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    1、本规范的目的在于使人对项目管理行业有信心,并帮助个人成为更好的专业执业者。我们正在通过建立合理行为的职业化规范体系来达到以上目的。我们相信,项目管理行业的信誉和名声将取决于所有执业者的总体品行。The purpose of this Code is to instill confidence in the project management profession and to help an individual become a better practitioner. We do this by establishing a profession-wide understanding o

    2、f appropriate behavior. We believe that the credibility and reputation of the project management profession is shaped by the collective conduct of individual practitioners.通过遵守本道德和专业行为规范,无论是从个人层面或是从集体层面,都将推进项目管理专业领域的发展。同时,本道德和专业行为规范将有助于我们做出明智的决策,特别是当我们面临需要对诚信原则和价值观做出让步的困难局面时。We believe that we can a

    3、dvance our profession, both individually and collectively, by embracing this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. We also believe that this Code will assist us in making wise decisions, particularly when faced with difficult situations where we may be asked to compromise our integrity or our val

    4、ues.我们希望本道德规范和职业行为准则能激发其他人学习、研讨,并就道德规范和价值观进行著述。进一步而言,我们希望本道德规范和职业行为准则能激发其他人学习、研讨,并就道德规范和价值观进行著述。Our hope that this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will serve as a catalyst for others to study, deliberate, and write about ethics and values. Further, we hope that this Code will ultimately be u

    5、sed to build upon and evolve our profession.1.2 规范适用人群 1.2 Persons to Whom the Code Applies本道德和专业行为规范应用于:The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct applies to:1.2.1 所有的PMI会员1.2.1 All PMI members1.2.2 所有非PMI会员但符合以下一个或一个以上标准的个人 1.2.2 Individuals who are not members of PMI but meet one or more of the

    6、following criteria:1. 拥有PMI认证的非会员1 Non-members who hold a PMI certification2. 进入PMI认证申请流程的非会员2 Non-members who apply to commence a PMI certification process3. 作为PMI志愿者的非会员3 Non-members who serve PMI in a volunteer capacity.评述: 获得项目管理协会(PMI)的认证(无论是会员或是非会员),还需遵守项目管理专业人士(PMP)或助理项目管理师(CAPM)的职业行为准则,并继续遵守

    7、PMI道德和专业行为规范。过去,PMI对于会员及已获得认证的人员分设有各自的道德标准。与规范制订相关的干系人认为,不需要多种规范共存,而应是所有人遵守同一个高标准。因此,本规范同时适用于PMI会员和申请或获得PMI认证的人士,不论其是否是PMI会员。 Those holding a Project Management Institute(PMI) credential(whether members or not) were previously held accountable to the Project Management Professional(PMP) or Certified

    8、 Associate in Project Management(CAPM) Code of Professional Conduct and continue to be held accountable to the PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. In the past, PMI also had separate ethics standards for members and for credentialed individuals. Stakeholders who contributed input to develop

    9、this Code concluded that having multiple codes was undesirable and that everyone should be held to one high standard. Therefore, this Code is applicable to both PMI members and individuals who have applied for or received a credential from PMI, regardless of their membership in PMI.1.3 本规范的结构Structu

    10、re of the Code本道德和专业行为规范被分为几部分,包括了对项目管理领域来说最为重要的四个价值观的行为标准。某些部分包括了评述。评述不是准则的强制要求内容,而是提供了例证及其他的澄清。最后,在准则的结尾部分设有一个词汇表。该词汇表定义了准则中使用的词汇和习语。为便于使用,词汇表中定义的术语在准则中有下划线标注。The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct is divided into sections that contain standards of conduct which are aligned with the four valu

    11、es that were identified as most important to the project management community. Some sections of this Code include comments. Comments are not mandatory parts of the Code, but provide examples and other clarification. Finally, a glossary can be found at the end of the standard. The glossary defines wo

    12、rds and phrases used in the Code. For convenience, those terms defined in the glossary are underlined in the text of the Code.1.4 本规范的价值观1.4 Values that Support this Code全球项目管理领域的执业者需要认同一种形成决策和行为引导基础的价值观。全球项目管理领域定义的价值观中最重要的是:责任、尊重、公平和诚实。本准则以这四个价值观为基石。Practitioners from the global project management

    13、community were asked to identify the values that formed the basis of their decision making and guided their actions. The values that the global project management community defined as most important were: responsibility, respect, fairness, and honesty. This Code affirms these four values as its foun

    14、dation.1.5 共识性准则和强制性准则1.5 Aspirational and Mandatory Conduct本道德和专业行为规范的每一部分都包括共识性准则和强制性准则。共识性准则描述了作为一个执业人士所努力支持的行为。虽然符合共识性准则的标准不太容易衡量,但职业行为符合这些准则并不是可有可无的,而是作为专业人士所被期望遵循的。Each section of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct includes both aspirational standards and mandatory standards. The aspi

    15、rational standards describe the conduct that we strive to uphold as practitioners. Although adherence to the aspirational standards is not easily measured, conducting ourselves in accordance with these is an expectation that we have of ourselves as professionalsit is not optional.强制性准则建立起了严格的要求,在某些情

    16、况下,限制或禁止了执业人士的行为。不遵循这些准则的执业人士将受到PMI道德审查委员会(Ethics Standard Review Committee)的惩戒性措施。The mandatory standards establish firm requirements, and in some cases, limit or prohibit practitioner behavior. Practitioners who do not conduct themselves in accordance with these standards will be subject to discip

    17、linary procedures before PMIs Ethics Review Committee.共识性准则和强制性准则并非互相排斥的,有些特殊行为或疏忽可能同时违背两种准则。Comment: The conduct covered under the aspirational standards and conduct covered under the mandatory standards are not mutually exclusive;that is,one specific act or omission could violate both aspirational

    18、 and mandatory standards.第二章 责任规范CHAPTER 2.RESPONSIBILITY2.1 责任规范描述2.1 Description of Responsibility责任规范是指我们要对所制定或未制定的决策,所采取或未采取的行动以及所产生的后果承担最终责任。Responsibility is our duty to take ownership for the decisions we make or fail to make, the actions we take or fail to take, and the consequences that res

    19、ult.2.2 责任规范:共识性准则2.2 Responsibility: Aspirational Standards作为全球项目管理领域的执业人士:As practitioners in the global project management community:2.2.1 我们所作的决策和采取的行动要符合社会、公众安全和环境的最大利益。2.2.1 We make decisions and take actions based on the best interests of society, public safety, and the environment.2.2.2 我们只接

    20、受和我们的背景、经历、技能和资质相匹配的任务。2.2.2 We accept only those assignments that are consistent with our background, experience, skills, and qualifications.当考虑开发性或衍生任务时,我们必须使主要的干系人及时全面地了解我们的资质与要求的距离,以便他们在信息充分的条件下作决策,决定我们承接项目是否合适。 Where developmental or stretch assignments are being considered, we ensure that key

    21、stakeholders receive timely and complete information regarding the gaps in our qualifications so that they may make informed decisions regarding our suitability for a particular assignment.在招标过程中,我们只对组织能胜任的工作进行投标,并只安排能胜任的人员来承担任务。In the case of a contracting arrangement, we only bid on work that our

    22、organization is qualified to perform and we assign only qualified individuals to perform the work.2.2.3 我们履行我们担负的承诺做我们说过要做的。2.2.3 We fulfill the commitments that we undertakewe do what we say we will do.2.2.4 当我们出现错误或疏忽时,我们会立即承担责任并迅速改正。当我们发现别人的错误或疏忽时,我们会立即和相关机构沟通情况。我们将对任何由我们所犯的错误和疏忽以及导致的后果承担责任。2.2.4

    23、 When we make errors or omissions, we take ownership and make corrections promptly. When we discover errors or omissions caused by others, we communicate them to the appropriate body as soon they are discovered. We accept accountability for any issues resulting from our errors or omissions and any r

    24、esulting consequences.2.2.5 我们保护委托给我们的专利或机密信息。2.2.5 We protect proprietary or confidential information that has been entrusted to us.2.2.6 我们全力支持本准则并就遵守情况互相监督。2.2.6 We uphold this Code and hold each other accountable to it.2.3 责任规范:强制性准则2.3 Responsibility: Mandatory Standards作为全球项目管理领域的执业人士,我们要求遵循以下

    25、准则:As practitioners in the global project management community, we require the following of ourselves and our fellow practitioners:法律规章要求:Regulations and Legal Requirements2.3.1 我们提醒并鼓励自己在日常工作中、专业领域和志愿活动中遵循指导工作的政策、规则、规章和法律。2.3.1 We inform ourselves and uphold the policies, rules, regulations and law

    26、s that govern our work, professional, and volunteer activities.2.3.2 我们要将不道德或非法的行为报告相应的管理层,如果必要,还要知会受行为影响的有关各方。2.3.2 We report unethical or illegal conduct to appropriate management and, if necessary, to those affected by the conduct.这些条款的含义有:我们不能涉及任何不合法的行为,包括但不限于:偷盗、欺诈、贪污、侵占和贿赂。我们也不占有或滥用包括知识产权在内的他人

    27、的财产,不参与诽谤或侮辱。在与全球职业者进行的专门讨论会中,提到此类非法行为的问题。 These provisions have several implications. Specifically, we do not engage in any illegal behavior, including but not limited to: theft, fraud, corruption, embezzlement, or bribery. Further, we do not take or abuse the property of others, including intellec

    28、tual property ,nor do we engage in slander or libel. In focus groups conducted with practitioners around the globe, these types of illegal behaviors were mentioned as being problematic.作为我们这个领域的执业人士和代表,我们不能纵容和帮助他人的非法行径。我们将举报任何非法和违反执业道德行为。举报并非易事,我们也意识到可能会有负面后果。自从最近的一系列公司丑闻以来,许多公司开始制定政策保护揭露真相的员工。一些政府也

    29、制定了相关的法令来保护这些员工。(注:即使不道德或非法的行为来自于一个不受标准约束的人,但是如果我们发现了,我们也有责任按要求报告这种行为。)As practitioners and representatives of our profession, we do not condone or assist others in engaging in illegal behavior. We report any illegal or unethical conduct. Reporting is not easy and we recognize that it may have negative consequences. Since recent corporate scandals, many organizations have adopted policies to protect employees who reveal the truth about illegal or unethical activities. Some governments have also adopted legislation to pro


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