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    1、常见英语面试问题常见英语面试问题(工作经验篇)English Interview Questions-WORKING EXPERIENCE Tell me about your work experience in general terms. 大概介绍一下你的工作经历 Why did you leave these jobs you just mentioned? 为什么辞职? What are some of the reasons for considering other employment at this time? 为什么在这个时候选择其他工作? Tell me about so

    2、me of your past achievements. / What contribution did you make to your current (previous) organization? 告诉我你过去的一些成绩。/ 你对现在(之前的)工作有何贡献? What is the biggest mistake you have made in your career? 在你职业生涯中,最大的错误是什么? Will you describe your present duties & responsibilities? / What kind of work does the po

    3、sition involve? 描述一下你现在工作的职责。 / 具体涉及到什么样的工作。 What are some things that frustrate you most in your present job? 你现在工作中让你最受打击的有哪些事情? How would you describe your present/past supervisor? 描述一下你现在/之前的上级。 Can you describe a difficult obstacle youve had to overcome? How did you handle it? / Give me an exam

    4、ple of your initiative in a challenging situation. 描述一下你所客服的困难。 你的处理方法是什么。 举例说明在一个充满挑战的环境下你的主动性。 What is your rank of performance in your previous department? What special abilities make you achieve this kind of rank? 在过去的部门中, 你的表现排名如何? 能取得这种排名你有什么特别的能力吗?常见英语面试问题(工作知识篇)English Interview Questions-JO

    5、B KNOWLEDGE Explain your understanding of this jobs responsibilities. 解释你对这份工作职责的理解。 I see youve worked as a _ (job applied for) for _ years. Would you describe some of your experiences to be a _ (job applied for)? 我看到你作为一个_ 已经工作了_年。 能简单描述一下你对于所应聘岗位的理解么? Is there any work procedure in your previous

    6、job? What is it? 之前的工作程序是什么? What do you know about our company and the current situation of this field? 对于我们公司你有什么了解; 你对于这个行业现在的环境有何了解? Why do you feel you are qualified for this job? / What qualities do you think it would take to become a successful _ (job applied for)? 你觉得自己能胜任这份工作么?为什么?/ 如果要成功被录

    7、用, 你觉得需要具备哪些条件? Why do we have to employ you while others also possess the same advantages like yours? 其他人也具有你这些优势,我们为什么就一定要录用你? This position you applied for is facing some difficulties, how do you solve these problems and how long does it take? 你应聘的工作现在面临着。困难。 你怎样解决这些困难, 需要多久。 如果被录用,你如何开展新的工作? If

    8、hired, how would you start your new job? 介绍一下原来公司的产品,你知道你们公司的产品都有哪些优势吗? Brief products in your previous company. Do you know advantages of our products?B) JOB KNOWLEDGE (For manager or above)工作知识(应聘经理级以上) What leadership qualities did you develop as an administrative personnel? 作为一为行政主管, 你需要培养自己哪方面的

    9、领导能力? As a manager, how do you arrange a task? Make an example. 请举例说明作为一位经理, 你将如何安排一项任务。 What is your management style? 你的管理风格是什么? What kind of training can you give your team? How often do you give a training to your team? 你会给你的团队进行怎么样的培训? 多久培训一次? What do you do when there is a decision to be made

    10、and no procedure exists? 你需要做决定而又无现存程序可以参考的情况下, 你会怎么做? How do you improve or inspire your team to make it fruitful? 你会怎么样开发或者启发你的团队来达到成功? As a team manager, you need to own lots of abilities, tell me what are your advantages and weakness. 作为一个团队的领导, 你需要具备多种能力,谈一下你的优势跟劣势。 If you were hiring someone f

    11、or your team, what kind of questions do you often ask? What personalities do you think the candidate must have? 如果你为你的团队挑选新人, 你会问什么问题?你认为候选人必须具备什么样的品格? How do you arrange your work time in a week? 如何让安排你一周的工作时间? 如果遇到下属不服你,你如何处理? What are you going to do if your team staff disobey? 你怎样考核他们的工作? How do

    12、 you evaluate their work?常见英语面试问题(工作习惯篇)English Interview Questions-WORK HABIT How do you handle your conflict with your colleagues in your work? 在工作中你如何处理与同事之间的冲突? What do think of working overtime? 你怎么看待加班? How do you manage your working time properly? 你怎样适当安排自己的工作时间? How do you organize yourself

    13、for day-to-day activities? 你如何调动自己参加每天的活动? What do you usually do when you encounter a problem you never met before? 你遇到了从来没遇到的问题, 你如何处理, 会怎么做? 你如何与其他部门配合? How do you cooperate with other departments? 如果其他部门的人说自己很忙,不配合你,怎么办? What are you going to do if others wont collaborate by saying busy?常见英语面试问题

    14、(个人因素篇)English Interview Questions-PERSONAL FACTORS In general, how would you describe yourself? / Can you use 3 words to describe yourself? 你如何描述自己?/ 用3个词 Whats your greatest weakness? 你最大的弱点是什么? Whats your greatest advantage/strength? 你最大的优点或者优势是什么? What kind of situations make you feel tense and

    15、nervous? 你在什么样的情况下会紧张? Are you a multi-tasked individual?or Do you work well under stress or pressure 你是一个多技能的人么?你能顶住压力而工作吗? 你认为公司做哪些事情可以让你更加努力工作? What do you think company do that can make you work harder? 常见英语面试问题(职业发展& 薪资待遇篇)English Interview Questions-CAREER DEVELOPMENT & SALARY What is your car

    16、eer development plan for the coming 5 years? / Describe the sort of career path you would like to follow. 你未来5年的职业规划是什么?/ 描述一下你喜欢的职业的发展道路。 Tell me about your career goals and what kind of things you are looking for in a job. 告诉我你的职业目标,你在找工作时注重那些方面? What of our company most attract you? 我们公司最吸引你的是什么?

    17、 What is your salary structure in your present company? 你现在公司的工资结构如何? What are your salary expectations coming into this job? 你对这份工作的期望工资是多少?常见英语面试问题(结束篇)English Interview Questions-Closing What else companies have you been interviewed? How were the results? 你还曾面试过那些公司?结果怎样? What is your expectation

    18、 as individual to our company? 你个人对公司有什么期望? What do you want to know about our company? 关于公司你想了解什么? If hired, when could you start work? 如果被录用了, 你什么时间可以上班?英文面试忌问八大问题面试结束后,主考官总会问你:“还有什么问题吗?”看似不经意的一句话,可千万别不经意地对待,以下的八个问题,你能不问,就别问。When they finish quizzing you,interviewers always ask, So, do you have an

    19、y questions? Thats your cue to show off your research with queries about the companys competitors, plans for growth, specific products, etc. But some questions can make you seem illprepared, overeager or disagreeable. Here are eight commonly asked bloopers.1. What, exactly, does your company do?Neve

    20、r pose questions that a library search could have answered.2. What does the job pay?Avoid money discussions until the interviewer makes you an offer.3. How many vacation and personal days do you allow?Makes you sound lazy-again, wait for the offer.4. How long will it take me to get promoted?Try a le

    21、ss pushy version: Can you describe what my career advancement track might be like?5. Is that your husband in the picture on your desk?Dont initiate a personal discussion. Stick to questions about her career path.6. What are you going to do about the poor performance of Product X?Reframe the question

    22、 positively. What plans do you have to build sales for Product X?7. Whats your companys track record on promoting women and minorities?A legitimate question, but interviewers may worry that youll sue if you dont advance quickly. Instead, check out the companys reputation through the industry grapevi

    23、ne.8. So, when do I start?A slightly obnoxious quip. Dont invite yourself into the job成功面试(英文)的细节成功面试的细节面试前的准备 Preparation before InterviewA) 了解所应聘的公司A) Get To Know the Company 了解公司的成立时间,业务范围,规模,企业文化,最新动向,及公司所在行业的动态 Find out establishing time, scale, business coverage, corporate culture and latest t

    24、rends in this field. 所应聘岗位的一些特点、素质要求和市场上薪酬水平 Figure out job requirements, features, as well as the average salary . B) 着装的准备B) Dressing Code 基本原则是整洁、干练、合身、自然,让人穿上舒服自信 The principle is neat, experienced, suitable, natural, making people comfortable.C) 面试常备的一些物品C)Things You Have To Prepare 与投递到公司简历一致的

    25、简历,必须对这份简历的内容非常熟悉;切记不要在工作简历上填写太多的工作经历,否则会认为面试者不稳定 You need take a resume along with you when you go for the interview, which shall be in step with the one you sent to the company; make sure that you didnt write down much working experience, otherwise you will be considered as unstable. 可以证明你成就的证书或作品

    26、 Bring some certificates verifying your sucsess.D) 面试常见问题的准备D) Common Questions In Interview 面试问题主要分类为:WORKING EXPERIENCE、JOB KNOWLEDGE、WORK HABIT、PERSONAL FACTORS、CAREER DEVELOPMENT & SALARY、Closing Generally speaking, you shall get ready for some common questions you are going to come across in in

    27、terview, such as WORKING EXPERIENCE、JOB KNOWLEDGE、WORK HABIT、PERSONAL FACTORS、CAREER DEVELOPMENT & SALARY、Closing. 针对常见问题提前做好回答的准备,回答要条理清晰,具有说服力、突出自己的优势 Answers to common questions should get prepared in advanced, which need to be clear, coherent and persuasive as well.面试中的注意点During the Interview: 要

    28、有时间观念:记住守时记住要在通知面试的时间提前十分钟到达,不要迟到或是太早到。迟到会给对方留下不好的印象,也显得对面试不太重视,如果你不熟悉路程地点,就预留更多的时间在路上;太早到会打乱别人的计划,因为在约定时间前,对方的HR可能有其它安排,也或许正在面试别的求职者。 Be punctual: Be sure get on time, or 10mins earlier. Dont be too early, thus you will interrupt other people or their original plans; dont be late, otherwise you leave a bad impression to interviwers. If you are not sure how to get, youd better leave enough time.


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