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    1、河北省武邑中学学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题2含答案河北武邑中学2018-2019学年下学期高一第一次月考英语试题时间:120 分值:150第一卷第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转 涂到答题卡上。听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Which color does the woman like? ABlack BBlue CBrown2What does the woman di

    2、slike in her coffee? AMilk BSugar CIce3When will the man see the action movie? AOn Friday BOn Saturday COn Sunday 4What does the woman say about the spider? AIt is big BIt is unusual C. It is dangerous5Why does the woman suggest the boy play the guitar? AIt,s easy to learn BIt costs less CIt sounds

    3、nice 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独自前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6Who is Mary going to visit? AHer children BHer parents CHer sister7How long will Mary be gone? AFor three days BFor three weeks CFor three months听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8What d

    4、id the man want to be when he was a little boy? AA scientist BA teacher CA pilot9How does the woman feel about her dream of being a tour guide?AConfident BConfused C. Worried听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。l 0What is the weather like? AIts sunny BIts windy CIts snowy11What does the woman need to get at the shop? A

    5、A jacket BSome food CSome glasses12What will the speakers do in twenty minutes? AGo skiing BMeet a friend CHave lunch at a restaurant昕第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13How many types of flowers are there in the garden? ATen BTwenty CThirty14What can Sally get from her grandmother in the autumn? ACabbages BLettuce C

    6、Carrots15What does Sallys grandmother do when it gets cold? AShe covers her plants BShe clears out the dead plants CShe gives some food to the animals16What does Nick think of growing a garden? AIt needs a lot of work BIt takes too much time CIt can help save some money听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17What is th

    7、e general topic of the lesson today? ATaking notes BWriting papers COrganizing ideas18Which material will students use in class today? AA pencil and paper BA pen and a textbook CA pen and a notebook1 9What should students do first? APick atopic BDiscuss with each other CWrite down some interesting t

    8、hings20Why is organizing important? ASo the writing is special BSo the writing has a theme CSo the writing is understandable第二部分: 阅读理解(共两节,20小题,满分40分)第一节(共15小题,每小题 2分,共30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将之涂黑。AFour things that you cant miss in MacaoGo Bungee Jumping at the Macao TowerThe Macao Tower,

    9、 338 meters tall, is the worlds 10th highest tower, with kinds of activities, such as eating and entertainment. One of the activities is the bungee jump. The Macao Tower Bungee Jump is 233 meters high, making it a Guinness World Record as the highest commercial bungee jump in the world. Raise your a

    10、rms and off you go! If you are not daring enough to jump that height, you can try the sky walk on the 57th floor-its still amazing. Take this chance and tick off this item on your list.Enjoy a traditional Portuguese dinnerMacao was once colonized (殖民) by Portugal before 1999. As a result, Portuguese

    11、 culture has deeply affected Macao.Many Portuguese settled and opened Portuguese restaurants here, but it is more adaptable to Chinese people. Visit a museumMacao, as a little city with only an area of 30.5 square kilometers, has 23 eye-catching museums. Due to its special history, both eastern and

    12、western historical relics can be found. Many of them are preserved for cultural relics, tourist spots or museums, such as the Grand Prix Museum, Maritime Museum and Wine Museum.Go into an entertainment placeWell known as the “Las Vegas of the Orient”, Macao has 33 entertainment places. You can find

    13、different themed entertainment places with their hotels and attractions around every corner of Macao, especially on Taipa Island. Among all, The Venetian is the most popular. With a huge shopping mall and Vegas-style design, it is a must-go place for both tourists and locals to shop and enjoy free t

    14、ime. So when you come to Macao, just walk around and you will still be amazed.21. What can visitors do at the Macao Tower?A. Visit a museum. B. Try an extreme sport.C. Enjoy a traditional Japanese dinner. D. Challenge the Guinness World Record for jumping.22. What can we learn from the text?A. Visit

    15、ors can do nothing but shopping.B. Portuguese culture has no longer existed in Macao.C. The Macao Tower is the highest tower in the world.D. Visitors can enjoy both eastern and western historical cultures in Macao.23. What is the authors purpose in writing the text?A. To introduce something attracti

    16、ve in Macao to visitors. B. To encourage people to do sports.C. To advertise coming events. D. To tell about the history of Macao.BAlthough fires are still a danger in every major city today, they were a much more serious problem in earlier centuries. The historic Fire of London was a serious exampl

    17、e of the damage fire can cause.Finally, however, this disaster also positively affected the city.In 1666, the Great Fire of London burned out of control for three days, destroying most of the central district(地区)of the city. The disaster caused a huge amount of damage around seventy thousand people

    18、lost their homes. At the time, there were only about eighty thousand living in the city. There are no accurate records of how many people died in the fire because the worst damage happened in poor neighborhoods. Unfortunately, the government didnt record the deaths of poor people in those early time

    19、s.When the fire happened, people in London were already struggling to survive a large plague (瘟疫) outbreak that had begun in 1665. London s housing troubles were a major cause of the problem. At the time, much of central London consisted of closely packed and poorly made wooden buildings. This creat

    20、ed an unhealthy environment because germs travelled freely from home to home. In addition, the buildings were on narrow, dirty streets where people threw their garbage. Rats were attracted by the garbage, and they brought fleas(跳蚤)the carriers of the plague. Once people caught the plague from flea b

    21、ites, the disease spread rapidly throughout the city especially in the cramped central district. It was in these terrible conditions that the Great Fire raged through London.Despite the damage, the fire had a positive effect because it destroyed the old, poorly made wooden buildings. It also killed

    22、most of the rats and fleas, which slowed the spread of the plague. After the fire, the government rebuilt the damaged areas. Whenever possible, they used brick or stone. Thus, the new houses were much more solid and more difficult for rats to enter. Widened streets and improved garbage collection al

    23、so helped to stop the disease from spreading from person to person because there was simply more room to walk.24. Which of the following is TRUE about fires in the past? A. They mainly happened in large cities B. They always had some positive effects C. They caused small amounts of damage. D. They w

    24、ere more dangerous than fires today.25. Why are there no accurate death records of the fire? A. The numbers were beyond counting. B. The government intended to hide the facts. C. The records were destroyed in another fire. D. The deaths of poor people were unrecorded26. What does the underlined word

    25、 “cramped” in Paragraph 3 mean? A. Ancient. B. Crowded. C. Damaged. D. Popular.27. Why did the government rebuild the city with brick and stone after the fire? A. To reduce building costs. B. To make houses stronger. C. To keep fleas out of the city. D. To stop the plague spreading.CA Mexican teache

    26、r has been honored after a video showed her calming pupils as a gun battle raged(肆虐) outside her school.Martha Rivera Alanis was presented with a certificate (证书)on Monday to recognize her bravery in ordering her class of five- and six-year-olds to lie on the floor of their classroom, before attempt

    27、ing to calm them by leading a chorus(合唱) of a song from television show Barney & Friends.Rivera Alanis filmed some of the scenes from inside the classroom in Monterrey the sound of gunfire can be clearly heard and posted the resulting video on Twitter. It was picked up and quickly spread around the

    28、Internet, with the 33-year old teacher earning the admiration of many.“Of course. I was afraid, but my kids got me through it,” Rivera Alanis said.The video shows Rivera Alaniss 15 young pupils lying face down on the floor. No, my love, nothing is going to happen. just put your little face on the fl

    29、oor, ” Rivera Alanis is heard telling one worried girl, before loud bursts of gunfire can be heard.In the video, Rivera Alanis attempts to distract(使分心) the children by leading them in a song from Barney & Friends. “If the rain drops were chocolate, I would love to be there, opening my mouth to tast

    30、e them,” the class sang as they lay on the floor.“My only thought was to take their minds off that noise,” Rivera Alanis said. “So I thought of that song.”Rivera Alaniss school and those in several Mexican cities hit by drug violence have held emergency drills (应急演练) in the past to instruct teachers

    31、 and students what to do in case of gunfire. Drug-related violence is said to have killed more than 35,000 people in Mexico over the past four years.“We do drills constantly(不断地),because the area where we are is a high-risk zone,” Rivera Alanis said, adding that the children “behaved in the way we had practiced”.28. Why was Rivera Alanis given a certificate? A. To admire her courage. B. To award her filming skills. C. To praise her teaching achievement. D. To reward her efforts to end the battle.29. Why did Rivera Alanis lead the kids in a song? A. To comfort them. B.


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