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    1、安全使用甲醇的常见问题英文原文与翻译安全使用甲醇的常见问题(英文原文与翻译)关于安全使用甲醇的常见问题:Q 什么是甲醇?A 甲醇也称木醇或甲醇,最早是从天然气或煤中提取,也有从可再用资源象垃圾产生的气体(沼气)和消化食物产生的气体中提取。事实上,人体中含有少量的甲醇,主要是人从水果、蔬菜和人造碳酸糖饮料中摄取的。根据(美国)食品及药物管理局,成人每天从饮食中摄取500mg的甲醇是安全的。在人体中,甲醇在肝中代谢,先被转化成甲醛,然后进一步转化成甲酸。作为许多生物分子的构建群,甲酸对生命体是很重要的。而且,甲醇也是一种重要的化工原料,用于制造日常生活中成百上千的产品,如塑料、涂料、建材、衣服等。

    2、Q 甲醇与生物柴油有什么关系? A 甲醇在生物柴油生产中起关键作用。常用KOH或NaOH作催化剂,油脂和甲醇反应生产酯或生物柴油。Q 甲醇是否有危险性?A 甲醇是极易燃、有毒的化学物品。必须用恰当的方法储存,让经过适当培训的人运输和使用。如果甲醇被人直接摄入或其蒸汽被人吸入,对人体是具有很大毒害作用的。要避免甲醇直接暴露在外面,如吞下、皮肤渗透或直接吸入甲醇对人体是非常有害的。吞下1-4磅甲醇会对神经系统造成伤害,引起失明甚至死亡。甲醇能造成中毒,组织酸毒症,选择性神经伤害和影响中枢神经。甲醇也会引起皮肤脱脂,引发皮炎。严重的甲醇中毒症状包括头疼,虚弱,昏迷,恶心,呼吸困难,醉态,眼疼,幻觉,

    3、丧失意识,还有可能导致死亡。中毒者在30小时以内还可能有救,在30小时后就会变的更糟。Q 如何降低我暴露在甲醇中的机会A 首先,确保你不仅在甲醇而且在生物柴油的处理上受过适当的专业训练和指导。要意识到甲醇的危险性,谨慎操作,以免接触它,避免长时间的呼入甲醇蒸汽。适当的空气流通对确保安全的工作条件是非常必要的。必须考虑安装通风设备的地点、类型和功能,通风设备的类型由固定的空间、温度、空气对流和风向等因素决定。如果使用的是机械通风,那么必须用有防火花作用的风扇。同时,要戴上防面的安全眼镜和适合工作要求的手套。Q 如果我吸进或溅上甲醇怎么办?A 万一甲醇接触到了皮肤,脱下污染的衣服,用肥皂和水冲洗1

    4、5min。如果有疼痛发生,要去看医生。如果甲醇直接与眼睛接触,立即反复用大量温水冲洗至少15min,然后去医院,让眼科医生检查。万一吸入了甲醇蒸气,将其转移到有新鲜空气处。由此窒息的还需要进行人工呼吸。甲醇的吸入对生命极有威胁,症状开始表现可能推迟到吸入甲醇后18-24小时。由于有引起肺结核的危险,不要诱导呕吐。是否要诱导呕吐必须有专业医生作决定。要尽快将中毒者送入标准的甲醇吸收医疹室,急快的医疗检查是至关重要的。Q 甲醇洒落怎么办? A 如果有甲醇洒落,在没有危险的情况下要尽可能的防止或减少甲醇的排放。打电话到当地消防部门求助,快速隔离洒落或泄露的区域方圆至少330-660步。保持逆风并清除

    5、所有可燃源。不要接触或跨过溅满甲醇的物品。防止甲醇进入排水沟,下水道,地下室或受限区域,一种泡沫蒸发抑制剂可以减少甲醇蒸发。对少量甲醇污染的泥土,沙子或其他不可燃物质,可以稍后处理。对洒落大量的甲醇,要提防液体进一步蔓延,要依当地紧急条款处理。自然水体不能含有大量甲醇,如河、海。释放到土、地表水、地下水中的甲醇有1-7天的半衰期,会高效率的被生物降解,而不可能永远存在。甲醇被广泛用在国家废水处理设施,通过加快生物降解,降低硝酸盐在敏感的含水层和水道中的危害作用。因甲醇的易燃和有毒性,在操作时必须要谨慎,避免与甲醇接触。Q 如果在甲醇的周围有火起,我应怎么做?A 如果甲醇蒸气在一定的空间中被引燃

    6、,会发生爆炸。如果暴露在水或过热的环境中,装满甲醇的容器会暴裂。在太阳光下甲醇燃烧火焰基本看不见,但是可以通过燃烧产生了热或其他物质燃烧而被察觉。大量的水可以驱热,有效稀释甲醇而扑灭甲醇燃烧引起的大火。要防止明火、火花和氧化物与甲醇接触,使其必须远离甲醇。CO2干粉和酒精泡沫抑制剂可以隔绝甲醇与O2接触而扑灭甲醇引起的火灾。消防员必须戴上正面的,自带控制的呼吸的面罩,穿上密封的衣服,手套和靴子。在周围因大火而卷入的储罐、机动轨道车或油罐车要隔开0.5里,也要求疏散方圆0.5里。必须用水喷洒每一个装甲醇的容器使其冷却。Q 如何储存甲醇?A 甲醇要一直装在密封的系统或许可的容器中,不要将其露在空气

    7、中。容器要根据当地的规章和要求标签。在所有储存体系和运输地的处理步骤中,你应该全面了解产品。材料和建造的方法必须考虑是否适合存放甲醇。常温下,除铅、镁和铂,甲醇对大部分金属无腐蚀性。通常软钢被选为储醇材料。用铜合金,锌(包括镀锌的钢),铝或塑料制成的储罐不适合装甲醇水溶液。然而塑料的只能作为短期的储存,由于破坏的影响和危险污染物的影响,它们通常不适用长期的储存。而且铜的薄层(或铜合金),锌(镀锌钢)或铝会被慢性腐蚀。Q 如何处理剩余的甲醇?A 大量的废甲醇不仅可以交给已经得到许可的废溶剂公司处理,也可以经过滤和蒸馏回收。废甲醇或废甲醇溶液,一定不能直接排放到下水道或地表水中。不要倒入下水道,地

    8、表或其他任何水体中。甲醇是危险物,必须通过适当处理。在你的社区,一定要与当地环保部门的协商如何安全处理甲醇。英文原文:Frequently Asked Questions About the Safe Handling & Use of MethanolQ. What is methanol?(什么是甲醇?)A. Methanol, also known as wood alcohol or methyl alcohol, is made primarily from natural gas or coal, and can also be produced from renewable re

    9、sources such as landfill gas and digester gas. Methanol is actually present within the human body in small quantities from eating fruits and vegetables, and drinking diet soda containing artificial sweeteners. According to the FDA, as much as 500 milligrams per day of methanol is safe in an adults d

    10、iet. In the body, methanol is metabolized in the liver, converted first to formaldehyde, and then to formate. As a building block for many biological molecules, formate is essential for survival. Moreover, methanol is an essential chemical building block used to make hundreds of products that touch

    11、our daily lives, from plastics and paints, to construction materials and clothing.Q. What does methanol have to do with biodiesel? (甲醇与生物柴油)A. Methanol plays a critical role in the production of biodiesel. Biodiesel is generally made when fats and oils are chemically reacted with methanol, and a cat

    12、alyst, typically sodium or potassium hydroxide (i.e., lye), to produce an ester, or biodiesel.Q. Is methanol hazardous or dangerous?(甲醇是否有危险性)A. Yes, methanol is a hazardous chemical that is highly flammable and toxic. Methanolmust be properly stored, transported and used by people that have been pr

    13、operly trained in its handling. Methanol is extremely toxic to humans if ingested or if vapors are inhaled. Direct exposure to methanol should be avoided, as methanol can be harmful if swallowed, absorbed through the skin, or inhaled. Ingestion of as little as one to four ounces can cause irreversib

    14、le injury to the nervous system, blindness or even death. Methanol can cause poisoning, systemic acidosis, optic nerve damage and central nervous system (CNS) effects. Methanol can also degrease the skin, which may cause dermatitis. Symptoms of acute methanol exposure may include headache, weakness,

    15、 drowsiness, nausea, difficult breathing, drunkenness, eye irritation, blurred vision, loss of consciousness, and possibly death. Patients may improve and then get worse again up to 30 hours later.Q. What can I do to reduce my exposure to methanol?(如何降低我暴露在甲醇中的机会)A. First, make sure that you receive

    16、 proper training and guidance on handling not only methanol, but biodiesel as well. Be aware of the hazardous properties of methanol, and exercise caution to avoid contact with it. Avoid prolonged or repeated breathing of methanol vapors. Proper ventilation is required to ensure safe working conditi

    17、ons. The type of ventilation will depend upon such factors as dead air spaces, temperature, convection currents and wind direction and must be considered when determining equipment location, type and capacity. If mechanical ventilation is used, sparkproof fans should be implemented. At a minimum, we

    18、ar side-shielded safety spectacles and task appropriate gloves.Q. What do I do if I breathe in methanol or spill some on myself?(如果我吸进空气或溅上甲醇咋办?)A. In case of methanol contact with skin, remove contaminated clothing, wash with soap and water for 15 minutes, and seek medical attention if irritation o

    19、ccurs. If methanol comes in direct contact with eyes, immediately flush eyes with copious amounts of tepid water for at least 15 minutes. The patient should be taken to a health care facility, and referral to an ophthalmologist considered. In case of inhalation of methanol vapors, remove the individ

    20、ual to fresh air. Asphyxiation from vapors may require artificial respiration. Ingestion of methanol is life threatening. Onset of symptoms may be delayed for 18 to 24 hours after ingestion. Due to the risks of aspiration into the lungs, do NOT induce vomiting. The decision to induce vomiting should

    21、 be left to a medical professional attending the victim. Transport immediately to a health care facility where standard methanol ingestion treatment can be administered. Immediate medical attention is critical!Q. What do I do if I spill methanol somewhere?(甲醇洒落咋办)A. If a methanol spill occurs, stop

    22、or reduce discharge of material if this can be donewithout risk. Call your local fire department for immediate assistance. Isolate the spill or leak area immediately for at least 330 to 660 feet in all directions. Eliminate all sources of ignition, and stay upwind. Do not touch or walk through the s

    23、pilled material. Prevent methanol from entering into waterways, sewers, basements or confined areas. A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. For small spills (up to 55-gallon drum) absorb with earth, sand or other non-combustible material and transfer to containers for later disposal.

    24、 For large spills, dike far ahead of liquid spill for later disposal, and follow local emergency protocol for handling.Spills into large natural bodies of water, such as rivers and oceans, cannot be contained. For releases into soil, surface water or groundwater, methanol has a half-life of just one

    25、 to seven days, and given its high rate of biodegradation, methanol spills are not likely to persist. Methanol is used extensively in the nations wastewater treatment facilities to reverse the damaging effects of nitrate buildup in sensitive aquifers and waterways by accelerating biodegradation. As

    26、a flammable and toxic chemical, caution must be exercised to avoid contact with methanol.Q. What do I do if a fire starts around methanol?A. Accumulations of methanol vapors in confined spaces may explode if ignited, andcontainers filled with methanol may rupture violently if exposed to fire or exce

    27、ssive heat for a prolonged duration. Methanol flames are almost invisible in bright sunlightconditions, but they may be detected by the heat generated or the burning of othermaterials. Large amounts of water will remove heat and can be effective in dilutingmethanol to the point where most fires can

    28、be readily extinguished. To prevent fireskeep open flames, sparks and oxidants away from methanol. Dry chemical powder,carbon dioxide and alcohol-resistant foam extinguish methanol fires by oxygendeprivation. Firefighters should use full-face, self-contained breathing apparatus, andwear impervious c

    29、lothing, gloves and boots. For larger fires involving a tank, rail car or tank truck, isolate for mile in all directions, also consider evacuation for mile in all directions. Keep any methanol containers cool by spraying with water.Q. How should I store methanol?A. Methanol should always be kept wit

    30、hin closed systems or approved containers and never left open to the atmosphere. Containers should be labeled in accordance with local regulations and site requirements. You should have comprehensive producthandling procedures and systems in place at all storage and transfer points. Materials and me

    31、thods of construction must be compatible with methanol service. Methanol is non-corrosive to most metals at ambient temperatures; exceptions include lead, magnesium and platinum. Mild steel is usually selected as the construction material. Tanks built with copper alloys, zinc (including galvanized s

    32、teel), aluminum or plastics are not suitable for methanol-water solutions. While plastics can be used for short-term storage, they are generally not recommended for long-term storage due to deterioration effects and the subsequent risk of contamination. Furthermore, coatings of copper (or copper alloys), zinc (including galvanized steel) or aluminum are attacked slowly.Q. How should I dispose of excess methanol?A. Large quantities of waste methanol can either be disposed of at a licensed waste solvent company or reclaimed by filtration and distillation. Waste methanol, or water


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