failed to turn up for the appointment with your teacher, ProfessorWang. Write him a note of apology and make a request for anothermeeting. You should also suggest the time for the requestedmeeting. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar andappropriacy.【正确答案】

    9、 :写作要点 1写5060词左右。时间为10分钟。2内容是你向你的老师Professor Wang道歉,原因是你错过了与他的约见。同时,还要请求老师另外安排见面(需建议一个时间)。整个便条读起来要有头有尾,让读者知道事情的来龙去脉。细节不可弄错。3交流双方为师生关系,语体色彩介于正式与非正式之间,语言表达上不宜太口语化。4需按便条写作的格式要求写,这是评分要点。思路指南 1先交待写便条时间;2接着写称呼;3对未能按时与对方约见表示道歉,并对此做出解释。接着,请求老师另外安排见面,自己可建议一个具体的时间;4客套话(如期盼对方回复);5致敬、签名。习作参考Sep. 16 Dear Profess

    10、or, Im deeply sorry that I missed the appointment withyou. I started out for your office atnine. I should have been able to arrive there on time, but unfortunately my bike wentflat. I was even more desperate because there was no repair shop insight. I had had to wheel the bike some five hundred metr

    11、es before I gothelp. But it was late, for when I got to your office you had alreadyleft. I know youre pretty occupied these days, but I wonder if you could arrange for another appointment with me now that I badly need your help with mythesis. Would this Friday afternoon be OK for you?If possible, I

    12、will go to your office at twop.m. I look forward to your earlyreply. Yours truly, XXX三、Dictation (本大题1小题每题15.0分,共15.0分。Listen to the followingpassage. Altogether the passage will be read to you fourtimes. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand them

    13、eaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check yourwork. You will then be given 2 minutes to check through your work

    14、oncemore. Please write the whole passage on ANSWER SHEETONE.)第1题【正确答案】 :Characteristics of A Good Reader To improve your reading habits, you must understand the characteristics of a goodreader. First, the good reader usually readsrapidly. Of course he does not read every piece of material at the sam

    15、erate. But when he is reading a newspaper or a chapter in a physics text, his reading rate is relativelyfast. He has learnt to read for ideas rather than words one at atime. Next, the good reader can recognize and understand general ideas and specificdetails. Thus he is able to comprehend the materi

    16、al, with a minimum of effort and a maximum ofinterest. Finally, the good reader has at his command several special skills which he can apply to reading problems as theyoccur. For the college student, the most helpful of these skills include making use of the various aids to understanding that most t

    17、ext books provide and skim reading for a generalsurvey.四、Listening Comprehension ( Statement )(共9小题,共9.0分)In this section you will hear severalstatements. At the end of the statement you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the followingquestions. Now listen to thestatements. 第1题The speaker li

    18、kes teaching because of A its interestingnature. B the goodsalaries. C contact with theyoung. D more summerholidays.【正确答案】 :C 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 I have to teach the same course books several times in the summer holiday camp, which is sometimes boring and not well-paid, but by and large Im quite d

    19、elighted at being with youngpeople. 第2题What does the speaker mean?A Bad living conditions are due to the poorcity. B Bad planning is responsible for poor livingconditions. C Living conditions are bad because the city is toobig. D Small cities have better living conditions than largeones.【正确答案】 :B 【本

    20、题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 The poor living conditions in such a large city have resulted from the unplanned real estate development, which is rarely seen in smallcities. 第3题 What does the statement mean?A Many people are concerned about theirsecurity. B Social security bears no relation topopulation. C Mos

    21、t social security problems are caused by a fewpeople. D Too many people may result in social securityproblems.【正确答案】 :D 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 At a recent seminar, many participants were worried about the fact that overpopulation may give rise to many social securityproblems. 第4题Passengers must check

    22、 in to board Flight 998 by A 10:30a.m. B 10:00a.m. C 11:30a.m. D 11:00a.m.【正确答案】 :D 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 May I have your attention, please?Flight 998 is leaving at 11.30a.m. Please check in half an hour prior to thedeparture. 第5题The speaker is probably a(n) A insuranceagent. Bfireman. Csalesman. Dp

    23、oliceman.【正确答案】 :A 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 Having gone through your claims for fire damage, I dont think the policy you have provided protection against loss byfire. 第6题The speaker thinks that A Ian achieved a lot as anathlete. B Ians blind eye prevented him fromathletics. C Ians success depended on h

    24、is childhoodexperience. D Ian trained so hard in athletics as to lose oneeye.【正确答案】 :A 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 lan lost one eye in a childhood accident, but he nonetheless had a very successful athleticcareer. 第7题Mrs. Clark is worried about her A husbandshealth. B husbandswork. C husbandsillness. D ow

    25、nhealth.【正确答案】 :A 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文Mr. andMrs. Clark used tosmoke. But nowMrs. Clark has stopped and she is afraid her husband will fall ill if he doesnt get rid of his bad habit of smoking both at home and atwork. 第8题The relationship between Susan and Jenny is Aneutral. Bfriendly. Cunclear. Dst

    26、rained.【正确答案】 :D 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 I heard from Mary that last semester, Susan found it difficult to stay On good terms with her roommateJenny. 第9题What do we learn about Jack?A He is well-known for hardwork. B He is pretty busyworking. C He has overworked and hurt hissight. D He doesnt like to h

    27、ave dinner withus.【正确答案】 :B 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文 Jack says that he is up to his eyes at work at present and really cannot afford the time to have dinner withus.五、Listening Comprehension ( Conversation ) (共9小题,共9.0分) In this section, you will hear several short conversations between twospeakers. At

    28、the end of each conversation you will be given 10 seconds to answer each of the followingquestions. Now listen to the conversations第1题What are they mainly talking about?A Graduationdate. B Vacationplans. C Schoolcourses. D Jobhunting.【正确答案】 :B 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文A: I want to find a part-time job d

    29、uring the summer vacation and earn somemoney. How about you?B: Im going to take a few summer courses so that I can graduate early nextyear. 第2题The conversation probably takes place in A alibrary. B abookstore. C theclassroom. D a departmentstore. 【正确答案】 :B 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文A: Excuse me, I want s

    30、omedictionaries. Where can I find them?B: The regular-priced ones are here and on that table in the corner of the room we have some ondiscount.A: Thankyou. 第3题The relationship between the two speakers is probably A man andwife. B lawyer andclient. C customer andwaitress. Dcolleagues.【正确答案】 :D 【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】听力原文A: I wonder where I can take my girl


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