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    1、八年级英语上册单元检测卷Unit6单元检测第一卷(75分)1、听力(20分)同步听力与阅读Test P65-67 1234567891011121314151617181920二、单项选择(15分) ( )1. Our teacher is coming. Please stop _ and keep _ . A. talking; quiet B. to talk; quiet C. talking; quietly D. to talk; quietly( )2. Birds can find food _ here than before. A. easier B.much easily

    2、 C. more easily D. more easier( )3. Shanghai is _ the east of China, and Japan is _ the east of China. A. in; to B. to; in C. in; in D. to; to( )4.- You must be more _ next time. - Yes, Ill do my homework as _ as possible. A. careful; careful B. carefully; carefully C. carefully; careful D. careful;

    3、 carefully( )5._ important information they give us! A. How B. How an C. What D. What an( )6. Jacks father looked _ at the boys test paper. He looked _ . A. angry; angrily B. angry; angry C. angrily; angry D. angrily; angrily( )7. Mother made me _ milk every day when I was young. A. drink B. to drin

    4、k C. drinking D. drank( )8. Hurry up! The plane _ at 6:50 a.m. A. is starting B. be going to start C. start D. starts( )9. Would you please _ the children _ with snake? A.to ask; not to play B. ask; not to play C. ask; not play D. ask; dont play( )10. We can provide food _ the hungry children. A. to

    5、 B. with C. for D. about ( )11. This piano is too big. Can you make _ for it? A. a space B. some spaces C. some more rooms D. some space( )12. Today the forests are getting fewer and fewer. We must _ down too many trees. A. keep people from cutting B. prevent people from cutting C. stop people cutti

    6、ng D. all the above( )13. I think _necessary for us to learn English well. A. it B. its C. that D. thats ( )14. Do you need more people _you _ the vegetables? A. help, water B. to help, water C. help, to water D. to help, watering( )15. She didnt sing the song _ yesterday. A. enough good B. good eno

    7、ugh C. enough well D. well enough三、完形填空(10分,每空1分)Zhalong is a protected area. Its 1 to hunt or fish there. If you are 2 in birds, you can go to Zhalong. When you go birdwatching there, you sometimes have to 3 a long way. If you wear new leather shoes, they can be 4 . So remember to wear a pair of co

    8、mfortable shoes. When you watch birds, you cannot leave 5 there, or you will be 6 .Red-crowned cranes are 7 in the world now, but you can watch them there, they are very 8 . They have long necks and legs. If we dont 9 them, it will be 10 for us to see these birds in the future.( ) 1. A. impolite B.

    9、incorrect C. impossible D. irregular( ) 2. A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. incorrect( ) 3. A. walking B. walk C. walks D. walked( ) 4. A. used B. uncomfortable C. unkind D. unfriendly( ) 5. A. little B. littles C. litters D. litter( )6. A. unkind B. unnecessary C. unwelcome D. unable( )7

    10、. A. rest B. rare C. rarely D. more( )8. A. common B. uncommon C. big D. small( ) 9. A. reserve B. protect C. keep D. feed( ) 10. A. possible B. impossible C. correct D. incorrect四、阅读理解(30分,每小题2分) A Wetlands!ValuableResourcesontheEarthTherearemanywetlandsinChinaandsomeofthemhavebecometheworldsimport



    13、ntflood.Butsomepeoplewanttochangethewetlandstomakemorespaceforfarmsandlessspaceforwildlife.Luckily,moreandmorepeoplearebeginningtorealizetheimportanceofwetlandsandwildlife.Everyyear,onFebruary2nd,manyactivitiesareheldtotellpeoplemoreaboutwetlands.( )1.TheChineseYellowSeaWetlandsareinthe_ofChina. A.e

    14、astB.southC.westD.north( )2.Usuallytheweatherinthewetlandsis_ A.hot B.pleasant C.cold D.dry( )3.TheWorldWetlandsDayison_ A.April22B.June25 C.February2 D.March22( )4.Wemustprotectwetlandsbecause_ A.theyarehomeforwildlife B.theycanofferfoodtoanimals C.theycanpreventflood D.alloftheabove( )5.Somepeople

    15、wanttochange_tomakemorespaceforfarms A.landsB.worldC.wildlifeD.wetlands2019-2020年八年级英语上册单元检测卷:Unit6-单元检测BThere are many wetlands in China and some of them have become the worlds important wetlands. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are among them. They are in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. They are home

    16、for many different kinds of animals. The worlds largest Milu Deer Nature Reserve is in them. More than 700 Milu deer live freely there. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world, but every winter you can see some in the Red-crowned Crane Nature Reserve in the Yellow Sea Wetlands. The temper

    17、ature in the wetlands is usually neither too high nor too low. There is a lot of rain and sunshine, too. They are really good places for wildlife. Offering(提供) food and home for some special kinds of animals is not the only reason why we need to protect wetlands. Wetlands are important because they

    18、also prevent flood. But some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and less space for wildlife.Luckily, more and more people are beginning to realize the importance of wetlands and wildlife. Every year, on February 2nd, many activities are held to tell people more about wet

    19、lands.( ) 6. The Chinese Yellow Sea Wetlands are in the _of China. A. east B. south C. west D. north ( ) 7. Usually the weather in the wetlands is _ A. hot B. pleasant C. cold D. dry ( ) 8. The World Wetlands Day is on _ A. April 22 B. June 25 C. February 2 D. March 22( ) 9. We must protect wetlands

    20、 because _ A. they are home for wildlife B. they can offer food to animals C. they can prevent flood D. all of the above( ) 10. Some people want to change _ to make more space for farms A. lands B. world C. wildlife D. wetlands CWhen you have a cold, you must be unhappy because your body becomes hot

    21、, and there are pains (疼痛) all over. You dont want to work, you stay in bed, feeling terrible.What makes you ill? Its germs. Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you cant find them with your eyes but you can see them with a microscope (显微镜). They are very small and there could be hundreds o

    22、f them in or on a very small thing.Germs are always found in dirty water. When you look at dirty water under the microscope, you can see them in it.Germs are found not only in water. They are also found in air and dust (灰尘). If you cut your finger, and if some of the dust goes into the finger, it wi

    23、ll become big and red, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes germs will go into your body and you will have pain everywhere.( ) 11. The word germ means _. A.细菌 B.废气 C.煤气 D.空气( ) 12. You can see germs_. A. when you are ill B. only when you use a microscope C. when you cut your finger D. everyw

    24、here around you( )13. A microscope is used for_. A. making very big things look much smaller B. Killing germs C. helping you see things clearly D. making very small things look much bigger ( )14.Your parents wont allow(允许) you to drink dirty water because_.A. you can see many germs in it B. there ar

    25、e many germs in it and germs can make you illC. dirty water will make you dirty D. it will make your finger red and big ( ) 15. The writer talks about_. A. how to keep dirty water clean B. how to look after your fingersC. how to find germs in the dirty water D. what can make you ill第二卷(55分)一、词汇。(共15

    26、分,每小题1分。)A)请根据题中空格后的中文提示、英文释义或音标,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。1.Thanks to the _(政府),thousands of people in Wenchuan have their new houses.2.My room is a little small , I cant find enough _(room) for my piano .3.Many _ (a person who is travelling) come to visit the West Lake every year .4.Nothing can _ (stop , kee

    27、p) my decision . -She is tall and slim . She is the most beautiful teacher in our school.B) 请根据句意,从方框中选用合适的词并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺, 每词限用一次 easy protection act nature important 1.We all know the _ of learning English .2.Animals are our friends , so _ them is our duty .3.Tom is _ in class , and he is good at

    28、 all his subjects .4.I think _ food is good for our health .5. The boy is so smart that he can answer these questions _ .C) 请根据句意,从方框中选用合适的动词, 并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 fall knock play protect fly 1.Many birds _ to southern China last week .2.My brother _ off the bike and hurt badly. .3.Someone _ at the door

    29、, go and see who it is.4.We watched them _ football just now .5.We should do something _ the birds .三、句型转换(5分,每小题1分)1.Sandy decided that she would stay at home .(同义句转换)Sandy decided _ _ at home .2.My dad takes a camera to take photos of the birds. (同义句转换) My dad takes a camera _ _ _ take photos of the birds .3.She goes back home early to make dinner for her son . (划线提问) _ _


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