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    高中英语必修34必修3Unit 5 CanadaThe True North人教版复习巩固第八十八篇.docx

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    高中英语必修34必修3Unit 5 CanadaThe True North人教版复习巩固第八十八篇.docx

    1、高中英语必修34必修3Unit 5 Canada The True North人教版复习巩固第八十八篇2019-2020年高中英语必修3、4必修3Unit 5 Canada “The True North”人教版复习巩固第八十八篇 第1题【单选题】(2015.福建) _ thestudentscamefromdifferentcountries,theygotalongquitewellinthesummercamp.A、WhileB、UnlessC、SinceD、Until【答案】:【解析】: 第2题【完形填空】阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从21-40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,

    2、选出最佳答案。My parents got divorced when I was one year old. Ive heard from family that it was because my father was 1 , but I was too little to remember and he was never violent 2I was growing up. My father is an alcoholic. He was 3once when I was a teenager for three years then had another divorce. Im

    3、his4child. My mother has been married and divorced three times, and all of her 5were abusive. Im the oldest of five half- siblings. My first step-father was 6violent with my mother regularly, they were married when I was 2 and 7when I was 8. My second step-father never fought with my mother,8was ver

    4、bally (言语)abusive with my two oldest younger brothers and myself and also 9me when I was 17. They were married when I was 11 and 10divorce proceedings last year when I was 22. The divorce was just finalized last month. Im sure I dont have to 11detail about the emotional influences of growing up in t

    5、his12. I do find that it has made it difficult for me to 13the pattern for my own life. I find myself using escapism(逃避现实) when 14gets too hard, just like my mother did. I find myself latching(锁定) on to 15men with a co-dependent loyal. My fathers drug and alcohol use has also 16my decisions. All of

    6、the people I have been in a 17relationship with have a drug addiction of some sort. Ive never been 18to drugs, though. Only people. In spite of all of this, I am committed to 19these generational problems that have been a part of my family history 20since my great- grandparents.A、cruelB、coldC、abusiv


    8、vedA、come intoB、bring intoC、go intoD、take intoA、situationB、mattersC、incidentD、environmentA、gainB、changeC、holdD、combineA、lifeB、workC、friendD、fianceA、managingB、suspectingC、experiencingD、controllingA、promotedB、forcedC、affectedD、madeA、closeB、seriousC、normalD、badA、addictedB、likedC、refusedD、acceptedA、brea

    9、kingB、developingC、takingD、passingA、at mostB、at timesC、at leastD、at once【答案】:【解析】: 第3题【完形填空】完形填空As a child, I was told that a wise person is the one who learns from everyone. It is a great way to live by this 1 One begins to look at people very 2and he no longer puts others 3in order to feel good abo

    10、ut himself.Living in China 4me with many wonderful opportunities to put this principle into practice. China is quite5and as a Westerner, its easy for me to consider many of the local habits as “strange” and even “rude”. However, slowly I began to 6a lot about the culture and about where many of thei

    11、r 7came from. I decided to make an effort to meet people and 8from them.I am living in Harbin now, a city in the Northern part of China, near Russia. Yesterday I 9to get money from the ATM and have a good cup of coffee after lunch. But I cant speak Chinese yet and there are no signs in English 10the

    12、 nearest supermarket or coffee shop. There are signs in Russian. 11“espaciba” which means thanks, I dont know much else. 12I decided to smile at my every attempt to13and ask for information that would 14me to an ATM and a coffee shop. It turned out that my efforts and my 15were met with more smiles.

    13、 I learned that16is to be found everywhere even 17I cannot communicate, and that people will 18depending on what I give.Look around you for opportunities to learn from the most19people. You will be surprised at what they can 20you!A、principleB、planC、personD、reasonA、excitedlyB、doubtfullyC、anxiouslyD、

    14、differentlyA、upB、downC、awayD、outA、helpsB、comparesC、impressesD、providesA、specialB、modernC、beautifulD、powerfulA、ignoreB、forgetC、understandD、createA、namesB、habitsC、behaviorsD、beliefsA、escapeB、sufferC、hearD、learnA、neededB、refusedC、managedD、failedA、leaving forB、setting upC、looking forD、pointing toA、Excep

    15、t forB、As forC、According toD、Instead ofA、YetB、OrC、SoD、BesidesA、relaxB、communicateC、explainD、discussA、forceB、leadC、transportD、followA、thanksB、signsC、questionsD、smilesA、illnessB、weaknessC、kindnessD、happinessA、beforeB、whenC、becauseD、afterA、respondB、gainC、bargainD、benefitA、famousB、usefulC、unexpectedD、fa

    16、miliarA、chargeB、teachC、lendD、require【答案】:【解析】: 第4题【阅读理解】阅读理解Driving in Canada is similar to driving in many parts of the United States. Distances and speeds, however, are posted in kilometers per hour and some signs, particularly in Quebec, may only be in French.Unless otherwise posted, the maximum

    17、(最大限度的) speed limit in Canada is 50km/hr in cities and 80km/hr on highways. On rural highways, the posted speed limit may be 100km/hr. It is illegal to take automobile radar detectors (汽车雷达检测器) into Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, and the Yukon. Seat belt use is required by law for all passengers, and ch

    18、ild car seats must be used by children under 40 pounds. Some provinces require drivers to keep their vehicles headlights on during the day and some have banned (禁止) driving while using a hand-held cell phone. Motorcycles cannot share a lane (车道), and safety helmets for motorcycle riders and passenge

    19、rs are necessary. Running a red light is a serious crime throughout Canada and drivers are advised to stop before starting when a light turns green.Winter travel can be dangerous due to heavy snowfalls and icy conditions. Some roads and bridges are often closed in winter. Snow tires are required in

    20、some provinces. Travelers should also be careful about animals while driving at night in rural areas.Highway 401, from Detroit to Montreal, is one of the busiest highways in North America. It has been the scene of many deadly traffic accidents due to sudden and severe weather changes, high rates of

    21、speed, and heavy truck traffic. Thus drivers should be alert while travelling here.Please refer to our Road Safety page for more information. Also, we suggest that you visit the website of Canadas national authority responsible for road safety.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A、A

    22、ll signs on the roads in Quebec are in English.B、Automobile radar detectors are allowed to be used in Manitoba.C、Passengers may choose not to wear seat belts while in a car in Canada.D、The speed of cars in Canadian cities should be less than 50km/hr.The underlined word “alert” in Paragraph 4 could b

    23、est be replaced by _.A、carefulB、relaxedC、nervousD、pleasedWhat is the best title for the text?A、Different traffic rules in CanadaB、Tips for traveling by car in CanadaC、Special rules for driving in CanadaD、Traffic safety and road conditions in Canada【答案】:【解析】: 第5题【翻译】She _ _ _ _ playing the piano. / S

    24、he _ _ _ playing the piano. (她有弹钢琴的天赋。)【答案】:【解析】: 第6题【翻译】Its too bad you cant_ _ _ _ Ottawa (一直走到渥太华), Canadas capital.【答案】:【解析】: 第7题【翻译】Its too bad you cant_ _ _ _ Ottawa (一直走到渥太华), Canadas capital.【答案】:【解析】: 第8题【翻译】What he said _ _ _ _ _ me.(他的话给我留下了深刻的印象。)【答案】:【解析】: 第9题【翻译】I dont like to_ _ _ _ .

    25、 (把工作和娱乐混在一起)【答案】:【解析】: 第10题【改错题】单句改错(15)We are going to see some great sceneries._Canadas population is only slight over thirty million._He insisted on staying rather than go home._He fell in love with the girl at the first sight._A meter is measure of length._【答案】:【解析】: 第11题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】The hospita

    26、l is _ (大约) five miles from the station.【答案】:【解析】: 第12题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Henry is a g_ singer and can sing many songs.【答案】:【解析】: 第13题【单词拼写(词汇运用)】Take all the _ (行李) and come with me.【答案】:【解析】: 第14题【语法填空】I could hardly tell the twins apart because their appearances are only _ (slight)different.【答案】:【解析】: 第15题【语法填空】He has to write a two-thousand-word _(compose)every other week.【答案】:【解析】:


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