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    1、江苏省徐州市丰县中学学年高一英语上学期期2019-2020学年度第一学期期中调研高一英语参考答案1、听力1-5 CCBAB 6-10 ABCCA 11-15BBCCA 16-20BCACA二、完形填空21-25 ACABD 26-30 BABCD 31-35 ABCAA 36-40 CBDBD三、阅读理解41-44DABA 45-48 ABCA 49-51 CAB 52-55 ABAB 4、补全短文56-60 BDFAC五、短文填空61. disturbing 62. annoyed 63. heard 64. at 65. who/that 66. on 67. the/her 68. th

    2、at 69. anything 70. out六、单词拼写71. devoted 72. inform 73. supposed 74. insisting 75. explanation 76. recovering 77. adolescence 78. mostly 79. concentration 80. gain七、写作Recently a picture attracts wide attention of the media, which shows a flag-bearer picked up a small national flag carelessly left ly

    3、ing on the ground while marching on.I give my thumbs up to the soldiers behavior of respecting our national flag, which of course wins rapturous applause from the We-Chat and Moments. Reasons are as follows. Firstly, as a citizen of China, it is a duty for everyone to love our motherland and show ou

    4、r respect to our national flag. The Five-Starred Red Flag, the symbol of our country, stands for honour and dignity. Secondly, as we all know, our government has passed a law to make it compulsory to ensure the national flag is protected and respected. Therefore we should strictly stick to the law.I

    5、n a word, the true love for our country and our national flag should be deeply rooted in our heart. 附录:听力原文录音原文Text 1 W: Do you prefer apples or oranges? I really like both, but if I had to decide, I would say it is apples that are my favorite.M: I actually dont like either. My favorite fruit is ban

    6、anas. Text 2 W: Will you come with me to my doctors appointment tomorrow after school? I hurt my leg from basketball practice yesterday.M: Sure, I am off work tomorrow. I will pick you up from school and take you to the doctors office.Text 3 M: Do you think well be able to see the bright stars tonig

    7、ht? I heard it was supposed to rain, but it looks fine.W: I dont think it will rain, but there will be many clouds in the way tonight.Text 4 W: I have everything planned out for lunch and dinner today. I went shopping last night.M: Well, I know your parents wont be here till noon, but I just woke up

    8、 and need something to eat. What can I use to make breakfast?Text 5 W: Where is everyone? Is there a meeting I havent been invited to?M: Actually, we need to go outside. Were practising how to get out in case of a fire.Text 6 M: My co-worker has three baby cats to give away. Do you want one?W: Is th

    9、at all I can have? Id like to have them all.M: Other people may want one, but you can have first choice. Theres a black one, a gray one and a white one.W: It is said that black cats bring good luck, but I think Ill go for a gray cat.M: OK. If you can have another one, Ill bring the black to you as w

    10、ell.W: Lets hope no one else wants them.Text 7 W: Do you want to see my paintings?M: I know you are a police officer, but I didnt know you were an artist.W: Its just a hobby. Something I do just in my spare time. M: It must take your mind off work.W: Yes. Im not like you. Being a designer must invol

    11、ve lots of artistic skills.M: Yeah, you could say that. Lets see your work.W: I only have two finished paintings. Im still doing one and Ive just sold three.M: You must be good.W: People seem to like them.M: Do you show them in galleries or in shops?W: I hang them up in the office and people often a

    12、sk if they can buy one.Text 8 W: Excuse me, sir. Is this your wallet? It was on the floor.M: Oh, thank you, young lady. I knew I had dropped it but I couldnt see it. My sight is failing. Im 92 years old, you know.W: Really? Why didnt you get someone else to come here for you?M: The bank needs my sig

    13、nature, so I had to come by myself. Im OK. Its just my eyesight that is bad. My age is making my sight failing. I could have seen an eye doctor to improve it if I was younger.W: You are doing it very well now.M: Yes, its just age. I still do all my own shopping and gardening and I havent had any acc

    14、idents yet.W: Can I do anything for you?M: No, thank you. I wish all young people were as kind as you. Text 9 M: That looks like a healthy basket of shopping vegetables, fruit and not a cookie or a chip in sight.W: Well, I like to keep the family in good shape, Mr. Jones. Its my duty to look after t

    15、hem. How much do I owe you?M: Hmm, let me see. The grapes are 2. The 2 watermelons are 4. And the vegetables come to 6. So thats a total of 12.W: But the watermelons are on offer 2 for the price of one.M: Of course, Im sorry. Ill knock 2 off the total. Thats 10.W: OK, thank you.M: Im like you. I lik

    16、e to eat healthily.W: I find its usually cheaper, and it tastes nicer, too.M: Do you need any help with that bag?W: No, its OK. My husband is in the car outside.M: Isnt he working today?W: No, he has a day off.Text 10 Good morning to you all parents, students and my fellow teachers. Thank you for co

    17、ming along to say goodbye. I know we all have to retire sooner or later, but it does feel like a sad occasion to me, because I have had so many happy years at this school. It feels like just yesterday that I was leaving my previous job to join this school. My last 25 years working for this school ha

    18、ve passed so quickly. Perhaps it is because I have been in such a good school. From the 12-year-olds in the first year, to those who are now 18 and ready to leave for university or a job, I have enjoyed working with you all. I can honestly say that getting this job was like winning a prize. I have met some amazing, wise people star students, great friends. But perhaps most important of all, it was here that I met the man I would later marry, and who will soon be joining me in retirement.


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