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    1、 Please remember me to your whole family. Wish you a pleasant journey. Wish you success. /Wish you the best of health. Looking forward to your next visit to China. Looking forward to the pleasure of meeting you. Looking forward to your early reply. Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible. Hop

    2、ing to hear from you soon. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. With best regards to your family. With love and good wishes. Best wishes/regards!Application letter 特点:申请信是写信人就某一职位或成为会员等向收信人提出请求。作为一种正规信件,申请信的语言要求有礼貌。考生在写作时还应该注意信息的的说服力,并且强调自身独特的经历和优点。Para 1 自我介绍+信息来源+写信目的(对职位感兴趣) I am writing

    3、to recommend myself to join (in ) Para 2 强调自身优点(自己能为对方做什么)+希望能获得什么 I think I am the right person for your company/ club ,becausePara 3 表示感谢和期待对方给自己的申请以优先考虑 Thank for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply. If you need to know any more about me, please contact me. 范文你是Janso

    4、n Liu, 你们学生会最近开设了绘画俱乐部和电影俱乐部,你对期中一个很感兴趣。写信给学生会主席,表明希望加入其中一个。 Dear PresidentI am Janson Liu. From the school notice board, I got the news that the student union opened painting club and movie club recently. I am writing to recommend myself to join the painting club.I think I am the right person for y

    5、our painting club, because I have a gift for painting. I have begun to learn painting since I was in the primary school. Through many years practice, I won several prizes in the painting competitions. If you give me a chance to join the club, I think I can share my painting experience with others .

    6、Of course, I also hope to make friends with schoolmates who have the same interest, thus improving our painting skills together.Thanks for considering my application and I am looking forward to your reply.Yours Faithfully Jason LiuLetter of Advice 建议信要写出写信的原因,建议信的内容,提出建议的理由,提出的理由要入情入理,语气一定要礼貌当先。因此建议

    7、信要写得简明扼要,目的明确,具有合理性和说服力。Para 1. 自我介绍+简略翻译文字材料+写信目的为了提出自己的建议 I am , Id like to take this opportunity to express my suggestion concerning it .Para 2 委婉地提出建议及改进措施,或提出忠告+出此建议的原因 I would recommend you to (具体的建议) In my opinion, it would be beneficial if Para3. 期盼回复 I hope that you take my suggestion into

    8、serious consideration. I am dying for reply.Dear Mary ,Iam sorry to hear that you have been ill for days and hope you have got better now. You have studied so hard that your health is falling. Id like to take this opportunity to express my suggestion concerning it .I feel it would be beneficial to y

    9、our health if you could take more exercise in future. Never think that time spent on exercise is wasted. Not only can exercise improve your physical health but it will refresh your mind. After on one or two hours of exercise you can study better. Only when you have a strong body can you keep on stud

    10、ying without feeling tired. If I were you , I would take at least one hours exercise every day after recovery.I hope you would take my suggestion into serious consideration. I would be happy to see you have a stronger body.Yours sincerelyJohnLetter of Complaint 特点:投诉信要开门见山指明投诉的具体物品/事件。接着将事件给你带来的身体和心

    11、理的影响简洁公正地描述出来。最后清楚地表明你想如何得到解决。Para 1 直截了当的说明要投诉的产品和服务。 +广告中描述的效果 I am writing to complain about In your ads, you claim that Para 2 何时何地购买的产品+保留了发票(receipt)Para 3 按照说明书使用后发生的事情+对于身心造成的影响 I followed your instructions carefully. Yet Para 4 希望得到的解决方法+可能采取的措施+期盼回复 I expect you to refund my cost and pay m

    12、e damages for the trouble. If you dont do this, I will I am looking forward to your timely reply.范文Dear Sir/MadamI am writing to complain about your product “Wonder-Hair”. In your words, you claim that as long as I apply it, it will make my hair grow faster, thus having a beautiful hair. You say tha

    13、t this product is very safe and reliable.I bought it at Lianhua Supermarket on 14th March. I still have the product and the receipt.I used your product on my hair on 17th March. I followed the instructions carefully. However, some unexpected things happened to me. My hair didnt grow faster. Instead,

    14、 they fell from my head. Now there are only a few hairs on my head. Hardly had I seen the bottle when I thought of my horrible hair. Now I am afraid to look into the mirror. At present, I prefer to stay at home rather than go outside in case I am laughed at. It brings such considerable pain and suff

    15、ering to me.I am writing to ask you to refund the cost and also pay me the damages for all this trouble. If you dont do this, I will go and see a lawyer about this matter.Yours faithfullyJoyce二、日记类IIGuided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120 - 150 words according to the instructio

    16、ns givenbelow in Chinese.上周一,你在一所小学观摩了小女孩Amy所在班级的两堂绘画课(如图所示),回家后你用英语写了一篇日记,内容包括: 对两堂绘画课的具体描述; 你从中获得的启发。Date: June 8, 2016Last week, I was lucky enough to watch two totally different painting classes at a primary school. In one class,a student named Amy dipped her feet in ink and made a painting out

    17、of footprints, happy and excited. In another class, with the pencil box open beside her , the same student drew a very common picture in a very traditional way. Judging from her facial expression, Amy must feel bored and dull in the class.The two classes in sharp contrast help me rethink our traditi

    18、onal teaching method. For decades, the students are constantly taught to be versatile, obedient and score as high as possible etc. As a result, the limited spare time is stuffed with endless homework and most children are deprived of the sheer pleasure of exploiting their creativity and the joy of w

    19、orry-free childhood. Consequently, an increasing number of kids are found low-spirit and inefficient at school. Maybe the painting in imaginary way is a trial to exploit kids imagination and I am sure more effects will be taken to make school life colorful and enjoyable.The above two classes are jus

    20、t some food for thought, and I believe more creative methods will be sought to help kids have better experience on campus.(213 words) 三、演讲稿假设你和几位同学成立了一个英语俱乐部,开展了为期两个月的活动。现在,你将代表俱乐部在课堂上进行经验交流,请写一篇英语发言稿,主要内容如下:1. 简要描述俱乐部开展的一项与英语有关的主要活动。2. 谈谈你们开展该活动的收获。【参考范文一】As you all know, our newly-organized Englis

    21、h Club has held various activities for two months. Id like to introduce the highlight of our activities to all of you.Last week, we went to the communities near our school and taught the residents English. Previously, we prepared a few simple but useful English dialogues, the topics of which include

    22、 daily communication, giving directions and introducing Shanghai. Through this activity, the residents had a basic command of English and we have also learnt a lot.(When it comes to the benefit weve got from the activity.) First, (I think) we feel the activity is of great value and we students reall

    23、y can do some meaningful things for society. As more and more foreigners come to Shanghai, its necessary that Shanghainese should learn to communicate with them in case they need any help. Second, weve learnt how to prepare teaching methods as teachers and handle problems we came across(met with). L

    24、ast but not least, not only did we improve our spoken English, but we were also delighted to the success of the activity.To summarize, our residents and we ourselves all benefit a lot from the activity.【参考范文二】It is a great honor for me to share my experience with all of you. Now, let me tell you abo

    25、ut some activities held in our English club.Since the Expo has just ended in victory, we started a lecture competition on the topic of “Benefits of Volunteers”, which I think is the most impressive one. The competitors terrific spoken English, persuasive words were so unforgettable. Weve learned a l

    26、ot from that. Being a volunteer can not only make you meet new people and extend your network(give you the chance to make more friends), but we also can enjoy the satisfaction of making a difference. Last but not least, we feel on our shoulders the duty of citizenship which is necessary in maintaini

    27、ng good relationship in a family, a community and a whole society.Holding such kind of activities enables us to acquire much knowledge and news in all aspects, which is really beneficial. And I hope, from now on, more of you will become a member of our club and broaden our horizons. Thank you.练习你的好朋友Linda给你写信,她向你抱怨说,他的父母经济能力很有限,并不能够负担起给她买名牌衣服,名牌鞋等等之类的时尚潮物,因此她经常在同龄人面前感到自卑。写一篇回信,跟她分享你对此事的看法。要求:1. 字数:120-150 Words2. 结构:段落清晰,分层次,有过渡,有连接词,有Topic sentence.3. 内容: 谈观点的时候既要有理有据,更要“以情动人”。4. 语言: 运用所学词汇,熟练尝试各种句型。_范文:Jan10,20


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