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    届安徽省重点高中高三大联考英语试题 word版.docx

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    届安徽省重点高中高三大联考英语试题 word版.docx

    1、届安徽省重点高中高三大联考英语试题 word版2019届安徽省重点高中高三大联考英语(试卷总分150分考试时间120分钟)题号一二二四总分合分人复分人得分第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完对话后,你都有10秒 钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When does the Professor Smith advise the girls parents to come?A. At 9:30 am. B. At

    2、 10 : 30 am.C. At 1 : 30 pm.2. In which aspect does Rainer Weiss make achievements?A.In physics. B. In psychology. C. In politics.3. What does the man mean?A. Lily hit Mary in the forehead.B. Lily and Mary look much alike.C. Only parents can tell Lily from Mary.4. Where does the woman prefer to spen

    3、d the evening?A.At school. B. At home. C. In the park.5. What relationship are the two speakers probably?A. Father and daughter.B. Teacher and student.C. Doctor and patient.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5

    4、秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。6. What language do Cubans speak according to the dialogue?A. English. B. French. C. Spanish.7. How long will the woman stay in China?A. Two weeks. B. Seven days. C. Four nights.听第7段材料,回答第8-9题。8. What are the two speakers going to do?A. Find an old couple to tell th

    5、eir love stories.B. Talk about the pictures taken on Facebook.C. Find another couple of the same age to travel.9. Whose is the dog mentioned in the dialogue?A. Debbies. B. The mans. C. The womans.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. What are the two speakers talking about?A. A new-style car. B. A used car. C. A big

    6、 foreign car.11. How many miles are there on the car?A. About 250 300 miles.B. About 2,500 3 ,000 miles.C. About 25 ,000 30,000 miles.12. What can we know from the conversation?A. The man has the idea of buying the car.B. Laura wants to sell the car very much.C. The man will have an appointment with

    7、 the woman.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What is the man going to do?A. Rent an apartment.B. Sell an apartment.C. Book a room in a hotel.14. Which house are many people waiting for?A. A two-room apartmentB. A furnished apartment on the fifth floor.C. A two-room apartment on the fifth floor.15. What does the

    8、woman suggest the man do if he wants the apartment?A. Wait in line.B. Pay her some tips.C. Pay all the rent at once.16. How much key money did the woman charge at last?A.25 dollars. B. 50 dollars. C. 100 dollars.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. In what way does the speaker prove her idea?A.Through her own expe

    9、rience.B. Through the text in the magazine.C. Through the teacher s words.18. When was the speaker sent to the hospital?A. At midnight.B. In the morning.C. Before going for dinner.19. What do the speaker eat to keep healthy?A. An ice cream. B. A pear. C. An egg.20. What does the speaker want to tell

    10、 the students?A. Dont eat too much things before going to bed.B. You can eat junk food except before going to bed.C. No one can refuse eating junk food including herself.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共I5小题;每小题2分,满分3分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A JET SKIING INSTRUCTORS:Camp Lohikan is a first-class

    11、 summer camp lying in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Our campers range in age from 6 to 15 and come to camp from all over the world. So does our staff! We pay the BEST salaries to recruit (招聘)the BEST staff. We know that the most important element in guaranteeing that our campers have a great

    12、 summer experience is OUR STAFF. If you have the talent to teach/ work in the area of your specialty and you are an outgoing, friendly individual who will be a strong positive role model for children and you enjoy working with kids, we strongly encourage you to complete our employment application! E

    13、MPLOYMENT BENEFITS Travel allowance is available. Tipping is permitted. Room,board & laundry services are provided. You have no expenses! Nights-off and days-off are scheduled throughout the summer.Our top caliber(才干)staff is recruited from across the US and Europe and provides a unique social exper

    14、ience for our counselors and supervisors. Working at Camp Lohikan is the experience of a lifetime. The personal growth, the rewards of working with children, the excitement of an active, diverse community and the close friendships that you form will stay with you long after the summer ends. Many sta

    15、ff members describe their employment at Camp Lohikan as the BEST summer of their life. You will too! TO APPLY:The best way to apply for a job is online at www. lohikan. conv/staffrec. htm. You can also telephone our office at 908-470-9317 and we11 be happy to mail you our Staff Application Package.

    16、Get ready for the best summer of your life!21. What play(s) a key role in ensuring campers havea great summer experience.A.Management. B. Salary. C.Staff. D. Models.22. While working at Camp Lohikan, .A. you can gain travel allowanceB. you need to pay for the mealsC. you are forbidden to receive tip

    17、sD. you can have a day off every week23. The author think applicants had better apply .A.on the internet B.face to faceC.on the phone D.by e-mailB Lots of mountain climbers have scaled Mount Elbrus-Europe s highest peak(5642 m) - but no one has managed to do it like Russian powerlifter Andrey Rodich

    18、ev. He recently became the first person in the world to climb the mountain while carrying a 75-kg barbell on his back! In order to prepare himself for the arduous hike, he trained twice a day, seven days a week. Every morning he would run on the streets for an hour and a half with an additional weig

    19、ht of 10 kg. In the evening, he would work out at the gym. He lost about 20 kg of body weight to reach the ideal weight for the challenge. Although the hike up Mount Elbrus is relatively easy for mountain climbers, the additional 75 kg created huge challenges. Most hikers carry backpacks that weigh

    20、about 25 to 30kg, but they usually leave most of their equipment at the bottom before beginning the final ascent (上坡)for Mount Elbrus. The result of Rodichev s attempt was unpredictable, but he was determined to achieve his goal-to raise awareness about powerlifting in his hometown,Murmansk. When th

    21、e time finally came for him to begin the journey,he attached the bar to his back using specially designed straps. He moved at an average speed of 50 meters per hour, and in some areas even dropped to 15 meters per hour. The last two days saw terrible weather conditions, but he finally managed to rea

    22、ch the summit on September 6. Rodichev is now regarded a hero,and rightly so. The bar he caaied has been fixed at the top of Mount Elbms,as a monument to his incredible feat. The entire jouney was also filmed on video,and the footage(连续镜 头)will soon be used to make a documentary. For now,Rodichev is

    23、 looking for someone who will attempt to break his record-hes promised to assist anyone willing to do so.24. What does the underlined word “arduous” in paragraph 2 mean?A.Easy. B. Difficult. C. Smooth. D. Admiring.25. Why do most hikers find it relatively easy to climb Mount Elbrus?A. Because they h

    24、ave been well trained.B. Because their backpacks are rather light.C. Because they don t carry any gear at all.D. Because their power is different in some way.26. What can we learn from paragraph 4?A. It was undoubtedly a painful hike.B. Rodichev forgot to learn the weather.C. He walked swiftly full

    25、of confidence.D. The journey only took him 2 days.27. Why has the bar Rodichev caarried to the top been fixed on Mount Elbrus?A. To remind climbers to struggle.B. To memorize his great achievement.C. To make it a spot for people to visit.D. To encourage others to break is record.C Teenagers around t

    26、he world can reject with the news that their brain deserves the blame when parents orders go ignored while they tap on their smartphones. A new scientific study from the University College London has found that humans may be behaved temporarily deaf when they re simultaneously (同时地)focusing on somet

    27、hing visual. Research found that the 13 volunteers experienced inattentional deafness to the normal-volume sounds playing in the background as their visual tasks became increasingly difficult. “We found that when volunteers were the demanding visual task,they were unable to hear sounds that they wou

    28、ld nomially hear,” study co-author Maria Chait said in a statement. “The brain scans showed that people were not only ignoring or filtering(过滤)out the sounds,they were not actually hearing them in the first place. ” The findings,published in the Joural of Neuroscience,suggest that the visual and aud

    29、itory (听觉的)processing centers that make sense of the sights and sounds that surround us share limited resources. Inattentional deafness is a common everyday experience and the study explains why, according to UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience Professor Nilli Lavie, a co-author of the study. “I

    30、f you try to talk to someone focusing on a book,game,or television program and dont receive a response,they arent necessarily ignoring you,they simply might not hear you! she said. “This could also explain why you might not hear your bus or train stop being announced if youre concentrating on your p

    31、hone,book,or newspaper.” Loud sounds-like ambulance sirens-will still be able to break through,but some situations could become potentially dangerous when the quieter ones go unheard, according to Medical Daily. “This has more serious implications(引申义)in situations such as the operating theater,when

    32、 a surgeon concentrating on their work might not hear the equipment beeping,” Lavie said. “It also applies to drivers concentrating on complex directions as well as cyclists and motorists who are focusing intently on something such as an advert or even simply an interesting-looking passerby. ”28. When people perform a visual task, .A. they


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