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    1、公共英语二级短文改错专项试题(二)、一(共短文改错小题,50共分)100.0第1题TheEnglish Comer in Zhongshan Park is the place where1._ people go to practice their spoken Englishthere. Every Sunday2._ afternoon they gather around, talk to each other inEnglish.3._ Among them have students, teachers, doctors, and soon.4._ I first went to

    2、an English Comer when I was in Junior5._ GradeTwo. I went there every Sunday and chat with some6._ people inEnglish. In the past three years I have neverabsent.7._ Im sure Ive made some progress in my listening orspeaking.8._ And we have made many friendsthere. The English Comer is9._ a really goodp

    3、lace. I hope many friends will joinus.10._【正确答案】 :答案: 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本行没有错误,不能把the改为a,因为后面有定语从句修饰。第2题【正确答案】 :答案:English thereEnglish 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】定语从句有关系副词where引导,指代前面的place,和there重复。第3题【正确答案】 :答案:talktalking 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本句话句子主干已经完整,talk只能作伴随状语。第4题【正确答案】 :答案:haveare 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本句是倒装句,原句应为St

    4、udents,teachers,doctors,and so on are among them。第5题【正确答案】 :答案:anthe 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】第二次提到英语角,应用定冠词the。第6题【正确答案】 :答案:chatchatted 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本句是一般过去时,chat改为过去式。第7题【正确答案】 :答案:nevernever been 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 absent是形容词,前面应用系动词be,本句是完成时态。第8题【正确答案】 :答案:orand 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】此处没有选择的意思,是两者都进步。第9题【正确答案】 :

    5、答案:weI 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】只是作者自己的经历,不是we。第10题【正确答案】 :答案:manymore 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】根据上文,作者在英语角取得进步,结交朋友,当然希望更多朋友参与进来。第11题Scientists around the world have been studying the warm1._ of waters in the Pacific Ocean being known as ELNino. The2._ appearance of EL Nino is knowing to affect weather around3._world.

    6、 Now scientists still do not completely understand4._them. Yet they find they can use it to tell the future in5._ different area in theworld. The scientists write about6._ their recent work in the magazineNature. Their computer7._ program can hardly tell when an EL Nino willappear. They8._ suggest t

    7、hat this could provide for an effective early warning9._ system and could prevent much of the disasters fromhappening.10._【正确答案】 :答案:warmwarmth 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 the和of中间明显缺名词,而warm的名词形式为warmth。第12题【正确答案】 :答案:being knownknown 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】指科学家研究的东西被熟知为EL Nino,只有被动关系,没有进行式的体现。第13题【正确答案】 :答案:knowingkn

    8、own 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】是被人知道所以用known。第14题【正确答案】 :答案:worldthe world 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】习惯用法。第15题【正确答案】 :答案:themit 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 EL Nino只是一种气候现象。第16题【正确答案】 :答案:areaareas 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】不同的地区,所以地区应为复数。第17题【正确答案】 :答案:第18题【正确答案】 :答案:can hardlycan 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】从后文中可知此处为电脑能知道El Nino什么时候来临,所以把hardly去掉。第19题【正确答案

    9、】 :答案:forwith 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】短语provide sbwith sth与provide sthfor sb意思相同,均为“为某人提供某物”,for后面应该是为某人。第20题【正确答案】 :答案:muchmany 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 disaster可数,所以用many修饰。第21题Last summer I learnt to ride abicycle. At first, I was1._ unable to control itsdirection. Sometimes I fall to2._ the right or to theleft. I

    10、 worried to ask my father3._ impatiently how I could ride straight, so he didnt4._ answer medirectly. Instead, he took me to side of the5._street. Can you find any bike track is really straight?6._ asked myfather. I watched more carefully and shook my7._head. No,he said, in fact, neither of the trac

    11、ks is8._ alwaysstraight. But just by correct the direction9._ every now and then, you had already goneforward.10._【正确答案】 :答案:第22题【正确答案】 :答案:fallfell 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本文的时态为一般过去时,所以fall应改为fell。第23题【正确答案】 :答案:worriedwas worried 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】对于我来说,我是被动地感到担心。第24题【正确答案】 :答案:sobut 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本处是明显的转折,

    12、但是他没有直接回答我。第25题【正确答案】 :答案:sidethe side 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】习惯用法,街道的一边用the。第26题【正确答案】 :答案:isthat is 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】或去掉is “find+名词+形容词”作宾补,而不是接一句话,所以把is去掉;或把bike track当作定语从句的先行词,加that作定语从句的主语。第27题【正确答案】 :答案:more carefullycarefully 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】此处没有比较。第28题【正确答案】 :答案:neithernone 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】因为是多条,所以用non

    13、e,不用neither。第29题【正确答案】 :答案:correctcorrecting本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 by为介词,后接doing。第30题【正确答案】 :答案:hadhave 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】父亲的话是直接引语,用现在完成时。第31题It was very fine while I got up early last Sundaymorning.1._ So I decided to go for a walk and took some photos in the2._ beautifulcountry. After breakfast, I carried

    14、my camera with3._ me and setoff. Everything wentsmooth. I enjoyed my trip4._ so much that I didnt realize the weather had been turned5._bad. I began to run and it was toolate. I was caught6._ by the rain and was wetthrough. I kept on running until7._ I get to a busstop. I stood there waiting a long

    15、time for the bus8._ shivering (颤抖) withcold. Shortly before I got home, I9._ had high fever, which made me stay in bed for a whole week!10._【正确答案】 :答案:whilewhen 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 while后面的动词应为延续性的,而此处get up为点动作,所以把while改为when。when后面的动词可以是点动作,也可以是延续性动作。第32题【正确答案】 :答案:tooktake 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】此处and前后一致。第3

    16、3题【正确答案】 :答案:第34题【正确答案】 :答案:smoothsmoothly 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】副词修饰前面的动词go。第35题【正确答案】 :答案:had beenhad turn 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】为系动词,没有被动语态。第36题【正确答案】 :答案:andbut 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】意思前后是转折,不是递进。第37题【正确答案】 :答案:byin 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 be caught in the rain被雨淋了,是固定搭配。第38题【正确答案】 :答案:getgot 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】本文是一般过去时。第39题【正确

    17、答案】 :答案:beforeafter 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】在回家后不久,就发烧了,所以把before改为after。第40题【正确答案】 :答案:higha high 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 fever是可数名词。第41题Ethan Canine is a master of two jobs, all of which take specialskills.1._ First, Ethan is adoctor. He helps people who have been broken2._ bones, bad cuts, or the other kinds ofwo

    18、unds. When he gets a day3._ off from his work as a doctor, Ethan turns to his anotherjob.4._ He writesstories. His first book of stories won prize for the5._ best book by a first-timeauthor. Do the job sometimes get6._ in the way of each other?Not at all,Ethansays. In fact, being7._ a doctor help my

    19、writing. I get to know all kinds ofpeople.8._ Instead, I cant hide myself in my room and write down ideas9._ for the rest of mylife. I also need to be able to help iiipeople.10._【正确答案】 :答案:allboth 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】因为是两个工作,所以把all改为both。第42题【正确答案】 :答案:have beenhave 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】此处不是完成时态的被动语态,只是动宾关系。第4

    20、3题【正确答案】 :答案:the otherother 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】指其他受伤情况,只用other。第44题【正确答案】 :答案:anothersecond(other可接受) 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 another指三者或三者以上的任何一个,而此处是两个,所以改为other或second。第45题【正确答案】 :答案:prizea prize 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 prize为可数名词,所以要加a。第46题【正确答案】 :答案:jobjobs 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 Do the job sometimes get?此句话主谓不一致,前面提到了两种工作,所以job改为复数。第47题【正确答案】 :答案:第48题【正确答案】 :答案:helphelps 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】 being a doctor为非谓语动词,并且非谓语动词作主语,谓语动词用单数。第49题【正确答案】 :答案:InsteadBesides(Also可接受) 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】此处没有转折,只是递进附加信息。第50题【正确答案】 :答案:illsick ill 本题分数:2.0分【答案解析】当生病解时不能作定语,但sick可以。


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